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MARCH 2025

Turkish Forces Fleeing From ‘Observation Posts’ In Government-Controlled Part Of Idlib Under Russian Protection

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Turkish Forces Fleeing From 'Observation Posts' In Government-Controlled Part Of Idlib Under Russian Protection

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The Russian Military Police is escorting units of the mighty Turkish Army that flee their ‘observation posts’ located in the area recently liberated by the Syrian Army. The video was filmed on the M5 highway.

Over the past months, the Turkish side has repeatedly claimed that it will keep its ‘observation posts’ in the part of Greater Idlib recently cleared of militants by Syrian troops. Nonethelees, it seems that the Erdogan government opted to slowly decrease the military presence there. In the event of an open conflict between Syria and Turkey, Turkish servicemen deployed at these posts will be captured immediately.


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Maximus Decimus Meridius

Stating that Russian military police units continue their patrols in the Aleppo and Raqqa regions, Juravlyov also said that the air patrol took place. All events were recorded according to the approved plan and without incident.


Fuck off you pomey fagot bob, now your pretending to be Turk you dumb shit.


This could be a bad thing.

In the event of an open conflict between Syria and Turkey, Turkish servicemen deployed at these posts will be captured immediately.

If you’re planning to engage in open hostilities with the SAA, leaving hundreds or thousands of your personnel behind enemy lines for easy retaliation is not a good thing for domestic PR purposes. I reckon that if the Turks left their troops in their holiday resorts that would a sign that there isn’t going to be any war breaking out soon.

That or the holiday resorts are finally running out of kebabs so the hungry rats are leaving the ship.

Josiah Isaboke

It’s called jumping into a war WITHOUT A PLAN! The Turkish military has proved to be incompetent even to itself…Remember when they planed a coup without having a clear plan and were overwhelmed by a few civilians who whipped them and embarrassed them in public? The SAA/Russian army outwitted them in Syria!They just surrounded their bases and post in a pincer movement and cut them from all sides and didn’t even fire at them….So they are stranded wondering,what do we do? If they shoot they will be overwhelmed for real….Just like in their coup here lying down bloodied and begging for dear life… https://fpif.org/turkish-coup-attempt-brought-worst-western-media/ Hahhahahahah!What a bunch of losers! When they go back home they will be beaten up by their civilians again for sure they might want to seek asylum in Syria

Maximus Decimus Meridius

The Turks do not fire at the Russians and the Russian forces do not easily shoot at the Turks. It is about country interests, not about who is bigger.


Aye. Starting wars without (realistic) plans is a surefire way to lose them. Just look at Germany in two world wars.

Just read a news article that gave me optimism, that piece of anal fungus Erdogan (no insults to anal fungi intended) wants to purge the Turkish army and government some more. Another 700 officers and officials to go. Purging your army before starting a war, always a surefire sign of success as well.

Constellation 2023

Coming from someone who most probably doesn’t wash his butt after taking a dump!

Jens Holm

Blind hen and rooster find food too.


Upvoting your own comment is not exactly the hallmark of intelligence. Even less if you’re trying to fling excrement at someone else. No insults to excrement flingers intended of course.


Who says you know how to wash your butt to begin with?

Jens Holm

Many jokes can be told about that. I know a fat fellow having short arms:)

Jens Holm

As I recall it, the Turkish forces are being modernized and by that will use less soldiers and thereofre also less officers.

It makes no sense to put in those rebellons, whoever they were or was a fake -As well as those 700.

In the plans for Turkey soldiers the Turks living outside Turkey now can pay to avaid being recruits.

I agree about WW1 and WW2. In WW2 Germans spread out making war with most parts of the world. I vould have made sense they only took the Molotob´v Rippentrop line and kept it.

By that they could have expended from North Africa taking Egypt splitting GB in the middle. Many might not mind about that as long as Suez was open doing fine – I think.

USA wasnt that unfriendly to the Nazis and germans vreated jobs in USA too.

Schliffen was very bad. It asumed old days, where France after loosing a part of France would negosiate a peace fx giving Germany some colonies. An attack shouldd have been taking Paris right away – If they could.

Ricky Miller

Ah, yes. See my point, SouthFront?


