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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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On March 18, the Turkish  Armed Forces (TAF) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) established a full control of the city of Afrin, which had been the main stronghold of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northwestern Syria.

Units of the TAF and the FSA started entering the city last night amid minor clashes with the YPG and had gained a full control over the city by the noon.

The YPG had failed to reach any kind of wide-range deal with the Syrian-Russian-Iranian alliance over Afrin and had been forced to abandon the city under the Turkish pressure. According to reprots, a major part of YPG members and Afrin civilians fled to the government-held part of Aleppo province.

Separately, Turkish President Recept Erdogan officially announced that the Afrin had been captured.

“Afrin town center was completely taken control of at 8.30 a.m.,” he said during his address at the ceremony of 103rd anniversary of Gallipoli Campaign. “We will have to take necessary steps to rebuild Afrin, raise infrastructure and wipe out traces of terrorists.”

“We are not there to occupy but to wipe out terror groups and to achieve peace in Afrin,” Erdogan added. However, experts doubt that Turksih forces will leave Afrin voluntarily any time soon.

Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Turkish Forces Captured Afrin City From YPG (Video, Photos)

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Silly Kurds this could have all been avoided by just handing Afrin control over to the SAA – now they lost it anyway with scores of dead fighters & civilians. Manbij will go the same way unless they hand over that too.


And aleppo will be in so big danger as never before.

Hulusi Akar

Rebels under Turkish control wont attack SAA. Keep dreaming about chaos. You are scared and sweating about Turkey and SAA targeting other terrorist yellow areas.


please, listen to them

You can call me Al

Please F.O.


if you want os much, i will fuck you with rhinoceros cock.

You can call me Al

LOL – at least a good come back…..I’ll give you that one.


you have no future. europe will be islam free continent.

You can call me Al

Now F.O….


We are not enemy for Reds, we are here for yellows.


Ye but now they do not have to be gratefull or compnsate Syria. This might be agood trick.


They’re told not to let Afrin falls to SAA.


At least the SAA are fellow Syrians the Turks are invaders


That is true, and the Turks are never to be trust as everybody knows. But then again what did the SAA do to help the Kurds? Nothing so they earn nothing in return. If they give an airdefence . And there are tentauzends of manpads for sell.


Why should the SAA help the Kurds when they have been willing allies of the US against the SAA? Where was that fellow Syrian spirit when the Kurds took the Eastern Syrian oil fields? Where was that fellow Syrian spirit when the US shot down a SyAF aircraft? Pilot still missing by the way? Where was that fellow Syrian spirit when the US attacked SAA positions a month ago and so called killed a hundred SAA troops and allies?

Only when the Turks attacked them and the US was not lifting a finger to help them did the Kurds suddenly remember they were part of Syria. Well, they made their bed, now they have to lie in it. You sell your soul to the devil, in this case the US, chances are it will come back to bite you in the ass.


Correct, the only reason would have been commen intrest against Turkey, but according good islamic costumes they did not agree so non off them stand asside the other. Good thing actually, it makes Turkey like state, battling everybody including the own population reains the standard over there..


Assad knows as much we have helped Kurds that’s far enough and further help of Kurds will harm Syria because Kurds are traitors and have invited Washington army in Syrian land to prove that Kurds are the Washington and Israeli puppets. Therefore, Kurds, Washington and Israel should never be trusted.


Yeah you tell them. Their current leadership love it the way the US pampered them so much the forgotten how to be warrior.


The only thing they need is air defence and a geurillia in Turkey.


stratfor said that russia and usa create together a buffer to avoid any clash between turks and kurds

Bjorn Metaal

Back in October the ypg was celebrating in raqqa and now they are crying in a refugee camp.


Who knows, maybe they are celebrating the hanging off Erdogan ina vieuw years. The majority off the world countries are supporting this idea.

Moshe Dummstein

you lost. Learn to live with it. Nothing you say is justified. Just stop pissing off others…


Winning a battle does not mean you won the compleet war, and he has no friends only enemies so scientific statistical there is only one outcome: he loses.

