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Turkish Forces Increase Pressure On YPG In Afrin Area (Videos)

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Turkish Forces Increase Pressure On YPG In Afrin Area (Videos)

Illustrative image: BULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images

The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have advanced further on positions of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the area of Afrin. According to reprots, the TAF and the FSA have captured the villages of Qurayriyah, Qatirah, Karakih and have entered the Sharan district center where clashes are ongoing.

In turn, the YPG has conducted a series of counter-attacks against units of the TAF and the FSA. However, Kurdish fighters have not been able to stop the Turkish military operation. The YPG just lacks manpower and equipment to counter Turkish attacks on multiple frontlines.

On March 6, the TAF’s general staff released a new statement claiming that at least 2,872 “terrorists” [i.e. YPG members and their allies] had been neutralized since the start of Operation Olive Branch in Afrin on January 20.

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Promitheas Apollonious

the funny part with the kurds is they trusted the Uk/Usrael to protect and save them against Syria and they get it up the a*s from their `allies`.

I guess the joke is fully on them.

Omer Cayirli

Best ally for the Kurds in the region is Turkey. They need to put their hat in front of them and think this wisely. Just, see what happened in Northern Iraq. They were doing just well with a big help from Turkey until they decided to go for an independence refarandum as a result of which they have lost almost everything they have gained.

Promitheas Apollonious

you need to convince the kurds of that not me. For the time been, you killing each other, so that is the reality for longer I remember.

Omer Cayirli

Actually, we are not in the mood for convincing anybody: Kurds, U.S. or others. They need to understand the strong will Turks have on this issue. It’s not just about Erdoğan. If Erdoğan pulls back without achieving the ultimate goal which is finishing PKK and its affiliates, he will lose a lot of ground politically.

Promitheas Apollonious

Erdi has lost the common sense and he is stepping in much bigger shoes than his little feet can fit in. Russians know they can not relay on turkey not to backstab them, the americans already are pissed off with him hence the reason they attempted to end him and that has not changed.

Now you telling me the best allies of the kurds are the turks whop genocide them…………. dont you think it sounds kind of weird what you claiming here?


he’s a turkish shill, what do you expect. Turkey can never do anything wrong in his eyes.

Omer Cayirli

Yeah, I’m a proud Turkish guy. Who are you?

Promitheas Apollonious

shill no just a turkish brainwashed kid that he believe what they spoon feed him. Especially now with the none return trip Erdofart, is taking them all.

Moshe Dummstein

he might be brainwashed in your terms; but the language you are using shows what you are made of.


What genocide you are talking about, could you explain? There are millions of Kurds living peacefully in Turkey. Its the habit of yours just like you did in Cyprus and in Turkey after WW1.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes we seen how their villages and towns been bombed as well the peaceful fights you have between you and them in turkey for how long now?

30-40 years… not to go farther back. Personally you have my blessing to kill each other as I see it as both your absolute right. Now what you think we did in Cyprus, i have no idea.

Moshe Dummstein

backstabbing? why should Turks backstab Russians or vice versa? any particular incident that might support your point? you wouldn’t refer to the downing of the fighter jet, would you? that point would be totally moot for it was the US meddling thru its proxies in Turkey, whose leader they are currently abetting in Pennsylvania. why do you thing 10K got sacked from the military in 2016?

Promitheas Apollonious

beside uneducated and obviously historical fact, is not your strong point, you also assuming what I think, and base what I say, on your assumptions and that goes a long way to show me how low mentality you have and this make you unable to put the dots together.

And the one who keep assuming is you not I. As for paranoid erdi sacking any one he believed is a threat to him and his grand planning, not in my interest to analyze. Schizophrenic individuals as he is are often appear on the throne and last very little after they think they made it. Same will be his future as well.