The Soviets were modernizing their army in the 1930’s too. Killing and sending a lot of their existing officers to the Gulags did not help in that effort. When you replace experienced officers with inexperienced officers whose only virtue is being loyal to the regime and being afraid to rock the boat you get the massive battles of encirclement and annihilation of 1941 where the Red Army needlessly lost millions of troops. Or in the case of Turkey Al Bab. Good officers are force multipliers, bad officers are clusterfucks in waiting, regardless of whether or not you are expanding or downsizing your army.

And that’s excluding that while downsizing your army does not automatically make it better or worse, it’s always good to have extra boots on the ground in war, not less. The US army expanded significantly during the occupation of Iraq, because it couldn’t pack enough boots on the ground otherwise, adding a 4th brigade to active army divisions and having to send in the national guard and army reserves to bolster up the active army.

Jens Holm

I commented why 700 Turkish offices are reduced away and tell they were not fired.

I tell the reasons for it and suddenly You think we shoulkd go back to Russia in 1938 comparing this as a fight between USSR and Turkey.


But I can compare. USSR lost many extra millions of soldiers, civilians and almost drowned in the most stupid kind of destruction ever seen by military and polical mismanegement of the worst kind.

It never was needed if they had kept the learning using their very good and very expensive fortification from Murmans to the bLack sea.


Bubba Junior

Russia during the winter war with Finland is a perfect exsampel. Erdogan ruined the officer core in the army and then jumped into war,much the same as Stalin did in the 30’s,with catastrophic results.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

The Syrian army cannot do a shit. Without Iran and the Russians, they would have already lost the war. No need to dream.

Josiah Isaboke

One thing about soldiers…NEVER HUMILIATE YOUR SOLDIERS! There is something called morale! Turkish soldiers now know they are disposable tools to be used by the elites …They have no value! Their own citizens didn’t even value them enough to listen to them when they started the coup! they beat them up and beheaded some of them….BIGGEST MISTAKE! You can beat your chest all you want but wars are won by preparing yourself mentally when you have a tough adversary like SAA/Russia. These memories is all the Turkish soldiers have in their minds … http://alwaght.com/en/News/61065/Turkey%E2%80%99s-Pro-Coup-Soldiers-Beaten,-Beheaded-Graphic-Image

Maximus Decimus Meridius

The Turkish military’s morale is always high. It’s not a Russian issue. The Turks fought the Russians 15 times. It is the Turks who fight the Russians the most in this world. But it’s not about fighting. You look at the event unilaterally. Sometimes there is not a single truth. There may be many truths.


Philosophically speaking there is only one truth ! The rest are perspectives we individually have.


NATO has a long history of ‘perspectives’. :)

Jens Holm

Thats right. So far Nato and EU has not collapsed.

We never did need fences to keep people stay in their countries. Not many from us emmigrate from here.

Constellation 2023

And that Truth is Traditional Islam. Period.

Jens Holm

It start with: Its written, but facts are most muslims only are told its written and too often is not at all.

Old analfabethic men create Islam as they wish and people follow according to the tradtions.

Even in the Catholic world people are not metioned as sheep and treated lik that.

Jens Holm

If its allowed by Goverments, there are more then 7 billion perspectives and hardly ever only one truth.

Maybee You are one of the ussual Sunni slaves of Islam, which from birth has learned, that deciding nothing Yourself is the best freedom at all :(

Josiah Isaboke

You beheaded your own soldiers? Who does that? Oh let me guess…ISIS! Now we know who created ISIS and why they are mad

Maximus Decimus Meridius

For me, Hezbollah or ISIS is no different.


Don’t look at it one-way, don’t forget that it can happen if you look at the circumstances there. The crackdown is happening and the public is very angry, there are guns everywhere and people are dying.

Christian S

Thats not entirely correct, u should know, terrorist coalitions had years of preparation and from start got support of zionist and nato. This got scaled up after hezbollah joined in 2013 they send in deash to counter, stalemate begin 2015. Nato decided to supply atgm in spring 2015 crippled SAA was losing war indeed .iran and russia restored balance in autumn same year by support SAA. Nato gave up on its proxies by end of 2016 with qatar and SA followin very soon axis bein victorious on all fronts. Turks will have to accept defeat.


You forget the NATO funded White Helmet jihadis that are still funded today.

Jens Holm

Even babies wearing white helmets even they sometimes hide them. 550.000 dead ones hip hip.

