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MARCH 2025

Turkish Forces Captured Strategic Rajo Town From YPG In Afrin

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On March 3, the Turkish Armed Fores (TAF) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the strategic town of Rajo in the western part of the Syrian area of Afrin from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), according to pro-Turkish sources.

The control over the center of the Rajo district will allow the TAF and the FSA to develop their advance further in the area and to increase pressure on YPG positions northwest of the YPG-held city of Afrin.

The TAF and the FSA also found something what looks like a “self-made” US flag in the recently captured town. YPG units have been using various flags – Syrian, Russian, US – in an attempt to avoid Turkish airstrikes. Some YPG members believe that the flag may prevent the Turkish Air Force from bombing their positions.

Turkish Forces Captured Strategic Rajo Town From YPG In Afrin

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Turkish Forces Captured Strategic Rajo Town From YPG In Afrin

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On the same day, the TAF’s general staff released a statement saying that 2,434 ‘terrorists’ had been neutralized in the TAF’s Operation Olive Branch in Afrin. According to the coutnry’s military, the Turkish Air Force had destroyed 924 ‘terrorist’ target in the area.

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The US is trained to Genocide their former Partners ! 222 years of Wars in 239 Years of History !

— Nazi were US best friends and teachers until the self inflicted Pearl Harbor to tray to Colonize Asia. — Osama was a CIA best agent, until the US/Zionist wanted to destroy and Genocide Afghanistan and Iraq

Do the American Fascist/Racist ingrained culture will follow the Jews extermination by the NAZI for the same reasons ?

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel “We learn from history that we do not learn from history.”

“States don’t have Friends, but interests” said on purposes Charles de Gaulle !

Michał Hunicz

Lenin was also the Wall Street terrorist.

jerry hamilton

Wall Street funded the whole Bolshevik revolution

jerry hamilton

Wall Street also funded IG Farben who made all of the German military’s requirements. So without Wall Street, WW2 could never have taken place.

The people running Wall street are the most evil people on Earth.

Michał Hunicz

One day Americans will grab their arms and rebel.

jerry hamilton

I think the American government had that on their mind too. Remember Jade Helm? Notice how they militarized the police after Brown was killed in Ferguson? The American government are fighting back even before it starts.


America has already many camps for Millions of Prisoners !

jerry hamilton

Well when you look at Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows death camps, all they need is open space, barbed wire and machine guns.


And shouldn’t forget to Drugs their Soldiers to kill every pity feeling… before mass extermination…

Alike they drugs with Captagon Al Qaida, ISIS, Daesh and al ============================================


How Bulgaria supplied drugs and weapons to Al-Qaïda and Daesh

by Thierry Meyssan

The best-kept secrets must be revealed in the end. The mafia cartel which governs Bulgaria has been caught supplying drugs and weapons to Al-Qaïda and Daesh, at the demand of the CIA, both in Libya and Syria. The affair is all the more serious since Bulgaria is a member of NATO and the European Union.



Head of one of the two Bulgarian mafia cartels, the SIC, Boïko Borissov has occupied the post of Prime Minister since 2014. While his country was a member of both NATO and the European Union, he supplied drugs and weapons to Al-Qaïda and Daesh in Libya and Syria.

It seems that everything began by accident. For about thirty years, fenetylline was used as a performance-enhancing drug in the West German sports world. According to trainer Peter Neururer, more than half of the athletes took it regularly [1]. Bulgarian drug dealers spotted an opportunity in this situation, and from the dissolution of the Soviet Union until Bulgaria’s entry into the European Union, they began to produce it and illegally export it to Germany under the name of Captagon.

Two mafia groups were locked in serious competition – Vasil Iliev Security (VIS), and Security Insurance Company (SIC), the company which employed the karateka Boïko Borissov. This high-level athlete, professor at the Police Academy, created a company supplying protection for important personalities, and became the body-guard for pro-Soviet ex-President Todor Jivkov as well as for pro-US Simeon II Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha. As soon as Simeon II became Prime Minister, Borissov was named as the central Director of the Ministry of the Interior, then was elected mayor of Sofia.

In 2006, the United States ambassador in Bulgaria (and future ambassador to Russia), John Beyrle, sketched his character in a confidential cable which was revealed by Wikileaks. He presented Borissov as being connected to two major mafia bosses, Mladen Mihalev (alias « Madzho ») and Roumen Nikolov (alias « The Pacha ») [2], the founders of SIC.

In 2007, basing its article on a report drawn up by a large Swiss company, the U.S. Congressional Quarterly claimed that he had smothered a number of enquiries at the Ministry of the Interior, and was himself implicated in 28 mafia murders. He apparently became a partner of John E. McLaughlin, Deputy Director of the CIA. He is said to have set up a secret prison for the Agency in Bulgaria, and helped to provide a military base in the context of the project for an attack on Iran, the Quarterly continued [3].

In 2008, the German specialist in organised crime, Jürgen Roth, qualified Boïko Borissov as a « Bulgarian Al Capone » [4].

Having himself become Prime Minister, and while his country was already a member of NATO and the EU, he was solicited by the Agency to help in the secret war against Mouamar el-Kadhafi. Boïko Borissov supplied Captagon, manufactured by the SIC, to the al-Qaïda jihadists in Libya. The CIA rendered this synthetic drug more attractive and more powerful by mixing it with a natural drug, hashish, which made it easier to manipulate the fighters and make them more terrifying, in line with the work of Bernard Lewis [5]. Following that, Borissov extended this market to Syria.

But most importantly, the CIA, using the profile of an ex-Warsaw Pact member which had recently joined NATO, bought from him 500 million dollars’ worth of Soviet-type weaponry and transported it to Syria — mainly 18,800 portable anti-tank grenade launchers and 700 Konkurs anti-tank missile systems.

When Hezbollah sent a team to Bulgaria to gather information about this traffic, a bus-load of Israeli holiday-makers were the object of a terrorist attack in Burgas, leaving 32 wounded. Immediately, Benjamin Netanyahu and Boïko Borissov accused the Lebanese resistance, while the Atlantist Press spread a number of allegations about the supposed Hezbollah kamikaze. Finally, the forensic scientist, Dr. Galina Mileva, noticed that the corpse did not correspond to the witness descriptions – while a counter-intelligence chief, Colonel Lubomir Dimitrov, noted that he was not a kamikaze, but a simple carrier, and that the bomb had been triggered from a distance, probably without his knowledge. The Press accused two Arabs of Canadian and Australian nationality, but the Sofia News Agency quoted a US accomplice known by the pseudonym of David Jefferson. The outcome was that when the European Union sought to use the affair in order to classify Hezbollah as a « terrorist organisation », the Minister for Foreign Affairs – during the short period when Borissov was excluded from executive power – Kristian Vigenine, made it clear that in reality, nothing was found that could tie the attack to the Lenbanese resistance [6].

From the end of 2014, the CIA ceased its orders and was replaced by Saudi Arabia, who were thus able to buy weapons which were no longer ex-Soviet left-overs, but modern NATO material, such as the wire-guided anti-tank BGM-71 TOW missiles. Soon, Riyadh was supported by the United Arab Emirates [7]. The two Gulf states themselves handled the deliveries to Al-Qaïda and Daesh, via Saudi Arabian Cargo and Etihad Cargo, either at Tabuk, on the Saudi-Jordanian border, or the Emirati-Franco-US base at Al-Dhafra.

In June 2014, the CIA turned up the pressure. This time, they forbade Bulgaria to allow access to the Russian gas pipeline South Stream, which could have supplied Western Europe [8].This decision, which deprived Bulgaria of some very important income, not only helped to slow down the growth of the European Union, as described in the Wolfowitz plan [9], but also to apply the European sanctions against Russia which had been implemented under the pretext of the Ukranian crisis, to develop the exploitation of shale gas in Eastern Europe [10], and finally, to maintain the interest of overthrowing the Syrian Arab Republic, a possible major gas exporter [11].

The latest news is that Bulgaria – a member-state of NATO and the European Union – continues to illegally supply drugs and weapons to Al-Qaïda and Daesh, despite the recent Resolution 2253, which was unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council.

Thierry Meyssan


Pete Kimberley

[1] „Doping war im Fußball gang und gäbe“, Frankfürter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 13th, 2007.

[2] “Bulgaria’s most popular politician: great hopes, murky ties”, John Beyrle, May 9, 2006.

[3] “Bush’s Bulgarian Partner in the Terror War Has Mob History, Investigators Say”, Jeff Stein, U.S. Congressional Quarterly, May 2007.

[4] Die neuen Dämonen, Jürgen Roth, 2008.

[5] The Assassins: A Radical Sect in Islam, Bernard Lewis, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967.

[6] “Bulgaria discards Hezbollah involvement in Burgas bombing”, Voltaire Network, June 8th, 2013.

[7] « Mise à jour d’une nouvelle filière de trafic d’armes pour les jihadistes », par Valentin Vasilescu, Traduction Avic, Réseau Voltaire, December 24th, 2015.

[8] « Le sabotage du gazoduc South Stream », par Manlio Dinucci, Tommaso di Francesco, Traduction Marie-Ange Patrizio, Il Manifesto (Italie), Réseau Voltaire, June 10th, 2014.

[9] « US Strategy Plan Calls For Insuring No Rivals Develop » and « Excerpts from Pentagon’s Plan : “Prevent the Re-Emergence of a New Rival » », Patrick E. Tyler, New York Times, March 8th, 1992. « Keeping the US First, Pentagon Would preclude a Rival Superpower », Barton Gellman, The Washington Post, March 11th, 1992.

[10] « South Stream bloqué, la “claque” des États-Unis à l’Union européenne », par Manlio Dinucci, Traduction Marie-Ange Patrizio, Il Manifesto (Italie), Réseau Voltaire, December 5th, 2014.

[11] “Struggle over the Middle East: Gas Ranks First”, by Imad Fawzi Shueibi, Voltaire Network, 17 April 2012.

jerry hamilton

Guess non of them can participate in the Olympics.



AM Hants

Thanks for the copying the article, I like Voltaire net. Bulgaria, they were also involved in smuggling weapons to the Middle East.

Aleppo Starts Uncovering Washington’s Evil Designs

‘… It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the White House and its European allies have taken a step too far in their bid to obstruct the successful liberation of the city of Aleppo by Syrian government forces and Russian air power. This development has been widely commented on by various analysts and experts across the globe, with some of them claiming that Washington is determined to prevent the complete destruction of ISIS at all costs, since it created and nurtured this terrorist group to overthrow Syrian Present Bashar Al Assad just like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda was created to fight Soviet troops in Afghanistan back in the 1980s.

A few days ago new facts about Washington’s sponsorship of ISIS appeared in the Bulgarian media, along with the pictures and video made in eastern Aleppo by the Nova TV journalists. The crew stumbbled upon a warehouse that was used by the Jabhat al-Nusra militants, where they discovered munitions for the BM-21 “Grad” self-propelled multiple rocket launchers, bearing visible indications that they were produced by the Bulgarian manufacturer VMZ (Vazovskaya Heavy Machinery). It’s curious that in spite of the ban on arms sales to Syria, missiles and shells of Bulgarian production, however, fell into the hands of terrorists. The Bulgarian crew indicated that the munitions were supplied by the company known as Arcus from Lyaskovets, while all labels were written in Bulgarian…’ Read more: https://journal-neo.org/2016/12/16/aleppo-starts-uncovering-washingtons-evil-designs/


Thanks. France Parliament, government and Medias are under a US/Zionist control !

Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the French Republic http://www.voltairenet.org/article157821.html

Work for us and we will do your carrer, it’s what they said to a close friend requiring my presence to see them… Of course he didn’t accept and they did problems… Any casual person will have said yes !

AM Hants

I do like Voltairnet Org and thanks for the link. Westminster is also uner US/Zionist, virtual total control. Along with many other nations.


Roman Polanski “Ghost Writer” about Tony Blair enrollment by the CIA is excellent, alike any other movie he has done…

AM Hants

Thanks, although boycotting Hollywood, I will be a hypocrite and try and watch the film. Not a fan of the author of the book, which led to the screen play. I think the reason, was owing to him lacking depth in his writing. If my memory recall is correct. Also, not a fan of Polanski, haha, but, will catch up with the film.


“Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking…”

― Leo Tolstoy

Isn`t hypocrisy to seek understanding.


ANYONE OWNED BY A fiat BANKER IS under globalist control. As are the Zionists, and the Americans.


don’t forget, EU is run by unelected minions from Brussels.


Switzerland is a successful miniature Europe laboratory since Centuries.

Bruxelles is failed because all what did the Swiss success is missing.

Bruxelles was forged by the US to avoid competition and control Europe…

Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II http://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html

Seventy years of harassing political establishment and people of Europe http://www.voltairenet.org/article190171.html


Yes, but the US is not in control is it. Money power is, usury is. Debt is. Only thing keeping the US alive is the WORLDWIDE effort to keep the US Petro dollar alive. Because the petro dollar drives imperialism by keeping the printing press pumping out american money..

Whenever I hear a person blame any one demographic for the efforts of globalism, I think they must have missed that final equation.

money power rules. Rest of it is theater.


If looking at the US “Democracy” from Switzerland, the American Democracy is bogus, GB, France and Italy or EC too !

For the moment Switzerland power decision belongs to the Citizen, it’s what is missing to other Countries.

In America and England it’s “Pathetic” !


“For the moment Switzerland power decision belongs to the Citizen, ”

this is NOT true. Power belongs to those whom hold the debt. The Swiss, are at the heart of it though, are they not. The Swiss banking empire perhaps.

There is no democracy existing on the planet. And voting for people you are told to vote for, told that represent your mind, is not a democracy.


succinct and to the point. And no government works differently, or thinks differently.

“In short, Really Existing Capitalist Democracy is very remote from the soaring rhetoric about democracy. But there is another version of democracy. Actually it’s the standard doctrine of progressive, contemporary democratic theory. So I’ll give some illustrative quotes from leading figures – incidentally not figures on the right. These are all good Woodrow Wilson-FDR-Kennedy liberals, mainstream ones in fact. So according to this version of democracy, “the public are ignorant and meddlesome outsiders. They have to be put in their place. Decisions must be in the hands of an intelligent minority of responsible men, who have to be protected from the trampling and roar of the bewildered herd”. The herd has a function, as it’s called. They’re supposed to lend their weight every few years, to a choice among the responsible men. But apart from that, their function is to be “spectators, not participants in action” – and it’s for their own good. Because as the founder of liberal political science pointed out, we should not succumb to “democratic dogmatisms about people being the best judges of their own interest”. They’re not. We’re the best judges, so it would be irresponsible to let them make choices just as it would be irresponsible to let a three-year-old run into the street. Attitudes and opinions therefore have to be controlled for the benefit of those you are controlling. It’s necessary to “regiment their minds”. It’s necessary also to discipline the institutions responsible for the “indoctrination of the young.” All quotes, incidentally. And if we can do this, we might be able to get back to the good old days when “Truman had been able to govern the country with the cooperation of a relatively small number of Wall Street lawyers and bankers.” This is all from icons of the liberal establishment, the leading progressive democratic theorists. Some of you may recognize some of the quotes.” Noam Chomsky


Again, I will agree for the US and al, but it isn’t valid for Switzerland where Public Schools are better than the Privates for Dropout and Foreigners, and excellent Universities are almost for free too… 500.-SFR/Semester(two days work average salary) free incentives are available for gifted poor to have a “Normal” life


This valid for the US, not for Switzerland. Google a bit for the Swiss National Bank, Referendum, Initiative and how do the Swiss System works you will see , it’s a quiet well organized Democracy !


perhaps your understanding is right, perhaps not.

But the point is moot and not relevant. Some slaves are privileged. Especially those slaves who represent banking based inequality..

We are ALL slaves to debt. Period. You are only allowed an illusion of democracy. That could be taken away in an instant.

Here is ALL I need to know about the Swiss National Bank.



What you call slaves have 7’000.- monthly salary X13 or X14 for 37 hours/week A casual College graduate is University level in some Dumb Donkey Countries. Democracy started in 1230, it’s Cultural, there is about 40 votations a year. A week ago there was 2 voted National subjects, and 8 locals Geneva voted free mandatory school for all in 1536

Votations are about everything, taxes included. Few years ago the Army wanted to buy a new Jet-Fighter to replace the old FA-18, referendum and peoples said NO


Yes so what? Americans had favored slaves as well. Room in the house with linens, while the rest lived in the barn. Good clothes, good food while the rest ate gruel.

We are ALL slaves. The Swiss are closer to the banks, than the rest of us. And so they do not suffer inequality like most the rest of the planet. And not all of us, can be the Swiss, clearly.

Middle class in America are slaves like the rest. But they are compensated much better than the balance of the herd. Doesn’t mean they are not the same kind of slave you are.

half the planet lives on less than 10 bucks a day.


money = debt = slavery. And privilege, or being benefited by inequality does not change that.


Switzerland and the US are on two different Planet Direct Democracy and Federalism can’t work without education. Swiss Bank is 10% of the Economy and the US are doing Caricature out of it for Blackmail ! Laundering money has to be done in the Delaware, Dakota, Nevada. 1929 crisis wasn’t solved by the New Deal, but by the Capital refuge fearing European fascism instigated by the US.

The last 60 years never observed any social, racism, or xenophobic discriminations ! Foreign residents are 22%, in Geneva it’s 61% from 195 Countries ! Peoples are never abandoned on the sidewalks since centuries, none beggars. Since few years there is a problematic Rumanians Gypsies Thief’s, Drugs, Prostitution, Burglars and Beggars Tourists invasion… Central-South Americans and North Africa are problematic too

If Protestants will have a Dogma, it’s none intolerance. If Holland and Danemark has problem it’s because North Africans Muslims became carelessly outnumbers, more Maghreb peoples are born in the Cities than Dutch or Danishes… ========================================= Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II http://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html


You can blame Americans, or Anglos, or white folks, or Jews all you like. It is just prejudice, ignoring the hidden hands. You seem to be stuck on privilege as freedom. It isn’t m8. Never will be. Everything you tout as “Swiss”, reeks of entitlement to the good side of inequality. And that can be yanked away just like they do to Americans now.

“Anglo-American Owners Organized World War II “.

Bunk. . Cannot blame the puppets, and ignore the hand up their a$$.

Bankers did


I have been around the Planet many times, among the poorest among the poor, also among what you call hidden hands, it was my Disney World. Any color, Religion, rich or poor. Nothing is more similar a human as an other human, quality Peoples are seldom, the World is crazy. Among the 60 Countries where I lived, American violence, rudeness, and Junk-Food aren’t my cup of tea.

In Swiss peoples have as many Guns as in the US, but X10 less killings, to be attack on the Street didn’t come in the mind, it’s a peaceful Society with a Peace heritage, more different temper than the US can’t be.


Not sure what your point is about the Swiss. Fact is though, Swiss are slaves just like any other nation under the yoke of FIAT banking. Period. Why do you not challenge this? I know why, because you cannot. So like any other beLIEver, you ignore the FACT. You call it obsession, so you can ignore it. Your failure of intellect, not mine.

And perhaps the Swiss are blessed with the favor of the banksters. Perhaps all the sneaking around and hiding money, some of it drops off for the citizens to scoop up huh.

Your government, and your friends get their money from bankers who create it out of nothing. Then we all pay it back with interest, something which never existed before it was given to us. We slave to pay the (death pledge) mortgage for years and years….We slave to pay the taxes in order to pay back the fraudulent debt given to our governments.

You are a slave. You are just ignorant of that fact.

as to American violence? It isn’t alone. The Italians, the French, the Turks, the Israelis, the House of Saud, the Canadians, et al, have ALL been murdering Muslims for imperialism.

As far as travelling, I have done my fair share. And what I have seen, agrees with science.

Inequality = violence. Science says.

And if I have an obsession, it is truth. That which you studiously avoid with respect to your socio economic paradigm. You call the truth obsessive, and then you want to blame America, for the violence incipient of our banking system and our socio economic paradigm.. You want to blame America, for being manipulated by money power to purpose.

Demagogue or misinformed?

Only a fool thinks the American murder death cult just happened all on its own, without the purpose of money power behind it.

Your Swiss fairy tale is just that, a childlike fairy tale.

Globalists desire imperialism. They tell us that. Fact, not obsession.

Globalists are bankers. FACT

America has the biggest military on the planet. 900 + bases in over 150 countries. Fact.

America can sustain such a military, because it was given the petro dollar, by the bankers. FACT.

Petro dollar sustains imperialism by allowing near infinite money creation. FACT.

Money creators control governments with credit. FACT.

You call truth as obsession, while you babble fairy tales about the bliss of the swiss, as if it is relevant or material fact. When they are not.

“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ” | David Rockefeller | ( see trade deals removing soverignty,immigration, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)

“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.” Zbigniew Brzezinski

Feel free to challenge what I call as fact. Save the name calling for the stupid people who are swayed by it.


Sorry, I will go sleep, but copy and past this ! =================================== https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/03/05/gun-crazy-life-and-times-in-the-warfare-state/

Gun Crazy: Life and Times in the Warfare State


Still from “Gun Crazy.”

The recent death of British actress Peggy Cummins, at age 92, prompted my quick return to her 1950 film noir classic Gun Crazy – a movie that still resonates with historical and cultural force. Regarded as something of a transcendent work, Gun Crazy with its fugitive lovers on the run (Cummins being described as a “female Dillinger”) would actually turn out to be far less transgressive than generally believed when the picture was first released. Cummins’ passing occurred just before the most recent episode of mass killings in Broward County, Florida.

Cummins teamed with John Dall in one of the enduring romantic sagas of Hollywood cinema – a gun-crazed crime spree mixing brazen outlawry with sexual adventure, forerunner to Bonnie and Clyde, Natural Born Killers, and True Romance. The ultimately doomed couple was said to go together “like guns and ammunition go together”. While Joseph Lewis’ movie lacked certain noir characteristics (it was, for example, brightly lit), it did celebrate a familiar icon of the genre, and of American culture – the gun. Here Gun Crazy fit the trajectory of earlier Hollywood traditions: Westerns, combat features, gangster movies. In contrast to those blood-soaked features, however, noir filmmakers usually preferred the more concealable handgun.

In his book simply titled Gun Crazy, Jim Kitses could write: “In noir, all of America is gun crazy, the inevitable side-effect of a ferociously aggressive patriarchal capitalism fueled by a violent national history and ideology”. It is easy enough to impart such a reading to a film that for decades has remained a cult favorite, including among progressives. In 1972 Paul Schrader rated Gun Crazy, despite its slim production budget, one of the best American films ever made.

MacKinlay Kantor’s superb screenplay was conceived as something of a riff on the nineteenth-century frontier myth, with its glorification of the outlaw hero. Kantor’s partner in crime was co-author Millard Kaufman, but Kaufman was just a front man for the blacklisted Dalton Trumbo, who would go to federal prison in June 1950 for contempt of Congress. (Trumbo refused to cooperate with the House Un-American Activities Committee.) In fact Gun Crazy would be the first of Trumbo’s 45 ghost-written Hollywood scripts – and probably his best.

In tapping deeply into the American psyche, Gun Crazy would come to symbolize a dark postwar fascination with armed violence that ultimately extended far beyond what its creative figures – Lewis, Kantor, Trumbo, Cummins, Dall – could have foreseen. The film (and later incarnations) would parallel a U.S history of continuous military interventions, massive gun and arms industry, lucrative international weapons trade, and media culture saturated with guns, crime, and every imaginable type of violence.

Going back to the origins of U.S. military power, the gun was widely embraced as an instrument of “civilization” against “savagery”, a facilitator of enlightenment and progress that would be modernized during the wars against native Americans and then perfected with the onset of imperialism. The gun/warrior culture was passionately taken up by leading political, intellectual, and religious figures across the ideological spectrum, a shared crusade driven by national exceptionalism. U.S. warfare, then and later, would be carried out from the overwhelming advantage of superior military weaponry and technology. This superiority came with an unwavering common belief in the absolute goodness – even Divine goodness – of American imperial ambitions and military prowess. Far more than a material device for killing, the gun was elevated to a kind of metaphysical status.

