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Turkish Forces Shell Positions Of Syrian Army Near Saraqib

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In a blatant violation of the ceasefire in Greater Idlib, Turkish-backed militants shelled the government-held city of Saraqib late on March 31.

According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), several artillery shells landed in the city. The shells were fired from the nearby town of Almastumah, where an “observation post” of the Turkish military is known to be located.

Turkish Forces Shell Positions Of  Syrian Army Near Saraqib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Opposition sources confirmed the SANA’s report, claiming that the artillery strike was carried out by the Turkish military itself. This is yet to be confirmed. However, it is highly possible. Turkish forces carried out similar attacks over the last few months.

Saraqib city is located on the M5 highway linking the Syrian capital, Damascus, with Aleppo city, the country’s industrial hub. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) managed to secure the city earlier this year following intense battles with the Turkish military and terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

The artillery strike on Saraqib violates the March 5 agreement between Russia and Turkey. It is still unclear if Ankara’s forces were behind the strike. Nonetheless, it is not a secret that the Turkish military is preparing for a new military confrontation in the Syrian region.


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The Syrian government and the rusian advisor must be willing to give Turkey a spanking other wise they will still acting like a superpower or believe they can share they tails when they feel like.. They have artillery and drones, air defence to limit the syrian aircraft operation,that’s what they will be using to strike the Syrian military with. The Russian have to use satellite to identify those aut defense location and artillery position once those are located they must be taking out and the Syrian Syrian militar must always advance under air defense coverage. I want the Turkey government dreams of rhe ottoman empire to be destroy by all Wills and might.


The SAA will just tuck that one away for later, rest assured.

Xoli Xoli

Wither Putin like it or not Erdogan is working on Syrian destruction.Putin does not need to be a Syrian President but under Syrian requests Putin have the dual right to safeguard Syria as Syria army is outnumbered and surrounded by Superpower who actually steal Syrian oil, gas, gold and land.If Putin cant act against Erdogan then he must resign. The are to many Russians who have the potential to become Russian commander in chief.We cant mix friendship with terrorism. This is what Erdogan is doing.


This is hilarious coming from an Iranian guy. Why don’t you fight your own wars as far as I am concern Putin is not iranian dose he has same iranian interests. What obligations dose Putin have here except seizing land which he already has achieved. As far as I am concern Putin has already achieved his goals but if you seek wars beyond that You should seek them yourselves and fight your own wars. Fight turkey yourself

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It won’t take much, for the Arabs to send the Turks back to Central Asia.

All they need, is for Erdogan the Kopek to keep on burning his bridges.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So your a Turd then noHoper19. lol

How many goats do you service?

And I’m white, Christian, and better than you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Make your mind up you goat fucking p rick.

I’m called Russian one day, now an Arab.

Us Christian Europeans will wipe our arses off your Kopek troops.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Russians bombed the sheet out of your forces in Idlib, and you blamed the Syrians! lol

And still, your Kopek leader crawled to Moscow begging Putin to stop.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Syrians did not lose a quarter of their forces to a few drones noHoper19, they were hit by sneaky Turds using cover of supposedly monitoring your ISIS buddies.

Let’s talk about the Turds getting bombed back to the stone age, by Russia. Or we could debate the 1870 war where Britain saved your lot from eviction from the stolen lands of Greece.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Can’t wait.

The end of Erdogan and his goat fucking race.


We have a saying here: “dumb as a Turk”, a mongrol inferior race, treacherous and low IQ creatures, siding with Al Qaeda, ISIS and zionists, no morals organisatie honour. Tyrant jihadist supporting Erdoğan-regime is in decline, corona, economy is crumbling and doing a bad Job in war.Pathetic.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They ran to Europe, rather than fight the Mongols for the patch of desert in Central Asia.

We have a saying here, don’t ever bend over when a Turk is about. lol


Coward Turds leave their dirty job to Al Qaeda, ISIS, USA and Israel, the coward creatures.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Does that upset you, that he waited two months before he called you a smelly Turkish peasant who likes fucking his goats.

Good, well done eltahar.


Millions of leeching Turds in Europe, voting for a dictator in Turkey but not eager to live in their Turkish utopia. Low-IQ Turks are pathetic.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia had them on the run from the Balkans in the 1870s, when Britain marshalled the Prussians, Austrians and French to threaten war with Russia if they took Constantinople.