Moshe Dummstein

babbling and cussing but not answering my question. what’s this have to do with Erdogan? Your argument was about turks backstabbing Russians. I asked for an historical incident that may prove your point. I am not assuming anything; however you are assuming that I have low mentality and am uneducated. What in my question and the facts that I stated, which can be easily googled and verified, makes you “assume ” that I am such and such? BTW, the language you are using clearly exhibits your mindset. I prefer Socrates’ method of reasoning; next time you learn about it before arguing with me.

Promitheas Apollonious

you are not uneducated to historical fact as you claim, but dont know the occasions that turkey backstab her allies, but insist to discuss them. As for your mention of Socrates in a discussion about traitors and war …… it goes a long way to prove my conclusion about you.

Maybe is time you drop philosophers and study Sun Tzu for a change and use that knowledge, to judge what is happening around you and by whom.

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

For some reason, he even was on the side of a compromise with the PKK Until he needed to win an election to become a dictator.

Moshe Dummstein

you are ideologically biased. if a person gets elected over and over again in 17 years, calling that person a dictator defies reason and the definition of that term. He represents an ideology that the majority of the electorate favors; jut like Ozal and Menderes. Look them up; you might learn a thing or two.

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

I didn’t call him a dictator because he got elected over 17 years, but because from 2015, he arrested lots of people protesting against his regime, closed critical newspapers, and so on.


Kurds will not sell US for peace, coz neither Assad nor Turkey will allow a Kurdish independent State if Kurds are not backed by the US. Kurds (PKK/PYD/YPG etc) would (or will) not exist without the US. (just like ISIS or other jihadis). They all are convenient US-tools in destabilizing the Middle East.

Turkey on the other hand, by NOT having made peace with Assad to fight together in Syria to achieve its -only declared- goal of getting rid of PKK (YPG/PYD), showed that US is still holding the strings.

Russia, although a giant force with a determined leader, knows its place and can not confront US/Israel. Putin will try to cut a good bargain for himslelf and Assad, He knows that is all he can do while Syria and Turkey are going (even faster after the operation olive branch) towards the end goal US/Israel had planned. Bargains behind the curtains must be a lot different than what we see on the ground.

Bottom line is, US/Israel are the only monsters in the scene and are the reason why we all are here.


“Turkey on the other hand, by NOT having made peace with Assad to fight together in Syria to achieve its -only declared- goal of getting rid of PKK (YPG/PYD), showed that US is still holding the strings.”

Either the

1) “US is still holding the string”


2) You’re a fucking retard who cannot comprehend in his tiny brain that there may be more than 2 sides to this conflict. Just because Turkey does not side with Assad does not mean that Turkey sides with Israel/US. Again… too many people are too simplistic and too stupid to realize that there are multiple players in this conflict on opposing sides that sometimes have overlapping interests or common enemies.

I think from all the evidence, it is clear that Turkey is an independent player with its own independent interests in the region, with delusions of grandeur about the revival of an Ottoman empire and expanding Turkeys sphere of influence and could care less about Israel’s Zionist interests (and in fact … *gasp* be opposed to zionist).

To blindly categorize every single conflict and every single side as “zionist” or “not zionist” is fucking retarded.

So I’m guessing its #2. Retard.


there are more than 2 sides to a conflict for sure and overlapping interests thats also for sure but there are some ”indicative behaviors” which tells a lot, and I pointed out one important one of them.

Think; after the WWII, which country expanded its borders after US became the World Police force? Any? Dreaming of Ottoman or Pan-Turkic (ex-soviet countries + china) all are/were acting as a proxy server for US/Nato. Anyone with an IQ over 50 knows its impossible for Turkey to sit on anywhere in the middle east, especially with oil. In fact US/Israel (Anglo-US) strategy is to establish statelets and conflict zones over oil and gas fields so that the exploitation will be with no intermediary (Nation States are an obstacle).

When making claims about Turkey’s intentions or abilities suggest research more on US/Nato influence over Turkey since 1948.

PS. retard is a word you repeat quite often. guess you hear that a lot.