More recently, it was in precisely such an ideological milieu that Chris Kyle, real-life protagonist of the blockbuster American Sniper, could attain posthumous recognition as both mass killer and national hero. Much like the actors of Gun Crazy, Kyle’s life was shaped by a gun obsession (weapon, in Army parlance) – in this case, a sophisticated military rifle equipped with high-powered telescopic lens. A sharpshooter in Iraq, Kyle was said to have racked up the largest number of kills in U.S. history – familiar tale of good Americans murdering evil foreigners to save freedom and democracy. The fact that guns (high-tech weapons) were used in Iraq to routinely kill men, women, and children was treated a routine fact of life in the movie, as it was across the corporate media and political culture. Regarding the morality of all this – well, U.S. military operations speak for themselves.

Gun Crazy extolled a violent Zeitgeist that would intensify throughout postwar America. Worth noting here is that the harshest attacks on American militarism just before and after the appearance of Gun Crazy – General Smedley Butler’s “war is a racket”, C. Wright Mills’ “power elite”, President Eisenhower’s “military-industrial complex”, Fred Cook’s “warfare state” – ring much truer today than when initially put forth. Of course the wielders of firepower in Gun Crazy were ill-fated, destined to self-destruct; the Hollywood code of that period would have it no other way. Unfortunately, there has been no political code to reign in these other, more catastrophic, mechanisms of death and destruction.

At a time when the U.S. has erected the largest military behemoth in history, it has attained global supremacy in other measures: gun-related murders, serial killings, armed massacres. At present Americans possess an estimated 90 guns for every 100 adults – possibly 300 million all told, including vast stores of assault weapons, more than 40 percent of the world firearm total in personal hands. Only one other nation (cartel-ridden Mexico) can match the annual 38,000 gun-related killings recorded in the U.S. This murderous legacy has been salaciously dramatized in thousands of novels, movies, TV episodes, video games, and tabloids.

Viewed from the distorted vantage point of the second Amendment, a thriving American gun/warrior cult is sustained in large part by the paranoid fear of looming threats – demonic enemies that recall the frontier era of settler colonialism and the resistance it generated. The NRA has long manipulated these phantoms for all they are worth, dedicated as it is to creating the most fully-armed citizenry the world has ever known. Setting limits to available firepower not only subverts Constitutional rights but poses a deep existential threat to every law-abiding, gun-toting “good guy”.

With every mass shooting, the American gun lobby defiantly stands it ground. As popular anger builds and public opinion for tighter gun regulations broadens, the NRA and its vile spokespeople clamor for more deadly weaponry. Should any restrictions be imposed? The answer, coming from the legion of gun fanatics, ends up obscured in propagandistic blather. If Cummins and Dahl seemed rather content with their shiny 38 pistols, the NRA would surely be happy with AR-15s in every household – and distributed to every school, college campus, office building, church, theater, sports complex, and shopping mall. Investment in guns and ammunition would flow.

Legalization of rocket-launchers and sting-ray missiles? Open-carry laws everywhere? Unlimited high-capacity ammunition magazines? All that would be the crowning NRA fantasy, a paradise built on guns and death – meanwhile extending the Hobbesian reality of Iraq that the U.S. military painstakingly created right back into American society itself. One big problem remains: how to distinguish the “bad guys” from the “good guys”.

More articles by:CARL BOGGS

Carl Boggs is the author of The Hollywood War Machine, with Tom Pollard (second edition, forthcoming), and Drugs, Power, and Politics, both published by Paradigm.


I never disagreed with the existence of a murder death cult in America. How could they not be so after almost a century of imperialism and propaganda.

Wondering why this argument was framed.

If you want to talk about REAL violence….

There is no other violence more egregious than poverty. Over 30,000 children die every day from preventable hunger and disease due ONLY to a lack of money. Inequality kills them. And that sure as hell has nothing to do with American murder death, culture, and much more to do with inequality. There is PLENTY of food to feed everyone.

Got a calculator? How many kids is that a year ?

“””” have 7’000.- average monthly salary X13 or X14 for 37 hours/week 4 or 6 weeks paid vacation””” AlexanderAmproz

Inequality = violence. Science says, logic agrees. The good side of inequality represented in the highly admirable Swiss society huh….We could all live like that, without the gross nature of billionaires and hoarding of wealth. That is ridiculous, we allow 3% to own most all of it.

Blame the guns though :P

The quote you posted, carries with it little of significance, much prejudice and name calling and lots of opinions. = mental programming. Sure enough, that is america, but that ISN’T the problem with the planet.

inequality is. Please think of a situation that does stem from inequality. Inequality buys people, curries favor from people, destroys people, benefits a few, harms so many.

Now the bankers us their form of inequality, to do imperialism on the planet. Using EVERYONE, regardless of the cultural programming.

Blaming Jews = ridiculous Blaming Americans = ridiculous Imperialism has been done long before the Americans ostensibly took over. Blaming bankers = tempting but illogical. They, besotted with greed and envy like the rest of us, created a scam called a FIAT monetary system that gave them the future of the planet. Now they want it all. And they will get it. Called globalism.

The problem with most people, they cannot think worth a damn, just like this author you quote.

“As popular anger builds and public opinion for tighter gun regulations broadens, ”

They want to place useless laws around a “tool”, to fix the effects of inequality

They want to ban a tool, instead of addressing mens rea.

Maybe we should ban eating utensils because people are getting so fat? Ban knives because people stab each other. Ban cars because people kill each other every day with them.

no logic in the drive to manage guns, unless one wants to CONTROL the guns.


In the Philippines US Neocolonial State, all the America worst is submerging all, worst than Central and South America !

RP is one of the World leading place for Children’s Death Rate ! It’s Africa worst, the Sahel level… Funeral with Children’s coffins is casual.

I spend few Christmas by friends living in Manila and Cebu putrid Slums, it’s very touching !

World Starvation and


“In the Philippines US Neocolonial State,”

You clearly have prejudice.

Inequality is NOT an American prerogative. You seem like a smart person. I wonder at the hate which colors logic and reason to prejudice for you. Moneypower is global. Moneypower is human. Moneypower is oppressive. Money power is greed and envy. Money power is NOT American, although Americans do represent some of the rich asshats.

You cannot blame Americans for your country. Blame those asshole politicos who were bought and paid for by MONEYPOWER. Blame the fools on the street who still vote for puppets. Blame the fools who demand more for themselves, and less for the rest of them. Money power is NOT exclusively American.

You earned what you got, just like we did.


“the Americans didn’t control their awful Government, but Money !

The Swiss do it, and it’s the only Country doing it since Centuries !”

illogical, non factual, and unreasonable. Even with the taint of the bankers benevolence which they clearly enjoy. And if they truly are able to control the bankers(highly unlikely, IMO) then they are ALONE in the FIAT banking empire.

Credit controls government, not people.

The experts side with the truth. They side with logic, and reason. Rational and insight to a clever conceived ponzi scheme type monetary system.

Read BEFORE you reply. And stick to what I have stated as a matter of fact. Rather than framing another argument.

“Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talks of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile… Once a nation parts with the control of its credit, it matters not who makes the laws….Usury once in control will wreck the nation.”

William Lyon MacKenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada

============================== “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)


“The real truth of the matter is,as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson”… -Franklin D. Roosevelt


“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1815″”


History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” -James Madison

=================== “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1815

=================== “Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.”

Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920s


You call this democracy and freedom ? The world is NOT Americas fault. It is NOT the fault of the Jews. It is the power and moral corruption of inequality obtained by a fraudulent monetary system, and put to purpose.


You willfully ignore this most relevant fact of all. Money power RULES. For glaringly obvious reasons.

You have prejudice against Americans. blaming them, for their own helplessness in the face of such power. And you are adulating the Swiss, whom have been OSTENSIBLY blessed by the good (rare) side of inequality.


And I don`t blame the bankers, for they would be powerless if we refused to subscribe to the banking system and inequality as a way of life.

It is no longer necessary.

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


yes, truth hurts.


Travel a bite and visite any kind of Peoples

from the Society top(Peoples choosing Presidents) to the bottom of the bottom alike I did in 60 Countries the last 50 Years, and you will have less certitudes no the World and different Civilizations.

One thing is sure, everybody see midday on his villages Bell Towers or Mosque Minarets, etc…


You blame Israel and America, when it is money power behind domination.. Period.

Bankers admit it for fucks sake.

Calling it otherwise is prejudice and or delusion. As to certitudes and travel, I am not easily distracted from simple truths by irrelevant culture.


Bankers is your simpleton sight limits,

there is few floors higher than them !


Maybe you will like this one ! =================================


Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II

by Valentin Katasonov

To mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazism, we publish a study of Valentin Katasonov on financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich. The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. This study raises new questions that will be addressed in a future article.

Hjalmar Schacht (left), Hitler’s finance minister, with his close friend Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944. According to documents reveled by the Bank of England in 2012, he Czechoslovak gold was held in London in a sub-account in the name of the Bank for International Settlements, the Basel-based bank for central banks. When the Nazis marched into Prague in March 1939 they immediately sent armed soldiers to the offices of the National Bank. The Czech directors were ordered, on pain of death, to send two transfer requests. The first instructed the BIS to transfer 23.1 metric tons of gold from the Czechoslovak BIS account, held at the Bank of England, to the Reichsbank BIS account, also held at Threadneedle Street. The second order instructed the Bank of England to transfer almost 27 metric tons of gold held in the National Bank of Czechoslovakia’s own name to the BIS’s gold account at the Bank of England.

The war was not unleashed by frenzied Fuhrer who happened to be ruling Germany at the time. WWII is a project created by world oligarchy or Anglo-American “money owners”. Using such instruments as the US Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England they started to prepare for the next world conflict of global scale right after WWI. The USSR was the target.

The Dawes and Young Plans, the creation of Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the Germany’s suspension of reparations payments it had to pay according to Paris Peace Treaty and the acquiescence of Russia’s former allies in this decision, large-scale foreign investments into the economy of Third Reich, the militarization of German economy and the breaches of Paris Treaty provisions – they all were important milestones on the way of preparing the war.

There were key figures behind the plot: the Rockefellers, the Morgans, Lord Montagu Norman (the Governor of the Bank of England), Hjalmar Schacht (President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics in the Hitler’s government).The strategic plan of Rockefellers and Morgans was to subjugate Europe economically, saturate Germany with foreign investments and credits and make it deliver a crushing blow against the Soviet Russia so that it would be returned into the world capitalist system as a colony.

Montagu Norman (1871 – 1950) played an important role of go-between to keep up a dialogue between American financial circles and Germany’s business leaders. Hjalmar Schacht organized the revival of Germany’s defense sector of economy. The operation conducted by “money owners” was covered up by such politicians as Franklin Roosevelt, Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill. In Germany the plans were carried out by Hitler and Hjalmar Schacht. Some historians say Hjalmar Schacht played a more important role than Hitler. Simply Schacht kept away from spotlight.

The Dawes Plan was an attempt following World War I for the Triple Entente to compromise and collect war reparations debt from Germany. The Dawes Plan (as proposed by the Dawes Committee, chaired by Charles G. Dawes) was an attempt in 1924 to solve the reparations problem, which had bedeviled international politics following World War I and the Treaty of Versailles (France was reluctant to accept it got over 50% of reparations). In 1924-1929 Germany got $2, 5 billion from the United States and $ 1, 5 billion from Great Britain, according to Dawes Plan. In today’s prices the sum is huge, it is equal to $1 trillion of US dollars. Hjalmar Schacht played an active role in the implementation of Dawes Plan. In 1929 he summed up the results, saying that in 5 years Germany got more foreign loans that the United States in the 40 years preceding WWI. As a result, in 1929 Germany became the world’s second largest industrial nation leaving Great Britain behind.