Christian S

those are done, their project failed even if ZOG entity keeps cash flow running, they fleein for Turkish borders, many probably already fled to hollywood to extend their carreer, they need more soulless shitbags over there who would do everythin for an oscar

Ricky Miller

Whatever. Three major powers (U.S. UK France) and three regional powers (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel) all conspired to overthrow Syria’s government and shipped in vast amounts of foreign jihadi fighters and weapons into Syria in order to accomplish that aim. Iran, Hezbollah and Russia joined the Syrian government in fighting back. The help provided has been enormous, most of all Russia shielding Syria from UNSC resolutions and from large scale outside invasion, but make no mistake the bulk of the fighting and dying has been done by the SAA and government militias. They deserve credit for the weight they’ve carried and for winning back the bulk of their own country.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Ok I wrote a different version of the same thing. :)))))

Ricky Miller

No. You put down Syria’s contribution to it’s own effort. The SAA has done the bulk of the heavy lifting across many fronts. Iran, Hezbollah and Russia’s help did put them over the top but without the contributions of all there would be no victory. BTW, Hezbollah and ISIS are two way different organizations. Most of Hezbollah’s functions are social and political. They feed and house people in Lebanon and protected Christian and Druze villagers in the Syria war. ISIS did something far different, including taking women as slave brides and murdering them if they resisted. You will never find an incident of that happening in Hezbollah and the leadership would never tolerate it. They are not even remotely the same.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Hezbollah, PKK and ISIS are globally accepted terrorist organizations. Dot.

Ricky Miller

Hezbollah is not. It has been declared a terrorist organization because of Israeli and American pressure. But it’s political wing has offices in Europe. It has not been declared a terrorist organization by Russia or China. And when was the last time you heard of any Shia committing a terrorist act in the West? The 9-11 hijackers, all Sunni. Madrid, Boston marathon, Manchester, London, Orlando, Paris? All Sunni. Hezbollah doesn’t attack civilians and members of Hezbollah have never been involved in a terror attack in North America or Europe. They are hated by the U.S. And Israel because they spanked Israel’s ass right out of Lebanon.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Really? Reminding the 1994 AMIA attack that was recorded as “the bloodiest attack in the history of Argentina”, Hernandez drew attention to Hezbollah’s presence in Latin America.The AMIA attack, which was recorded as the “bloodiest attack in the history of Argentina”, was held in 1994. 85 people were killed and more than 300 were injured in the attack. Iranian intelligence and Hezbollah were held responsible for the attack.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

is a terrorist organization that carries out massacres in the name of Islam. They strive for the sovereignty of the judiciary, do not hesitate to murder people on this path, and believe that one day they will lead the jihad. They also have greetings like hitler salute. I am sure that everyone watching the emergence of the tombs of the civilians they killed in a villa in Beykoz after a live broadcast on television has frozen the blood of everyone. Thanks to Hezbollah, we watched the brutality live, it was one of the scariest things I have ever seen, I don’t think I could ever forget it.

Jens Holm

WE – like me do watch. I am worried but I dont see them as terrorists.

Ricky Miller

Without proof. And even if it’s an outlier. Hezbollah is involved in an ongoing war with Israel. And I noticed you completely sidestepped the fact of which terrorists are involved in attacks this century. Ah, yes each time I hear of a new atrocity in the Western World committed by extremists I think “those damn shia, probably Hezbollah are at it again.” No, I don’t. Because Sunni extremists are exclusively behind those attacks and Hezbollah attacks Israeli targets, almost completely targeting Israeli tools of oppression and violence.

Jens Holm

Thats not enough.


Dude, Israel and America hold Iran responsible for everything. Before that it was the Libyans. Then they use those allegations to screw over the last few sovereign nations (like Libya) on the planet. Except it hasn’t worked in Syria.


The US has a history of abusing classifications to serve it’s rabid political agenda.

Any enemy of the US is at risk of being declared a ‘ terrrrrrrrooorrrrrist’ by the clowns that rule over the USA.

Jens Holm

Maybee foools are below clownd. I think I see that too.


Phew, reading that shite was starting to wear down my soul. Another to the block list

Jens Holm

Hesbollah is not.


God, you’ve got a long latin name for an idiot.


Well said.

Jens Holm

Viva the Oblask


And they won with second-hand weapons and 1970s aircraft. Deir Ezzor was defended for years by a literal handful of guys who used to run from firing point to firing point to conceal how few soldiers were left. Al Kindi hospital was defended to the death. Patriotism and heroism on daily display.