In case you didnt know, the AKP neo-ottomans werent in power until well after the Cold War was over. If you think Erdogan’s AKP is some stooge for Israeli/NATO ambitions, youre a fucking moron.

PS. I say retard because I call it as I see it. Most people, including ones who I probably politically agree with, that comment on this board are fucking retards who peddle some bullshit simplistic ideologically divisive world view, or view the world in black and white, much like the original quote.


Everything started long before AKP. Right after NATO membership and Gladio establishmet in Turkey extreme Nationalist Turks were organized to build close ties with Turkic origin minorities in China and Soviet Russia. Their party MHP. Their goal ”Turan”. Later on gradually this movement became called as Turk-Islam Synthesis. On the other hand Another islamic party (MSP) started to grow which denied Turan but concentrated on Islamism – Ummah vs Nation. The aim was declared as to unite Muslims and be great like in the Ottoman days. They had formed coalition governments with center right AP and MHP. At those times (60-70’s) AKP was non-existent (not until 2000). AKP emerged from within MSP. MSP later on converted to SP and are still active, with a small percentage cause they represent the anti-imperialist pro-muslim-union population. All above was a cia project. You can google these to overcome some of your ignorance. You are talking on a subject which you have no in depth knowledge and jumping into conclusions too fast yourself and what is more you are insulting people as if it’d make you right.


You can “google” confirmation bias of anything. That’s not how discussions work. If you can demonstrate your claims with evidence and with a stated and supported argument, feel free to do so. Otherwise “google it, you are ignorant” is not an argument.

The entire fucking paragraph you just replied with is a rehashed history lesson that is completely irrelevant. the only portion of it where you made any sort of argument or claim is “all of the above was a cia project”. Again, prove it, and furthermore after proving that, demonstrate the relevance to your original statement that by not allying with Assad, turkey “showed” that the US is pulling the strings. That is such a fucking stretch. Its certainly within the possibility, but that “show” anything other than the fact that Turkey’s government is opposed to Assad. This is what you said, not me.


I gave the necessary info, and added that you can google it (obviously for more in-depth analyses, I can’t write a book on a chat window). ie. I didnt refrain from giving the basic info. The rest of the msge was to show how US has dominated its strategies -through Nato- in Turkey. Thought anyone could make the connection with my Assad statement. Apparently I forgot that you were the moron.

This arguement is neither educational nor fun for anyone anymore (maybe except you). People shouldn’t discuss to degrade the other but to contribute each other. Nevertheless, for the sake of anyone who is reading along is interested I leave a link which I find quite valuable, here (yes moron, shows how powerful in pulling the strings the US is) : https://joequinn.net/2015/12/01/cold-war-part-2-this-time-its-jihad-natos-muslim-terror-war-against-russia-and-china/


Not necessarily I agree with you but I like your sense of humour in “PS.”

Omer Cayirli

If you can not exist without the U.S. then how are you going to be an independent state :))



Promitheas Apollonious

I agree with you on the major points you making. The only thing I am not sure is that russia will back down when shit comes to shovel. If they do than means they loosing everything, that has to do with middle east and not only.

Russia went to Syria to win and I am not so sure they will bow down and back away and let the nato do as it pleases because we all talk americans and israelis here but are not the only ones who go against Assad.


you’re right and I agree. In fact I only said Putin will cut a deal which is beneficial for both Russia and Assad. I did not say they’d completely bow down.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont think is a middle way solution, in this case my friend as winner get it all. So half way solutions is only a pause before the total annihilation of the opponent. And the way all of them stand right now………… First to step back first has is ass kicked for ever.


oz neither Assad nor Turkey will allow a Kurdish independent State

Allegedly. Kurds. Do. Not. Want. Independent. State.

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

(Syrian Kurds.)


Assad has influence only on syrian kurds, hasn´t he?

Estorilista (Sargakekek)

Yes, but you said “Kurds”, and that refers to all Kurds.


No, i meant only syrian kurds. Sorry, if was not clear.


