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MARCH 2025

Turkish Forces Cut Off Key Road In SDF-held Part Of Syria (Videos)

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In a surprise move, the Turkish military and the National Syrian Army (NSA) have managed to cut a key road in Syria’s northeastern region.

The road, which links the border towns of al-Darbasiyah and Ras al-Ayn in northern al-Hasakah, was cut by Turkey forces in the afternoon of October 10. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) didn’t show any serious resistance.

In the northern Raqqa countryside, Turkish forces continued their advance capturing the towns of Mushrfat al-Hawi and Barzan as well as the farmlands of Haj Ali and Bani Mashur, east of the key town of Tell Abyad.

Earlier, the Turkish military captured several villages and towns around Tell Abyad and Ras al- Ayn in what appears to be an attempt to isolate the two key towns.

The ground attack is being carried out in the framework of Operation Peace Spring, which was launched a day earlier. The aim of the operation’s first phase is to establish a “safe zone” over an area about 30 km deep and stretching about 120 km along the border between Tell Abyad and Ras al- Ayn.

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I don’t see how that would have been a surprise lol.


The tide is turning!!! RT Germany just reported: Kurdish leader agrees to let SAA take over and integrate with them! SAA will even provide air defense weapons! Lavrov was in Iraqi Kurdistan, making deals.. Looking GOOD! The Kurdish leader even said:” There is only one army in Syria, the SAA, the army of all Syrians, Kurds included!”


FINALLY They seems to have come to their senses!!

And FINALLY Syria will have a chance to get rid of BOTH US and TURKS!


I am going to pop a special bottle i have reserved for such moments. A GOOD end to this mess is FINALLY in sight, if all 3 sides Kurds, Russia and Assad dont fuck it up. If they unite, this will destory ALL ANTI ASSAD propaganda, leaving Erdogan with his pants down against ALL super powers and regional powers (Qatar aside ;)). FUCK YEAH!


‘The Kurdish leadership’ are Traitors and have to be dealt with as such. No negotiations with Yanki/IsraHelli lap dogs. In times of war it is necessary to execute those who have betrayed their country. Aldar Khalil and his yelps can either die in Syria as traitors or set up a government waiting in Hell Aviv

klove and light

read read the official Statement…..

Real Anti-Racist Action

It was the Kurds that invited the US and Israel in, and did the bombings in Turkey that made Turkey have to go after them. Seems to me the entire mess was caused by Kurd’s, they have back stabbed the Syrian nation after all. http://www.jcfk.org/images/newsroom/170918jpost.jpg


You are as lost as you always are. But you have been here for years, and still dont know even the most basic background info 99% here know after some weeks of reading e.g. here at SF? The war was started by the US, Israel, Turkey and financed by the Saudis and Gulf Staates. The Kurds were nearly all overrun, until at the last month the US finally gave them support. The fought for their lives bravely, and often in coordination with the SAA. But maybe you know it better than Assad? He sees the kurds as his citizens, despite their errors. The Turks, US, Gulf States and Israel plus their Jihadists? Much less… And what alternative had they Kurds? Assad had to concentrate its forces, and had no manpower, money or equipment to much help the Kurds. They faced Genocide by the Jihadis, and they took what they needed. All the fuss with being a US proxy force came much later, and Assad welcomes them with open arms. They are natural allies, and Assad knows it. Together they can stand their ground, divided much less. Plus, Russia has always kept good relations; out of a basic sympathy to their plight, but also precisely to this point. This is basic 1X1 of the Syrian war, so please dont spread your lies.


Typo corrected (repost not edit because Disqus algo sees often sees editing a post as spam):

You are as lost as you always are. But you have been here for years, and still dont know even the most basic background info 99% here know after some weeks of reading e.g. here at SF? The war was started by the US, Israel, Turkey and financed by the Saudis and Gulf Staates.

