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Turkish Forces Renew Attack On Syrian Army Positions In Northern Al-Hasakah

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Turkish Forces Renew Attack On Syrian Army Positions In Northern Al-Hasakah

Image: aa.com.tr

The Turkish military and the so-called Syrian National Army (SNA) renewed on November 10 their attack on Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions in the northern al-Hasakah countryside.

Heavy clashes are reportedly taking place around the villages of Daldarh, Tell Ward and Arab Khan. The villages, which are also being shelled by Turkish artillery, are located between the towns of Tell Tamr and Ras al-Ayn.

The Kurdish Syrian Hawar News Agency (ANHA) said that the army is responding to the Turkish-led attack with heavy weapons.

“Reconnaissance planes of the Turkish occupation are also flying over the region,” the agency’s reporter in al-Hasakah said.

A day earlier, five Syrian service members were killed and 26 others were injured while they were repelling a Turkish attack on the village of Umm Sha’Fah. Despite casualties, the SAA managed to hold onto its positions in the village.

Turkish Forces Renew Attack On Syrian Army Positions In Northern Al-Hasakah

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Turkish forces’ attacks on the SAA are a blatant violation of Ankara’s recent agreement with Moscow, that welcomed the deployment of Syrian troops in the northeastern region.

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Imagine what would happen if only the SDF were there.


Oil shipments to Turk

Harry Smith

I think oil shipments would be only after several conditions implemented: 1. Genocide of Kurds. 2. Placing Syrian refugees from Turkey to the homes of genocided Kurds. 3. Establishing pro-Turkey puppet government on the territories. 4. Start of pumping oil by international corporations.

Jens Holm

Your Kurdish wife seemes to dominate You too much. You real name is Bend Over :)

Harry Smith

1. Well, assuming the fact I am from Black Sea region, it’s very hard for a woman dominate me. 2. I am not against Kurds, but stupid commanders of YPG. 3. I am saying just my analysis of the situation even if I don’t like it. PS it’s pure common sense. YPG with revenue from oil smuggling, for sure, will invest part of the money in support of PPK. And PPK with enough resources can convert Turks life in hell. And even establish independent Kurdish republic in South East of Turkey. So for Turks it’s pure suicide to allow Kurds have big money.

Jens Holm

Of course and probatly to Assads as well. They need that income hard as weel as havin fuel for their own.

Its their oil too or does it belong to Assads as their private property – as it was until it was stolen by ISIS from the thieves of Damaskus.

And even worse: Assads has sold a lot for repay the next 24 years to the Russians. They both need it hard :(

I only can see the evils are winning.

Jens Holm

It easy, You ignore facts.

You could take Turks, Assads or Russians out in the same way. So why dont You.

But most of You are unfair to Kurds, because You insist in the got diveded in Neocolonialisme and You insist in Neocolonialisme.

Turkey as a nation Turks only. Syria as Arabic. Now we see Iraq have same dirty problems as Lebanon.

And of course ll faults are made by Kurds, Jews, zionists, westerns and like that.


Hey LR. No flak, you have your take. And ………. it points to something important: there is more going on here than simple advance and retreat. It is hard to tell what is really going on there, outside of driving the Occidentals and Israel out of NE Syria.


It won’t be long before their leverage evaporates. Macron apparently signaled the end of NATO has begun in ernest. It will take a time but, probably not as long as people might think, before the US pulls out of Syria for good. Once the next financial crisis visibly manifests, it is ball game over. But, the Kurd leaderships is surprisingly resistant to reality. I am waiting for that leadership to be sent on planes to the US as part of the deal they are cutting now behind the scenes. A good week to you LR.

Karen Bartlett

I hope you’re correct.

Rafik Chauhan

one thing you are forgetting Erdogon is still nato slave and Erdogon is still agent of US . Kurds and Erdogon is part of plot to destroy Syria. and even turkey will go out of Syria . by that time Russia and SAA will create strong presence in northeast of Syria. and once Russia establish strong Airforce in Tabqa and Qamishli. then this SDF will not dare anything to do to SAA even with US support. bcuz Russia will target them doesn’t matter what happen.

King Cliff

If was the Syrian military,I would response in kind and make a deal with Russian to obtain advance military equipment. As long as I care they could keep the city in which they keep they base just pay federal tax.

King Cliff

if I was the syrian,I might aswell request some Iranians peacekeepers in some area,this move will allow to freee some troops and equipment In other areas where it truly needed.

Karen Bartlett

I wouldn’t trust the Turks or the Kurds to not violate the agreement and to draw the SAA in.


