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MARCH 2025

Turkish Forces Captured Abu Kaab and Hajiler From YPG (Photos)

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On February 24 morning, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the villages of Abu Kaab and Hajiler from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the Syrian area of Afrin. According to Ankara, the TAF and the FSA had captured 103 locations since the start of Operation Olive Branch on January 20.

On the same day, the TAF’s General Staff released an official statement saying that 1,931 ‘terrorists’ had been neutralized since the start of the operation. It should be noted that the TAF continues to argue that its forces combat some mysterious ISIS members alognside with different Kurdish militias operating in Afrin.

Turkish Forces Captured Abu Kaab and Hajiler From YPG (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Abu Kaab and Hajiler From YPG (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Abu Kaab and Hajiler From YPG (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Abu Kaab and Hajiler From YPG (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Abu Kaab and Hajiler From YPG (Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Abu Kaab and Hajiler From YPG (Photos)

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Richard M

Ottoman Nazis and FSA Waffen SS continue their advance to Stalingrad.

Man Dagang

Stalin the butchers hiding in his palace masturbating until hitler change his mind of attacking moscow

Richard M

How do you know he was masturbating? You were peeking through the window?


No one really knows what had happened in Stalingrad….it had its own reason and by all means we just knew the story n the end game. Peace to all the soul that ever fought there


On which spiritual journey are you on my friend?

Promitheas Apollonious

good comparison. But either we are not getting correct info or kurds are not able to hold their ground and they are losing the battle. And I think the russians with the games they play with turkey are the main cause of what is happening now, in combination with the kurds sucking american a*s.

Richard M

It’s far from over. SAA’s response has only begun. Sultan Erdogan has very few real friends. There may be those who would give covert aid to the Kurds.


I guess aids are coming to all side but who will prevail. It’s just a game. Superpowers should not be restricted to 5 only. It’s a crap. Change?

Richard M

Good question. In some ways it is like the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s. Eventually Adolf’s support of Franco won the war….I am referring to the military analogy only. Not comparing anyone’s politics to Adolf or Stalin.

Michał Hunicz

This comparison has no sense. More like Ottoman communists “advance” on Finland.

Richard M

Maybe. Though Finland never received significant Western aid resisting Stalin. At Stalingrad, Western aid was pouring into the USSR 24X7 via Iran, the Pacific and the White Sea ports. So my analogy depends on the Kurds being supported with the weapons and logistics they need.


Every conflict and war had its own reason….we wish peace to all…the price of peace is to have the power of forgiving. Not ego or bad blood


Why don’t we see you in israel articles ??? XD.

The only nazis are USA and israel.

Richard M

Who is we? How can I control what you see and don’t see?



Fehim İsa

it is like soviet advance to berlin :D

Richard M

Erdogan will be like Bayezid I. Maybe the Hague will be easier on him than Timur was on Bayezid? :D

Fehim İsa

Timur is Turk Bayazid is Turk , you are retarded

Richard M

Yes. Just another genocidal steppe barbarian! Chopped more heads than Qaida and Daesh combined!

Mario Ceva

What is worst for Syria the Turks or the Kurds plus USA.??

Richard M

Turks. Kurds are already waving Syrian Flags and reuniting with other Syrians.

Mario Ceva

USA will stop Kurds to reuniting with Syrians

Richard M

Trump has to win 2018 Congressional Elections or he will be impeached. Syrian intervention is very unpopular with Americans. If Trump raises the stakes by committing more blood and treasure he will be finished politically. He has to unload Deep State war mongers like McMaster and end US interference in a war where no US interest is served. Save oil and war profiteering.

Mario Ceva

Isf Trump is impeachment Pence will be the replacement . Pence is same or worst than Trump. Only if there is a big popular resistance oposition of more war in Syria USA can be expúlsed . I am not sure that will happens.

Richard M

Pence is an enigma. Like an Easter Island Moai he doesn’t say much. The Deep State will want to impeach him also and install a compliant puppet like Romney, Graham or McCain. Any of those would be a disaster for Syria and for the world. I hope Trump can get rid of bad advisors like McMaster and Kushner and start doing what he said he would do before the election.


When the President and the Vice-president would be impeached, the speaker of the house is the next in line, what to expect from Paul Ryan? It would get worse….


Wow, impessive. As shown on the above photo’s, they captured real population centers.

YPG are slowly retreating inwards, bleeding TSK by their resistance, bleeding TSK by hit and run attacks behind the longer and longer lines and in a month or two, TSK will start meeting their own Stalingrad, their own Kobane.


YPG slowly, but sure loses the war. After Afrin comes Manbij, Kobani, Quamishli … Rojava will be completely destroyed. Your terrorsist brothers, PKK for decades were not able to weaken Turkey. You have no chance. You are “good” only in killing of civilians.


I think the PKK and the kurdish question in turkey‘s east are more like a hint, a hint that getting rid of this so-called security issue, will not work out as easy as some might think.


Intention is critical. Whoever had a good cause will win over the other. Peace to all


Dude…not without air supremacy. This is not Vietnam or Afghanistan. Hope to have peace to all


Air supremacy is vital, especially for long term survival chances. I agree.

Having said that, both Mosul, Raqqah have proven that even with air superiority, taking a well defended prepared city is both costly and time consuming. As TSK is at the moment not even close to be able to besiege the city, do not expect Afrin to fall soon. At the present pace, it will be next winter before they will be able to take that city, if they last that long.

At the mean time, Afrin forces are still being reinforced, both by NDF and by SDF. As Turkey has to reinforce their assault forces time and again, Afrin is draining Turkish reserves and costing lots of money.

I have yet to see a reliable assessment of Afrin’s defensive capabilities vs Turkish offensive forces as deployed.


“Rojava” is dead thanks to Turkey, not thanks to Assad and Russia. Turkey is a very important ally that Syria must work with.

Without Erdogan, SDF will have taken Al Bab and create de facto a state under american leadership that Syria will have never ever recover.

Erdogan has balls. Assad doesn’t. It’s Assad job to destroy “Rojava” and recover SDF stolen lands and stop being bullied by the west. It’s his f…ing job.

France and the USA say to Erdogan to coordinate with them and to withdraw. But, Erdogan is not Assad. Erdogan tells the west to go f…ck themselfs and he will not collaborate. And it’s working.

So people are complaining but the one who destroyed “rojava” is Erdogan and nobody else.


The fact that Erdogan is destroying “rojava” makes some zionist people (like Richard M) furious. So, they keep talking about their good old trick : accusing ennemis of being nazis. XD.

I would have loved that Assad destroyed so called “rojava” but Assad seem to be to weak and accept to collaborate with the west who are cuitting his country into pieces.


You are trolling here : show me where I accuse “ennemis” of being Nazi’s concerning Afrin.

As for the region being destroyed physically, that is indeed what is being done and it is a pity that the region that escaped being destroyed in the Syrian civil war is now being destroyed by self declared turkish and syria jihadis.

I wonder what kind of mental sickness you have in wanting a region, any region, being destroyed.

Ah well, some humans beings are just not being human.


I don’t speak too much with retared zionist. Maybe you should ask yourself about your mental sickness in wanting Palestine to be colonized and palestinians home to be destroyed. XD.

Erdogan is killing your zionist buddies. So bad.


When I compare a nazi to an american or israeli, I prefer the nazi, he is less evil and more honest.


and they also have better suits and isignia!!

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