Moshe Dummstein

Who? Personally I did not win anything. Did they abuse you or something? What is that animosity all about? That nation has been around for hundreds of years. You must realize that it is not about individuals; it is your ideology vs. theirs. And yours is currently loosing…


I douhgt “MY” ideoly is currently loosing. Taken in acount he has quarel with the whole world, that the rest off the world only tolerates Erdogan and the “ideologie” he represents, I would , the isolation he is in, not call a win. Not to mention the rapid downfall off any national asset except then for the numbers off persons jailed and sacked. A person who declares that thinking ( journalists, professors) leads to terrorism , a person who will only respect 8 year old girls if they be martered, a person who cheat and deals with Islamic State and brotherhood off islam, who lies about a diploma he never had and legalise the impunity off rapers when they mariage their victime in a country with 9% more retarded and handicapt because off sexuale abusse and incest, a person who succeded in devaluating the Turkish lira from 1,7 lira for 1$ In 2005 to now 4,7Lira to 1$. No he can not impress me, but maybe other marginal could.


wow i dont see any turks only barbaric tribesmen…or this is the turkish army? a rag tag carnival of gypsies?


You will have the opportunity to ask them directly in Aegean Islands very soon.


they will need a huge amount of flags in that case……a business opportunity arises now that i think about it……flags for the coffins i mean……

Eli Ars

Those are Free Syrian Army soldiers, Turkish Armed Forces isn’t in there yet.


They are there holding their flags. Look the face wiped picture you can clearly see their equipment are much better than FSA.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Turkish army is not showing themselves with photos videos. Its a professional army. Maybe its first time you saw a professional operation by a professional army.


really pro…took them only 2 months and god know how many dead soldiers and blown up tanks to conquer a tiny tows in a small provnice


They hide their face because they are illegaly invading the only peacefull location in that region.


It’s the Free Sharia Army of course… TAF didn’t need to do the entire operation considering the weakness of YPG and these moderate terrorists are a dime a dozen to use for cannon fodder.


Reguler freedom kurds, Where İs Us Air Force x(

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Great victory. Pkk ypg dont know how to fight without USA’s air support. Rats run now

Sputnik Stranger

Great victory? You’re an idiot, like most Turks. 2nd NATO military managed to capture some territory from a lightly armed militia which apparently doesn’t have a single MANPADS after two months of indiscriminate heavy bombing from air and ground and you’re calling it a great victory? A modern armed force would obliterate TSK (Turkish Armed Forces). Hell, without fighter jets, attack helicopters and UAVs Turkish soldiers couldn’t get past the border area. Pathetic.


Correct, the only reasonable thing is going in guerrilla their Kurds are in advantage, pyjama on and hit and run, could be fun.

Trustin Judeau

YPG threatened to turn Turkey operation into Turkish Vietnam but nothing close to this happened. YPG lost Efrin,Raco,Jinderes in matter of few hours.Pathetic performance by them,very over hyped force


Well, it’s once the occupation begins that a Vietnam scenario emerges. Not that I expected much from the YPG. Turkey has its work cut out if they are to create a buffer zone to separate the Kurds in Northern Syria and Iraq from those in the interior of Turkey.

Ahmet Karaca

İt’s already done …Look at Kandil , it’s completly rid of any armed terrorists. İts also a fact that İran is waiting patiently to a sign from Turkey so they atak them from İranian higher mountains….We will eradicate them from the face of the earth .Wait and see…The Russians is the same story , they are waiting on a sign of the Turks to send them to kingdom come…So the US must decide who his real aliens are and act accordingly.


Maybe, lets hope, this retread is tacticale. It was evident that the Kurds lacked any airdefense, lack off superior weaponery, manpower and heavy material. They where not equiped to fight a 100 foult regular army. So they could die honourable or do not: retreat. And atack under their conditions, they are better situated for guerrilla. So this can very well be an smart action: soldiers and weapons saved, Afrin not destroyed, not a real victory to celibrate for Erdogan and a lot to come on the Kurds condition. The Kurdish power is not destroyed, Erdogan lost the public opinion all over the world and the Kurds might attack everywhere in Turkey or Syria. I think there is nothing to be happy about for Turkey.


I think you are just masturbating here.


Turkish I assume?

Moshe Dummstein

inferiority complex. just ignore him. there is no cure for that disease.


What about you? Do you masturbate?

How often?


Is this an alternative proposal ?

Do you have a picture ?

Awat Salih

Very easy to say because your barbaric disrespect mentality allow you to say such a patheticdirty word


And that sums up the Terrorist M.O.


First Kirkük, now Afrin, Brother you are so wrong.


Wait see and pray.

j. jaxson

kurds are done-all terrorists will be eliminated eventually. russia has been very nice lately. russia has not unleashed full fury on these guys yet and they will have to at some point.


Kurds and Washington army needs to hit their heads against a concrete wall at least hundred times with full force to die with honour.


