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Turkish Forces Are About To Evacuate One Of Their Last Posts Within Territory Controlled By Syrian Army

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Turkish Forces Are About To Evacuate One Of Their Last Posts Within Territory Controlled By Syrian Army

Turkish soldiers patrol a military station at the border crossing with Syria in Akçakale

The Turkish Armed Forces are about to evacuate one of their last “observation posts” within the government-held part of northwestern Syria.

On December 27, a convoy carrying troops and equipment left the post, which is located near the town of Tell Touqan in the southern countryside of Idlib, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

“The [convoy’s] vehicles moved to Turkish posts in the al-Zawiya Mount,” the SOHR reported. “The area is witnessing intensive movements of Turkish forces.”

Tell Touqan is one of the last two Turkish posts besieged by Syrian government forces. The second post is located at al-Eis Hilltop in the western Aleppo countryside. Turkish forces began evacuating the two posts earlier this month.

During the last two months, Turkish forces withdrew from many posts in government-held areas. However, they boosted their military presence in southern Idlib.

Turkish observation posts were established between 2018 and 2019 to “observe” the ceasefire in Greater Idlib. Later, however, hundreds of heavily-armed Turkish troops were deployed in these posts, effectively turning them into combat positions.

Turkey does not appear to be interested in a new military confrontation with Syrian government forces in Greater Idlib. At the same time, Ankara is yet to fulfill its commitments under the March 5 de-escalation agreement with Russia. The Lattakia-Aleppo highway, M4, is still closed and Turkish forces are not taking action against terrorists in the region.


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So many people were screaming about Syria and Russia to attack those Turkish outposts :) Accusing Putin and who knows who of the betrayal.. But it happened exactly as i and others predicted. Syria and Russia managed to starve them and kicked them out without starting an open war with Turkey..


Let me remind you Turkey started an open war with Syria when they crossed the border.


Let me remind you they didnt start open war – there were no shots fired by SAA on Turkish army crossing border, nor did the Syria lost ground to Turkish army, nor are they engaged in open war… Open war with a Turkey is the last thing Syria needs today – and definitely they didnt needed than..


They are simply improving their position for the eventuality of an offensive. It was ridiculous to keep those posts in Syrian held territory while having so many fronts in different countries


True, but rather than attack I think they’re content on just defending their terrorists from any further losses. Give it a few years and the Sultan will claim Idlibistan as the newest province of his neo Turkish empire.


I was referring to a Syrian offensive :)


Oh I see. Still I wouldn’t rush into a full scale offensive if I were the SAA, as it could jeopardise all their earlier gains if it went badly.

They beat back the Turks last time, but it was costly. Better to just bide their time and slowly chip away at Idlibistan, without escalating it into another major conflict.

Tom Tom

Time to push to the Turkish border, and beyond, to Samandag, for an exchange later for Turkey to return Syrian territory.

Arch Bungle

Time to remove kebab.


South of M-4; east of M-5. So what.

Effectively deep in enemy territory and impossible to hold.

The annexation never needed these outposts.


the turks were supposed to beat the formation which is today known as visegrad and instead it gets almost subjugated completely what a joke


the issue with the turks is that they are supposed to be wiped from asia minor because of their failure and they support their own destruction like a bunch of animalistic fools yet our martyr general soleimani believed that we should safe them which is why he saved these losers but iam not sure about them being worth the time


I think this is how they fooled you over there in Iran . You did not save anyone , you did not ‘safe’anyone either . On the contrary you did your best to stop TAF in Syria, but you failed. Your Suleimani could not ‘safe’ even himself . Iranian charlatans.


erdogan would have been dead and gulen fanatics would have called for a war against anyone and everyone and turkey would be gone by now possibly occupied by the zionists and europeans atleast that was the plan


You claimed that it was iran who saved Erdogan , please quit littering the subject with above and prove yr point. How İran saved erdogan ?


the other plan is to push the fanatics used by erdogan so badly into a corner that they blow up turkish cities but even that will probably not happen atleast not if turkey doesnt annoy russia to much


Bs . Fairy tales , conspiracy theories, twitter ‘ realities’ , hollow threats . Nothing more nothing less.


the west has different plans still on turkey and turkey fails like into all traps presented its amazing


That does not mean that you iranians are the ones who stopped these plans , does it ?


why do you think they martyr old man?


