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MARCH 2025

Turkish Forces Making Another Attempt To Establish ‘Observation Point’ In Al-Eis In Southern Aleppo

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Turkish Forces Making Another Attempt To Establish 'Observation Point' In Al-Eis In Southern Aleppo

A Turkish military column is en route to Al-Eis

On February 5, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) started another attempt to establish an observation post in the militant-held town of Al-Eis, close to positions of the Syrian Arab Army in southern Aleppo. A Turkish military column entered the area in the morning and reached the area few hours later.

Meanwhile, the Turkish General Staff reported that the TAF had established the fourth observation post in the “de-escalation zone” agreed with Russia and Iran during the Astana talks. The general staff added that Turkish forces had starteed reconnaissance for two additional observation points.

Turkish Forces Making Another Attempt To Establish 'Observation Point' In Al-Eis In Southern Aleppo

The Turkish Army is working to establish an observation post

In the evening, some pro-Turkish sources started spreading reports that the TAF and the SAA had engaged each other in a series of artillery duels in the area. However, this was not confirmed by photos or videos.

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artillery duel archi false propaganda djihadiste!!


The Turkish are tortuous like snakes. So once more: Never trust the Turkish. The typical betrayers that stab you from behind


This is in the notice of Moscow that Turkey have martyred their second jet pilot by own proxies. The first fighter jet Turkey had shot down by own pilot and the second one by own rebels. —————————————————————————————————————————-


Yes such as a message. “Hey we dominate you on the ground”. A kind of binary language


No car bombs this time. How unfortunate !

You can call me Al

There maybe something to this bloke on twitter – please press to his page through the links, looks like he sh..1..t as started.

Hey SF, whilst he seems pro-Turkish, may be worth keeping an eye out for his site or account.


WTF !!??!!


Observation posts, yeah!! Sit down you dogs and observe how SAA liberating homeland !!


Its OK. Those Turk rats may ‘obseve’ their Jihadi scumpuppets get waisted


I agree.. ;)


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A very delicate balance to keep. In politics it’s a mistake to commit 100%. The Iranians committed to Russia in 2000 and the Russians betrayed them by not selling the S-300 in 2006, when it was most needed. They got lucky as the US had cold feet and were extremely busy in Afghanistan and Irak (and Lebanon with Israel ). At that time the US could have set them 30 years back. You can’t commit with weak nations. Russia looks amazing now but not as good as the West.

The West has still more to offer to Turkey, EU (Turks still hopeful), NATO (already member). And a total separation from the east. Turkey whether they like it or not are torn apart between east and west. Their low self esteem as a nation is driving their desire to be part of the “civilized world”.

That is why they look not trustworthy and unreliable as a partner in any side for that matter.

Turkey is the biggest loser in this conflict. This could change in a blink of an eye if they drop support for anti Assad resistance. If they do, they will become a force in the region.


All favor is in Turkeys hand now. Even the distraction of YPG can’t stop Turkey. Russia and the US jumped the gun when they invaded Syria a few years ago. Turkey choose the right time.


Russia invaded Syria? Syria officially and publicly invited Russia.


My man put the border lines and the sykos picko aside. This is war and Assad has lost his authority let alone from among the Alawite (minority) who consider Russia a invader. People cry democracy. But when majority Syrians demand the ousting of Assad, those who cry democracy stay silent. War can expose hypocrisy. Russia is a invader.

Loook at the US. Africans, a minority, don’t govern the US. There is a reason for that. The SP lines screwed Syria up and exposed the fault lines in this sectarian war, which was bound to happen.



Turks now under fire from Syrian forces.


Let’s give the Turks a warm welcome to Al Eis. White phosphorous please. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/acb6417a8acf755144b015193c150cf97158a89b14987a47d6abe567340a8983.jpg


The issue for Russia is that Turkey controls the supply route from the Black Sea and only a nuclear attack could quickly clear the route. IF that Pandoras Box was opened would NATO get involved ?

AM Hants

NATO are begging to get involved. So hoping that it is not true, and just people trying to cause a lot of problems.

Turkey knows what they have got to lose and would they be that stupid?


The US may be begging to get involved, but all the other NATO countries, fuck no! Because they know that any war in Europe fought between the US and Russia will end up leveling the continent for a 3rd time. Who would sign up for that?

Also, war is bad for business. Which a lot of Euro countries could use a lot more of.


War is the main element in the mind of Europe leaders …always !

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

NATO can’t get involved at any point just rules in agreements prevent any aid to an NATO partner being an aggressor even if there was something going on.

Jens Holm

No, Nato is not at all. You might loose Your grib a bit at the the little worm below Your bed blanket.

You think the price for war widows are too high or what ?


wtf you ask if NATO get involved if nuclear attack happens


Because in that situation Russia would be defending herself form Turkish aggression and would the EU really want their cities destroyed for Turkey ?

I somewhat doubt it.

Jens Holm

Thats not the issue at all. Rubbish of the worst kind. Russia as well as others will attack Turkey immidiatly if any block international waters.


That was not my point Jens. Any conventional attack to keep the supply lines open would take months probably and even then there would be a threat. The only realistic way to clear the sea lane quickly is with tactical nuclear missiles.



Stan the man

I like the phosphorus they need the taste . For what they did in Cyprus in 1974 , big brave army have the airforce dropping nappalm bombs , and naval artillery strikes . Man to man they have no chance .