In the 1930s the process of feeding Germany with investments and credits continued. The Young Plan was a program for settling German reparations debts after World War I written in 1929 and formally adopted in 1930. It was presented by the committee headed (1929–30) by American industrialist Owen D. Young, creator and ex-first chairman of Radio Corporation of America (RCA), who, at the time, concurrently served at board of trustees of Rockefeller Foundation, and also had been one of representatives involved in previous war reparations restructuring arrangement – Dawes Plan of 1924. According to the plan, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was created in 1930 to make Germany pay reparations to victors. In reality the money flows went in quite a different direction – from the United States and Great Britain to Germany. The majority of strategically important German companies belonged to American capital or were partly under its control. Some of them belonged to British investors. German oil refinery and coal liquefaction sectors of economy belonged to Standard Oil (the Rockefellers). FarbenindustrieAG chemical industry major wasmoved under the control of the Morgan Group. 40% of telephone network and 30% of Focke Wulf shares belonged to American ITT. Radio and AEG, Siemens, Osram electrical industry majors moved under the control of American General Electric. ITT and General Electric were part of the Morgan’s empire. At least 100% of the Volkswagen shares belonged to American Ford. By the time Hitler came to power the US financial capital practically controlled all strategically important sectors of German industry: oil refining, synthetic fuel production, chemistry, car building, aviation, electrical engineering, radio industry, and a large part of machine-building (totally 278 companies). The leading German banks – Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank and some others – were under US control.


On January 30, 1933 Hitler was named the Chancellor of Germany. Before that his candidacy had been thoroughly studied by American bankers. HjalmarSchacht went to the United States in the autumn of 1930 to discuss the nomination with American colleagues. The Hitler’s appointment was finally approved at a secret meeting of financiers in the United States. He spent the whole 1932 trying to convince the German bankers that Hitler was the right person for the position. He achieved the goal. In mid-November 1932 17 German largest bankers and industrialists sent a letter to President Hindenburg expressing their demand to make Hitler the Chancellor of Germany. The last working meeting of German financiers before the election was held on January 4, 1933 in Kölnat the home of banker Kurt von Schröder. After that the National Socialist Party came to power. As a result, the financial and economic ties of Germany with Anglo-Saxons elevated to a higher level.

Hitler immediately made an announcement that he refused to pay postwar reparations. It put into doubt the ability of England and France to pay off WWI debts to the United States. Washington did not object to the Hitler’s announcement. In May 1933 Hjalmar Schacht paid another visit to the United States. There he met with President Franklin Roosevelt and big bankers to reach a $1 billion credit deal.In June the same year Hjalmar Schacht visited London to hold talks with Montagu Norman. It all went down smoothly. The British agreed to grant a $2 billion loan. The British offered no objections related to the Germany’s decision to suspend debt payments.

Some historians say the American and British bankers were pliant because by 1932 the Soviet Union had fulfilled the 5-year economic development plan to make it achieve new heights as an industrial power. A few thousand enterprises were built, especially in the sector of heavy industry. The dependence of USSR on import of engineering production has greatly dwindled. The chances to strangle the Soviet Union economically were practically reduced to zero. They decided to rely on war and launched the runaway militarization of Germany.

It was easy for Germany to get American credits. By and large, Hitler came to power in his country at the same time as Franklin Roosevelt took office in the United States. The very same bankers who supported Hitler in 1931 supported Roosevelt at the presidential election. The newly elect President could not but endorse large credits to Germany. By the way, many noticed that there was a big similarity between the Roosevelt’s “New Deal Policy” and the economic policy of the German Third Reich. No wonder. The very same people worked out and consulted the both governments at the time. They mainly represented US financial circles.

The Roosevelt’s New Deal soon started to stumble on the way. In 1937 America plunged into the quagmire of economic crisis. In 1939 the US economy operated at 33% of its industrial capacity (it was 19% in the heat of the 1929-1933 crisis).

Rexford G. Tugwell, an economist who became part of Franklin Roosevelt’s first “Brain, a group of Columbia University academics who helped develop policy recommendations leading up to Roosevelt’s New Deal,wrote that in 1939 the government failed to reach any success.There was an open seatill the day Hitler invaded Poland.Only the mighty wind of war could dissipate the fog. Any other measures Roosevelt could take were doomed to failure. [1] Only the world war could save the US capitalism. In 1939 the money owners used all leverage at their disposal to put pressure of Hitler and make him unleash a big war in the east.


The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) played an important role during the Second World War. It was created as an outpost of American interests in Europe and a link between Anglo-American and German businesses, a kind of offshore zone for cosmopolitan capital providing a shelter from political processes, wars, sanctions and other things. The Bank was created as a public commercial entity, it’s immunity from government interference and such things as taxes collection was guaranteed by international agreement signed in the Hague in 1930.

The bankers of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who were close to the Morgans, Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England, German financiers: Hjalmar Schacht (President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics in the Hitler’s government), Walther Funk (who later replaced Hjalmar Schacht as President of the Reichsbank) and EmilPuhl – all of them played an important role in the efforts to establish the Bank. The central banks of Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium and some private banks were among the founders. The Federal Bank of New York did its best to establish the BIS, but it was not listed as a founder. The US was represented by the private First National Bank of New York, J.P. Morgan and Company, the First National Bank of Chicago – all parts of the Morgan’s empire. Japan was also represented by private banks. In 1931-1932 19 European central banks joined the Bank of International Settlements. Gates W. McGarrah, a banker of Rockefeller’s clan, was the first BIS chairman of the board. He was replaced by Leon Fraser, who represented the clan of Morgans. US citizen Thomas H. McKittrick was President of the Bankduring the war years.

A lot has already been written about the BIS activities serving the interests of Third Reich. The Bank was involved in deals with different countries, including those Germany was at war with. Ever since Pearl Harbor the Bank of International Settlements has been a correspondent bank for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It was under Nazi control during the war years, no matter American Thomas Huntington McKittrick was the Bank’s President. Soldiers were dying on the battlefields while the leadership of BIS held meetings in Basel with the bankers of Germany, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain and the United States. There, in the Swiss offshore zone, it was all peaceful, the representatives of belligerents quietly worked in the atmosphere of mutual understanding.

Switzerland became the place where gold seized by Germany in different corners of Europe was transported to for storage. In the March of 1938, when Hitler captured Vienna, part of Austrian gold was transferred to BIS vaults. The same thing happened with the gold of Czech National Bank (48 million USD). As the war started, the flows of gold poured into the Bank of International Settlements. Germany got it from concentration camps and as a result of plundering the wealth of occupied countries (including whatever belonged to civilians: jewels, gold crowns, cigarette cases, utensils…). It was called the Nazi Gold. The metal was processed into ingots to be stored in the Bank of International Settlements, Switzerland, or outside Europe. Charles Higham in his Trading With The Enemy: An Expose of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 wrote that during the war Nazi transferred $378 million into the accounts of Bank of International Settlements.

A few words about the Czech gold. The details surfaced when after the Bank of England’s archives were declassified in 2012. [2] In the March of 1939 Germany captured Prague. Nazi demanded $48 million of national gold reserves. They were told that the sum had already been transferred to the Bank of International Settlements. Later it became known that the gold was transferred from Basel to the vaults of Bank of England. Upon the command from Berlin the gold was transferred to the ReichsbankBIS account. Then the Bank of England was involved in transactions done upon the orders of Reichsbank given to the Bank of International settlements. The commands were retransmitted to London. There was collusion between German Reichsbank, the Bank of International Settlements and the Bank of England. In 1939 a scandal broke out in Great Britain because the Bank of England executed the transactions with Czech gold upon the commands coming from Berlin and Basel, not the Czech government. For instance, in the June of 1939, three months before the war between Great Britain and Germany started, the Bank of England helped Germans to get into their accounts the amount of gold equal to 440 thousand pounds sterling and transfer some gold to New York (Germany was sure that in case of German intervention into Poland the United States would not declare war).

The illegal transactions with Czech gold were implemented with tacit approval of the government of Great Britain which was aware of what was going on. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir John Simon and other top officials did their best to hide the truth, including outright lies (the gold was returned to the lawful owner or had never been transferred to Reichsbank). The recently declassified materials of Bank of England reveal the truth and show that the government officials lied to cover up themselves and the activities of the Bank of England and the Bank of International Settlements. It was easy to coordinate the joint criminal activities because Montagu Norman, the head of Bank of England, served as the chairman of the board of Bank of International Settlements. He never made secret of his sympathy for fascists.

The Bretton Woods Conference, formally known as the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, was the gathering of 730 delegates from all 44 allied nations at the Mount Washington Hotel situated in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the United States, to regulate the international monetary and financial order after the conclusion of World War II. The conference was held from 1 to 22 July 1944. All of a sudden the issue of the Bank of International Settlements hit the agenda. It was reported that the bank collaborated with fascist Germany. Leaving many details aside, I’d only mention that with great difficulty (some US delegates opposed the motion) the delegates reached an agreement to close the BIS. The decision of international conference has never been enacted. All the discreditable information related to the BIS wartime activities was classified. Today it helps to falsify the history of the Second World War.

Finally, a few words about Hjalmar Schacht (1877-1970) who served as President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics in the fascist Germany’s government. He was a key figure controlling the economic machine of Third Reich, an extraordinary and plenipotentiaryambassador representing Anglo-American capital in Germany. In 1945 Schacht was tried at Nuremberg to be acquitted on October 1, 1946. He got away with murder. The same way it happened to Hitler. For some unexplained reasons he was not in the 1945 leading wartime criminals list. More to it, Schacht returned to his profession like if nothing happened and founded Schacht GmbH in Düsseldorf. This detail may go unnoticed, though it serves as another testimony to the fact that Anglo-American “money owners” and their plenipotentiary representatives in Germany prepared and, to some extent, influenced the outcome of the Second World War. The “money owners” want to rewrite the history of the war and change its results.

Valentin Katasonov


Strategic Culture Foundation (Russia)

[1] P.Tugwell, The Democratic Roosevelt, A Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt, New York, 1957, p 477.

[2] http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/arch…


It is illogical to think there are anyone group higher than those who own the world with debt. There is no greater power to be had, anywhere, anytime, anyone.

“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave.”

Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company.


If looking at the US “Democracy” from Switzerland, the American Democracy is bogus, GB, France and Italy or EC too !

For the moment Switzerland power decision belongs to the Citizen, it’s what is missing to other Countries.

In America and England it’s “Pathetic” !


Which is why the ‘Gassing of Jews’ story is so ridiculous. Why transport jews many hundreds of miles to kill them when the German rail network was struggling to supply the Russian front .

It makes no logical sense to build barracks for jews and then to kill them.

The camps were work camps .

jerry hamilton

Exactly. German women did not work in munitions like they did in the Allied countries, that was done by the workers in the work camps. Effectively those workers were keeping Germans alive. The last thing you do is kill them. Did you know that jews never went to Auschwitz. Auschwitz was for the Poles. Still every other jew wrote a book or told a story about how they were gassed sixteen times at Auschwitz.


Are you saying there where no jewish Poles?

jerry hamilton

No. There were many. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjnGnuJyY3k


For your 1 bit brain this is sure illogical thing. But for germans was not.

AM Hants

Usb;t that what the Florida School Shooting is all about, and Soros with desires to kick start an American Civil War in the US? Getting rid of all weapons first.

“FULL METAL GARB”! The Real Shooter(s) Was A Professionally Outfitted Military Commando…. http://themillenniumreport.com/2018/02/full-metal-garb-the-real-shooters-was-a-professionally-outfitted-military-commando/

Soros-funded ‘National Gun Control Movement’ is all about starting an American civil war… http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=94843

They are seriously losing it with the False Flags, and disbelief, owing to nothing making sense.


911 staged the stupids for more and more. Science was on vacation, on 911. Retards bought it. Fear and greed driving the willful ignorance of those with a 3 digit IQ that did get it.

Your info, could also be disinfo.

They want the guns, no doubt.

But I think they do not need any false flag to encourage gun control. Thery mass medicate our kids with SSRI drugs that cause extreme hostility, violence, and suicide. Some of those kids have access to guns. All they got to do is wait.

and the 2 digit IQ`s want me to beLIEve, that removing guns will mitigate the scientifically proven truth, that inequality = violence.`And the mass medication of our kids , with unnecessary drugs is inequality too. When a group of people with money can effect policies that caused harm to people, and profit to them.

Nope, when 3 % of the planet owns all of it, there will ALWAYS be fighting for the crumbs. Until they take away our ability to fight.

