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Turkish Forces Capture Another Village North Of Afrin, Mass Reinforcements West Of It (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Capture Another Village North Of Afrin, Mass Reinforcements West Of It (Photos)

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On February 14, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the village of Qude in the Rajo district north of the city of Afrin, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency. The media outlet said that Turkish forces had captured over 54 different strategic areas in Afrin so far.

Turkish Forces Capture Another Village North Of Afrin, Mass Reinforcements West Of It (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Capture Another Village North Of Afrin, Mass Reinforcements West Of It (Photos)

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Moreover, Anadolu Agency reported that the Turkish Air Force (TAF) had conducted several airstrikes against the positions of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the Afrin area. According to the media outlet, 46 YPG fighters were killed in the TAF airstrikes.

From its side, the YPG announced that its fighters had repelled several attacks of the Turkish Army and the Turkish-backed FSA on their positions in the districts of Rajo and Bulbul north of Afrin. The Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA) acknowledged that the Turkish Army had killed 21 fighters of the YPG in the last 24 hours.

Meanwhile, Syrian opposition and Turkish sources reported that the Turkish Army is deploying more units west of the Jandaris district center. This indicates that the Turkish Army is planning to develop its offensive in the western part of the Afrin area.

Turkish Forces Capture Another Village North Of Afrin, Mass Reinforcements West Of It (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Capture Another Village North Of Afrin, Mass Reinforcements West Of It (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Capture Another Village North Of Afrin, Mass Reinforcements West Of It (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Capture Another Village North Of Afrin, Mass Reinforcements West Of It (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Capture Another Village North Of Afrin, Mass Reinforcements West Of It (Photos)

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You can call me Al

I didn’t know the Turks supported the Nazis, take another look at the pictures.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There were a lot of Turks in the Gestapo along with Jews all hardcore zealots ask George Soros his whole family were NAZIS.


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