Imagine a century where we could have returned culture and hygiene, to European soil first ruled by the Greeks.


Lol that coming from a treacherous cockroach Turd, Mongolian untermensch.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Jeez eltahar, Genghis Khan would turn in his un found grave, if he knew he was compared to the Turks.

Being the scourge of Christianity is one thing, being a Turk is shameful. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How many drones have you left?

The Libyans shoot them down for fun, just like the GNA.

No Turdish drones today over Idlib.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And only Tripoli.

Didn’t Erdogan say he would wipe Assad out, as well as his army?

Yet he crawled like the Kopek he is to Assads buddy.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

More targets for Russian pilots, keep them coming.

The Syrians are waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

I suppose when you fucked all the goats in Idlib, off back over the border, before your troops get caught for alimony to the Kids. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong


The world knows all about Turkish males love of goats, and their Kids.

noHoper19 is no different. As for your mother, as I said, she sucks cock to get back at your father fucking goats.

Now go serve some drinks to Western tourists supporting your family, boy.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Ahh noHoper19, have I upset you by talking about you being the son of a goat?

Great stuff. You smelly fucking Turkish prick.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The photo’s are there Kopek.

Even the head choppers take your drones down, thinking their Russian, muppets.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Experienced generals, in Libya?

Experienced in killing Turds, and of course the Turds would like us all to believe that Libya is a first world power, lol

How many wars and cities has Libya ever won?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Those Arabs tore your sheet army to pieces in WW1.

Took Iraq, Syria, and kicked your ass recently in Idlib.

All it took, was one British officer to beat your Turds.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You were crushed in Vienna centuries ago. We never had to put up with you smelly pricks. Since then, we have taken all your territories, apart from the steppes of south eastern Europe.

Your Mother knows all about sucking cocks.

She was jealous of your father fucking goats.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I couldn’t give a fuck who took Arab lands, as I said we sent one officer to organise the Arabs.

Then they slaughtered the Turds, forcing them out of Saudi, Syria, Jordan, Syria, etc etc.

Trust a Turd to mention ass and fucking.

National hobby of Turds, after goat fucking.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Let’s talk about my culture, and how we shrank the Ottomans down to a Turkey.

We fucked the Arabs far better than your Asian retards did.

No, no Hoper19, tell me all about the goat you are fucking.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The term white, Christian english speaking people use, is dipshit you moron.

Gobshyte may be the term you mean, but as you have never been educated beyond the fairy tale called the Koran, what can one expect.

Did you overhear some Brits using the term while you served then drinks, or what!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

An atheist in a mad mullah nation, lol.

Fucking goats is all your race can do.

At least I thought you how to spell dipshit. You gobshyte.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I know that you goat fucker.

You are a Turd. Musthaveashit is your first cousin.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are a Khazarian Jewhadi you muppet.

How could you know what your race is, when you have no idea who your father is.

Probably a goat. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They are related, by the laws of marriage you cretin.

Your family wouldn’t know nothing about marriage, fucking bastards the lot of you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Tell that to your father you smelly Turd.

Since when did a Turd give a shit about legalities? It’s illegal to be an atheist in mullah land also, but you don’t pay no attention to those laws.

Your mother is getting great at sucking cocks though. It must be all the visiting tourists getting an extra, while you serve drinks. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

My family have been here in Western Europe, forever.

I don’t have a sex doll, I like real women and my religion does not stop me from looking at their faces or bodies.

You stupid Allah nuts on the other hand, cannot see your women behind their balaclavas, and so you marry dogs and only find out on the wedding night.

That’s why you are all ass bandits and goat fuckers.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m saying that because your religion is so backwards, that you can’t look at women in your crazy shithole.

You are just like Mohamed, a fucking child rapist.

You graduated to fucking goats as that’s in your blood anyway.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How could I confuse a goat fucker like you with a decent, Christian family!

The likes of you won’t ever put me down, you miserable fucking Jewhadi scumbag. I would rip your fucking head off, you underfed third world asshole.

Fuck off to Israel you prick. Back where you belong with your Khazarian ass fucking mates.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Rushing out to catch a goat no Hoper19?

You smelly turd, go wash yourself before you get behind the goats, you disease ridden Turd.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The graves in Europe are usually in the ground, so yeah, it is dirty around her.

Not that a corpse would care, but you would just love digging up a grave to fuck a corpse.

That’s why you are known as an ass fucking race.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Stupid Kid, with a capital letter!

