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Turkish Forces Once Again Cut Off M4 Highway

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The Turkish-backed National Syrian Army (NSA) has blocked the strategic M4 highway in northeast Syria, once again.

According to sources affiliated with the NSA, the group’s militants managed to reach the highway in the early hours of October 13 and established positions on it, effectively blocking traffic.

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria confirmed that the highway was blocked, calling on civilians to stay away from it. The administration is the executive branch of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Turkish Forces Once Again Cut Off M4 Highway

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The M4 is considered the spine of transportation in northeast Syria. The highway links al-Haskah, Raqqa and Aleppo.

NSA reached the highway a day earlier after capturing eighteen villages along the administrative border between al-Hasakah and Raqqa. While blocking the highway, the militants arrested and executed a number of civilians, including Secretary General of the Future Syria Party, Hevrin Khalaf.

The SDF was able to reopen the M4 on October 12. However, it appears that this time the NSA militants were able to establish fortified positions on the highway.

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There is no real resistance against the illegal Turkish invasion of Syria and Erdogan will get away with it.

klove and light

give kisses and a big ty to Zionist PIG putin

Icarus Tanović

Great that you revealed your face. Stop that stupid propaganda.

Kemal Büyük

As a Turkish, fuck both zionist-US imperialist scums. Death to Israel-America-Zionism.


You can’t be serious. It’s been almost a week and the Turks barely have a toehold. They have a long way to go to clear 300 miles of border down to the M4. They aren’t even in Kurdish majority areas yet.


Pictures would be great.


The group of Turkish war criminals who murdered the civilians need to be found and prosecuted.

Xoli Xoli

Wither Turkey is bad it not let them liberate all SDF control areas in Syria including ol Omar oil fields and Altanf plus Euphrates river and Dabca dam.Let them liberate Golan heights also and be base in Quneitra or Homs.

Xoli Xoli

Turkey can chase both USA,France, Britain, Germany out of Middle East and break Israel sabotage and lies.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan and his Syrian opposition groups call Assad and the SAA butchers, but we never see videos of SAA soldiers killing innocent civilians, only videos of moderate opposition/terrorists killing innocent civilians, which they proudly post online for the world to see.

“civilian casualties who have been killed since the start of the Turkish military operation on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 9th of October 2019, they are 19 including a child and a female party official were killed in targeting by gunfire and field execution by faction loyal to Turkey on the highway south of Tal Abyad, 7 including 2 employees of the Autonomous Administration were killed in the ground shelling on the vicinity of Tal Abyad, 6 including a child, a woman, and 2 elderly men were killed in rocket shelling targeted the neighborhoods of Bashiriyya, Kaddour Biek, and al-Zaytuniyyeh in Qamishli city, 5 including a child were killed shelling on the vicinity of Ras Al-Ayn area in Al-Hasakah countryside, 4 were killed in the Turkish strikes on al-Bajiya village of Tal Abyad area, and 4 in Turkish airstrikes target the vicinity of Ras al-Ayn (Sari Kani) city, 3 including a female party official were killed by gunshot when they were heading towards Tal Abyad city, a female child was killed in shelling targeted al-Qahtaniyah countryside, and a man was targeted by Turkish snipers in Darbasiyah city, a woman and man were killed in Qameshly city by the Turkish Forces, and a man was killed in rocket shelling by the Turkish Forces on Qasr Dib village on the outskirts of al-Malkiyyeh. In connection to this and as the wave of displacement has been largely growing from the area of east Euphrates, the number of displaced people according to statistics of the “Syrian Observatory” exceeded 130000 civilians of who have displaced from their areas in Tal Abyad, Ras al-Ayn, Darbasiyah and other areas east of Euphrates at the border with Turkey, and some of them are scattered out in the open and most of them headed towards the depth of area, not to mention the difficult humanitarian conditions experienced by the area such as the interruption of water in al-Hasaka city, and the power stations are out of service due to shelling and clashes”. ……..

The official civilian death toll is up to 64+ now with several hundred injuries, with even more civilians fleeing as well, so in just a few more days Erdogan will probably surpass the civilian death toll the Russians and the SAAF incurred in Hama and Idlib over a 6 month period.

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