Turkey is not an ally of the kurds, or of stability. If Turkey was interested in combating terrorism, they would use Turkish forces to combat both the PKK and the FSA. They would not arm jihadist headchoppers to fight another terror group. Furthermore, there was no independence referendum made by the YPG in Syria. Everyone can see your worthless dictator’s ulterior imperialist Neo-Ottoman motives. Don’t try to spread lies.

Omer Cayirli

Just changing some names on your own reply. Let’s see hot it reads: “U.S. is not an ally of the Turks, or of stability. If U.S. was interested in combating terrorism, they would use American forces to combat both the PKK and the ISIS.” Nice, isn’t it?


Yeah except you compare life under PYD to life under ISIS, and with Turkey not doing shit about ISIS (except of course providing them manpower, weaponry, open borders, buying their oil), and with turkey not helping the kurds, the yazidis, or anyone who was in the way of rampaging ISIS, the US did the right thing and started arming the only armed group that was capable of restoring some sense of stability and human dignity irrespective of their human rights abuses (which EVERYONE in this conflict is guilty of). Where the fuck were you for the past 6 years. Why is it only now that you start to worry about so called “terrorism”?

If it wasn’t for your dumbfuck erdogan trying to use ISIS or arm jihadists to overthrow Assad, there would never have been any need for anyone to arm the PYD. But of course, you’re too busy masturbating to thoughts bout the Ottoman empire to give shit about reality or the long term consequences of your actions.

Omer Cayirli

Where did the ISIS stem from? Iraq. Who was controlling Iraq then? U.S. When did ISIS obtain heavy weapons? When the Iraqi army withdrew from Mousul, leaving everything behind. On whose order? I’ll leave it to you. ISIS was what U.S. needed to reshuffle Middle East, period.


And which airline did 40,000 ISIS foreign fighters use to get to Turkey?


The irony of it all is, is that Turkey is going to push the Kurds back into the Syrian fold. It’s going to cost many Kurdish lives, but that’s what happens when someone trusts us(USGOV). The only win/win party is the Syrian alliance, which is a good thing. How’s that independent Kurdistan thing going now? Turkey is almost as devious as we are, USisrael. BTW how’s that 30K border security/pipeline access zone going now? The Kurds only hope is to turn back to Syria, of course Syria being smart will let Turkey kick the crap out of them for awhile. That would make them much more compliant. Methinks the Kurds are going to have it very rough for some time.


USisrael… I like it. The Kurds brought it upon themselves for trusting us, or our ZOG. Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Please tell me of just one “ally” we haven’t screwed… take your time…

Promitheas Apollonious

After two days of thinking about it I fail to give you a single country you did not screwed up. The reason is simple you never went into any country including the one you think is your country, that you did not screwed up.

It is the defective DNA you got mixing all the earth bloods into a big pool and dived in. This way they took your roots and principle of each root that kept the world sane and with common sense and then you lost your common sense as well your ID one all the world now but a few are looking for it and they find they belong no where.

This is happening in each and every western country that belongs to NATO and not only. Your intention in each country always been to loot and blunder and destroy other people lives since form the beginning the colony you call motherland is not yours. You been created in order to supply the military strong arm of the ones who promote and work to establish the so called NWO of theirs. An instrument of death that is only function is to breed its soldiers ones they respect no values and everything is acceptable to them from killing families in their beds or burning whole villages and then go back to drink their beers and their drugs. Like nothing happened.

In short you are the perfect mercenary army and the joke is they use usually natives against each country the attack since in their armies have the settlers in what they call america all races.


Wow, good reply. You aren’t naming names but I will.The Zionist NWO is the root cause of all the world’s major wars and problems. What is happening in Syria right now is the sane world FINALLY standing up to reject the Greater Israel project. That’s why we are so bitter. This IS a very big deal as the Jewish plague has invested almost 100 years and tens of $trillions on this. The Bolshevik “revolution” caused the death of 50-110 million Russian deaths. The forgotten or unknown fact is Hitler stopped the Bolshevik(Jewish hoards) from conquering Europe with operation Barbarossa. Russia has gone from the Stalin era enemy of the free world to Putin as the greatest hope for the free world. BTW we are not the perfect mercenary military, we are bankrupt. We can’t afford our military, our roads and infrastructure are collapsing, we have no industry, we don’t know how to make shoes or grow food. Our only export is the Federal reserve$. We are dying empire driven to this like so many before by the Khazars. We are as crazy as cornered rats.