About the best ground military on earth todays,consider the battles against well funded (best,rest of the wests) contigent,makes it even more remarkable todays! Remmenber the usa never went into any serious battles against either to date, allied airforce hits a plenty,most notably against vital infastructures of syrians, then when russia does prescision hits directly at small buildings where teorrists were seen running to and fro,the tyrant affiliate lamestream promotes genocides?

Josiah Isaboke

At one time there was around 350,000 jihadis fighting the Syrian army!You have to hand it to them…Turkey was booming in Business from collecting visa charges to accommodation costs and food and service industries and not forgetting the weapons getting paid…Hell,The Turks even made like 10 billion Euros threatening to unleash and exodus of refugees to Europe! The Turkish GDP grew by a whooping 6-7.5% in that period 2014 – 2017(The height of ISIS)…Now it has really slowed to around 3% and unemployment levels increased 4 fold. OF COURSE YOU WILL GET MAD IF YOU ARE EMPEROR ERDOASS. He wants thing to remain as they were. Even if Turkish soldiers have to be blown away to do so. so be it! Hahhahahahhaa! This is not going to end well https://www.statista.com/statistics/263612/gross-domestic-product-gdp-growth-in-turkey/


You are right that without Iran and Russia they would have lost the war. Similarly without the West, Turkey and the Arab Gulf states funneling weapons and Jihadis into Syria there wouldn’t even have been a war. And in 2015 the SAA was fighting on dozens of fronts, which seriously sapped and depleted its strengths, with many draftees evading service. Because who wants to be on the losing side? Whereas nowadays the Idlib front is the only front. And the SAA has managed to increase its manpower base. Because who now wants to be on the losing side?


Just keep on dreaming there English bob, you Al-Qaeda buddies are done for as well as the Turkish shit in Idlib.


The Syrian army is being attacked directly by the US Coalition of Terror and their Wahabi proxies. The Syrian army has stood tall for 8 terrible years.

The Syrian army has withstood the military assault by the richest nations on earth.

God Bless the SAA.

Jens Holm

More like God has made Syria to a long time hell. What has all those people done:(

Ricky Miller

They declined to turn both their organs of governance and economy over to Western corporations and intelligence services. It was something about going their own way and all that, as enshrined in both the UN Charter and Roosevelt’s four points. They could have caved and gotten Libya’s kind of hell. At least in Syria’s own perdition they have a chance to continue to govern themselves, however imperfectly.

Jens Holm

“They declined to turn both their organs of governance and economy over to Western corporations and intelligence service”

is very incorrect.

Whats to plundre in Syria. You hardly produce anything we need and want apart from dates at christmas.

Oil already is owned 50% by foreign companies and the rest probatly would cintinue to run free into the already full corrupt pockets of Assads.

You dont get the Syrian point, which also see for Egypt. The socalled Governes are ineffective producers of the worst kind and behave like fx the Baath Party are owners of the whole Syria.

They are not, so Yes. Those private corrupt ineffective owners should share everything with the rest of the population making incitaments for increased production. As long as people has no money, we cant sell stuff. Do You get that simple part.

You defend a system telling we want to steal yje oil and not even able to produce simple plastic bottles for own use.

You also assumeinternational companies is a bad thing. Well Western economies are as big as e´ver and do mpore then feed the populations. So You – maybee by Your promitive Muhammed Economis – dont understand how Our part of the world is at all.

Vital things are not even in Your vokabular. You need tó learn a lot about the many good things from our world as well as we have bad things too.

Only Kurds has seen that and none of You like that too.

I would be happy the Chinese took over. Then You might start blaming them doing nothing Yourself.

Paul Sharpe

I get the feeling that this is all for show. If the Takfiri get wind that Turkey has abandoned them, they might retreat across the border and cause havoc. Why would Turkey remove thousands of fighters to Libya just before this offensive? The fake reports of retaliation against the SAA? The temporary OPs which do nothing and melt away? Nobody wants these animals to come home alive.


I’m pretty sure the Takfiris have a colossal morale problem right now (which is managed by interning their families to make them fight). With allies like that, who needs enemies?

