Turkish Forces Kill Several People Trying To Cross Border From Turkish-occupied Part Of Northwestern Syria (18+)

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Turkish Forces Kill Several People Trying To Cross Border From Turkish-occupied Part Of Northwestern Syria (18+) 5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings. 1 user reviews.
Turkish Forces Kill Several People Trying To Cross Border From Turkish-occupied Part Of Northwestern Syria (18+)

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Turkish forces killed 4 civilians that were trying to cross to Turkey from the Turkish-occupied part of northwestern Syria. The incident took place near the Syrian border town of Khirbet al-Joz. A camp for displaced people is located in the area.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its Turkish-backed allies prevent civilians from leaving the militant-controlled part of northwestern Syria to the government-controlled area. So, many people are forced to leave in a state of the constant humanitarian crisis and pressure from various miitant groups.


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rightiswrong rightiswrong

Welcome to Europe, from NATO.

Unless you are a human shield for ISIS.


Indeed, and the EU media is again silent.


(Apart from Jews and U.S), E.U. is direct instigator and supporter of war and terrorists in Syria. On top E.U. supports Erdogan and pays that ammunition with which he kills innocent civilians. And they pay much much more money to Erdogan personally on his account, to keep those refugees in Turkey. Why the hell they keep doing all that and when they are going to stop?!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“On top E.U. supports Erdogan and pays that ammunition with which he kills innocent civilians.”

Who’s really Erdogan’s biggest supporter now, and how has Turkey’s economy been able to withstand all those crushing US sanctions, and who helped Erdogan find replacement parts for all that hi tech military technology the EU stopped supplying Turkey with, and who brokers the ceasefires with Turkey that allow the rebels and terrorists to reform and also reorganize, and who actually supports the very person who supports the terrorist who are trying to blow up Russian bases, it’s your hero. So why the hell is he doing it and when is he going to stop?! You and SF never mention that either.

The Man

FFS Mehmet, aren’t you ever going to understand that you Turds, er I mean Turks, nope, Turds… that you’re scum, just like your Zio masters. By the way, what kind of daft name is Mehmet….??? It’s Mohamad… there’s no ‘T”… You disrespect your prophet with a distorted name like that!

Mustafa Mehmet

Why don’t you blame your dictator assad causing all these problems.. I don’t see any Turkish soldiers. plus our soldiers don’t kill women and children . only assad and friends kill innocent civilian.. Nice propaganda

Florin Boar

did you forget who trained in the Turkish military bases??

Mustafa Mehmet

Why don’t you ask your dictator. our army base .. just for Turkish army’s nobody else can get in there


I have a bridge to sell in New York City !! It is a bargain !!

The Man

Keep your Turkish turd base in your own cunt’ry, you Zio-goyim. You’re invaders and will go back to your shithole, either in coffins or pieces of meat. Get out of Syria, you dirty Zio-butt-licking goyim scum.

Mustafa Mehmet

dirty filthy Cockroaches brainless idiot

The Man

ha ha… yeah, whatever man!


Or else ?

The Man

FFS Mehmet, aren’t you ever going to understand that you Turds, er I mean Turks, nope, Turds… that you’re scum, just like your Zio masters. By the way, what kind of daft name is Mehmet….??? It’s Mohamad… there’s no ‘T”… You disrespect your prophet with a distorted name like that!

Mustafa Mehmet

Don’t have prophet thanks God

The Man

Then why are you named after a prophet? In fact, both names!

Mustafa Mehmet

Haçi mohamed is Arabic name…

The Man

So, let me get this right. Mehmet is the Arabic version of the name Mohamed. You use Turkish version because you’re not Arabic. And yet, Mustafa is an Arabic name you dickhead as well. Retarded fuckwit!!! You stupid Turds, just because you think that because you created your own script, you’re something special, you’re not. You’re third rate arrogant cocksuckers who will NEVER be European like us because you’re, well, shits, basically.

Mustafa Mehmet

Fiddler on the Roof again… go back to your cave mama caling you you wet your nappy again getting exciting little girl


Who asked you are are halfwit ,where did you had the idea that being european or whatsoever makes anyone envy you here ? Those days are over piglet, wind already turned two decades ago – Sooner or later you will learn yr place . And best part is you already feel something is going wrong. Thats exactly why you are in a ME thread running amok.