I knew you gays had strang definitions off honour; what you call honour here , we call plain stupidity but please be my gast: hid your head so many times as needed against all walls you can find.

jim crowland

it is a difficult war johan. the neo soviets, mass murderer assad and iranian terrorists have no problem with bombing and gassing civilians. ottoman erdogan can bomb civilians as necessary as it has done in the kurdistan and in north west syria. The West, the kurds and the democratic syrians have ethical limits and that is their current weakness….




They should forget the so called ethic, fighting a inhumane ideology can not be un-ethical.

Mustafa Mehmet


Ahmet Karaca

Mustafa Mehmet their is no such thing like Kürdistan… ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Ahmet Karaca

I never heard such bullshit ???

Ahmet Karaca

So you think so Jim Crowland?? Iran is waiting patiently on a sign of ” Ottoman Turks” to atak all armed terrorists in the region .Look at Kandil … We’ve burried them by the dozens. With Putin is it even more dangerous for the terror groups. President Erdoğan have to say just “Go” and the Iranian and Russian force’s will let them feel from which hole they ve been borned. So that beeing said, the US must immediately stop arming them and act like a real ally. Otherwise US or not , we will have no mercy with no one .Somebody who is arming my enemy can’t be my friend. It’s time to choose dear friend….


Nobody want a war. Hopefully afrin will be peaceful, have basic necessity hospital school road and harmony of arab turkmen kurd and others. Peace to all and hopeful of jarablus look alike


Afrin did not invited Turkey, so at least one did want war: Turkey.


10% Kurds and Washington army the remaining 90% Syrian Arabs. By this trick Washington cannot win from Arabs. Washington have conscripted Arabs and labeled them SDF, YPG. This is ridiculous.

Ahmet Karaca

This is the beginning of the end of YPG .. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Brother Ma

Turks die in Syria.

Ahmet Karaca

Your forgetting El-Bab , Membiç , the Kandil kamp complexis, and the best is yet to come … We are waiting on the news that there is no more armed terror groups left at the south border of Turkey.


It destroys the myth of the invincible kurdish fighters. Even IS did perform better against the Turkish army in Al Bab (destroying 10 Leopard MBT), so the Turkish had to negotiate a truce. Extremely weak performance against a weak Turkish army. Without the US air support, the YPG is nothing.


Turkish Army is weak because of what exactly? of their Tank losses against ISIS? Or they losses against ISIS overall? even Russians lost against them and i do not even mentioned the US ones.


half of the army-civil servants are in jail in democratic Turkey…give us a break will you?


only looks like so. mostly the airforce was injured. the infantry not so much.


its because of the amount of personnel they have……some 2-3k are nothing compared to the total…..butt still its a huge number if you think about it……the Sultan is very frightened inside…he sees enemies everywhere…..


You are right, christos, erdogan has no stable position. What is good, the greek army is in good condition. Therefore erdogans words about egean islands will not be fullfilled.

Hulusi Akar

Thats bullsht. Is that what they are telling you in greek media to feel you good? Paper tiger grekos are provocating Turks while we are busy in Syria. Dont overestimate yourself, or you will be shocked as YPG terrorists.

Moshe Dummstein

he is a pathetic greek boy with inferiority complex. just ignore him.


leave your dream come true of a great Turkey while it lasts…..when you wake up reality will be difficult for you.lets wait and see ok?your merchaneries the FSA performed well in Afrin with the support og TAF and artillery…..celebrate that….you have every right to do so…..im just curious about the next step….will you go to Manlij as well?

Hulusi Akar

“While it lasts”.. lol ok says the greko.

We don’t know it yet, maybe manbij maybe tall abyad maybe joint operation with iraq. Who knows its a surprise.


well trust me ….arrogance is a very poor advisor……and erdi has plenty of it….lets be patient and see how it goes shall we?


tell me a little about the provocating ….this should be interesting….


Everywhere Erdogan is comming, good people are or jailed or flee. I never saw somebody go to Turkey if they had one other choice. turkey and israel are one off one kind: – Turkey suppresses among others the Kurds- Israel the Palestines. erdogan is a corrupt mafiosy and so is Nethanjao. But the diverens is Israel trys to avoid problems while Erdogan is causing problems every where. For the palestines they are not invaded and there is no ethnic cleansing by the jews.


totally agree


only idiots though that kurds are good fighters. they ran before isis like rabbits. if usa were not hlp, till today is in east syria only isis.

Tudor Miron

Do you call your masters (US) idiots? That’s something new from you.


you have master: putin= s cock. you pray to him. put in (your ass), put out, puti in, ..

i have no master, i am fre man in free country.

yans know exactly, how shitty are kurds and also arabs on battlefield. if they were too brave, never got american weapons.