Duc Palatine

Have not most of the Turks left their observation posts under Russian escorts

Josiah Isaboke

Turkey has been well humbled and tamed after all that bravado of breathing hell and fury to annihilate the SAA by Emperor Erdo. He is such a Pri/ck ! Russians probably talked to the Turkish soldiers and asked them if they want to die to save Erdo’s egocentric dreams…Hahhahhahahahah! Turkish troops are the same that were kneeling before their civilians here when their coup to overthrow the emperor failed…They are not EQUIPPED MENTALLY for a real war with the SAA and Russia! Erdogan was just talk talk talk

Maximus Decimus Meridius

What shall we do? Let’s kill each other more ???. Sometimes you have to shout to make your voice heard. that Turkey’s situation in Syria. There are 1.5 million Syrians at our door, and they are not running towards Iran or Russia. Arab states do not take them, and the people of Idlip do not want Assad. What shall we do ?????


Stop arming Al-Qaeda, disclose of all locations of warehouses, disclose location of Al Julani, leave all Nato/turkish equipment that is in Syria behind and Turkish solders catch the green bus. That is what should be done!

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Is this the order from Hezbollah ??? Like a joke.


You asked “what shall we do ?????”, it is not land! This mess isn’t even finished yet and they want to start in Libya.


No one outside starts anything. If your country becomes a victim of propaganda and is open to foreign powers, you will be torn apart within yourself and fall into the arms of dental forces.


Yeah, so you arm al-qaeda, steal resources, burn down infrastructure, kill minorities and enslave the masses because it is open to foreign powers? If you haven’t noticed, they are not the ones that are torn within! Ottoman Empire 2.0 has failed.


Unfortunately, this is the world, the modern way of War by imperialist powers.


Fortunately they survived, the way they are going Hatay province could be on the cards and NATO will do nothing, count your blessings and the the Syrians be!


Turkey would not have entered Syria if there had not been an exodus to Turkey and opposition forces had not threatened the border. If Turkey have a plan like Ottoman 2.0, i think it would have invaded from the beginning.


When did you start following this war? Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, France, United Kingdom, United States of America orchestrated this from the beginning. Where was the first ‘Free Syrian Army” headquarters? In Turkey!

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Turkey also took the guys you mentioned are trained to fight with ISIS.


Yes, they also bought oil from ISIS, they also welcomed ISIS through their airports, they also exported ISIS to Europe, basically they married ISIS.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

These are stories that never have a primer. Turks do not need oil from ISIS.




Idiot. Look at the facts , not your genitals.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Really? Look at the oil fields in Syria. How did ESAD continue the war in Syria? Did he buy gas from Iran or from Russia? Or from ISIS? all the false news against Turkey and this is a dirty war.

Ricky Miller

It’s not false news that Turkey has supported the formation and arming of armed jihadi gangs in Syria. It’s not false news that Turkish forces are inside the territory of a neighboring state against that state’s will. It’s not false news that Turkey failed to fulfill the terms of the Astana and Sochi agreements that required the Turks to remove terrorist formations 20km from the contact line, clear the highways for shared use, cease support and contact between Turkish proxy groups and HTS. Turkey failed to complete a single one of those committments, in over fifteen months. Talk to the hand.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Dude, you wrote down the things you believe in, and they’re not real. – The weapon incident was carried out completely against ISIS. -Turkey has been in terms of border security in the framework of the presence of Adana agreement in Syria. -Turkey Idlib is not invading. Control points are available. There are 70,000 militants here. Turkey did try to moderate them but did not. However, we do not have to clash with these groups. -Turkey has never making the first fire of the Syrian army. Syrian refugees and is also located 4milyo Turkey’s concerns -Turkish coming to our door. None of this stuff is a lie.


Erdo was personally buying cheap Syrian oil stolen by ISIS with his son etc for years.

Erdo is no more than another gangster with a state funded palace.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

It was estimated that the oil produced in ISIS-controlled oil fields in the mid-2015 reached 30 to 40 thousand barrels per day. ISIS sells crude oil to traders, and these traders take it to small refineries in areas under ISIS control. These refineries produce petrol and diesel, then all sold in Syria and Iraq, much beyond the borders, often were smuggled to Turkey. Those who do this smuggling are generally KURDS.

Jens Holm

Actually it was family of his. And it is WAS.

SDFs sell or smugle oil to Turks but probatly not Erdo. All did if they could use it in trade.

You forget that.


Lots made it to switzerland whos channel was it? Anything for eu promotion back then i guess,later on they tried to neck him!