The Man

Wow DH… Tell that to the Turds who have been trying for decades to become part of our EU. We don’t want these pseudo-Europeans who are as arrogant as F! erDOGan has finally realised that… that he will never be able to take his country into the EU, no matter how loud he barks like a dog or grunts like a pig! If, by ME, you mean Middle East, it isn’t a ME thread. southfront is not a ME website! So, Turkish Turd, STFU and when you have something sensible to say, get a grown-up to check it first, but preferably someone who is not a Turd, er, I mean Turk, or yep, a Turd!


What was going on and what would happen with EU/TR relations and how it would end was already written in 1993, at The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order by Samuel P. Huntington, piglet – Relations are following the exact pattern explained there and it will end the same way described, go and fetch yourself I am not obliged to teach you antything. BTW yr EU is a joke , it is circus , and you East Europeans , Balkanese are the clowns of it. Yes SF is not a ME website but this thread is , it is about what happened between Syrian people and Turkish soldiers , so f/off and yelp elsewhere.

The Man

I upvoted you, because you make me laugh. I wish you were my little pet pig, or monkey even, that would entertain me whenever I click my fingers. You’re funny, my little Turkish monkey.


I think that what an ignorant piglet does when it can find nothing to write down. Thanks for the upvote though , this clearly proves that I can even address morons like you.


We did and we looooved every second of it, while doing it we thought of Abdullah Ocalan who lived in a villa with a swimming in suburbs of Damasus for a decade. What a sweet thing revenge is.

The Man

F U, you Turkish turd…

Mustafa Mehmet

Screw you to lady

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sadly this is how the SAA will really win the war against Turkey, as sickeningly gross as it is this is the key to winning the war for Idlib. These people like many others put their faith in Erdogan and his solutions and look where it’s got them, killed by the very same people they supported, they were vulnerable and seeking refuge and the very same person who’s been promising them he has their best interests at heart, just had them killed for trying to cross his border. The catalyst for winning this war is the truth, once the pro Erdogan civilians finally realize the truth the war will be so much easier to win, when they start swamping the border and they’re met with responses like this atrocity they’ll be left with no doubt about who their real enemy is, and I’ll bet you it isn’t Assad they’re calling a butcher then. And when it does happen you’ll see the civilians in southern Idlib quickly turn on the rebels/terrorists and just boot them out, and if they can’t boot them out themselves, they’ll help the SAA do it, because once support for the rebels collapses the rebels will too, and there’ll be nothing at all Erdogan can do to help them. For the last 9 years the people of Idlib have had to put up with atrocities like this every day, there are probably dozens of people killed like this every day all over Idlib, both the rebels and the terrorists serve out justice with the barrels of their guns, so 9 years is way too long to be enduring that sort of suffering, and their suffering shouldn’t be allowed to continue for even one more day, if it can be stopped it should be stopped. The peacemakers keep saying ‘slow things down’ and ‘take things easy’, but the people in Idlib have been suffering for 9 years already, how much longer do they have to suffer, and it’s not just the people in Idlib who suffer due to the rebel occupation, the rest of Syria also suffers, trade, tourism, industry and agriculture all suffer because of the illegal occupation. Bite the bullet and pull the arrow out, if we don’t do it quickly the infection will just spread and grow, so it’s either a few seconds of pain or a lifetime of suffering, that seems to be the 2 alternatives. And I consider even one or two more years a lifetime of suffering, so even if the Turks promised to pull their forces out in return for a cessation of hostilities, and their timeframe for doing it was anything less than 2 months, I’d still say no, just end it now, the agreement wouldn’t be worth the ink used to write it anyway, Erdogan’s agreements never are.


The timing of any liberation is more important these days. The 20th century war leaders were not ‘squeamish’ with regard to civilian casualties and the self described ‘Good Guys of the US and allied forces ‘ were the greatest killers of civilians.

The 21st century has bought the cowardly Proxy Wars so loved by the USA and friends. The USA and friends use all the excuses fake they can to intervene for ‘humanitarian’ reasons with stand off attacks against the enemies of the USA. At the same time, the US and friends IGNORE the medieval brutality of their proxy thugs toward any civilians.