Maybe, lets hope, this retread is tacticale. It was evident that the Kurds lacked any airdefense, lack off superior weaponery, manpower and heavy material. They where not equiped to fight a 100 foult regular army. So they could die honourable or do not: retreat. And atack under their conditions, they are better situated for guerrilla. So this can very well be an smart action: soldiers and weapons saved, Afrin not destroyed, not a real victory to celibrate for Erdogan and a lot to come on the Kurds condition. The Kurdish power is not destroyed, Erdogan lost the public opinion all over the world and the Kurds might attack everywhere in Turkey or Syria. I think there is nothing to be happy about for Turkey.


Assad forbad them enter aleppo city. so, they are north of the city, must retreat in manbij, later in kobani, then nowhere. the age of syrian kurds has finished.


Taken in acount they lived in Anatolië before the Turks entered I do not think their finished anytime yet, off course Erdogan is going to tray to ethnic eliminate them, like he does whit everything everywhere but also Erdogans era is practicaly past, if not fysicly then certainly qau pchylogical soundness


You had to talk with government. Kurds did not agreed with saa in afrin. now you have worse animals there.


Agree about those animals.


Also the first part is true. If kurds piss on syria, cant await mercy and help. without talking they are nothing. kurds are in majority in several counties and this is zero background.

Rüdiger Preiss

ISIS love to die because they believe that when they do so for their jihad they go to heaven and will live forever with 7 virgins haha. I doubt YPJ would be interested in that – they preferred to leave Afrin

Michał Hunicz

“103rd anniversary of Gallipoli Campaign”

Maybe they will officially join the anti-Zionist alliance, as they fought against colonialist powers?

Michał Hunicz

Great job landgrabbing and oilgrabbing Kurdish morons! :D


I am no lover/supporter of YPG. However, as a Kursish militia confronted by overwhelming odds they took a very pragmatic view of the situation they found themselves in. As the Kurdish Protection Force they must have been under control of “the local political force”, ie., the citizens of the city, who told them they did not want their homes and city turned into another Raqqah. So, in all fairness to them they smelled the coffee, woke-up from their pipe-dream and headed off into the arms of their countrymen, whom seemingly have forgiven them their stupidity……….Hopefully, this reality check will further alienate the Yankee/Izzy leadership of the YPG and allow the pro-Syrian faction to at last take control.

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

Cry Cry assadist and pkk supporters


Why would supporters of Assad “cry” you gypsy Mongol wannabe Turkroach? YPG is openly at war with Syria’s government. You just made our life easier for us. Your presence in Afrin is due to the permission of Russia not your own will. Your presence won’t be permanent.

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

everyone know your allied with pkk ,you allowed pass on your lands ,you gave them atgm guns dont play stupid

Fehim İsa (Vanlı69)

everyone knows you are allied with pkk terorists, assad allowed pass on his lands and gave them atgm guns dont play stupid


Low IQ moron, Syria is at war with the YPG, Assad let them pass through because it makes Syria’s job easier east of the Euphrates. If your two enemies are fighting each other you want them to eliminate as much of each other’s forces as possible so why wouldn’t Assad let them go fight and die?



Btw., in russia are elections. In accordance to dictatorfavorising law there were distributed the filled out voting papers.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6c80d9e4e6202659025700deaa1441e56f315a881a860e31f8258cdb0949c0fa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/91340bb0fd2f072e01dbb7c7a59ccbc204fab04f6a248bafcb9bd37af4178ef2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/635fa67ebbebb2fc27a013709a26886d1828ab632004e40cd34552e0ff9e72c9.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dd5d7d3c0ca4f36d089352dcd4c6837ec8384850ae523acd2c4d26e64b08eddb.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/272ffa338dd473b012e78eb62357c929462a5f984a513eb71030157ee4a8f86d.png

until now almost 20% voted.

ON this development in afriín is i big tragedy for syria. turks will not leave afrin. aleppo will be always in danger.

Tudor Miron

Gees! Yuo’re so full of it. Even if it happens somewhere that because your masters are doing this. They know that people of Russia will elect Putin. Your masters only hope is to try and delegitimize elections as much as they can. Your/their problem is that Russians are not as easy to brainwash as well fed westerners. Russia learned its lessons in a hard way. So your little tricks are a waste of money of your employee. More fundamental problem of your is that while a human being you’re unable to comprehend a simple truth that helping enslaving other human beings equals to digging your own grave.