You just can’t stop thinking about fucking goats.

Jens Holm

Going back like that makes no sense. You also forget, that Osmans kept the whole Balkan and much more for several centuries.

Hard to see any arabs with or without dromedars there.

1878 and the dividings there must be the, where it makes relevance for today. Noah is not there. Adam is not there. Moses – though should not kill – is not there. Not even a Turk wear fez.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Native Americans kept the whole of North America for thousands of years. Does that make them superior to the Turds?

WTF is a dromedars?

Write in English ffs.

Jens Holm

There we go again. You not even has relations to, what You wrote Yourself and I commented about.

Arabs didnt liberate much. The main parts were taken from the Ottomans by others. The main parts of the mainly arabic areas was taken by Brittish troops fro their colonies and mainly from the GB Brittish Empire India. Totally it was 1,3 millions.

Those were as good as any as well as the supply for them was.

Fx wiki says: The Indian Army fought against the German Empire in East Africa and also on the Western Front. More than 13 lakh Indian soldiers served during World War I fighting for the Britishers. They served in places as diverse as France and Belgium, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Gallipoli, Palestine and Sinai.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Fuck off you Nazi prick, and learn English, so as to read a book.

You love the Turks so well, surely you could visit them there.

They fuck Kids also.

Jens Holm

I dont love Turks. I love You and others knows what happend in those dayd and not based on historical unfacts as Yours.

I try to change and update You.

I am not like You at all being some hooligan on the sideline. You dont speak for all arabs there at all as well. Arabs are many different people. Some fews actualy are quite nice.

More then 50% of the Turks here in Denmark are doing fine. They mopre or less are as us being integrated having jobs and the viewes makes money too.

I dont see why the most of the rest should be here apart from some groups Erdogans dont like and among them not only Kurds. We have them becauise they have nowhere else to go and hope their next generation will fit in better.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They were your war time allies through two world wars.

I don’t want your love, keep it for your child victims.

Jens Holm

Denmark did not participate in WW1 at all.

At WW2 we hoped to stay neutral as well. Before Germans took Denmark,they defeated Poland, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Franca as well as the Brittish troops in France

So we should defeat us alone against that war machine. We were in Chamberlein mode hardly having a defence.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are a province of Germany ffs.

You sent troops for the Nazis, and those are facts. Like the Swedes, willing perpetrators of Nazi war crimes.

Jens Holm

8.000 wastnt many. We has 2 nazi parties and elections under WW1. They go 5% of the votes.

Denmark has been its one state even before we took England for some Time.

We were our own with Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands parts of Sweeden as well as parts of Northern Germany of today. We even had 3 small colonies.

Denmark was a small but wel respected suprpower for many centuries and certainly not a part of or depended of the quagmire of the many small states in Germany. We had corners of is.

We also were crusaders and has names on the maps around the world for it. In Latvia the Capitol is named Tallin, which means the town of Danes.

Mainly with our Norweigian parts we did invent America as well.

After that we has split up an declined a lot in quantity, but we are good friends with our neighbors.

How should we fight the Nazis, which also were able to attack USSR almost to Moscow.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And you loved that, Nazis nearly taking Moscow.

Fortunately for civilisation, the Soviets went and destroyed the Aryan myth, and wiped out 90% of all Nazi troops in WW2.

Just giving up is nothing short of cowardice and collaboration. The crusades you talk about, were of course against the Slavs in the Baltic area. Not against the Muslim invaders of the home of Jesus.

8000 Nazis, who still collect Nazi pensions, you Danes should be ashamed of yourselves.

Jens Holm

I am not ashamed. I was not even born. My father and mother was about 9 or 10 years old, when I started.

And Yes, we and many others partly were ashamed some. It was some pest or cholera.

Thats right we were both in tha Batics and against muslims for taking back those areas as well as plunderers. We were not better then others.

You might compare it with some Christaians and Jews had taken Mecca. Would You like that???

Most from Denmark which came to ME was to visit it as pilgrims. They were not fighters. It was like muslims visiting the stone i Mecca with a lot of praying and many died. It was not like taking a train or an airplane.

Most of those nazis actually died at the frontzones. If they were 20 years old they today are 100 years old. And yes, they of course had had pension like anybody else.

Should all germans has been killed after WW2. I dont thoink so.

You forget we had more communists. Until Germany attacked USSR they were very loyal to the nazis and even supported taking half of Poland by Stalin.