I don“t have guns, I don`t want guns. But I will always support the right to choose absent harm to others.

Unfortunately, that has long been gone. As anyone forced to ingest fluoride, force fed vaccines, or jailed for weed, knows full well.


A friend father was a US Army Officer.

He was the one arriving in IG Farben with his Soldiers.

OSS (former CIA) was already there and banned him to inter…


It’s remember me when the US invaded Bagdad.

A naive tank Officer placed his tank in front of the Famous bagdad Museum to protect such a precious Iraqi pride and inheritance for the World.

CIA sermon him and ask to go away. It was in order to spoiled it as much as possible ! Similar behaviors were the origins of Dresden and Leipzig total destructions by a bomb fire hurricane. Children’s women, student’s and elderly were the only inhabitants of this major Cultural inheritance, none military targets, but the British hate madness !

AM Hants

Didn’t Reinhard Gehlen get started with the COI, back in 1939. I read an article, which mentioned it, last year, but, thanks to the Google clean up, I can no longer find the article. He then joined up with Allen Dulles a short time later, putting together the Gehlen Organisation and laying the foundations for Operation Paperclip. So strange that so much information on him, seems to have taken a vacation from the internet. Operation Paperclip, CIA safe passage for the N*zi and Bolshevik Elite and the Gehlen Foundation?


Emporer’s New Clothes = Reinhard Gehlen… http://gehlen.greyfalcon.us/ Studies In Intelligence – Related Articles (Gehlen)… https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/STUDIES%20IN%20INTELLIGENCE%20NAZI%20-%20RELATED%20ARTICLES_0013.pdf


I suspect America and the world are paying an hefty prize from the Operation Paperclip consequences… to have learned from Dresden and Leipzig Culture instead to burn them. A bit of what happened to the Alexandria Library… Douglas McArthur burnt cautiously all the Philippines Libraries and Archives, books are bad for Colonial slaves… To take away one Generation is good for the ID eradication, the Philippines Archipelago is a good illustration of it, The US did it twice, once in-between 1900-1910 and in 1945, results are awful !

Do Sanaa, one of the nicest existing City will vanished soon ?

True, Peoples, knowledge, Culture are the Wars intentional victimes. I do believe the US gave their proxies the order to destroy Palmyra and many historical Sites in Mesopotamia/Iraq

PS: Thanks for the links

AM Hants

My pleasure with the links.

Isn’t it sad, that there is so little respect for history, thanks to the 1% Club? Together with the beauty from the architecture of times gone by. It is like a spoilt and pampered toddler, who cannot get what they want. They have to destroy everything else, in the room.

Thankfully with regards Palmyra, they have the knowledge and skills, thanks to friends, to rebuild the historical site.


Goℴgle is offereing the people 99 US dollars per-hr to complete easy tasks staying at home . Do work Some only few period of time daily and live happy more time together with your own family .. any individual can benefit this special offer!!on Sunday I purchased a gorgeous Car after I been earnin $6393 this month .it’s definitly the easiest job but you may no longer forgive yourself if you do not try this.!ze382q:➸➸➸ http://GoogleWayWorkFromHome/get/cash/97$/per-hour… ♥♥d♥d♥g♥l♥c♥♥♥z♥♥k♥♥z♥o♥♥j♥u♥y♥♥t♥♥w♥♥♥k♥x♥m♥♥♥f♥f♥♥♥h♥i♥♥♥u♥♥♥o♥c♥♥♥t::!aw663s:muz


Wall Street destroys lives. Only the very few do well.

Michał Hunicz

Thank Antony Sutton for spreading the truth.

AM Hants

Interrupting your conversation, with apologies, but, happily reading and finding it interesting. Have you seen this article, with regards the Miliband Family?

David Miliband, was the Foreign Secretary of the UK, under Gordon Brown and him and his brother both went for the leadership of the Labour Party, with his brother Ed winning. He lost to Cameron, but, was convinced he would make it into 10 Downing Street. His brother went off to set up a charity, in the tradition of Blair, Soros and the Clintons. They got thrown out of Eastern Ukraine and also having corruption problems, with regards Syrian projects. Think White Helmet crowds, who funds them and no doubt David Miliband, remains close to his Common Purpose friends and brothers Bell.

How many children and grandchildren of the Bolshevik and N*zi elite, can now be found in state funded institutions and leading globalist corporations?

WHO IS DAVID MILIBAND?… http://whale.to/c/who_is_david_miliband.html

It may or may not interest you.


The real question, what is David Miliband, or Cameron or Gordon Brown , or Trump, Justin Trudeau.

puppets everywhere. Anyone with a desire for more money and or power. Gee, that is just about everyone on this planet right now.

We all know just about anyone can be bought. Threats, jobs, riches….. While so many work at playing the theater which entertains the herd.

Others, lie and manipulate with half truths, confusing most who try to understand. Demagogues, gatekeepers and outright liars, me oh my. Such greedy envious chimps we are. So easily led to ignorance and prejudice.

globalism drives ALL imperialism happening on the planet right now. The banksters have unlimited money = debt = slavery = power. Over everything. They own the debt. They own the credit. They own the corporations. They own the politicians and governments. This is all one needs to know, to understand geo politics completely. While fact, logic, reason, rational, and science agree.

We cannot change it. inequality rules.

US, on behalf of the globalists, is invading the planet. The US is able to do this, because they have a petrol dollar which allows them an extraordinary ability to print money endlessly, and still maintain a demand, notwithstanding inflation ( more money = debt added to money supply)

World needs to buy american dollars, in order to buy oil.

Oil companies are owned by the same rich who own the banks, big pharma, big food.

Funny when you think about it….

“Using the monetary system, the bankers have been able to steal ownership of most corporations on this planet. Big Pharma, MIC, Big Agro, everything. Science says.

The sweetest part of that ponzi scheme. The fact we borrow created out of nothing money from banksters, with interest,(1)

then the bought and paid for politicos give it back to the corporations the banksters own,(2) for the globalism the banksters seek.(3)

Sweetest scam EVER. Cant accuse banksters of stupidity. The herd is clueless.

1- “In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money” http://www.bankofengland.co… “

2 -“So no, it’s not a hyperbole to say the Banking System is One. We’re not overstating the case when we say it’s just one massive cartel. That the banks own everything, including all the major industries. Oil, Weapons, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Telecom and IT, etc. It’s all one massive monopoly. Controlled from the top down “ ’A total of 737 control 80% of it all” The Money Power is real and these Swiss gentlemen have done us a favor by crunching the numbers.” Please Google “The network of global corporate control”

3- “Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ” | David Rockefeller | ( see trade deals removing sovereignty, immigration and mixing of cultures, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)

sweetest scam ever. Simple too. Once we were convinced it was normal.

AM Hants

Miliband, you should see where the Grandfather started out and how it all links into his dislike of Russia. Plus, he always seems to be getting into trouble with his charities, being thrown out of nations. Like Blair and Soros, their charities stick together.

Then you have Brown, who felt he was entitled to live in 10 Downing Street and a member of Common Purpose.

Then you have Cameron with or without his pig’s head and another member of Common Purpose. Those are the UK muppets that you have mentioned. I wonder if it is because they are so easy to coerce or blackmail, as Common Purpose and their connections, again come to mind. Maccron and Trudeau, Tony Blair mould, nothing to offer, but, everything to take. Trump, assume he is run by another mafia, but, similar ideology.

The rest of you comment reminds me of something Zencowboy61 said yesterday, with regards the Titanic, The Great Depression and how it was all connected, in order to create the financial con, that requires a war and taxes to make it work.


During years Vladimir Ilitch Oulianov was a refugee in my hometown.

The French Revolution was a Bourgeoisie against Feudalism ! The Russian Revolution was run by Ashkenazi Jews ! The Ottoman Empire was destroyed by insiders Jews to create Israel ! =========================================== https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2011/10/25/the-doenmeh-the-middle-easts-most-whispered-secret-part-i.html

The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part I)

There is a historical “eight hundred pound gorilla” lurking in the background of almost every serious military and diplomatic incident involving Israel, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Greece, Armenia, the Kurds, the Assyrians, and some other players in the Middle East and southeastern Europe. It is a factor that is generally only whispered about at diplomatic receptions, news conferences, and think tank sessions due to the explosiveness and controversial nature of the subject. And it is the secretiveness attached to the subject that has been the reason for so much misunderstanding about the current breakdown in relations between Israel and Turkey, a growing warming of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and increasing enmity between Saudi Arabia and Iran…

Although known to historians and religious experts, the centuries-old political and economic influence of a group known in Turkish as the “Dönmeh” is only beginning to cross the lips of Turks, Arabs, and Israelis who have been reluctant to discuss the presence in Turkey and elsewhere of a sect of Turks descended from a group of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition in the 16th and 17th centuries. These Jewish refugees from Spain were welcomed to settle in the Ottoman Empire and over the years they converted to a mystical sect of Islam that eventually mixed Jewish Kabbala and Islamic Sufi semi-mystical beliefs into a sect that eventually championed secularism in post-Ottoman Turkey. It is interesting that “Dönmeh” not only refers to the Jewish “untrustworthy converts” to Islam in Turkey but it is also a derogatory Turkish word for a transvestite, or someone who is claiming to be someone they are not.

The Donmeh sect of Judaism was founded in the 17th century by Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi, a Kabbalist who believed he was the Messiah but was forced to convert to Islam by Sultan Mehmet IV, the Ottoman ruler. Many of the rabbi’s followers, known as Sabbateans, but also “crypto-Jews,” publicly proclaimed their Islamic faith but secretly practiced their hybrid form of Judaism, which was unrecognized by mainstream Jewish rabbinical authorities. Because it was against their beliefs to marry outside their sect, the Dönmeh created a rather secretive sub-societal clan.

The Dönmeh rise to power in Turkey

Many Dönmeh, along with traditional Jews, became powerful political and business leaders in Salonica. It was this core group of Dönmeh, which organized the secret Young Turks, also known as the Committee of Union and Progress, the secularists who deposed Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II in the 1908 revolution, proclaimed the post-Ottoman Republic of Turkey after World War I, and who instituted a campaign that stripped Turkey of much of its Islamic identity after the fall of the Ottomans. Abdulhamid II was vilified by the Young Turks as a tyrant, but his only real crime appears to have been to refuse to meet Zionist leader Theodore Herzl during a visit to Constantinople in 1901 and reject Zionist and Dönmeh offers of money in return for the Zionists to be granted control of Jerusalem.

Like other leaders who have crossed the Zionists, Sultan Adulhamid II appears to have sealed his fate with the Dönmeh with this statement to his Ottoman court: “Advise Dr. Herzl not to take any further steps in his project. I cannot give away even a handful of the soil of this land for it is not my own, it belongs to the entire Islamic nation. The Islamic nation fought jihad for the sake of this land and had watered it with their blood. The Jews may keep their money and millions. If the Islamic Khalifate state is one day destroyed then they will be able to take Palestine without a price! But while I am alive, I would rather push a sword into my body than see the land of Palestine cut and given away from the Islamic state.” After his ouster by Ataturk’s Young Turk Dönmeh in 1908, Abdulhamid II was jailed in the Donmeh citadel of Salonica. He died in Constantinople in 1918, three years after Ibn Saud agreed to a Jewish homeland in Palestine and one year after Lord Balfour deeded Palestine away to the Zionists in his letter to Baron Rothschild.

One of the Young Turk leaders in Salonica was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. When Greece achieved sovereignty over Salonica in 1913, many Dönmeh, unsuccessful at being re-classified Jewish, moved to Constantinople, later re-named Istanbul. Others moved to Izmir, Bursa, and Ataturk’s newly-proclaimed capital and future seat of Ergenekon power, Ankara.

Some texts suggest that the Dönmeh numbered no more than 150,000 and were mainly found in the army, government, and business. However, other experts suggest that the Dönmeh may have represented 1.5 million Turks and were even more powerful than believed by many and extended to every facet of Turkish life. One influential Donmeh, Tevfik Rustu Arak, was a close friend and adviser to Ataturk and served as Turkey’s Foreign Minister from 1925 to 1938.