Promitheas Apollonious

I am sorry you are in that predicament, but then again 90% of the rest of the western world, are not in better position than you are. Prepare for war and they are many types of war and then give it all you got. Is nothing else you can do about it, at least train and enjoy what is coming ahead.

Actually their allies said they would save them from the SAA, but it is not the SAA who is attacking them. Israel and the NATO never said they would save them from NATO-Turkey. So now Kurds run to the SAA (who Israel said they would protect them from) The six-step plan according to Star includes: 1- Forming a “terror state” in Eastern and Northern Syria (alluding to Kurds). 2- Helping the “terror state” reach the Mediterranean Sea. 3- Getting United Nations involved in forming and recognizing the new nation. 4- Disregarding Astana and Sochi peace talks. 5- The US will find an office for the “terror state” at the UN. 6- Persuading Turkey to accept the new plan and end military operations in Northern Syria.

SOURCE: http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13961214001261


it’s too late … Kurds will have to face the music for being unrealistic in their goals.

Assad need to wait it out …


All of this could’ve been prevented if the YPG simply negotiated with the legitimate Syrian government and handed over the territory to the SAA for protection before operation Olive Branch started.

That being said, I am far more sympathetic to the kurds than turkish backed jihadist headchoppers.

While unlikely, there is at least a reasonable chance that the kurds and Syrian government can come to some sort of grand negotiated settlement for reunifying Syria. Again… not very likely in the near term, but at least reasonably possible, even if some USA politicians don’t want this to happen.

On the other hand, there is ZERO chances that turkey or turkish backed headchoppers will ever relinquish voluntarily ANY of the territory that they currently occupy now. Their aim has been and continues to be the ultimate overthrow of the legitimate Syrian government and turning Syria into a theocratic jihadist state. The YPG in Afrin and elsewhere are simply a roadblock to that goal. Turkey and the headchoppers are not seeking to “merely” curtail the influence of the kurds. If they can’t overthrow Assad, then the next best option for them is to divide the country permanently (just like some kurds want), except in this case to get a bigger piece of the pie.


Given the failure of Assad to provide real support for Afrin, other than somewhere up to 1k brave NDF volonteers, JAT (Jays Al Thuwwar), headquartered in Tel Rifaat, is redeploying its 3k fighters in Raqqah and DeZ towards Afrin to fight there, pitting themselves against the north western IS (and likewise) gangs and their TSK masters. The mixed arab kurdish JAT force is well known for its fighting qualities and is close to the MMC.

Hulusi Akar

Afrin is meatgrinder for PKK. Next stop is Manbij.


well US will not let Turkey to go that far….enough fooling around in Afrin….and thats it….

Moshe Dummstein

Do you bet? I reckon 3 months max till the US splits from Manjib.


well maybe…they did so their muscle in Cyprus by sending a huge fleet there…..


Remove kurds and give them a fly to Turkey and Iran.

Vinicius Santos

go russian go saa fuck us fuck israel



Your assholes will be full of pain.

Turkish Daily Discloses Five-State Plan to Disintegrate Syria: TEHRAN (FNA)- A Turkish newspaper disclosed a plan by five countries to disintegrate Syria. The Turkish-language Star daily claimed on Monday that representatives of the US, Britain, France, Jordan and Saudi Arabia have had a secret meeting on Syria in Washington.

The paper argued that during the meeting the representatives of these countries planned to split Syria, adding that the US representatives pressured for forming an autonomous government in Eastern and Northern Syria.