After Barbarossa those ones were the first organized against the nazis. Thats how loyalty can be as well.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They weren’t Muslims in the Baltics.

Poland was a Christian state, as were some of their Lithuanian subjects.

And Stalin did not take half of Poland, not for 2 weeks after the GermanDanish Nazis cunts attacked Poland.

Did you really expect the Soviets to invite your barbarians to their own borders?

Yes, the Germans should have been shot as war criminals, everyone of them.

At least the Greeks wouldn’t have been ripped off by the Germans again. Your fucking Protestant culture demands that Greece pay back their loans, while your German buddies never paid off their debts over two wars the fuckers started.

The only reason your lot became Protestants, was to be able to fuck and marry whatever woman they wanted to, without paying the woman you dumped.

Fucking perverted religion, for perverted people.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Which branch of the Protestant tree do you support?

David Koresh perhaps, or Jim Jones!

What the fuck are your lot protesting about today?

Jens Holm

Its the Martin Luther version. An important thing in that is, that we all should be able to read whats written in the bible.

The bible therefore was tranlated from Latin to all languages and we should learn to read and write.

Islam is still inthe mode, where people say “It was written”, but thay cant read and see if its true or not.

A result of that tradition we danes has translated the Choran into a traditional and a modern version as well as it goes.

Muslims here all learn danish and therefore can read themselves, what Islam is all about. Many incommers could not even read and write their own language and ceratinly not old arabic.

And they were protesting against the Pope in Rome should be like a God on earth for them and fx speak to them and not with them in a language they did not understand.

One thing still can compared with Islam. If You do bad things, You can trade that away by giving gifts to the Church.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Islam was made up over 500 years after Jesus you muppet. Don’t compare that twat religion to the Christian faith, which you heathens abandoned, for money.

They were protesting that the head of the Church demanded payments, for the upkeep of the Churches, which all religions do. Martin Luther never spoke about creating a new church, in fact he demanded that no church, or religion be named after him. He was against corruption within the Church, but he never meant for his opposition to rampant corruption to split the one true faith.

The Pope, is not a God on Earth you lying Prod fucker, he is Gods representative, elected by his earthly peers. Isn’t your “royal” family the head of your State church you fucking moron. The Queen of England claimed to be Gods agent in England.

Jim Jones and David Koresh could just as easily be your head of church, just by fucing a twat Danish “royal”.

Go bow to your monarch you cunt, while refusing to bow for God.

Fucking heathen barbarians that you are.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

But Martin Luther demanded that no church be named after him, as there is only one true faith.

And when did Martin Luther ever promote royalty as Gods representative on Earth, never mind say they would be Gods in Denmark?

You crazy old bat, bowing to a women some prince picked out of a brochure.

And I thought the Muslims were mad, but at least most of them live in third world countries, with poor education standards.

What’s your excuse for worshipping a woman with a royal title?

Jens Holm

No, they didnt. The regular troops was muslims and hindus from GB India supported by brittish officers and education.

Those also delivered all caonons, all uniforms, trains, rails, food and anything else.

“The arabs” were few and very important for the final cut, but there was no arabic uprise apart from, where Saudis are now.

No arabs at all took Syria as well as Iraq.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What regular Indian troops fought with the Arabs against the Turks in WW1? Indian troops fought against your lot, Aryan muppets who don’t realise the Aryans came from Asia.

You Aryan p rick, Laurence of Arabia was his name, not Laurence of India. Duh

Jens Holm

Look it up fx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesopotamian_campaign

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I know Laurence of Arabia led Arab forces against the Turks, why are you offering me child porn sites to show otherwise?

Jens Holm

They were not many. You dont know about the rest from Persian gulf as well as from Egypt(Allenbye).

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I don’t want to know about the child porn sites you visit from anywhere.

Have you got any children locked up in your basement?

Jens Holm

Thats how it is. I tell You dont know well known and well known written facts down to the last soldiers and uniforms with maps and producyions i numbers and tons.

Andinstead of learning, You just open Your big mouth hiding You dont use Your brain or has non.

As long as You keep Yopurself that stupid, Ypu will never win against some few jews. They devellop and use, what normal human as You also have.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Fuck off you failed Nazi cunt, Denmark is a shithole who supported the Nazis, sending volunteers to the SS.

Jens Holm

Hard to see the importance of that according arabs liberating themselves from the Ottomans or not, which is a very very limited version of, who did what in arabistan at WW1 :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Links to child porn that I am not interested in hearing about.