Karen it’s a mad house

Nobody should get involved,especially Russia as they’re gonna get burned

Oh how things are rapidly changing from all the hype just a couple of weeks ago, you know all that talk about how Putin,Assad and the Iranians had pulled off some sort of geopolitical/ military masterstroke

Karen Bartlett

You mean the Asana (sp) agreement? I think that was Russia and Turkey. The Kurds won’t stick to any agreement (they’re still depending on their sugar-daddy, the US; I’m sure there’s some sort of private agreement w/ the Kurds from the US over the oil fields) even if the SAA is helping them. In fact, the SAA has apparently taken the most casualties in the NE (along with Syrian civilians) for trying to help the Kurds. This according to today’s (Nov. 11) South Front. And Turkey, of course, can’t be trusted with some of the terrorists actually working for them. And the Turks are advancing further into Syrian territory. :(

klove and light

Zionist pig Putin did well for his masters…….at least southfront states correctly the following in this article

“Turkish forces’ attacks on the SAA are a blatant violation of Ankara’s recent agreement with Moscow, that welcomed the deployment of Syrian troops in the northeastern region.”

just as in Idlib……..ty Zionist pig Putin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S Melanson

This certainly seems confusing but it is a reflection of the fluidity of alliances and backroom dealing now that the unipolar world has broken down – Macron just conceded this when he said NATO is brain dead – I.e. the head is dead and the head of NATO is the US. So the Hegemon is dead and the US must adjust to sharing power in a new multi-polar world still in its infancy.

Things are accelerating as it becomes ever clearer which way the winds are blowing. The Players are playing chess but without dependable partners for the most part. This is now the phase where new alliances will rise from the ruins of the old alliances. Until the new alliances take shape, a free for all situation will be commonplace. Hezbollah and Iran have stepped back I think until the situation becomes clearer. Particularly how far will Putin go to bring Turkey into Russia’s orbit.

I have been critical of Russia on their methods to achieve aims but I understand the reasoning for the importance of pulling Turkey out of the clutches of the US. Russian bases in Syria are in a precarious position if there is a hostile Turkey with its considerable military only a stones throw away controlling the immensely important strategic Bosporus Straits.

Turkey is the Prize and this is understandable. The other players understand this as well. Just don’t burn every other bridge trying to build this one… after all, think about who it is that awaits you on the other side

S Melanson

A very good comment. The players are evaluating options but things are very fluid and things can change fast – see my other post, appreciate any feedback.


Does this mean Syria are at war with Turkey?

If so how does Putin respond?

Karen Bartlett

Russia was invited by Syria to fight terrorists and I believe Russia has only done that. They don’t want a huge war w/ Turkey or the (US. Syria is not under control by Russia as the Kurds are the US.) I’m sure Russia asks Syria before they make a move, and their actions are coordinated. The Russian Aerospace Forces have been bombing terrorist strongholds in NE Syria. (Of course, some of these terrorists probably work for Turkey, imo.)