The six-step plan according to Star includes: 1- Forming a “terror state” in Eastern and Northern Syria (alluding to Kurds). 2- Helping the “terror state” reach the Mediterranean Sea. 3- Getting United Nations involved in forming and recognizing the new nation. 4- Disregarding Astana and Sochi peace talks. 5- The US will find an office for the “terror state” at the UN. 6- Persuading Turkey to accept the new plan and end military operations in Northern Syria.

According to the paper, the regions where the “terror state” will be formed will include the oil-rich areas in Deir Ezzur in Northeastern Syria.

It also added that Pentagon has accelerated plans to disintegrate Syria after Turkey started its Operation Olive Branch against the Kurds in Northern Syria and is trying to link the regions controlled by the Syrian Kurds to the Mediterranean Sea.

The newspaper also cited an earlier report by a Lebanese paper which wrote in February that it has gained access to an email from the British embassy in the US which reveals Washington’s 5-paragrapth plan to disintegrate Syria.

The Arabic-language al-Akhbar newspaper wrote that the US officials along with their western allies have decided to implement a detailed plan to disintegrate Syria and prolong the war in the country by continued deployment on the Eastern banks of the Euphrates.

In a somewhat familiar but precise English, Benjamin Norman – a diplomat in charge of the Middle East at the British Embassy in Washington – reports in a confidential diplomatic telegram of the first meeting of the “Small American Group on Syria” (United States, Great Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan), held in Washington on January 11, 2018.

In this five-page TD, he reveals the details of the “Western strategy” in Syria: partition of the country, sabotage of Sochi, framing of Turkey and instructions to the UN Special Representative Staffan de Mistura who leads the negotiations of Geneva. A Non Paper (8 pages) accompanies this TD in anticipation of the second meeting of the “Small Group”. It was held in Paris on January 23, mainly devoted to the use of chemical weapons and the “instructions” sent by the “Small American Group” to Staffan de Mistura.

Hugh Cleary (Head of the Near and Middle East Department of the Foreign Office ), Jérôme Bonnafont (Director ANMO / North Africa and Middle East at the Quai d’Orsay), David Satterfield (US Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East) and Jordanian Nawaf Tell and Saudi Jamal al-Aqeel attended the January 11 meeting in Washington. The American opened the meeting, stating that a second meeting would be held in Paris on January 23.

David Satterfield confirmed that President Trump has decided to maintain a large US military presence in Syria, despite the victory over the “Islamic State Organization” (Daesh); the cost of this maintenance being set at $ 4 billion annually. He said that this US military presence should prevent any resurgence of Daesh but, above all, to prevent the Iranians from what he called as settling permanently and imposing themselves in the search for a political solution”. Thirdly, he insisted that the first meeting of the “Small Group” should also provide “material and political support for Staffan de Mistura to” consolidate the Geneva process “.

All the participants welcomed this development very positively in order to “make substantial progress in Syria during the year 2018” and “respond to the propaganda of a Russian victory”. Then, the participants insisted on the “Russian desire to achieve a political solution” that was to be used to make the “Small Group” objectives “more operational”.

The United States noted that they would no longer participate in the Astana meetings, having reduced “their participation to a very low level, to emphasize their commitment to Geneva”; in definitive terms, it was decided to “draw a conceptual line on Astana to return to Geneva”. They then felt that so far “Geneva remained a failure, despite the efforts of Staffan de Mistura”. They were very cautious about including the ceasefire in the Geneva talks: “the truth is that we just do not have the ability to prevent the regime from nibbling the pockets of the opposition. remaining in Idlib and East of Ghouta “.

TD reports great progress “made by the opposition over the last few months,” pointing out that “it will still need to be more flexible to ensure that the Regime does not leave Geneva (…) while the Americans do not support the assumption of a transitional government as provided for in UN Security Council Resolution 2254 “.

The text adds that “it would still be useful for the opposition to stop agitating this assumption all the time …”. It was also agreed that “the opposition had to be more flexible and stop agitating the bogeyman of a transitional government without changing the final goal of partitioning Syria and leaving Bashar al-Assad.