AM Hants

In the article it says: ‘In the evening, some pro-Turkish sources started spreading reports that the TAF and the SAA had engaged each other in a series of artillery duels in the area. However, this was not confirmed by photos or videos…’

Hope it is not true, as that will play into the hands of those that do not want peace in Syria and who would no doubt, be only too happy to try and destroy the relationship between Russia and Turkey, just before peace talks in Geneva and just before the Russian elections. If it is true, Turkey what have you done?

Jens Holm

Are You born upside down. Peace would be if all took away their weapons. You are a madhouse. Right now Turks having FSA`s as dead meatballs in front attack SDF`s which not has attacked Assads.

And Assads allow kurds in Afrin having reinforcements.

Your peace says – dead ones don talk and by that make peace.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There hasn’t been any confirmation even Qalaat is reporting the same nonsense but according to SAA they haven’t heard a thing in the region. Deal might be in the works to halt the invasion of Syria by Turkey protesters have arrived more are expected. Russians and 5th corps might be deployed to the region as another Deescalation agreement might be in place not sure if it’s accepted yet.


The real problem comes when the terrorists have been pushed up against the Turkish border. Turkey will not want these vile beasts that they helped to create and Syria does not want them either. Thousands will be rounded up and then what ?

Killing them all is the best option but in today’s world its not politically possible. The only other option is to lock them up. But where would be secure enough ? The only place I can think of is a Gulag in Siberia. In old salt mines perhaps.


I hope this be true.


This link could explain it. If true the shit is about to hit the fan. http://www.fort-russ.com/2018/02/syrian-mp-turkey-gave-weapon-and-order.html

AM Hants

It has also been stated that it was a US manpad. Waiting for the full report to come out. There are many who would love nothing more than to cause problems in the relationship between Russian and Turkey. Can you see Erdogan, after the last time he took down a Russian plane, wanting a repeat? How much did the Turkish economy lose? However, to take the heat off US involvement, who would benefit to throwing the blame elsewhere?

US-Supplied MANPADS Downed Russian Aircraft in Syria

“The Russian center for reconciliation of warring sides in Syria alongside the Turkish side, responsible for the Idlib de-escalation zone, are taking steps to retrieve the Russian pilot’s body.”


No doubt Russia knows exactly where the manpads came from, but, making sure they have all the facts, before making any statements.


I agree AM. It is possible as well of course that rogue Turkish Secret Police are involved. The CIA would also have an interest in this as they support Al Nusra in Syria.

Erdogan is a typical despot who will betray at a whim but he is obviously a Top Dog who knows who feeds him. He wants a chunk of Syria but without Russia there would certainly be a US/EU coup against him .

The Russian Elections are near , so we must expect more of this. In the Ukraine as well.

AM Hants

I seriously hope Turkey is not involved, owing to the problems that will go with it. Not just Syria. 18th March and good luck Russia.

Astar Roth

No, man Turks aren’t that stupid. Who would say that? A Cnbc, maybe?

Jens Holm

Erdoagan selections are near too. killed kurds or even look a likes give some %.

Jens Holm

USA are no´t the only ones, which has given weapons in this country.

Last time Assads used gas in Syria some tomahawks went in. Now the cheep one with clorine seeemes to be used again. Same kind of gueassing. USA will send a message again ??


MANPADS missiles make a lot of smoke all the way until it hits its target. All the video I have seen about the shutting down of this Su-25, I have not seen this clear track left by a missiles MANPAD. I think, this is something that Russia is taking into consideration.

AM Hants

Thank you, for the informative reply.


Reports; 2 Turkish soldiers injured, 5 casulties and 2 injured from SAA and allies.


BTW where is general Suheil al-Hasan ?? Didn’t see him for a few weeks anywhere ..!!


Turkey have illegally crossed the Syrian border and now making the drama of Observation posts to fight Syrian nation and take land from them. Syria should kick them out as soon as possible. Turkey and Zionists both are the part of all problems and chaos in the Middle East. ————————————————————————————————————————————–

Astar Roth

Turks aren’t really, but Zionists are true menace and danger.

Jens Holm

I dont see that.


You will never see what you do not want to see.

Ariel Cohen



Because your notable pro-Israeli stance indicates you presumably are a Zionist.

Ariel Cohen

I do . .

Jens Holm

The Assad forces are kind of nothing in that picture.


Turkey and Israel are attacking, both directly and via proxies, and occupying Syrian territory – it’s not the other way around!

George King

“the drama of Observation posts” by all reports is a co-ordinates effort between Russia and Turkey. Will take time to develop or flush out if it is something viable.


Has Erdogan asked from Syrian government that allow me to operate inside Syria? No, so then this is by all means an open aggression on Syrian nation. Erodgan is a part of Zionism and a part of a problem in the Middle East whole region. What Moscow is doing for that Moscow ask from Damascus on the other side what Ankara is doing in Syria is totally unilaterally.


YPG reports 50 invaders killed today at qastel jindo and two other villages. When one counts the tanks destroyed, villages retaken, the ambush at Rajo, this is a disaster day for turks.

It also means fighting at or near mount Burseya.

Jens Holm

We will see the facts later for bothe sides.

Melotte 22

South Front, why are you publishing tweets from Riam Dalati, who is an open supporter of various terrorist fractions, white helmets in Syria and tweet against Russian Forces in Syria all the time. Disgusting! Please check your sources first.


Syria and Russia must be bombing Turkish.

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