This why it is sadly necessary to Liberate civilians when the civilians themselves seek to be liberated, and the violence of their US oppressors eventually turns the majority of civilians against their US Proxy tormentors. It takes a great deal of courage to stant up against the US Proxy killers who murder for fun.

It takes personal courage to seek freedom.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

ATM the Turks are the only oppressors in Idlib, once we get rid of them I’m hoping we won’t have to do anything at all to get rid of the US, I think they’ll just get out of Syria without any further confrontations once the Turks and Iranians are gone, that’s if the Turks and Iranians do leave. Assad has to be very careful not to harm civilians, the new deal he worked out with the UN when they amended resolution 2254 has certain stipulations and one of them is no indiscriminate targeting of civilians or opposition forces, but since the opposition and civilians are the same thing in some places in north Idlib and west Aleppo, that’s making it very hard to separate the targets. We need another ground assault in southern Idlib to get thing to progress properly, in Idlib there’ll be way less civilian casualties, easier fighting and less support for the rebels, that’s where the SAA should be concentrating first, it may not do the job as quickly as an offensive against Aleppo would, but it won’t do as much self harm as an Aleppo offensive will either, in Aleppo we have just as much chance of shooting ourselves in the foot [civilian casualties], in southern Idlib there’s less chance of that. In certain situations timing a victory to minimise civilian suffering is the ONLY action a smart and conscientious commander should make, but Erdogan’s up to Astana agreement number 15 now, and over the past nearly 2 years thing haven’t improved at all, they’ve in fact only ever gotten worse with every subsequent agreement signed. We’ve tried doing it the conscientious way for nearly 2 years now, we thought we were timing the liberation to minimise civilian suffering every time we signed one of those Astana agreements, and we thought by doing that we were doing the right thing, but as it turns out we now find our we were wrong, we weren’t in fact doing the right thing at all, we were instead actually not just prolonging the civilians suffering, we were actually increasing it as well. Have you ever done exactly the same thing 15 times in a row and not achieved the results you were hoping for, the SAA has, hopefully they won’t try a 16th time, there comes a point Florian where you just have to say enough is enough, we won’t trust you a 16th time, in fact we’re never going to trust you again is the right response. But we only need to do just enough to keep the refugees heading north, and we don’t need to kill them achieve that, just kill a few terrorists every now and then, take back a village or town here and there, and return displaced people to their homes as quickly as possibly, but the most important thing we have to do is keep a constant force applied. Now whether that’s airstrikes against supply depots, terrorist headquarters, gatherings, retaking territory with small advances, or anything else that helps destroy the morale of the opposition fighters and more importantly their civilian supporters, that’s what we need to do. And we can’t keep taking breaks from doing it, taking your foot off the accelerator is one thing but putting your foot on the brake is another, and sadly putting it flat to the floor will get the cops involved [Turks, UN, US, EU]. So attacking Aleppo has a good chance of getting the cops involved, and adhering to ceasefires is like jamming on the brakes, and we don’t want to do either of those things, so what we do need to do is to learn how to feather the accelerator, not too little and not too much, just right for Goldilocks, don’t upset anybody too much too quickly and we’ll just win the war by default. Hopefully the SAA opens another front in southern Idlib to relieve the pressure on Aleppo, that’ll get some of those terrorists in Aleppo moving to the new battlefront and keep them there, that’s actually the best way to relieve the pressure on Aleppo and what they should’ve done. Instead they launched a massive aerial assault that achieved nothing positive at all, and looking at syrialivemaps I’m wondering if in fact it’s done the opposite, they’re actually increasing their hostilities against the civilians and SAA, not backing off. I think attacking Aleppo is the dumbest thing we’ve done for a while, stirring up the hornets nest isn’t something I would’ve done, especially when there were better solutions available. Cheers Florian.


The greatest issue with the Aleppo front is that the US terror gangs have a strategy shelling of shelling the liberated civilian areas of the Syrian government.

The domestic pressure on the SAA and allies to prevent these US backed atrocities is great. There is a political danger for the Syrian government IF the situation is ignored.