Jens Holm

I hope You feel better after this:)

Jens Holm


Maximus Decimus Meridius

Will the Ottoman be established upon taking Syria ?????? Nonsense

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Russia does not give Syria 5 money for reconstruction. This war has already exhausted the Russian budget. Iran does not sin. The aim of Iran is a war of power in this region. Rich Arabs will not give money anyway. However, Turks built schools and hospitals in their region. However, ungrateful Syrians will never understand this. There will be no help from Turkey.


No one wants Turkish help, worry about yourselves, how is the Turkish economy?

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Fine, if you follow the economic news, you will see that it is fine. But everyone knows that it is 100 times better than Iran and Syria. I live in Iran for 1 week with 100 lira.


Ok…so Turkish economy is strong enough to join the EU or even compete with them? This war has drained Turkey economically and politically, it will take the Turks 50 years to come out of this.


What makes you think Turkey wants to join the European Union?what does the economy have to do with this? Turkey’s economy is stronger than many European countries. Moreover, the European Union is increasingly weakening.


Turkey has tried since 1949. Read up!


I’m not saying you haven’t tried it,read it well. Turkey no longer looks at joining the European Union as moderate.


Turks will sell their mothers to join the EU, that is fact. Go to Bremen and other places in Germany and have a look yourself, they want to be in Europe more than the 72 virgin pigs.


Okay, you’re good at deflecting. have a nice day.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Finishing is zero, but let me explain something to you. Turks’ dream of heaven is not 72 virgin nonsense like other Muslims. We Turks only fight for what we believe to be true in order to earn the creator’s respect.


Don’t need to explain anything to another Muslim. Why can’t the Turks be like Oman? Because your ideology is ever leaning towards imported Wahabi ideology.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Dude understanding of Islam in Turkey is generally very close with Deism. In other words, the man is muslim but he does not pray or do not fast in Ramadan. Of course, there are those who do these, but the majority is different. This is the interpretation of Islam with the old shaman understanding. The purpose here is respect and love for the creator.


Maybe you need better leaders. I know Turks are great people, I have a tremendous amount of Turkish friends, I even love their food. Your leaders have sold you out to Israel and Saudi Arabia. Good luck with the future, love and respect to the Turkish people.

Jens Holm

No wonder they go to Israel and Saudi Arabia, when they read someone like You:(

Jens Holm

Thats untrue. Turks have several versions of Islam including ones, which some mulsims say is not Islam at all.

Jens Holm

Yes, I see corners of that too.

Actually all Islam is imported. Before that other relgions were dominant.


Fuck off bob, its your new alter-ego your pathetic.

Jens Holm

Even You is allowed to have an oppinon. Two Maximusses allowed for one of Yours :) I hope You are not a twin too…

Jens Holm

Thats no correct at all. Sure manyf rom Turkey are feeling fine there.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

For better understanding, we don’t want to marry the EU, we just make love :))))))))


Theeconomy in the EU is not well. It is supported by zero interest rates an to much money in the market which lead to high rents and an asset price bubble which will boost sometime.

But even worse it is in Turkey. The interest rates are also to low and the economy grew only because of terrible high debts of the incompetent Edogan Goverment.

If there would be just one bomb in Antalya or Adana the turkish tourism indurstrie would become insolvent, there will be a hard an long recession and the Lira will fall another 50%.

Then Turkey cann not finance wars in Libya, Syria, Irak an Kurdistan any more.

Jens Holm

I agree in that. The Lira will fall. I also see Russia might not be able to finance their wars.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

We are not fighting anyone, this is the point you do not understand. Here a ton of bullshit is written and drawn. Firstly, the Syrian army attacked the Turks. The Turks later responded. This has been the case in both cases. The Turkish government does not want Assad, yes, but never directly attacked the Syrian army.


Again fuck off bob.

Jens Holm

Sure, and Turks invented the Compas too:)


You rally are a waste of breath.


Maximus Decimus Meridius

Unlike you, I don’t write that I believe in my own and my ideology is true. Everything I write makes sense and has evidence. BYE

Ricky Miller

Russia has more than 550 billion dollars worth of hard currency reserves and debts totalling less than 300 billion. That’s called a surplus. I know, it’s hard to understand in the Western economic world where deficits are run as far as the eye can see in order to make the system work, but Russia’s budget is far from exhausted. It’s about priorities for Russia, and helping develop Russia’s own infrastructure, improve the lives of Russia’s people and defend the country is the Kremlin’s stated priority for the national wealth fund. Russia can help some to rebuild Syria but it’s going to take the help of others for it to be done quickly and right.