Ataturk, who was reportedly himself a Dönmeh, ordered that Turks abandon their own Muslim-Arabic names. The name of the first Christian emperor of Rome, Constantine, was erased from the largest Turkish city, Constantinople. The city became Istanbul, after the Ataturk government in 1923 objected to the traditional name. There have been many questions about Ataturk’s own name, since “Mustapha Kemal Ataturk” was a pseudonym. Some historians have suggested that Ataturk adopted his name because he was a descendant of none other than Rabbi Zevi, the self-proclaimed Messiah of the Dönmeh! Ataturk also abolished Turkey’s use of the Arabic script and forced the country to adopt the western alphabet.

Modern Turkey: a secret Zionist state controlled by the Dönmeh

Ataturk’s suspected strong Jewish roots, information about which was suppressed for decades by a Turkish government that forbade anything critical of the founder of modern Turkey, began bubbling to the surface, first, mostly outside of Turkey and in publications written by Jewish authors. The 1973 book, The Secret Jews, by Rabbi Joachim Prinz, maintains that Ataturk and his finance minister, Djavid Bey, were both committed Dönmeh and that they were in good company because “too many of the Young Turks in the newly formed revolutionary Cabinet prayed to Allah, but had their real prophet [Sabbatai Zevi, the Messiah of Smyrna].” In The Forward of January 28, 1994, Hillel Halkin wrote in The New York Sun that Ataturk recited the Jewish Shema Yisrael (“Hear O Israel”), saying that it was “my prayer too.” The information is recounted from an autobiography by journalist Itamar Ben-Avi, who claims Ataturk, then a young Turkish army captain, revealed he was Jewish in a Jerusalem hotel bar one rainy night during the winter of 1911. In addition, Ataturk attended the Semsi Effendi grade school in Salonica, run by a Dönmeh named Simon Zevi. Halkin wrote in the New York Sun article about an email he received from a Turkish colleague: “I now know – know (and I haven’t a shred of doubt) – that Ataturk’s father’s family was indeed of Jewish stock.”

It was Ataturk’s and the Young Turks’ support for Zionism, the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, after World War I and during Nazi rule in Europe that endeared Turkey to Israel and vice versa. An article in The Forward of May 8, 2007, revealed that Dönmeh dominated Turkish leadership “from the president down, as well as key diplomats . . . and a great part of Turkey’s military, cultural, academic, economic, and professional elites” kept Turkey out of a World War II alliance with Germany, and deprived Hitler of a Turkish route to the Baku oilfields.” In his book, The Donme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries and Secular Turks, Professor Marc David Baer wrote that many advanced to exalted positions in the Sufi religious orders.

Israel has always been reluctant to describe the Turkish massacre of the Armenians by the Turks in 1915 as “genocide.” It has always been believed that the reason for Israel’s reticence was not to upset Israel’s close military and diplomatic ties with Turkey. However, more evidence is being uncovered that the Armenian genocide was largely the work of the Dönmeh leadership of the Young Turks. Historians like Ahmed Refik, who served as an intelligence officer in the Ottoman army, averred that it was the aim of the Young Turks to destroy the Armenians, who were mostly Christian. The Young Turks, under Ataturk’s direction, also expelled Greek Christians from Turkish cities and attempted to commit a smaller-scale genocide of the Assyrians, who were also mainly Christian.

One Young Turk from Salonica, Mehmet Talat, was the official who carried out the genocide of the Armenians and Assyrians. A Venezuelan mercenary who served in the Ottoman army, Rafael de Nogales Mendez, noted in his annals of the Armenian genocide that Talat was known as the “renegade Hebrew of Salonica.” Talat was assassinated in Germany in 1921 by an Armenian whose entire family was lost in the genocide ordered by the “renegade Hebrew.” It is believed by some historians of the Armenian genocide that the Armenians, known as good businessmen, were targeted by the business-savvy Dönmeh because they were considered to be commercial competitors.

It is not, therefore, the desire to protect the Israeli-Turkish alliance that has caused Israel to eschew any interest in pursuing the reasons behind the Armenian genocide, but Israel’s and the Dönmeh’s knowledge that it was the Dönmeh leadership of the Young Turks that not only murdered hundreds of thousands of Armenians and Assyrians but who also stamped out Turkey’s traditional Muslim customs and ways. Knowledge that it was Dönmeh, in a natural alliance with the Zionists of Europe, who were responsible for the deaths of Armenian and Assyrian Christians, expulsion from Turkey of Greek Orthodox Christians, and the cultural and religious eradication of Turkish Islamic traditions, would issue forth in the region a new reality. Rather than Greek and Turkish Cypriots living on a divided island, Armenians holding a vendetta against the Turks, and Greeks and Turks feuding over territory, all the peoples attacked by the Dönmeh would realize that they had a common foe that was their actual persecutor.

Challenging Dönmeh rule: Turkey’s battle against the Ergenekon

It is the purging of the Kemalist adherents of Ataturk and his secular Dönmeh regime that is behind the investigation of the Ergenekon conspiracy in Turkey. Ergenekon’s description matches up completely with the Dönmeh presence in Turkey’s diplomatic, military, judicial, religious, political, academic, business, and journalist hierarchy. Ergenekon attempted to stop the reforms instituted by successive non-Dönmeh Turkish leaders, including the re-introduction of traditional Turkish Islamic customs and rituals, by planning a series of coups, some successful like that which deposed Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan’s Refah (Welfare) Islamist government in 1996 and some unsuccessful, like OPERATION SLEDGEHEMMER, which was aimed at deposing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2003. Some Islamist-leaning reformists, including Turkish President Turgut Ozal and Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, died under suspicious circumstances. Deposed democratically-elected Prime Minister Adnan Menderes was hanged in 1961, following a military coup.

American politicians and journalists, whose knowledge of the history of countries like Turkey and the preceding Ottoman Empire, is often severely lacking, have painted the friction between Israel’s government and the Turkish government of Prime Minister Erdogan as based on Turkey’s drift to Islamism and the Arab world. Far from it, Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) seem to have finally seen a way to break free from the domination and cruelty of the Dönmeh, whether in the form of Kemalist followers of Ataturk or nationalist schemers and plotters in Ergenekon. But with Turkey’s “Independence Day” has come vitriol from the Dönmeh and their natural allies in Israel and the Israel Lobby in the United States and Europe. Turkey as a member of the European Union was fine for Europe as long as the Dönmeh remained in charge and permitted Turkey’s wealth to be looted by central bankers like has occurred in Greece.

When Israel launched its bloody attack on the Turkish Gaza aid vessel, the Mavi Marmara, on May 31, 2010, the reason was not so much the ship’s running of the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The brutality of the Israelis in shooting unarmed Turks and one Turkish-American, some at point blank range, according to a UN report, indicated that Israel was motivated by something else: vengeance and retaliation for the Turkish government’s crackdown on Ergenekon, the purging of the Turkish military and intelligence senior ranks of Dönmeh, and reversing the anti-Muslim religious and cultural policies set down by the Dönmeh’s favorite son, Ataturk, some ninety years before. In effect, the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara was in retaliation for Turkey’s jailing of several top Turkish military officers, journalists, and academics, all accused of being part of the Ergenekon plot to overthrow the AKP government in 2003. Hidden in the Ergenekon coup plot is that the Dönmeh and Ergenekon are connected through their history of being Kemalists, ardent secularists, pro-Israeli, and pro-Zionist.

With tempers now flaring between Iran on one side and Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States on the other, as the result of a dubious claim by U.S. law enforcement that Iran was planning to carry out the assassination of the Saudi ambassador to the United States on American soil, the long-standing close, but secretive relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia is coming to the forefront. The Israeli-Saudi connection had flourished during OPERATION DESERT STORM, when both countries were on the receiving end of Saddam Hussein’s Scud missiles.

Moshe Dummstein

very informative and very true.

Michał Hunicz

Regardless, Atatürk’s military achievements were crucial for Turkish nation. He defended Gallipoli and then crushed Greeks.


And what about the Armenians Genocide ?

Michał Hunicz

1. It was done by Kurds. 2. Armenians were traitors and last years before WW1 there was de-facto a silent civil war here. 3. It was not Turks’ intention to give Armenian nation that horrific death march in Syrian desert.


also by turks

armenia was captured foreign land for turks. armenians had right to fight the thiefs. yes, this was turks plan and invention.


Thank you for that information. It fleshes out the detail of the historical links that influence the situation today.

The politics of the Middle East are far to complicated for the majority of Americans to understand, History for them is ‘when they last defecated ‘.


I will call you fly. You immediately find every shit! :)))

jerry hamilton

Stop being an ar$ehole


And i will be named humming-bird, because you find nice orchids (me). :)

jerry hamilton

I would only want to encourage a person who is learning another language. It is commendable. Sadly what you write can not always be understood. When you try sarcasm, it doesn’t work very well. Keep attacking people who don’t deserve it and I will stop seeing your posts. That would be a shame because sometimes you have something good to say. It would cost you nothing to be pleasant.


Sadly what you write can not always be understood.

i am sad, too

all right, have a nice day!

jerry hamilton

That explains a lot.


less then wrangler and pilsudski



Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II

by Valentin Katasonov

To mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazism, we publish a study of Valentin Katasonov on financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich. The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. This study raises new questions that will be addressed in a future article.

Hjalmar Schacht (left), Hitler’s finance minister, with his close friend Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944. According to documents reveled by the Bank of England in 2012, he Czechoslovak gold was held in London in a sub-account in the name of the Bank for International Settlements, the Basel-based bank for central banks. When the Nazis marched into Prague in March 1939 they immediately sent armed soldiers to the offices of the National Bank. The Czech directors were ordered, on pain of death, to send two transfer requests. The first instructed the BIS to transfer 23.1 metric tons of gold from the Czechoslovak BIS account, held at the Bank of England, to the Reichsbank BIS account, also held at Threadneedle Street. The second order instructed the Bank of England to transfer almost 27 metric tons of gold held in the National Bank of Czechoslovakia’s own name to the BIS’s gold account at the Bank of England.

The war was not unleashed by frenzied Fuhrer who happened to be ruling Germany at the time. WWII is a project created by world oligarchy or Anglo-American “money owners”. Using such instruments as the US Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England they started to prepare for the next world conflict of global scale right after WWI. The USSR was the target.

The Dawes and Young Plans, the creation of Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the Germany’s suspension of reparations payments it had to pay according to Paris Peace Treaty and the acquiescence of Russia’s former allies in this decision, large-scale foreign investments into the economy of Third Reich, the militarization of German economy and the breaches of Paris Treaty provisions – they all were important milestones on the way of preparing the war.

There were key figures behind the plot: the Rockefellers, the Morgans, Lord Montagu Norman (the Governor of the Bank of England), Hjalmar Schacht (President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics in the Hitler’s government).The strategic plan of Rockefellers and Morgans was to subjugate Europe economically, saturate Germany with foreign investments and credits and make it deliver a crushing blow against the Soviet Russia so that it would be returned into the world capitalist system as a colony.

Montagu Norman (1871 – 1950) played an important role of go-between to keep up a dialogue between American financial circles and Germany’s business leaders. Hjalmar Schacht organized the revival of Germany’s defense sector of economy. The operation conducted by “money owners” was covered up by such politicians as Franklin Roosevelt, Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill. In Germany the plans were carried out by Hitler and Hjalmar Schacht. Some historians say Hjalmar Schacht played a more important role than Hitler. Simply Schacht kept away from spotlight.

The Dawes Plan was an attempt following World War I for the Triple Entente to compromise and collect war reparations debt from Germany. The Dawes Plan (as proposed by the Dawes Committee, chaired by Charles G. Dawes) was an attempt in 1924 to solve the reparations problem, which had bedeviled international politics following World War I and the Treaty of Versailles (France was reluctant to accept it got over 50% of reparations). In 1924-1929 Germany got $2, 5 billion from the United States and $ 1, 5 billion from Great Britain, according to Dawes Plan. In today’s prices the sum is huge, it is equal to $1 trillion of US dollars. Hjalmar Schacht played an active role in the implementation of Dawes Plan. In 1929 he summed up the results, saying that in 5 years Germany got more foreign loans that the United States in the 40 years preceding WWI. As a result, in 1929 Germany became the world’s second largest industrial nation leaving Great Britain behind.

