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Turkish Forces To Withdraw From Another Post Besieged By Syrian Army

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Turkish Forces To Withdraw From Another Post Besieged By Syrian Army

Turkish forces are seen near Mount Barsaya, northeast of Afrin, Syria January 23, 2018. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

Turkish are preparing to withdraw from another observation posts besieged by government forces in northwestern Syria, several sources reported on October 29.

The post in question is located near the town of Shir Mughar, in the northwestern countryside of Hama. The post was established in May of 2018. Last February, the post was besieged by the Syrian Arab Army, which captured much of the Ghab Plains.

“Turkish forces present at the eleventh post in the village of Sher Maghar, northwest of Hama, continuing their preparations to withdraw from the post within the Syrian regime-held areas, as they continue to dismantle their equipment in preparation for leaving the post,” the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said in a report.

The Istanbul-based Syria TV said Turkish troops will withdraw from Shir Mughar post to a newly-established post near the town of Qoqfin in the southwestern Idlib countryside.

Shir Mughar post will be the second Turkish observation point to be evaluated. Earlier this months, Turkish forces began withdrawing from a post near the town of Murak in the northern Hama countryside. According to the SOHR, the withdrawal process from the post is still ongoing.

Over the last two years, Turkish forces established more than 60 posts throughout Greater Idlib. Thousands of heavily-armed troops are deployed in these posts.

The Turkish withdrawal from Murak and Shir Mughar posts may be a sign of a new Russian-Turkish agreement on Greater Idlib. The situation in the region is still far from stable. The agreement reached on March 5 has not been implemented yet.


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Vox Populi

As a well wisher of Turkey and regional stability, it is time for Turkey to work out a modus vivendi with Dr. Assad and Syria. There is a bigger Eurasian picture that is far more important as the US declines. As Stephan Kinzer in his prophetic book Turkey and Iran and the future of US wrote, these two states will decide the future of the Muslim world and influence in Eurasia dominated by China. Russia has yet to figure out where it belongs.

Lone Ranger

I agree, except Russia already has figured it out. The biggest country on the planet they font need more, they only want to be treated fair, aside from that they are blocking U.S. genocide on all fronts with a success. Without Russia Syria and Iraq wouldnt exist today and thats a Fact.

Vox Populi

Unfortunately Russia has very high level penetration by the Bilderberg oligarchs. However, let’s hope Russia can see its future integrated with rising Eurasia, even sensible EU states like Spain, Italy and Portugal see more benefit in integration with Eurasian powers and China. US is in eternal decline and no amount of spin will change that. Next week is crucial for US and its deep state is hell bent on portraying Russia as the biggest threat.


No EU member is sensible, much less any country hosting the Vatican. They’re deeper in the quagmire of terrorist Ziocorporate globalism’s New World Order than Russia, and if they’re looking at China, that’s because angling for being met halfway by the Chinese, whose rise was literally a money/tech transfer from Western Ziocorporatism

Jimmy Jim



What do you mean by sensible states, weaker?

John Brown

The racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorhip is dying from its own actions and behavior which the empire can’t change. This collapse is inevatable and is now accelerating rapidly.

Davide Herzog

I wouldn’ t say that ! Anglozionist empire is strenghtening and deepening its power on eu . They own the states and the people’ s brains . Nobody can leave eu hell . They rules till their last slave life . Only a war , a nuclear one , can free the countries colonized .

John Brown

There is no anglo zionist anything. If you believe that I have to say you are incredibly dumb

There is only the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.

You can believe fantasies if you want. They are all bankrupt with rapidly declining economies, militaries, societies, education, morals, values etc. The scale of the rot and collapse is stunning.

The EU is a part of this rapidly declining Zio empire. The criminal Zio elite knows this very well and is terrified. I expect them to exterminate half of their own slave Goyim populations.

Wait until unemployment is 50% plus there is famine etc.

Massive increases in censorship and the police state are a sign of weakness not strength. They further bankrupt the empire draining and wasting resources accelerating the decline.

Brother Ma

Spain and Italy are traitors who also have too many investments in Turkey ,so screw them. Too bad, too sad their investments are crap because the Turkish lira keeps dropping. The Us and Gemany will do relatively ok and that is all that Nato/Eu really cares about anyway.If we are lucky Spain and Italy bombing out may screw the Eu and make it fail.