Beacaue he was an enemy commander, a legit target . Suleimani was a butcher. He was not an innocent old man as you claimed. And he died the way he deserved , blown into some million pieces.


lol so you are one of the fanatics?


Nope I dont care . but seems to me that you are the one .


you dont understand that all nations in west asia are supposed to be wiped out iran even rescues the population of its enemies like the idiotic saudis and zionists by not allowing globalist plots to take shape and globalist plot on zionist is eradication so that their messianic plot can work


anyway it doesnt matter anyway what you think and also not what the ruskis or anyone else thinks the issue is that the globalists are way to delusional to think of us iranians to be that self centered and allow their plots to take shape only so that we could own half of the world with china being the other half


muslim have only one ally and that is iran and those radicals who want to mass suicide better learn to solve their issues


You were talking about allying with christian armenian against shiia muslim azarbaijan while ago , now you become the saviours of islam . LMFAO.


its because they are so badly hurt and humiliated by these man


Nope it is not . You are living in a dream world created for you by those fanatic Mullahs.


its not like there arent 1000s of young soleimanis so martyrdom of an old man just shows how badly they were humiliated and this again is documented in history so it shows basically all their weakness and lack of strategy and such


Middle East Stories, fairy tales which goes as ‘ they have killed our top commander , but look how they were humiliated” It basically shows that you iranian peasants could not protect such an important commander who was the mastermind of iranian policies in Syrian and Iraq. Res is yr lies to hide this plain truth, quit sugarcoating it , grow up and face it.


you are so arrogant that you dont see how others conception of things is and iam sorry for you that you think that such a policy of assassination is a symbol of power in your understanding because it just shows how weak your society is when it bases itself on single individuals


Assasination is not a symbol of power – But it definitely shows the difference between the hot air ( your words ) and plain realities. And no, Iran is not a major power , it does not have the power to save anyone around , it is not the bastion of humanity against globalizm . It is a hellhole governed by some fanatics out of 15th century .

It is somewhere where human life is cheap , where people are ready to sacrify theirselves for religious dogmas ( yr words not mine ) . It is somewhere people live in poverty although having such large natural resources. A backwards society ran by Mullahs and where women are forced to cover up , where people are hanged on streets , where people are whipped fo consuming alcohol. This not ‘strong society’ , but an orwellian shithole. This is the regyme you are trying to promote here , this is what you are trying export , a nightmare.


your problem is that you cant understand how a civilization looks at things you are clearly part of the crucible so you have no understanding of any concepts of ours the logic and the rethoric of ours is completely asynchron one could say also opposite to your understanding which is why we understand chinese and ruskis and they get us but the ones lacking the base of a civilization state and on top of it lacking the traditions to ever get to such a place you are doomed just allow the big guys to take care of you and if you dont like iran fine china and russia are still there you have to chose between one of the three either way no matter where on the planet you are to put it very simple for you


Putting Iran into the same basket with China and Russia is the epitome of stupidity. Russia is the biggest counrty of this world with endless sources , China is a powerhouse. What about Iran? Land of brainwashed fanatics producing what exactly ? What kind of civilization you are speaking exactly , it is hanging people on the streets , raping young girls before they are executed ? Opening fire on civilians ? Whipping yrselves shouting Ali ?


nobody is going to tell you about plasma particle wave emitter weapon created by martyr farkhizadeh and how it took out uss bonhomme and burned half of american military huge radar sites inside the usa and iran has millions of students of his type


Iranian state propaganda for the gullible. LMFAO. What about some subatomic death rays from the iranian death star secretly orbitting Jupiter ?


erdogan would have been blown from the air during the day of the coup and you would be able at that point to blame us for not saving you or maybe not because you might be wiped out but to this day you are around so be grateful for that


Empty headed iranian POS – Your scientists , your military leaders being bombed and blown to smithreens weekly , you are still speaking about saving others.