A accept and appreciate all that you wrote and I am sure that we both agree that this is a most complicated conflict of a kind that has never been seen before.

‘Softly Softly Catchee Monkey’ is often frustrating, but successful in time.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Open another battlefront in southern Idlib, that’s the best way to stop the terrorist shelling Aleppo, force them to move men and equipment away from Aleppo so they don’t have as many resources there, bombing heavily populated areas is just a recipe for disaster and a good way of getting the rest of the world involved ,which is the last thing we want, no fly zones, embargos, more sanctions. There’s only one opposition group left in Syria that still has US support and they’re at Al Tanf, and the last I heard was there were only about 200 of them, even the Saudis have no militias fighting against Assad anymore, they abandoned HTS very early last year, it’s Erdogan behind 99% of all the terrorists and 100% behind all the moderate opposition.


The US though is still whip hand behind all of the terrorism via the myriad of vassals. For example, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States and we should not forget Israel as well, that has been exposed as openly supporting ISIS.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I know what you’re saying Florian but I see things a little differently from you, I differentiate between the old US and the new US, I see a difference now that Trumps in charge. There are now 2 US governments, the old deep state bureaucratic government we both hate, but there’s also an alternative system in the making too, and so far I like what I see [most of the time], Palestine and Venezuela are not what I like to see, and in the beginning Trump wasn’t as beneficial for Assad as he is now, but things have changed so much since June last year, and now the only obstacles to peace in Syria are Turkey and Iran, not the US. And I agree with Russia wholeheartedly when it comes to Iran, I have exactly the same view about them as the Russians do, which is they’re no longer helping Assad, they’re harming him now. That joke Putin made about inviting Trump to Damascus wasn’t an off the cuff joke, it was a stern message to Iran. Clever people don’t make insensitive jokes about their friends just as their friends mortal enemy is poised to start a war with them. I see you gave me a dislike for my “ditch the Iranians” comment, ouch, so I have to ask, have you been noticing what the Russians have been saying and doing concerning Iran in Syria lately, things are changing Florian, quicker than we can keep up with some times, every day there seems to be a new perspective or development making things even more confusing than they already are. Why don’t you have a look and see what the Russians really think of Iran’s continued presence in Syria, see what the Russians actually say and think, and then if you’re game even check out a few ‘independent sites’ that you trust and see what they have to say too, things have changed Florian.


We must also remember that an Iran that is NOT a US vassal and is essential for the Chinese Belt and Road project that also includes Syria. This in my opinion is the prime reason for the US being illegally in Syria and very unwelcome in Iraq.

We must also remember that without Iranian help in Syria prior to the Russian intervention that Syria would have fallen to the US Coalition of Terror long before September 2015.

All wars are essentially Trade Wars and rather than competitive trade, the US is doing what every past dying empire has done. This is to trade by using commercial threats that are ultimately enforced by the military.

” Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Everything I tried to tell the press last March is now coming out, and more. I will now start to reveal the evidence directly to you, the People. The Biden Family Enterprise made millions by selling public office. Then when Joe was Obama’s Point Man, they ALL made millions.”

“@RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.”

“Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani The key to solving large and complex corruption cases is to follow the money. Everywhere Biden, Obama’s Point Man, went, the Biden Family Enterprise made millions. Yes millions!”

The US political and legal system is broken into thousands of pieces and cannot be repaired. Such are the end times of Empires.


This people would not be there if Assad was not killing his own people and Russians were not bombing Idlib indiscriminately. 15% of all World’s refugees live here in TR. TR must either let them to EU freely or start bombing SAA right now.


Fool : The Turks promoted subversion by the opositors who now get discarded by the Turks


How I love conspiracy theories and alternative history..

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Those people are there, thanks to their sponsors in the Pentagon.

Let the USA take them, Europe has enough head choppers already, from years of barbarian invasions of US proxy forces.


Assad is not killing his own people the SAA are killing various jihadi groups that would destroy the country. People have returned to government controlled areas. Maybe you think it would be ok for Isis, or Al Queda types to run the country.


Try to do “bombing” mr. Kebab and see what is going to happen !