Jimmy Jim


Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…

John Brown

Russia is the military protector of China, Iran and with Russia’s saving of Erdogan’s life in the attempted Zio coup and with the sale of the S400 they are the protector of Turkey as well. Without the S-400 Turkey had no defense against ZATO or Israeli air attacks

Lone Ranger

Very True. Indeed.


Lost? speak of the cia/democrats and kweers like junktard biden,Russias the M.E must (period)

Vox Populi

Biden if he gets in, will be far greater threat to world peace than a bombastic buffoon Trump. The US deep state will be pushing a senile corrupt Biden to the max.


Beware of False Prophets! S.K.

Lone Ranger

Good job.


How is job? You was the most active here until 2 weeks ago.

Vox Populi

The Zionist trolls have all of sudden gone on a break too.


Also zionism evil is in vacation


no … he is here and he writes under another name.


Is he you? :)

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Possibly they are volunteers in NK and have other things to do.

Lone Ranger

Lower the drug intake, your english is getting worse. No offense…


Another harsh day at work? Don’t worry, you’ll get used.

Lone Ranger

I see you are having a wet dream again. Grow up…


You started talking like a busy plumber. That’s good, the clogged sewages are more important than internet arguments. Btw let me know when your economic advisor tells you the dollar will belly up so I can get a real job like yours :)

Lone Ranger

You are mixing me up with one of your Poletard friends plumbing in Englandistan… And yes the $ will go belly up, even according to mainstream experts, just wait and watch, it will happen soon.

You can call me Al

Good job to the Syrians that surround them perhaps ?.


Nah, he’s a refugee, got a free smartphone and now they found him a job


Turks should not have a single post to support terrorist Islamism in Syria to begin with, but it’s more imperative for Syria to deal with the US Ziocorporate terrorist and the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine invaders in Syria for the possibility of peace to even have a chance of ever happening.


Turkey cant completely leave Idlib. Turkey cant take more refugees. So Turkey will have to fight, if it is forced to do so, like the last time. But i guess a deal was made with Russia, to at least leave the Posts in SAA controlled area. At least a positive step.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Turkey can create a 30km demilitarized zone on its own territory and not in Syria. Larger population, larger economy. Problem solved.


Turkey will prefer to fight and destroy SAA as much as possible.


well , to destroy saa you need better trained army , at the moment turkish army just shown how poor trained they are in Syria .Nato equipment is not enough we sold you. Just fact based on reality.


Sure sure….keep dreaming. As if SAA would stand a chance against TAF, if Russia wouldnt protect them.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

I know. But it’s wrong to do so.

Brother Ma

You broke it. You can fix it …not us.


Turkey did it like Russia in Ukraine. Move in and take it. PKKistan hindered, refugees stoped. Mission accomplished for now.

Brother Ma

Ukraine is Russia ,Syria is not Turkey. Get out.

Mr T

you cant trust the Russians always lying. My solution would be that Turkey and FSA cleans HTS and wahhabi from Idlib and protects Idlib and gets is 30 km protection for the rest of North West Syria. Nut Russia/Asad/Iran dont cooperate… so situation stays as is.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Turkey can create a 30km demilitarized zone on its own territory and not in Syria.


Turkey IS the HTS you fucking Moron.

Brother Ma

He knows it well and just tries to fool average joes on site. All alphabets in Syria are Turco Saud qatari allies who had a lover’s tiff. Fry them all!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are you kidding, Turkey and HTS are enemies now, not friends, they may be allies on one front but it’s only for convenience, on another front they’re mortal enemies.

You can call me Al

You have no idea what TF you are talking about – “My solution would be that Turkey and FSA cleans HTS” – sounds good to me.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You obviously don’t read much news but I can tell you right now that HTS is in the process of splitting the Turkish backed NFL forces into 2 forces, the Jihadists will remain as moderate opposition under Erdogan’s command and the rest will give up the Jihad and pursue a political solution with HTS. So unless Turkey directly intervenes soon it’s favourite moderate opposition group the NFL is about to implode, LOL, so good luck trying to clean out HTS with the FSA’s help, Turkey’s already trying to cope with an insurrection from it’s most loyal supporters as it is, so I don’t think they’ll go well if they have to confront HTS, especially since HTS has overwhelming local support, especially from the Arab populations.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

2 down 59 to go.


This will do wonders to the Turkish-Tranny-Army morale. I expect such withdrawals happening routinely until the Turkish Trannies reach their country’s border.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, run you cowards. Can’t have three hot fronts, can you? Next step is SAA liberation of Idlib.

Ice Icegold

Go away , leave all your evil posts , go to hell.

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