The French representative – Jérôme Bonnafont – posed the problem of a possible participation of Bashar al-Assad in future elections. David Satterfield responded that “the goal was to create conditions and institutions that would allow elections that Assad could not win.”

Satterfield added that “there is no flagrant reason” to prevent Assad from being a candidate. Under these conditions, it was mainly a question of testing Russia’s intentions, especially so that it could “get the regime to discuss a new constitution, free elections under the control of the United Nations, and the creation of an environment likely to favor these two processes”.

Unrestricted agreement of all members of the “Small Group” meeting to “no longer be satisfied with Lavrov’s honeyed words, in order to put Moscow under pressure”. For Satterfield, it is about getting the Russians to let Assad go, “through meetings of the Security Council and a broad public communication campaign,” believing that the announced re-election of Vladimir Putin positively undermined the Russian position.

One of the conclusions of this first meeting of the “Small Group” is perfectly clear: “to reinvigorate Geneva so that Sochi becomes irrelevant”; France demanding more “transparency on the Russian position”. But it is still not to oppose “frontally” in Sochi “with the advantage of gathering a significant share of the Syrian civil society”, to bring back the “most positive contributions to Geneva, to renew and relaunch this format of Geneva.

The Saudis warned of a “risk of fragmentation of the different opposition groups and asked for help to maintain the cohesion of the opposition.” Satterfield replied that their representatives should “be more involved in finding a political solution rather than enjoy great salaries and long stays in pleasant hotels.” France supported this remark by emphasizing “communication”. In this regard, the British TD makes the following comment: “Unfortunately, the Fifth French Republic is not intended to finance this effort,” British representatives recalling “that the communication of the opposition was funded in the first place by … the United Kingdom “.

David Satterfield then explained that the Turkish opposition to the “Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG)” prevented the Kurds from participating in Geneva. While understanding Ankara’s position, he stressed that “we could not ignore a group that controlled a third of Syria (SIC) and took the largest part in the fight against Daesh “.

He explained that “Americans were seeking to establish multi-ethnic leadership in northeastern Syria to dilute the hegemony of the YPG.” On the other hand, it was necessary to impose the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces, mainly Kurdish and under American control) in the process of Geneva.

Comment from the TD author: “I understand that the United States will appoint William (Bill) Roebuck, their former ambassador to Bahrain, as the SDF Special Representative. I will follow, but it is worth remembering – according to the separate discussions we had, for example with Fiona Hill – that relations between the United States and Turkey are already bad and unlikely to improve. As a result, Americans are not in the best position to do – solo – the big job with SDF and Ankara.

The objective is clearly defined: “to get Staffan de Mistura to accept in Geneva a tripartite structure incorporating the opposition, Assad and the SDF”.

Moreover, the Deputy Secretary of State indicates that a “Non-Paper – Reviving the Syrian Political Track in Geneva – will be communicated to Staffan de Mistura before the meeting of January 23 in Paris,” in order to put the Russians at the foot of the Wall “. This document includes: “a political road map, the elements of a constitutional reform, the UN election supervision structure and guidelines for the establishment of a peaceful environment”.

For their part, the Jordanians called the session “Small Group” of “meeting publique most secret of all time.” And the author of the TD concludes: “For the moment, we must keep a group consisting only of the United States, Great Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The next to be invited should be Egypt and Germany (for whom we have pleaded). Turkey should also join the group, but the discussion with it may be poisoned by the Kurds, which will make it more difficult to neutralize Astana. It is therefore not urgent to integrate these last three countries.”

The concluding comments of this TD speak volumes about the future of Western strategy in Syria. The three key conclusions underscore “a real reaffirmation of US leadership behind the scenes …”. The second perspective is to “keep the pressure on Russia, even if Russia can not convince Moscow to let go of the regime as we had hoped.” In this regard, “we must continue – what we are already doing – to denounce the horrible humanitarian situation as well as the Russian complicity in the campaign of bombing civilian targets.” Finally, concludes the author of TD, “the Americans told me how much they appreciated our contribution and our support in recent months as they were finalizing their strategy.”