In the 1930s the process of feeding Germany with investments and credits continued. The Young Plan was a program for settling German reparations debts after World War I written in 1929 and formally adopted in 1930. It was presented by the committee headed (1929–30) by American industrialist Owen D. Young, creator and ex-first chairman of Radio Corporation of America (RCA), who, at the time, concurrently served at board of trustees of Rockefeller Foundation, and also had been one of representatives involved in previous war reparations restructuring arrangement – Dawes Plan of 1924. According to the plan, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was created in 1930 to make Germany pay reparations to victors. In reality the money flows went in quite a different direction – from the United States and Great Britain to Germany. The majority of strategically important German companies belonged to American capital or were partly under its control. Some of them belonged to British investors. German oil refinery and coal liquefaction sectors of economy belonged to Standard Oil (the Rockefellers). FarbenindustrieAG chemical industry major wasmoved under the control of the Morgan Group. 40% of telephone network and 30% of Focke Wulf shares belonged to American ITT. Radio and AEG, Siemens, Osram electrical industry majors moved under the control of American General Electric. ITT and General Electric were part of the Morgan’s empire. At least 100% of the Volkswagen shares belonged to American Ford. By the time Hitler came to power the US financial capital practically controlled all strategically important sectors of German industry: oil refining, synthetic fuel production, chemistry, car building, aviation, electrical engineering, radio industry, and a large part of machine-building (totally 278 companies). The leading German banks – Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank and some others – were under US control.


On January 30, 1933 Hitler was named the Chancellor of Germany. Before that his candidacy had been thoroughly studied by American bankers. HjalmarSchacht went to the United States in the autumn of 1930 to discuss the nomination with American colleagues. The Hitler’s appointment was finally approved at a secret meeting of financiers in the United States. He spent the whole 1932 trying to convince the German bankers that Hitler was the right person for the position. He achieved the goal. In mid-November 1932 17 German largest bankers and industrialists sent a letter to President Hindenburg expressing their demand to make Hitler the Chancellor of Germany. The last working meeting of German financiers before the election was held on January 4, 1933 in Kölnat the home of banker Kurt von Schröder. After that the National Socialist Party came to power. As a result, the financial and economic ties of Germany with Anglo-Saxons elevated to a higher level.

Hitler immediately made an announcement that he refused to pay postwar reparations. It put into doubt the ability of England and France to pay off WWI debts to the United States. Washington did not object to the Hitler’s announcement. In May 1933 Hjalmar Schacht paid another visit to the United States. There he met with President Franklin Roosevelt and big bankers to reach a $1 billion credit deal.In June the same year Hjalmar Schacht visited London to hold talks with Montagu Norman. It all went down smoothly. The British agreed to grant a $2 billion loan. The British offered no objections related to the Germany’s decision to suspend debt payments.

Some historians say the American and British bankers were pliant because by 1932 the Soviet Union had fulfilled the 5-year economic development plan to make it achieve new heights as an industrial power. A few thousand enterprises were built, especially in the sector of heavy industry. The dependence of USSR on import of engineering production has greatly dwindled. The chances to strangle the Soviet Union economically were practically reduced to zero. They decided to rely on war and launched the runaway militarization of Germany.

It was easy for Germany to get American credits. By and large, Hitler came to power in his country at the same time as Franklin Roosevelt took office in the United States. The very same bankers who supported Hitler in 1931 supported Roosevelt at the presidential election. The newly elect President could not but endorse large credits to Germany. By the way, many noticed that there was a big similarity between the Roosevelt’s “New Deal Policy” and the economic policy of the German Third Reich. No wonder. The very same people worked out and consulted the both governments at the time. They mainly represented US financial circles.

The Roosevelt’s New Deal soon started to stumble on the way. In 1937 America plunged into the quagmire of economic crisis. In 1939 the US economy operated at 33% of its industrial capacity (it was 19% in the heat of the 1929-1933 crisis).

Rexford G. Tugwell, an economist who became part of Franklin Roosevelt’s first “Brain, a group of Columbia University academics who helped develop policy recommendations leading up to Roosevelt’s New Deal,wrote that in 1939 the government failed to reach any success.There was an open seatill the day Hitler invaded Poland.Only the mighty wind of war could dissipate the fog. Any other measures Roosevelt could take were doomed to failure. [1] Only the world war could save the US capitalism. In 1939 the money owners used all leverage at their disposal to put pressure of Hitler and make him unleash a big war in the east.


The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) played an important role during the Second World War. It was created as an outpost of American interests in Europe and a link between Anglo-American and German businesses, a kind of offshore zone for cosmopolitan capital providing a shelter from political processes, wars, sanctions and other things. The Bank was created as a public commercial entity, it’s immunity from government interference and such things as taxes collection was guaranteed by international agreement signed in the Hague in 1930.

The bankers of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who were close to the Morgans, Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England, German financiers: Hjalmar Schacht (President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics in the Hitler’s government), Walther Funk (who later replaced Hjalmar Schacht as President of the Reichsbank) and EmilPuhl – all of them played an important role in the efforts to establish the Bank. The central banks of Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium and some private banks were among the founders. The Federal Bank of New York did its best to establish the BIS, but it was not listed as a founder. The US was represented by the private First National Bank of New York, J.P. Morgan and Company, the First National Bank of Chicago – all parts of the Morgan’s empire. Japan was also represented by private banks. In 1931-1932 19 European central banks joined the Bank of International Settlements. Gates W. McGarrah, a banker of Rockefeller’s clan, was the first BIS chairman of the board. He was replaced by Leon Fraser, who represented the clan of Morgans. US citizen Thomas H. McKittrick was President of the Bankduring the war years.

A lot has already been written about the BIS activities serving the interests of Third Reich. The Bank was involved in deals with different countries, including those Germany was at war with. Ever since Pearl Harbor the Bank of International Settlements has been a correspondent bank for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It was under Nazi control during the war years, no matter American Thomas Huntington McKittrick was the Bank’s President. Soldiers were dying on the battlefields while the leadership of BIS held meetings in Basel with the bankers of Germany, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain and the United States. There, in the Swiss offshore zone, it was all peaceful, the representatives of belligerents quietly worked in the atmosphere of mutual understanding.

Switzerland became the place where gold seized by Germany in different corners of Europe was transported to for storage. In the March of 1938, when Hitler captured Vienna, part of Austrian gold was transferred to BIS vaults. The same thing happened with the gold of Czech National Bank (48 million USD). As the war started, the flows of gold poured into the Bank of International Settlements. Germany got it from concentration camps and as a result of plundering the wealth of occupied countries (including whatever belonged to civilians: jewels, gold crowns, cigarette cases, utensils…). It was called the Nazi Gold. The metal was processed into ingots to be stored in the Bank of International Settlements, Switzerland, or outside Europe. Charles Higham in his Trading With The Enemy: An Expose of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 wrote that during the war Nazi transferred $378 million into the accounts of Bank of International Settlements.

A few words about the Czech gold. The details surfaced when after the Bank of England’s archives were declassified in 2012. [2] In the March of 1939 Germany captured Prague. Nazi demanded $48 million of national gold reserves. They were told that the sum had already been transferred to the Bank of International Settlements. Later it became known that the gold was transferred from Basel to the vaults of Bank of England. Upon the command from Berlin the gold was transferred to the ReichsbankBIS account. Then the Bank of England was involved in transactions done upon the orders of Reichsbank given to the Bank of International settlements. The commands were retransmitted to London. There was collusion between German Reichsbank, the Bank of International Settlements and the Bank of England. In 1939 a scandal broke out in Great Britain because the Bank of England executed the transactions with Czech gold upon the commands coming from Berlin and Basel, not the Czech government. For instance, in the June of 1939, three months before the war between Great Britain and Germany started, the Bank of England helped Germans to get into their accounts the amount of gold equal to 440 thousand pounds sterling and transfer some gold to New York (Germany was sure that in case of German intervention into Poland the United States would not declare war).

The illegal transactions with Czech gold were implemented with tacit approval of the government of Great Britain which was aware of what was going on. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir John Simon and other top officials did their best to hide the truth, including outright lies (the gold was returned to the lawful owner or had never been transferred to Reichsbank). The recently declassified materials of Bank of England reveal the truth and show that the government officials lied to cover up themselves and the activities of the Bank of England and the Bank of International Settlements. It was easy to coordinate the joint criminal activities because Montagu Norman, the head of Bank of England, served as the chairman of the board of Bank of International Settlements. He never made secret of his sympathy for fascists.

The Bretton Woods Conference, formally known as the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, was the gathering of 730 delegates from all 44 allied nations at the Mount Washington Hotel situated in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the United States, to regulate the international monetary and financial order after the conclusion of World War II. The conference was held from 1 to 22 July 1944. All of a sudden the issue of the Bank of International Settlements hit the agenda. It was reported that the bank collaborated with fascist Germany. Leaving many details aside, I’d only mention that with great difficulty (some US delegates opposed the motion) the delegates reached an agreement to close the BIS. The decision of international conference has never been enacted. All the discreditable information related to the BIS wartime activities was classified. Today it helps to falsify the history of the Second World War.

Finally, a few words about Hjalmar Schacht (1877-1970) who served as President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics in the fascist Germany’s government. He was a key figure controlling the economic machine of Third Reich, an extraordinary and plenipotentiaryambassador representing Anglo-American capital in Germany. In 1945 Schacht was tried at Nuremberg to be acquitted on October 1, 1946. He got away with murder. The same way it happened to Hitler. For some unexplained reasons he was not in the 1945 leading wartime criminals list. More to it, Schacht returned to his profession like if nothing happened and founded Schacht GmbH in Düsseldorf. This detail may go unnoticed, though it serves as another testimony to the fact that Anglo-American “money owners” and their plenipotentiary representatives in Germany prepared and, to some extent, influenced the outcome of the Second World War. The “money owners” want to rewrite the history of the war and change its results.

Valentin Katasonov


Strategic Culture Foundation (Russia)

[1] P.Tugwell, The Democratic Roosevelt, A Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt, New York, 1957, p 477.

[2] http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/arch…



BUT! is there a large chapter, how helped USSR to nazis and arming if nazi Gernmany???

Hulusi Akar

they keep capturing towns twitter.com/op_shield coward ypg running away on every front


Whatever Kurds do they’re still minority so it’s attempt at conscripting soldiers very few would seriously considered to fight for them especially so if their mission is to preserve Kurds ethnicity to keep in power.

Both Turkey backed militants and arab militants in US service do not like the Kurds establishing control over the region and over them so to send the Arabic fighters over to fight in Afrin is foolish since there’s a high chances they’ll sabotage Kurdish units.

Rather silly attempt at trying to control a puppets using a puppet hands.


Kurds, good fighters, were deliberately left landless as a group to be manipulated to the advantage of the money powers in 1916, DURING the WWI, via the Sykes-Picot agreement, carving up the Ottoman Empire between the Rothschild- French Empire (Picot) & the Rothschild-Brit Empire (Sykes) Whoever they fight for, they are dupes, disposable low-cost mercenaries.


They let themselves to be stateless. Well majority who stands behind the PKK/YPG/Peshmerga did unlike those who identify themselves as Syrians, Iraqis, or Iranians. There’s many more minorities other than the Kurds in example Iraq’s yet they don’t make themselves as if they’re of different breed than the rest of Iraqis.


Then why was Saddam Hussein gassing them?


If the gassed Kurds weren’t his enemy then they wouldn’t be gassed. And yes the gas is from somewhere.

jerry hamilton

The flags make sense. What doesn’t is why they called it ” Operation Olive Branch”. It is clearly the exact opposite.


Afrin is full of olive groves, can see them in almost every picture.

Michał Hunicz

The Syrian Army shouldn’t support YPG dogs who will eventually lose. I would support Turks’ invasion, try to capture Tel Rifaat and maybe even Afrin to have better negotiation place in Astana.

Hillary Trump 4 potus naaaaw

turdkey for the win


Seems like the town is taken and that SDF withdrew to their next line of defense.