Your mother sucks cock, as you do yourself.

Jens Holm

How much did You pay. Not many are necrophiles those days. My mother dies dome years ago. I didnt know she still made money. I will ask my father:)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your mother is still servicing visiting troops Jens, don’t be ashamed of her.

She did it so the Nazis would take you away.

Jens Holm

Same bad try for a joke. Denmark dont have that bad jokes at all. They are censured away.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Like they censor there Nazi past, sure.

Jens Holm

We have no bad nazi past. It was a democratic choise by our goverment to let many 1000 defnesless citicewns die for nothing or stay alive almost no matter what.

We then choose to stay alive and was treated relative well. There were very good reasons for that. One might be we after WW1 voted about a new borderline to them instead of taking all as fx France did.

Therefore even the nazis had no reasons for any revenge. We had good relations to germanny and mainly has to most of them during many centuries in culture, trade, education and being protestats in religion as well.

We then proced a lot for them and every time we sold them for 100 kroner, we only got for 80 kroner back. We became very poor by that but stayed alive.

We dont see us as heroes or the opposite. It was realisme.

We were on the side of Chamberlein just as USA.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So you think that when a vicious, murdering bunch of psychopaths ask to rape your children, you say OK.

To live with that attitude is shameful.

So what the fuck are you in NATO for?

To desert them also!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Despicable. Even neutral Ireland had 100 thousand men go to Britain, their arch enemy, to fight against Hitler.

But Denmark, well, we do good trade with the Germans, so we don’t mind them doing genocide.

What a shameful race you are, true Protestants, look after oneself, and fuck humanity..

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You ask your father to suck cocks?

Jeez, don’t they have child protection in your country?

Jens Holm

Ha ha . We serve jokes like that on mondays.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He serves in the brothel on Mondays?

OK, not that I asked or anything.


A Turd calling someone else dumb, that is funny.

Jens Holm

Thats not correct. They hardly participated in anything at all.


Dumb Turds are worthless and cowards.

Jens Holm

its more likely all arabs join Saudis and take Yemen back.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sure you failed Nazi p rick.

The Shia Arabs would just love backing up the losing side in Yemen, those crazy Wahhabi Sunni muslims.

Do you get your diplomatic training from Pompous Mike, or what!

Jens Holm

My comment is irony telling You have no idea in things You write about. Its only fantasy or wishes.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your comments are incomprehensible, stupid and poorly written.

Now fuck off and have some bacon.

Jens Holm

You understand it well. Thats my whole point.

Most people in the whole world loves bacon. When the Chinese take over, You will eat bacon every day.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

China has the worlds longest state history, you illiterate child molester.

The Nazis might have told you that China sends troops abroad, but no decent history book will tell you that.

Jens Holm

Most of us dont know if China has the longest history of all.

My comment about China was, that then You will blame them doing nothing Yourself unless Your are under constant command.

Chaiman Mao once said he didnt care about the color of the cats if they catch mice. You are the mice:)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Who would “most of us” be?

Your Nazi brethren in the Nordic SS divisions?

Jens Holm

8.000 isnt much. Our regular army was about 40.000 incl. the navy.

We also started before that with many hundreds supporting Finland against the Bolsjevic hordes. Most of the 8.000 were real Nazis and not only for aome kind of adventure.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Finns were led by a Nazi, who was friendly towards Hitler. Finland was an authorial state, run by fascists, who did ally with Hitler. Finland was also a longtime member of the Tsarist empire, finally getting independence from Lenin.

You think murdering 6 million Jews, 27 million citizens of the Soviet Union, plus all the other people targeted by the Nazis, was some kind of adventure?

You also have troops in Afghanistan, another adventure for bored, fascist Danes eh!

Jens Holm

Mannerheim wasnt a nazi at all. He was a nationalist and in the Tzar regime as high rank officer.

Most of time I knopw of Finland was a part of Sweden and not Russia. Thats goes for the Bltics as well. They were not Russia.

The rest of Your crap makes no sense at all.

Danes rescued almost all jews we had and they went to sweden.

Putting us in with Nazis makes no sense even blaming us with the killings in USSR and the countries, where they killed a lot of non comunists as well.