читать, мужик!



Now Erdogan won, his terror will also take possession of Afrin – Syria. With the help off Russia, the betrayal of the US and the afraid coward old wives looking away in Europe the world lost the only honourable defenders off humanityin the midle east to inhumanity, tiranny, hypocrisy, cowarddness, self-interest and religious backwardness.


be realistic. kurds are not better then any other nation in ME. the made genocide, too. hypernationalist, thiefs, etc. in reality each bullet goes in right place.


And is Israel is the only democracy in middle east.


turkey and israel are one off one kind: – Turkey suppresses among others the Kurds- Israel the Palestines. erdogan is a corrupt mafiosy and so is Nethanjao. But the diverens is Israel trys to avoid problems while Erdogan is causing problems every where. For the palestines they are not invaded and there is no ethnic cleansing by the jews.


How so ? How Israel try to avoid trouble ? By going out of their way to bomb Syrian in Syria in example ?

George King

When we don’t question the nature of mainstream propaganda and ask the questions why, we neither seek nor shall receive the understanding of truth. Then we remain subject to manipulation by those who may not have the peoples best interest at heart.

“When Einstein was offered the Israeli presidency, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion stated, “I’ve had to offer him the post because it was impossible not to, but if he accepts we are in for trouble.” In a letter written in the same year, Einstein compared the Zionists’ project with that of the Pilgrims, noting, “how tyrannical, intolerant and aggressive [they] became after a short while.” And in Einstein’s last media interview, which ran in the New York Post a month before his death, he stated “We had great hopes for Israel at first. We thought it might be better than other nations, but it is no better.”



Hulusi Akar

american democracy vs Turkish democracy https://i.gyazo.com/6812c5d59aa820295a1203d859890499.jpg




very effective comparison.

Anthony Paul Mapes

Well well I have to eat my previous post, thinking it would take a while to take the place. It was a good strategic move leaving the southern highway open on the Turkish part, not even a half arsed rearguard action at all from the YPG. Wonder if those units defending the northern highlands have been flung to the wolves?

I honestly think they (YPG) would of contested Afrin, to quote a German “bleed the white” to at least put a significant casualties list upon the TFSA. IMO I think the decision to abandon Afrin is more of a soldiers choice rather than a generals, seeing the situation lost I can’t blame them!

People are correct Kurdish forces are nothing without there US support, same as the FSA are nothing without turkey. One could say the same about the SAA however in most cases the SAA held there own against most militant groups!


SDF only fight hard against SAA next target will be Aleppo.. brace yourself


Well, Kurds turned out to be pathetic cowards. Without the US they’re nothing more than roaches.

Ahmet Karaca



I have not heard from Dutchnational in a while. He may trapped in the northern pocket.

Moshe Dummstein

he s been replaced by “Johan”.




I m sory just for ndf members where killed by my army. They should never trust freedum kurds…

M.A. Lamett

Turkish Army proved itself as a fighting force. Next step will be Manbij and east of Euphrates. Following that, possibly the Greeks will be taken care of in the Aegean sea to take back the islets they occupied and also shut the Med sea completely off to Greek Cypriot Oil&Gas explorations. These are existentialist steps for Turkey IMO.

Ahmet Karaca

M.A.Lamet your synthesize is right on …. I felicitate you with your sharp eye…

Ahmet Karaca

Exactly you are spot on and reading our minds…

javid soltani

its good news for that afrin finished even if I don’t even like turkey , now only turkey to deal with nomore us backed kurds

Ahmet Karaca

Javid soltani we will erase all terrorist groups from the face of the earth , watch and see….

Ahmet Karaca

Javid Soltani believe me ,me as a Turk I’m discusted not only not liking but discusted with you and your race. Saying that you are my allie and in meanwhile arming my enemy’s to the theets. So someone like that can only be my enemy number one.

Mr. Alwaysbanned

Afrin probably forever lost for Syria. Turkey occupied it like Idlib and Jarabulus :(



Ahmet Karaca

Afrins originally population who was living in Turkey as refugees are beeing all returning to Afrin.The City has now a mixt of officials and not only PKK when it was protected by the US .from the mayor to the representatives everybody represented according the population. That is 26 Kurds 7 arabs and 1 Christian druze.The police is formed by the locals.In the whole area is actually 1 Turkish official present and that is the governor. Same thing for Idlib and Jarablus.Dont declare things that you now nothing of the matter.Please respect yourselves and educate yourselves before making a jackass of your own on internet.

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