The Kurds were nearly all overrun, until at the last moment the US finally gave them support. The fought for their lives bravely, and often in coordination with the SAA. But maybe you know it better than Assad? He sees the kurds as his citizens, despite their errors. The Turks, US, Gulf States and Israel plus their Jihadists? Much less… And what alternative had they Kurds? Assad had to concentrate its forces, and had no manpower, money or equipment to much help the Kurds. They faced Genocide by the Jihadis, and they took what they needed. All the fuss with being a US proxy force came much later, and Assad welcomes them with open arms. They are natural allies, and Assad knows it. Together they can stand their ground, divided much less. Plus, Russia has always kept good relations; out of a basic sympathy to their plight, but also precisely to this point. This is basic 1X1 of the Syrian war, so please dont spread your lies.


Yes.. but it need to be said – they also backstab Assad when they could… for the promise of Kurdistan made by USA and Israel.. They even shoot at Syrian soldiers, killed Arab civilians and stolen big chunks of Syrian territory they never had any legit claims to.. And they cooperated and collaborated with ISIS lately against Assad.. They played big game – as it happens there are also big risks involved..

Iranian Falcon

Finally i found a wise and hate-free person here that talks some reason in this website, Thank you EveryoneIsBiased ❤️

S Melanson

Well said


I agree partially with what you are saying, but you left out the part where they have been oppressing the Muslim and Christian Arabs in Al-Hasakah and other areas and driving them out of their homes.

If they rejoin with SAA that is very good and for their benefit, but up till now they have been wanting autonomy, which the Syrian Government will not accept.

Tommy Jensen

Its because Israel and Kurdistan are the only two free democracies in ME. They are also in for green clima changes.


Greta i s with you

klove and light

sorry fake News bro……he lied/does not understand german…i posted the article above……..more important is the folllowing message from the officila syrian Government from yesterday……….I Quote/post : from Almasdar NEWS

Official Government Statement regarding the kurds in the east:

Home Syria Syrian gov’t rules out peace talks with Kurdish forces Syria Syrian gov’t rules out peace talks with Kurdish forces By News Desk – 2019-10-10

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:40 P.M.) – In an interview on Thursday, Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad said that Syria will not hold talks with the Kurdish forces in northern Syria because they “betrayed their country.” “The armed factions betrayed their country and committed crimes against it. We will not accept dialogue with those who became hostages of foreign forces. There will not be any foothold for agents of Washington on Syrian soil,” Mikdad said.


I really hope that this is true on live map it say the syrian foreign minister said that they’re not ready to talk with the sdf …


I would trust RT to not report lies on this, but The whole situation is so confusing, not only to us, but to all actors involved. It seems, one hands does not know what the other is doing. The real diplomacy and decisions is made by Russia anyway.

It seems though, that we will know for sure soon.


Im hoping you’re right


To be precise: The info came from an interview just made on Russia Today with:

“Badran Jia Kurd, Vertreter der Syrischen Demokratischen Kräfte in Nordsyrien” Badran Jia Kurd, leader/spokesman of the Syrian Democratic forces in North Syria.

Kurds have a pretty complex and confusing leadership structure, but this guy seems right at the top. And even if the deal got killed in the last moment: It shows, that the Kurds have given up on their delusional demands. They are sobered up. This is what was needed, and a deal is only a matter of time anyway now.

Lavrov just also declared, that Russia will “push” both sides, Kurds and Assad into a deal. And also declared, the Adana (i dont mean Astana) agreement is Russias plan forward. That would be the perfect outcome. Good to know Russia now takes the initiative. Putins strategy of building relations with all players now pays off, or at least that is the most likely chance of a good end to this. Additional Bonus: Putin now officially has more power that the US in the middle east. He is the one how can influence all players. And he alone.


Trust RT … Lol …. Sorry but if you collect from different sources you would known RT has an agenda (too)

Tommy Jensen

I would advise Syria to await the situation before they jump out in hasty decisions.


Not sure what your source is; Syria’s FM made an annoucement saying they won’t be negotiating any deal with YPG.