You think that Russia is called world power for nothing?! Than what are you waiting, try your luck bastard ! Russia will sink half of Turkey and enlarge Bosporus immediatly !


Done that before and nothing serious happened. Stop talking on behalf of others , azzhole. You are only controlling yr keyboard , no red buttons under yr command.


Go and play with Jacob Hook Nose, Sencer. You make no sense here.


Why dont you man up and get some refugees from us instead of showing me what is politically right and what is wrong ? A million would be nice to prove us how humane you are.


When you block ’em there’s less to read.


Block everyone who doesnt think like you , who annoys you Label every non russophile as a sionist

So that you and copies of you can wank here 7/24 happily in yr small, cozy and safe environment and read much less.


Thats a bonus :)


Turkey is one big nothing for Russia! If you only could you would bomb Syria long time ago you barking dogs! Bark but no bite! Russia is the boss to you and to US in Syria EAT your HEART OUT ! And when it comes to my “red button”, I don’t need to launch missile I would be happy to participate in the common effort to send you back to Asia where you came from!


I am the one seeing Syrian refugees looking for shelter and food with their children nearby highways and on Istanbul streets. I see them begging on streets while you blabber some trivia about who is the boss and post from yr comfortable armchair about sending some 80 million to Asia like a 15 year old retarded kid who does not know a chit about life.

Russia is not the boss to me , it is presently a stratecigal partner only. Russia is not boss to US , as we have seen in Deir Zor while they bombed Wagner to smithereens.

So man up , quit caps , and seek some professional help.


Wagner are mercenaries that have nothing to do with regular Russian Army What happens to them is of no concern to Russia because they do wars for lots of MONEY. And what really happened to them in Syria is totally blown out of proportion for US propaganda purposes only.

O, yeah Russia is the boss to Turkey and US because NOBODY comes to take what is Russian control now and was practically in US and Turk hands in 2015. The list of the countries who tried to decide destiny of Syira is EXTREMELY LONG ! All those countries (including Turkey ) have seen themselves already as the winners in Summer 2015. And than came Russia and changed everything! So since then you are all kicked OUT of majority of Syria and you are squeezed every day more! So who is the boss if not Russia?

The Man

Then, you filthy Turk, you shouldn’t have invaded, you shouldn’t have supported the rebel mercenaries and terrorists, you shouldn’t have stolen Syrian oil, and you filthy animal, you shouldn’t have entered Syrian territory. You reap what you sow, Turd!


As if there is any Syrian oil to be stolen , LOL. Piglet , where did you had the idea that I will buy that divine justice BS you are selling. If that was true these Syrians would not be here at all , go cry elsewhere.




Some Syrians cheer while some other Syrians ask Russians to bomb their own people discriminantly and kill them , and some morons get angry on net when truth is being told. Lovely.

Hey, but Syria is winning, while Syrians are being inherited from father to son.


Have you not considered going to Libya? $ 2000 per month + what you can steal. Its a perfect career for you.

With a bit of luck you would be shot there, Sencer.


What about getting some refugees from us instead of writing back and forth here all day long ?

That would definitely prove you are the man , but not only hot air.


Without Erdogans lust for other peoples wealth the US terror gangs would not have been able to us Turkey as a terror training and transit camp.

Never mind though, Sencer, you are just a pawn with no sense, no future and no ability.



Are you leaving ? So early ? What about refugees ? Wont you take any ? Ah why should you, you have yr cliches and chracter analysis which are good enough for everything.

The Man

Assad does not kill indiscriminately… the glorious SAA kill with precision and just waiting for a couple of missiles to bomb the shit of the smelly Turd invaders in Syria. Russians also, they bomb precisely and the Idlib Turd-backed scum are ‘getting theirs’. Just wish that you, you Turd, were there in idlib and that Russia sends some Iskandar missiles up your arse. Wow, they’d be shit sprayed everywhere… for miles… and miles….


Look what comes from an ‘European’ .. ‘’ Glorious SAA , Assad killing miltia only, victorious Russians and Iskandar missiles’’ Snowflake , Germany and Holland says that TR has to stay in NATO to protect EU from Russian threat , but you , an idiot claiming to be european are writing epic stories about Russians. You are nothing but another lying weasel , get of of my sight..

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