The high numbers of killed Russians was made by the many stupidies made by Stalin. So the numbers is correct but the reaosns are not at all. Fx

1) The Bolsjevics sold the nazis everything they needed for war. 2) In 1938 and forward Stalin took all the best commaders of the red army away and their expertice, which has made it as the best in Europe 3) Even there was a strong armed defence line all the way from Murmansk to the Black sea, Stalin took the front troops into the new border in poland divided with germans, so those main stoppers of germans only was covered by tents, wood abd camouflage nets 4) After having removed those good leaders for modern warfare in the Russian version the new leaders of the army was afraid for their own lives and therefore followed orders better then any Jihadist can in Islam. 5) Unfortunatly the Russian frontline against th nazis almost only was covered for communication by normal phonelines, which was the first the Nazis took away.

By thats many Russian units hardly did a fight and most of the reserve armies behind them were totally blind and even not coordinated with each other.


If those troops had not been amputated and in wrong possitions the german troops would have been exhausted long time before they did and there was time to send in the reserves, which was there, in an effective way.

By that the nazis could not kill as they did, where they came. The evacuations of industrial capasity also could have been more organized. So many died there under transport as well as producing having not even a roof.

Stalin did not not evacuate a single jew as well. It only was party members and some extra workers even big towns as Kharkov, Donerstsk and Ristov had about 30% Jews.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your shared Protestant religion was the cause of Nazi mythology, but still you blame Stalin for your crimes!

You Nazi cunt, still denying.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The majority of Soviet civilians were murdered by German forces, Wehrmacht regulars, and the SS death squads. They were usually staffed by collaborators like your lot, and Nazis among the Poles and Galicians.


Of course, your perverted religion excused you all from that.

But the rest of the world knows it.

Jens Holm

I agree in we are in Afghanistan as well as in mnay other dark places. Why waste money there and even some dead danes. What a waste. We have no friends there and even ISIS will sell us oil.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So ask the Danish God on Earth, Margethe the fucking second to do something about it.

If you love Martin Luther so much, then why did you ignore his wishes?

I don’t call you Protestants, but the Bitching Church.

Fucking moaning pricks about whether the cribbing Danes should pay the Pope, or some royal whore.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So where is your protesting at Margrethe the second playing God on Earth for the Danes?

Where are the groups of the Moaning Church, when a twat who fucked some prick royal, who claims that God appointed himher, to rule over the Danes?

Or are you a backward twat who actually believes that God comes down, tells someone you are royal, and so can be the leader of the Danes in religion, and taxation?

You fucking prick, you are as demented as any mad mullah.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Jesus Jens, if I thought I only had to mention the Danish God on Earth, Margrethe the fucking second, to shut you up for good!

I know now though that your fucking Queen is a sore point for a prick who believes in fairy tales of princesses and princes. Cinderella must be in that story also I take it.

You cretin, bowing to another human being and calling them YOUR LORD.

No wonder you Danes bent over so easily for Hitler, and the NATO cunts who took over his role.

Joe Doe

Looks like Putin still have his tail between legs and dance to Erdogan music. Putin for Syria right now is disaster. The massage to every leader in the world, is that Russia is very lousy protector

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Ha ha, Jane Doe.

You should have been aborted.


Where is that yemenite @”Klove and light” Bashing Putin as if he is his guardian while his clearly a yemenite citizen. That dude is not even Russian nor pro-Russia. But still expecting Russians to babysit him. Russia has it’s own interests and they only care about the Russian citizens safety. I suggest you fight your own wars. Turkey is waiting for you if you wanna go lets do this shixxt and get it settled


Their economy is in the shitter, and the Covid virus is really starting to grow there and yet Turkey want’s to continue with this neo-Ottoman fantasy. Priorities huh.

The Saint

The Turk military is inexperienced and poorly led – this is well known within NATO. The Turks are also terrified of casualties.

These facts together mean that there is zero chance that the Turk military will willingly go to an open conflagration with the SAA. The Turk would lose hundreds of soldiers in the opening hours/days and this would mean the end of Erdo’s presidency.


Humiliated by the Greek forces when the Turkish regime was trying to push their proxies “refugees” into Europe they again showed their true face as usual.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And did a lot of those shells accidentally hit the highway junction and destroy it, or was the highway junction actually the target. A convoy of Turkish trucks carrying concrete blocks has just arrived at Nayrab, is the highway extension from Nayrab to Sarmin now under construction, I suspect it is.


Well, that is the reason why Turkey has been building up weapons inside Syria, and Russia knows it.

Rafik Chauhan


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