As i said to Richard below (my source is Russia Today Germany):

I would trust RT to not report lies on this, but The whole situation is so confusing, not only to us, but to all actors involved. It seems, one hands does not know what the other is doing. The real diplomacy and decisions is made by Russia anyway.It seems though, that we will know for sure soon

Real Anti-Racist Action

Doesn’t that show that the Kurd’s know that they cannot even fight. ISIS fought a 1,000 times better and with more courage then the Kurd’s. Kurds fight just like their allies the Israeli’s, they can bomb civilians but wont face off against well armed foes. http://www.jcfk.org/images/newsroom/171031i24.jpg

Tommy Jensen

Come on. The moment dollares are back the Kurds are turning on a coin again.

klove and light

you are not accurate……….fake News what u r spreading, Maybe also u dont understand german……here is the article…..

Am Donnerstag, nach dem Beginn der türkischen Militäroffensive, erneuerte Lawrow die Position der russischen Regierung: Wir werden für das Zustandekommen eines Dialogs zwischen der Türkei und Syrien Druck ausüben. Es gibt Gründe, anzunehmen, dass dies die Interessen beider Staaten befriedigen wird. Außerdem werden wir die Kontakte zwischen Damaskus und den kurdischen Organisationen, die den Extremismus und terroristische Methoden der Aktivitäten abschwören, befördern”, erklärte Lawrow. Dem russischen Außenminister zufolge seien beide Seiten – sowohl Damaskus als auch die Kurden – daran interessiert, die guten Kontakte Russlands zu allen Konfliktparteien zu nutzen, um einen Dialog einzuleiten. Lawrow bemängelte, dass die rechtmäßigen Bedenken der Türkei zur Sicherheitslage an der syrisch-türkischen Grenze innerhalb des Regelwerks von bestehenden Abkommen hätten gelöst werden können. Die Aktivitäten der US-Amerikaner und der sogenannten Koalition, die im eklatanten Widerspruch zum Völkerrecht Teile Syriens besetzten, hätten diesen Lösungsweg jedoch erschwert. Über Jahre hinweg hätten die US-Amerikaner, so Lawrow, Kurden gegen arabische Stämme ausgespielt.

in this article lawrov is ASKING for dialogue between syrian gov. and the kurds………not more……

Christos Pratis



Hmmm sweet PKK tears.

Valerianus Maximus

May there be a flood of them before this is over.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I see http://jewishbreakingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/kurdish.jpg


anything with the israeli flag makes me retch and conclude that israel has existed far too long and it needs to be eviscerated. seriously and when the kurd are brought back into the fold it might be a precursor telling us that israel is doomed, that the iron dome soon will be the iron dooooomkabooooom, what a larf! and a world wide anti-zionist day to celebrate the demise of the most evil illegal statehood in the last 230 years.

Iranian Falcon

They are barzanis just a clan with limited people support and enemy of PKK / YPG dont connect it with all kurds and YPG barzanis are rats.

klove and light

and very big big DOPE Dealers!!!!!-barzanis


Looks like the Kurds having spurned opportunity after opportunity to align themselves on the right side of history have not just been thrown under one bus but two In an interview on Thursday evening 20.40 Beirut time, Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad said that Syria will not hold talks with the Kurdish forces in northern Syria because they “betrayed their country.”

“The armed factions betrayed their country and committed crimes against it. We will not accept dialogue with those who became hostages of foreign forces. There will not be any foothold for agents of Washington on Syrian soil,” Mikdad said…. for more info check out AMN News


is he right – of course he is. kurds always far too clever for their own good.


The Kurds want a piece of the country while Turkey might want that too they know they can’t reasonably hope for more than political influence in the long run. The Syrian would be fools to support the Kurds.


Look at them … Fucking terrorists Turkey is helping terrorists Death to all people helping terrorists

Real Anti-Racist Action

Israels greatest ally the Kurd’s seem to fight about as well as the Israelis. IDF can bomb civilians just as the Kurds bombed the football game in Turkey some years back. But when it comes to facing off with those who’s lands they wish to steal, they are poor fighters. Turkey is like Hez knocking the crap out of IDF/Kurds who keep trying to lay claim to lands that belonged to others. Kurd’s did the Armenian genocide, and stole the land from native-Christian-tribes.

alejandro casalegno

Yes…..they were the “Einsatzgruppen” of the turks in the armenian genocide……….

