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Turkish Forces Place Afrin Under Full Lock Down As Death Toll From Recent Bombing Rises

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Turkish Forces Place Afrin Under Full Lock Down As Death Toll From Recent Bombing Rises

Turkish forces are seen near Mount Barsaya, northeast of Afrin, Syria January 23, 2018. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

Turkish forces placed the occupied city of Afrin under a complete lockdown a day after a horrendous bombing that claimed lives of dozens of civilians.

Brocar Press, a pro-opposition outlet, said units of the Turkish military and the Syrian National Army (SNA) blocked all the city’s entrances early on April 29.

“All the roads and crossings in the countryside of Idlib and Aleppo which lead to the area of Afrin and the city are completely closed on the orders and instructions of Turkish forces deployed in the area,” the outlet’s reporter said, adding “A major security alert in the city by Turkish forces and local factions.”

Several checkpoints were also established within the city by Turkish forces, which are carrying out a large-scale search operation.

On April 29 noon, a booby-trapped truck, loaded with oil barrels, exploded in a crowded marked in Afrin’s city center. As a result, a total of 42 people, including women and children, were killed and at least 61 others were injured.

Turkey held both the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) responsible for the attack. Meanwhile, local authorities in the southern Turkish province of Hatay said a suspect was arrested.

From its side, the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said that Turkey, which occupied Afrin in 2018, is the side responsible for the attack.

Afrin witnessed a series of similar bombings over the last two years. These attacks will not likely end any time soon, as the area is loosely controlled by Turkey’s proxies. These proxy groups, like the SNA, are a hub for criminals and radicals in northern Syria.


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Zionism = EVIL

The Turkey cunts Zionist masters did the same in South Lebanon to repress the population and we all know how well that ended. The Turkey savages by their illegal occupation of Idlib are making enemies of the whole population.

Xoli Xoli

Is this Afrin what Purin call escalation zones and Albab.

Traiano Welcome

Is this what overthrowing Assad was supposed to achieve? You can outlive a bad government but you can’t bring back the dead.

Hadi Heidary

assad wasn’t that bad at all, majority of syrians didn’t have any problem with him, this was just a propaganda and excuse by the countries who wanted to divide syria. turkey,israel,US etc……

Traiano Welcome

I agree. I left out the ” on the word “bad”.

Frankly I think Assad the Younger is a good man.

Now, in hindsight, the Assad government looks like veritable angels.

Hafez was brutal … but you know what? At the end of the day, Hafez was the ruler the Syrians asked for, and so was Bashir.

Mustafa Mehmet

Assd terrorist must go. then Syria will be very peaceful country again God willing

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan’s safe zone just became a little less safe and the ALF have just clocked up another war crime to add to the long list they’ve already amassed. I know I keep saying they’re the best fighters in Syria but I also keep saying they’re among the most indiscriminate too, and this has just pushed them to infamous new levels reckless disregard, though in all fairness the ALF always claim there are no innocent civilians in Erdogan’s safe zone, they say they’re all combatants if they’re living in the Kurds stolen homes. And I agree with them until I see pictures of mangled women and children, it’s hard to think of them being the enemy then. Maybe the ALF should start to see women and children as innocent too, and try to avoid making them targets or collateral damage , it’d sure make some of us supporters feel a lot better if they did, we can’t keep seeing pictures of mangled women and children and continue supporting them, and neither will Assad.

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