It was not you , but Russians who helped Erdogan , go feed yr hungry asses before ‘safing’ others.


learn something about iran if you want to talk and martyrdom of iranians is the greatest gift one could give to iranian youths and you are wrong if you believe that iran needs old man because these old man wish nothing but this martyrdom that was given to them


Thats sums up how fanatic , how brainwashed you people are . You belong to 15th century. You are just sinking lower while you are trying to push iranian propaganda here.


russia wanted and still wants to wipe turkey and occupy large parts of it so it can call the black sea russian sea again


Baseless , uninformed bullshit.


unfortunally for you its not and this is directly out of one of russias top science institution for conceptual science


Which ”top science institution for conceptual science” mentions invasion of TR by Russia , pls let me know. Dude our are full of Bullshit.


its books are all on russian but there are farsi translation yet i dont know about any other translations still they also have a podcast kind of channel i learned from an iranian communist about who lives in russia for the last 5 decades and its very interesting how advanced russias understanding is because previously i only thought china to be on that level with us


the english translation of the name should be foundation of the conceptual science


there you can hear russians laughing and rubbing their hands on how they will own turkey but obviously they are mistaken and they are to arrogant to underestimate iran and china yet i forgive them because its for me great to know since that russia is on our level meaning that its a natural partner at the end of the day and china should figure it out aswell and stop petty problems in the far east


russia wants turkey wiped iran did allow many failures on its part to safe turkey and iran should have occupied all of iraq syria turkey and lebanon by now by allowing the mess to go on but martyr soleimani jumped infront of this plan because iran doesnt want people to suffer the consequences of globalist plans


No it does not . It is a lie that your politicians are feeding you with . Iran does not have anything to say on Russian politics. Iran is not holding the leash of Russian bear as you claimed. Russia also does not have any plans to invade TR . Russia does not have and border with TR , dealing with TAF would be catastrophic and way too expensive for Russia , not even speaking about involvement NATO.

Iran can only appear in weak countries further weakened by civil war – Just like it happened in yemen , Iraq , Syria . Iran could never invade Turks throughout the history , although you were invaded many times by the Turks.


iran again should have sided with armenia in the recent conflict and wrecked azerbaijan but it didnt


That would give a good message to 15/20 million Azeris living in Iran . Also supporting pashinyan who is hated by Russia would be very wise for Iranian politics, LMFAO.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It was more likely they would side with Azerbaijan.


iran takes constant heat from globalists to rescue the region and its people you are just unaware of it


Iran is more dangerous than the globalists. It is a medieval religious state, a hellhole.


If they failed to stop TAF they must be totally useless then…..


Why dont you send those 300 spartans to Idlib in their mini skirts then ?


No…..Not the spartans! Moon Boy!


if we want to safe turkey we would first have to have access to their education and stop this retardedness there and teach these people from the very start but that wont happen they will be raped and destroyed probably soon by visegrads and on top russia is annoyed way to far to ignore the opportunity for creating a russian sea out of the black sea by seizing all the coastal area of turkey and istanbul after they are done


i really wonder when cities in turkey start to be blown up by erdogans supposed proxy terrorists because the harder idlib gets for them the more they blame turkey


He’ll just blame the Kurds for any attacks. His propaganda network TRT will dutifully sell any stories he asks them, and most Turks will believe it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They’ll just move them to safer territory and then they’ll establish another illegal outpost in that location, and then probably build 2 to replace this one, and on the off side the SAA will no longer be able to hold them hostage if hostilities break out again.

Reopen the highway did they say, mmm, is that why Turks are placing cement blocks over the highway near Saraqib, that’s going to make it hard for the Russians to participate in the joint Turkish/Russian patrols.

26 dec, “The Turkish army TSK close the M4 road near the town of Neirab in the eastern Idlib countryside with cement blocks”.

cechas vodobenikov

lira misspent…gradual eradication from Syria

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