Iranian Falcon

Fuck Deamon Turks & Isis & NSA and Islamists – Fuck Russia – Fuck USA – Fuck Israel – Fuck Assad – Fuck Islamic Devil Regime of Occupied Iran – Fuck Imperialism Capitalism. Ok im out of fucks now for a time ..

Concrete Mike

Fuck you treasonous kurd!

You betray syria, payback time, this is what you get for flooding the euphrates in september 2017 during the battle of deir ez zor!

You say we fight isis all the time, bleating it like the little piggies you are, yet the other hand is helping isis.

Come on how stupid do you think we are?

You are a treasonous motherfucker!

Reconcile with Syria is your only chance, take it or die, its thats simple.

Make the wise choice.

Uncle Meat

Yep, well stated. Saw through the bs immediately.

Harry Smith

It is good you are so focused on the “fuck”. Because there is a very big probability, that YPG would be hardly fucked very soon.


Valerianus Maximus

The Kurds are a feckless group of ingrates who are getting exactly what they deserve. Maybe the Zionists will ride to the rescue? All those jewish flags the Kurds wave must translate to some sort of military obligation.

Rhodium 10

I dont think that main purpose is to defeat Kurds….like in Idlib, Afrin and north Aleppo..there will be “moderates” and HTS ( Al Qaeda)…so the main purpose is to refill east Eufrates and Northeast of thousands of terrorist to fight and expel Kurds and also SAA in Hasaka…later to build another Pseudo califate as Erdohan know that sooner or later SAA will retake almost all Idlib!


I only see Deash-scumbags with turkish emblem on their raggtag uniforms shouting bullshit in those video’s. And the “Captured” weapons shows it was only a very small (scout/stay-behind) group… No big loss


Kurds don’t learn from history–now they suffer another painful consequence

klove and light

Erdogan yesterday:

He also spoke of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying: “Unfortunately, the regime’s choice was not in favor of democratic methods, but through coercion. Bashar al-Assad killed nearly one million people in Syria.” “We are a member of the alliance and Article 5 of the alliance provides for the support of any NATO country when it is subjected to terrorist attacks,” Erdogan told NATO members.

lol.. so the genie ist out of the bottle…………………….. i predicted that years ago………and this road was only possible through the Actions of Zionist pig Putin!!!

it will from now on be impossible for SAA to Advance in the east without Fighting a “real” war against a full NATO member, which again as i have pointed out a hundred times over the past years was the INTENTION of satanic zionism ALLLLLL along…… —-get NATO to OCCUPY parts of syria/parts of the resistance.

Any War between SAA and TAF will AUTOMATICALLY trigure Article 5 of the alliance.

I Quote from Nato article 5:

It commits each member state to consider an armed attack against one member state, in Europe or North America, to be an armed attack against them all.

Obvious where this will lead!!!! again…ty satanic treacherous Zionist pig Putin! well played!!!!


But on the ground is it really TAF there, or just militia they support? Sure in the air and artillery Turkey side of the border, it is TAF, but not so clear in Eastern Syria who is invading.


Was ‘Turkish Free Syrian Army’ (TFSA) at time of Afrin operation, now is ‘Turkish Syrian National Army’ (TNSA). Rebranded name is no less ridiculous than before, an is just as self contradictory now. The same old rabble of foreign sponsored, and often foreign, Islamist’s and mercenaries operating in Syria.

S Melanson

This is a well written thought provoking article by the Saker and will encourage needed debate on the complex situation in Syria.

I have predicted correctly the unfolding disaster for the Coalition in Yemen for over a year now – although surprised by the survival skills of MbS. This took a fair amount of critical thinking and connecting the dots but was doable.

And then there is Syria…

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