This would mean that Russia would enter in a very serious conflict at international level. Its credibility would be totally shaken since for hand hand Russia is attacking terrorists and defending Syria integrity (government and land), for the other Russia does not want to upset Turkey (NATO member) because of their mutual commercial and economical relation ($$$). Just remember that Russia has stop all offensive of SAA on Idlib. So, it would be a very very interesting situation.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You just exposed Erdogan’s masterplan and Russia’s possible complicity in bring his plan to fruition, that’s a better analysis of the situation than any paid for expert has proposed so far and I doubt anyone will question your assumptions. The memorandum of Understanding between the Russians and the Turks is facilitating the exact thing you just hypothesised, and yet you’re offering this as an appealing solution to the problem, but Assad doesn’t find it an appealing solution at all, he keeps saying he wants the Turks out, he can deal with the Kurds himself and still give the Turks what they keep saying they want, a secure border. I think what you want to happen would be just about the worst outcome for Syria full stop, and since both the SAA and the US seem to be doing everything they can to prevent it happening, I don’t think the Russians and Turks will get what they want.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think you should re-read my comment, I at no point insinuated that you were pro Turkish, I in fact read your comment very carefully and understood it, you want to use the threat of Turkish occupation of the Syrian oilfields to help facilitate a reconciliation between the SDF and the Syrian government. I could say your comment is more likely a paid for comment, what you’re proposing would actually be a see saw scenario, leaving the Syrian government vulnerable to the whims of Erdogan, if he decided to actually take the oil for himself after promising not to, what could the Russians or Syrians do to stop him. NOTHING, it’s a see saw scenario, just a little nudge either way and someone gets the lot. In your scenario the Russians would have to trust the Turks to do what they say they would [obviously you’d trust them], but let’s look at Erdogan’s past dealings with Putin and Russia, Astana agreements, Originally 8 Turkish OB posts were sanctioned by Putin, 12 were built by Erdogan, the one at Murak before the agreement was even signed, 8 legal 4 illegal, now there’s another one too making it 5 illegal OB posts according to Astana. Astana de-escalation zone, No attacks against the SAA, Russian forces, or civilians, no heavy weapons, and no designated terrorist organizations operating in the zone, But we got attacks against the SAA, Russian forces, and civilians, heavy weapons as well as CW, and 3 large designated terrorist organizations operating in the de-escalation zone. On top of that the Turks blew a Russian pilot out of the sky, they ship Turkish manufactured Grad rockets + launchers, drones and other weapons and munitions, to the FSA/NFL/SLF in Idlib, who not only use them to attack the SAA, but to also launch attacks against Russian airbases, and they also give some of the weapons to the terrorists to do the same thing. You might trust the Turks to do what they say they’ll do, and Putin might too, but Assad definitely doesn’t and neither do I, we already have the proof Erdogan’s untrustable. Your calling me a paid for troll but you’re the one supportive of a scenario that could possibly deliver Erdogan everything he could possibly want, that’s if he pulled a swifty, A safe one to rehouse 3.6 million Syrian refugees currently living in Turkey, A security zone excluding YPG/PKK forces, And enough oil to pay for the whole lot. All you need is trust in Erdogan for your scenario to work out favourably, but trusting Erdogan is the last thing I hope Assad ever does, because as I said in my original reply to your comment, your hypothesis is exactly what I think Erdogan real objective is, to get to the Syrian oil. My original reply to you didn’t make you appear or even allude to you being pro Turkish at all, but it did make me and possibly others think you’re pretty naive, trust Erdogan, LOL LOL LOL want to buy a cheap mansion in Australia, I’ve got a bargain for you if you’re interested.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m sorry part of my comment felt like an accusation of bias towards Turkey, it was totally unintended. If Erdogan was a moral man your proposition would’ve been an excellent solution for the current situation, but I’m afraid Erdogan’s been proven many times to be totally morally defunct, which makes me feel certain he’d stab Putin in the back if given the opportunity, and the payoff was worth it.


There is not Erdogan master plan, but USA-ISrael master plan handled by Turkey (NATO member).

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is it a blatant violation, the SNA are within the 32km operational zone and haven’t yet secured this town, so according to the Russian and Turkish Memorandum of Understanding this is perfectly legal. Once the town is secured and cleared of PKK/YPG forces, then the SNA should withdraw and allow the Russians and SAA replace them, but the SNA hasn’t secured the town yet so can rightfully claim there might still be PKK/YPG terrorists hiding out there. Of course that’s just a load of BS doublespeak, something both sides can claim to justify their actions and making the legality of the other parties actions questionable, just a confusing mess for lawyers to sort out, and worse still, making both sides both right and wrong at the same time, tooooo confusing.

The SAA want this town and the highway but so do the Turks, and unfortunately the town and most of the highway fall within the 32km safezone, which means 2 of the 3 major roads and highway connecting the 3 governorates, Aleppo, Ar Raqqah, and Al Hasakah, would both be under the control of the Turkish backed SNA once the safe zone is established. The Russians must have forgotten just how important the highways are for Syrian trade and enterprise, leaving 2 of the 3 major transport routes under the control of the SNA isn’t going to help the Syrian economy or it’s people. Goods, services and people will take much longer to get where they’re going, traffic congestion will increase by a factor of 3, meaning police and emergency services will also be affected by congestion which will slow them down, and on top of that they’ll also have longer routes they’ll have to take to get to where they’re going, so bad luck if you’re being murdered, raped, robbed, or are terribly ill, the cops and medics will never get to you in time anymore, and that’s if they can get to you at all. This Memorandum of Understanding [MoU] between the Russian and the Turks is just as bad if not worse than any of the Astana agreements Putin ever made with Erdogan, once again it’s just selling out the Syrian people to appease Erdogan’s lust for conquest, and also putting Putin’s need to turn Erdogan into a dependable ally above the needs of the Syrian people. I suppose if you’re pro Russian and don’t give a shit about anyone else this is a good deal, but if like me you’re pro Russian as well as pro Syrian, this is a crap deal and should never have even been considered in the first place, let alone agreed to.

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