Jens Holm

Nice number, but it very instabile as blowing with the wind if the prices for oil and gas goes down.

Russia is too dependent of that export. If the Corona spread the trade will lower and Russia and aother priducers will be in big trouble.

Your version of Western Economics is only partly true. That economy has a very high level and therefore also can decline some with no problems fx lowering the value of the dollar a little


” What shall we do ????? ”

REPENT your many sins and pay massive compensation to Syria for a start.


Be constructive, not destructive. These are not things that can be solved with compensation. He can’t even resolve a truce.

Jens Holm

I think he prefare massive re active pay. Whois Syria??


sure it´s funny, but it could also mean that turkey is preparing for escalation


Turkey is just running away. Escalation? Bluff

Josiah Isaboke

How do you prepare for escalation when you are behind enemy lines? Remember they Syrian army surrounded them in a pincer movement and ignored them while they continued to kick the jihadi a/a/ss/es and blow them to smithereens! If Turkey tries anything now they risk even killing their own soldiers….Their are around 10 such Turkish OPs if you cared to check the map! They just were told to go to Syria and don’t have a war strategy…Simple

Jens Holm

I se no sign of that.

But real war would be to take Aleppo city and Latakia in one or 2 fast steps.

So forget “pinch” in a clver way or by tunnels.

You have not seen the Turkish army and airforce there at all. They are very strong, but outbalanced by Russians.

They do have more then 100 HQ jets as well as many kinds of missiles. We dont see many of their Leopards as well.

You dont know their war strategy at all. I do not know their startegy. Maybee they do not themselves. But a version could be using Idlib in trade for keeping Afrin and Azas as protectorates for keeping most of the refugees there until Assads want some few of them back.

Ricky Miller

No way. Turkey’s air force won ‘t last long over Idlib. Russia has made it clear that the airspace is closed to combat operations against the SAA. And the Russian force in Syria, although small, has the tools to back that prohibition up. There are two S-400 battalions inside Syria, both of which could combine to shoot down some three dozen or more Turkish aircraft, in short order. If the Turkish Army manages to advance against the SAA positions without air cover, and cover that ground all the way to Aleppo in two “fast steps” it would be a military miracle.

Jens Holm

I wrote it as a scenario only…

In Your assumtions and facts You also might assume, that USA and West might not let Turkey loose.

Smith Ricky

Escalation? ??

Jens Holm

I see that version too. Erdogan has made himself into a corner and even has asked Trump for help. Expecting something from there is far out.

But in warmatters it make sense to evacuate those outposts so the soldiers there will be no hostages or prisoners.

We will see.

Maybee we should send him books from out library. We even have several for strange explanations. He might need that, if Goofle translate can handle that well:)

Best made joke made by me today is, that the firtst Ianian nuke most likely will hit Tehetan Airport.

Number 2 might be no one in ME will die today, because heaven is overcrowded. So far Allah has mailed to Rome and Krisna for help:)

Samuel Vanguard

Turkey is now in a military quagmire

Jens Holm

I dont seee that. They are in political quamire by Erdogan … whatever.


Same video…different view…



You nailed it Adi, well done.


The shit stain flacid zion is back, you lost in Syria get over it Israeli pussy.

Jens Holm

Best greetings from sandniggers of arabistan.

Last science news: The Baktrian camel was made by fat arabs.


He’s one of the “crazy davids” from Tel Aviv. Troll teams of a dozen under a single pseudonym.


…This is the beginning of the End of Erdogan “Ottoman fantasy”. Syria has already won the war beforehand.

Mustafa Mehmet

Clueless.no 1 won war in Syria. just started.. very soon you will see.. First.. Republic of putin. 2..Republic of tramp. 3.republic of Erdoğan 4..Republic of Kurdish.. 5..Republic of Molla and assad and hesbo

Jens Holm

I think I agree. It also easy to make war. The difficult part is making peace and which kind of peace.

The Man

Well Mehmet you Turkish Turd… Nice to see you piece of shit squirting out from under your stone. Do us all a favour, and just ‘squirt on back’ under that stone. You have no clue about anything excepting jizzing off and bending over!