This does not augur a forthcoming crisis in Syria in a context marked by four major developments of the most worrying. 1) The United States has decided to strengthen and diversify their nuclear posture. The Pentagon has announced that it will develop miniaturized tactical nuclear weapons “to adapt to new international threats”. Iranian President Hassan Rohani responded: “How can anyone speak of world peace and at the same time announce that he is developing new nuclear weapons for his main enemies?”

2) NATO Defense Ministers agreed on 14 and 15 February in Brussels on the outline of a new overhaul of the Atlantic Alliance command structures. This “adaptation – the largest since the end of the Cold War”, according to Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, is proposed by the US military. It aims to make the Alliance more effective in a high-intensity crisis. Clearly, it is “better to deter and respond to new threats from certain states, first and foremost Russia.”

3) In the aftermath of the destruction of an Israeli fighter in Syrian airspace, and while Israeli police demand the indictment of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu for corruption, Tel-Aviv accuses Iran of establishing itself in Syria and threatens to multiply its military operations. This is not the first time that the Israeli prime minister – who refuses to resign – is using the resurgence of regional tension to consolidate his personal power and his alliance with the extreme right of the country.

4) Finally, Washington’s military support for the Kurds in Syria continues to provoke the Ankara era. The crisis of confidence is consumed and the Turkish-American axis is on the brink of rupture. Second NATO contingent, the Turkish army had to accompany the conservative and anti-Western turn after the failed coup of July 2016. Mission has been given to a general with conservative and Islamist tendencies to restructure the derailed Turkish army by the purges. [Description: [​IMG]]

Ultimately, the British TD perfectly reflects the Western strategy in Syria: to sabotage the Sochi peace efforts, to add two new wars to the Syrian crisis: that of the Turks against the Kurds and those of the Israelis against Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah. “The Americans have never admitted their military defeat in Syria and do not want to let go and especially their main strategic objective,” said a senior French diplomat, “that of a dismantling of Syria, the type of one who has been driven to Iraq and Libya. Their desire is to arm the Kurds to control the oil areas of eastern Syria in order to influence the political and economic reconstruction of the country. Peace is not for tomorrow.

SOURCE: http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13961214001261

nicolas s

If its written on paper , you can wipe yourself with it. There is no truth coming out of turkish media of course since most journalists are in jail or afraid to go

Real Anti-Racist Action

This is something that Iranian experts have looked over and agree with the exposure of US and UK and Israeli events and plans. So Iranians have pushed for the re-publication of this news after finding credible sources in Europe to back this information up. This is a pretty hot story in Iran and India right now.

Joe Dokes

YPG is sending 1,700 fighters from the East to Afrin. It will be interesting to see what American toys they bring with them.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I think the same weapons that the US provided to ISIS, chemical weapons in artillery shells to kill civilians and then blame on Turkey or SAA again.

Moshe Dummstein

excellent insight; that s exactly what has been happening.

Joe Dirt

napalm i hope


try searching international press (http://almasdarnews.com) for tension in Turkish west boarders. They create tension with Cyprus (didnt let a platform belonging to italian ENI reach its destination and conduct drill) ,Greece , (tried to sink deliberately a greek coastguard ship, arrested 2 greek soldiers ). Tommorow both Greece and Turkey conduct military exercises in the same area. Furthermore a Us armada is said to be reaching the area (Cyprus) that Exxon-Mobil is going to conduct research for oil just like ENi tried to do. We are talking about ‘fire in an ammo depot’….

Richard M

Live it up, Ottoman Orcs. Like the Nazis in 39 and 40, you’re on top of the world! There will never be any response, ya Orcs. Just keep on seizing Syrian lands, no one will ever push back, ya stupid Orcs! :D

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