After more then 6 weeks, TSK finally over 5 kms into Afrin. A major feat.


you can only run, if nobody helps. this was against isis, now against turks. as third, the finally rn will be before saa.


I m from Turkey and I hope Saa will finis this runn


The fall of Rajo will lead to capture of entire NW area.


sad news from AMN


Michał Hunicz

Once again it proves a stupidity of the NDF’s decision. Syria MUST NOT gain new enemies.


Assad sent them there.

Michał Hunicz

Source? The NDF is not army faction, only an equivalent of let’s say the National Guard.


Several dyas ago wrote about this AMN.

Btw., these were “syrian troops”. that means, they can go everywhere within syria.

Fuck turkey and their friends!

Richard M

Just like /dolf’s Waffen SS. Raping and murdering their way through civilian villages.


Lol f4aggot, that was the Red Army.



but the RA made as payback


The Waffen SS may have been many things BUT they were superbly trained and motivated soldiers, unlike the bandits that fight for Erdogan and the bandit Kurds that fight for the USA/Israel.


You got the part about motivation right. Those Erdogan/Kurd bandits in Syria are surely not as vigiliant in slaying as SS was.

jerry hamilton

How much of that do you actually think is true? As far as the German soldier was concerned, they were fighting the jewish Bolsheviks who murdered tens of millions of Russians. They were trying to keep communism away from Europe. Churchill was paid to go to war with them.


As far as the German soldier was concerned, Russians were subhumans (and all other East Europeans too). Anyone willing to kill Russians was instantly made German ally. If you think that Germans were trying to protect Europe form communism or anything else you must be high on some neo nazi drugs.

jerry hamilton

I have spent years researching this. I refused to believe what the jews told the world because they gave no proof. You want to believe in things without proof… Go ahead. Do you really have no idea what the Bolsheviks did?


I don’t care about Jews and what they have told you. Them lying to you does not negate things that nazis did to non Jews. If you are not a nazi supporter, then you should pay attention to that. Maybe nazis did not kill your peope, but they did mine (I am from Eastern Europe, a subhuman by nazi standards). If you did your research then you would know who had most casualties (sadly my small country is 4th).

jerry hamilton

How do you know that what you know is the truth?


Don’t get philosopical on me, I didn’t get my education from Wikipedia and CNN.

jerry hamilton

I in no way want to be offensive. You know things that I don’t and I know things that you don’t. I have studied WW2 for many years. Do I know it all? NO. What I do know is probably substantial compared to your average Joe. From 1933 the lies the media started about Germany was profound. But it was lies. You may have information to float some of the knowledge I have.


Here are some things for you to contemplate on: – it’s possible to hate both Jews and nazis at the same time (you don’t need to become a nazi supporter in order to show how bad Zionist are) – when you start flinging insults, you’ve lost the discussion

jerry hamilton

No. It means I don’t suffer fools.


You don’t “suffer” from common sense and basic logic, nor English language. Somehow, that poorly written sentence hints me that you may be from Eastern Europe, just like me. I wouldn’t be surprised if your grandfather fought for nazis, and you are just trying to continue the tradition. Well, you shouldn’t be surprised that Slavic people are oposing you, again.

jerry hamilton

That sentence could also indicate I was succinct. My father wore the uniform of the British navy. I studied at an English University. I apologise for my English being so poor.

I will put something to you and I would like you to tell me what is wrong with it.

Gas chambers would have been an incredibly stupid thing to utilise because……. Once the gas has killed people, it is still deadly. Opening the door would still take weeks for the gas to disperse as gas likes to live in an enclosed space. True or False?


I had a friend that believed Moon landings are fake. No scientific argument (and I had lots of those, because of my university education) could make him change his mind. I gave up. Saying that those claims are false won’t make you change your mind. Same goes for saying that truck with it’s exaust redirected so that it suffocates it’s cargo (i.e. alleged subhumans) is harmless for the driver. Same goes for saying that most of the WWII victims were not killed by any kind of gas. Maybe you would think differently if you had concentration camps and mass executions in your neighbourhood, and Gaswagen driving around the streets of your hometown. Instead of being grateful that your people were left out, you are here pissing on the dead.

jerry hamilton

Ok. One at a time. The moon landings were certainly surrounded in plausible controversy but the Russians would have known if it didn’t take place. A point of interest might be that petrol fumes can certainly kill a person. Diesel fumes however, and they were diesel vehicles, do not kill. Probably the most telling part of Gas Chambers was Betchley Park. They intercepted all of the work camps radio traffic. What do you think I should believe ?


If you actually are of Slavic blood, and still trying to defend nazis, then I have nothing more to say. Have a nice day.

jerry hamilton

You should have had nothing to say in the first place.

jerry hamilton

Are you Polish? My birth father who I never met was. I was adapted by a lovely couple in Liverpool England.

jerry hamilton

Looks like my reply was deleted. I will try again. That sentence should have indicated that I am succinct. My father wore the uniform of the Royal Navy as did my mother. I studied at an English University. Not the worst in the world. I do apologise that my English is not good enough for you.

In your defence, your English is good. Your opinions, not so good.


You drive me confuse, at first my English is pidgin, then my Grand father brother Willem Ruys was a Gestapo famous victim. My mother and her father spend the war in the Dutch resistance.

I learn German by the Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg family a German army officer and member of the German nobility who was one of the leading members of the failed 20 July plot of 1944 to assassinate Adolf Hitler and remove the Nazi Party from power….

Meanwhile JEWS aren’t my cup of tea for similar reason than Jerry Hamilton

Then I am bad for English, don’t like the Nazis and keep distance from the Jews, if not brilliant Anti Zionists intellectual…

it takes all kinds to make a world !



Read the beginning of this comment thread, it starts with Richard M. If you don’t like nazis, then you share mine and his opinon. We don’t have much else to discuss here, ’cause I surely won’t engage in Moon landing stuff.

jerry hamilton

In conclusion, you are a jew troll. Now F*** O**

jerry hamilton

No. Your Rabbi taught you talmud.

jerry hamilton

The Russians had the greatest loss of life and this is the sick part. The Germans did not want to fight the Russians. They wanted to fight the Bolsheviks. The media turned that round to mean jews rather than jewish Bolsheviks.


You are so blinded by hate for Jews that you automatically make their enemies your friends, just like USA befriended islamic terrorists to kill Russians and others. You know how that ends.

jerry hamilton

You couldn’t be more wrong. I research and learn. I change my mind based on evidence. I am unable to make a final opinion because I don’t know it all. I would however like an acceptable explanation of Kol Nidre.


Well, you have definately proved you obsession with Jews, because I had to Google that thing.

jerry hamilton

And what did you learn??? I started studying jews after the 2014 Protective Edge massacre. Until then I had no problem with them. What I learnt was horrific. https://holodomorinfo.com/ I started digging deeper and horrific was mild.


So you found out that Jews are bad, and concluded that nazis are good. And now you are fighting Jews by justifying nazi shit. But there are no Jews here, nor does they care.

jerry hamilton

You are pathetic. Sod off.

jerry hamilton


jerry hamilton

Oh no. OMG I’m obsessed. Holy father save me. Please someone save me. I’m obsessed. Oh no. no. no. You know, you sound just like a jewish troll.


Should be a fool to believe the History tales by Hollywood and the MSM owned by Jews.

I am not much interest by details. The XX Century had maybe 200 Millions victims, about 3% of them were Jews…

I am more impressed by the 97%…. or the 50 Millions Amerindians Genocide… Marlon Brando was irritated by the Jews playing and saying all the time to be the victims specialists !

The permanent German bashing is tiring. Ashkenazi in Israel are worst than the NAZI, and have none reasons to be in Jerusalem and Palestine !


Should be a fool to belive MSM/Hollywood/Banks. Should be a fool to belive nazis are the good guys. Finding someone worst than nazis doesn’t make them the good guys. It should not be a concept too hard to grasp.

jerry hamilton

While wiki is a zionist tool and will tell you that Bolsheviks were Russians, Winston Churchill and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn will tell you they were jews. While I don’t like Churchill for being a mass murderer, he was honest. Solzhenitsyn was one of our greatest Russian historians and authors.


I didn’t read Solzhenitsyn last book where he gave the torturers and Gulag managers names, they were Jews… For punishment, Solzhenitsyn vanished from the MSM… Before that he was considered the Modern Dostoïevski !

jerry hamilton



Thank’s, I love small focused books, One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich is wonderful and impressive !

Genius’s book are small, “De Moria” from Erasmus, “Le Petit Prince” from St Ex, the Machiavelli “Prince”, Orwell “Animal Farm”, Herman Hesse “Siddhartha” or Ivan Denisovich are books everybody should have read …

jerry hamilton

I tried sending you the URL but this site is strange about what it allows and what it deletes. Google “200 years together pdf WordPress”


Where did you see rape ?? XD.

Of course, you must the Nazis are the americans who raped women and children in Iraq.

Richard M

Oh yes, I’m sure Ottoman propaganda films will show bearded Free Salafist Army thugs hugging children and passing out candy. Looks like your Sultan is not allowing any media into occupied territories but approved Ministry of Propaganda hacks.


You didn’t answer the question. Where did you see rape ??? Absolutely no evidence.

But, there are testimonies about american soldiers raping children in front of their mothers in Iraq. Also, evidences that USA use uranium and forbidden weapons that causes malformed babies in Iraq.

Of course, you believe your american propaganda (the “good guys”). XD.

Richard M

You must never read my comments if you think I support US policy in Iraq and Syria. Not under Obama and Trump has been a yuge disappointment in continuing Obama’s pro-terror policies.


It’s not Obama pro-terror policies. Obama is just a f….ing pawn just like Trump. But, the stupids thought Obama was supporting sunnis terrorists because he was part of the Muslim Brotherhood. XD.

I laugh from such stupidities. There is no democracy in USA. The system is always the same. So, keep your illusion for the american circus elction show. XD.


Even though the US flag is somewhat symbolic, the fact the Turkish proxy forces are ‘stamping’ on the flag does not bode well for the USA illegally in Syria :)


Majority of those backed by wahhabistan in fact very anti American and west. Al qaeda affiliate such as HTS (before it tastes the streams of cash and alienated from the rest of salafist), Jaysh Al Islam etc treat the American with full distrust and their cooperation works in short term benefit without any more commitment. Pure business they’d say.


Murderers and rapists for hire.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Heros fucked Us. Coward syria can keep support terrorist Ypg. Turkish army will crush them together.


globalism drives ALL imperialism happening on the planet right now. The banksters have unlimited money = debt = slavery = power. Over everything. They own the debt. They own the credit. They own the corporations. They own the politicians and governments. This is all one needs to know, to understand geo politics completely. While fact, logic, reason, rational, and science agree.

We cannot change it. inequality rules.

US, on behalf of the globalists, is invading the planet. The US is able to do this, because they have a petrol dollar which allows them an extraordinary ability to print money endlessly, and still maintain a demand, notwithstanding inflation ( more money = debt added to money supply)

World needs to buy american dollars, in order to buy oil.

Oil companies are owned by the same rich who own the banks, big pharma, big food.

Funny when you think about it….

“Using the monetary system, the bankers have been able to steal ownership of most corporations on this planet. Big Pharma, military industrial complex, Big Agro, everything. Science says.

The sweetest part of that ponzi scheme.

a- The fact we and our governments borrow created out of nothing money from banksters, with interest,(1)

b- then we and the bought and paid for politicos give it back to the corporations the banksters own,(2)

c- all for the globalism the banksters seek.(3)

The herd is clueless. Willfully so. Good or bad, I dont know.

1- “In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money” http://www.bankofengland.co… “

2 -“So no, it’s not a hyperbole to say the Banking System is One. We’re not overstating the case when we say it’s just one massive cartel. That the banks own everything, including all the major industries. Oil, Weapons, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Telecom and IT, etc. It’s all one massive monopoly. Controlled from the top down “ ’A total of 737 control 80% of it all” The Money Power is real and these Swiss gentlemen have done us a favor by crunching the numbers.” Please Google “The network of global corporate control”

3- “Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ” | David Rockefeller | ( see trade deals removing sovereignty, immigration and mixing of cultures, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)


Cannot blame wall street. We accept the idiotology that allowed wall street to exist.

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