Duc Palatine

I suspect Turkey to make a limited but heavy attack on the SAA but only in a location where they can easily retreat from. If the SAA has fire control on the main roads and escape points which is the way they always works the Turks my hold back. Syrian aircraft can destroy columns of military hardware exposed on main roads and it’s risky fighting in mountainous terrain. I think we’re seeing a token attack, a sacrifice of Turkish soldiers for Erdogan’s media campaign. The great warrior decimates SAA something like that. It’s going to be difficult dislodging well dug in Turkish troops close to the border. Because the headchopprs are now using Turkish hardware, personal carriers and tanks, they cannot be distinguished from regular Turks, the Russian airforce will continue destroying them regardless. Is this how it will play out if it follows the same pattern as up to now? We will no doubt find out later this week.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

What you do not understand is that the Turks do not directly attack the Syrian army, as the Turks do not want to disrupt the relationship with the Russians. This is the point.


Indeed, without Russia and Iran, Syria’s job would be very difficult.

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Yesterday I heard in the news, 1000 Syrian families fleeing Aleppo and take refuge in Idli, fleeing to the mountain when bombing occurs. The Turkish press finds them when it is about to freeze from the cold. In this way, 1.5 million people come to the border with Turkey.

Josiah Isaboke

Oh You mean the Wives of the jihadis and their children? Those ones can’t stay because everyone knows who they are…It’s like the women and men that collaborated with the NAZIS during the 2nd world war…EVERYBODY wanted their blood so some ran away to other countries to escape the wrath. We know Jihadis have families so they have to run where their jihadis are protected. What are you daft? Normal people are going back to their destroyed homes in Aleppo just like other liberated cities. Those running away ….

Maximus Decimus Meridius

How easy is it? They immediately became jihadists to justify yourself. Please don’t lose your humanity.


You lost in Syria and your Turkish saviors are bust, now fuck off bob.

“Yesterday I heard in the news” and of course you trust everything you heard in the news (turkish news).

Duc Palatine

Why is Turkey massing so much armour and ammunition manned by Turkish troops if they don’t intend to retaliate. There are not enough headchppers who know how to use most of it. Turkish troops will have to take part. Will the Russian airforce destroy Turkish tanks and rocket launchers? I guess we will see.


I saw this clip from another source that claimed that it was an escort of Turkish reinforcement/resupply to a Turkish observationpost in SAA controlled area.


“Run Charlie!” Seems like the Sultan’s declaration of war has turned into a declaration of surrender. ;O)

Alex Cabrera

they should not have let them out trapping manpower and equipment of the turks can be use as hostages


The Russians might have kindly asked the Turks to abandon the observation post that is disrupting M5 highway, so that civil citizens can travel freely between Damascus and Aleppo. Bearing in mind that they have resumed their joint patrols most likely this is the case.


Turkey banned Cyanide a few days ago due to suicide for economic despair. Turkey is in a bad shape. War is probably the only thing that will delay the demise of Erdogan. The Russians right now apparently asked for his removal (informally).


“It seems that the Erdogan government opted to slowly decrease the military presence there. In the event of an open conflict between Syriaand Turkey, Turkish servicemen deployed at these posts will be captured.”

That is true. That is maybe not a retreat, like it seems to be, but the insight by Erdogan that there will be no diplomatic solution with Putin. In the case Erdogan wants to attack SAA he must retreat the posts before and hopes to intall them later again.

If so, THERE IS NO MUCH TIME FOR SAA to conquer stratagical goals like border crossings, weapon depots, important hills, airports and so on.

Will SDF help to free the hills in southern Afrin?

Constellation 2023

Everybody will soon see how Turkish Forces “flee”. Wait for it terrorist Assad regime cowards.

You can call me Al

Not another dumb fucking Yank, piss off.

Ron Demarco


Jens Holm

Thats no comment.

The Man

Like DOGS, these Turkish scum are running back to their goyim bitch, erDOGan…


Hot time to help CIA to get rid of Erdogan


excellentes news!!!

Liberal guy

At least hv Turkish coffee

John Ballantine

Seen this on Syrian live Map and the headline was resupplying of Turkey outpost in Idlib region????

Todd Allen

Prescient video of Turkish withdrawal from observation posts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUG9VzHoEoc

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