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Turkish Gendarmerie Officer Was Killed In Recent Northeast Syria Explosion

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A Turkish gendarmerie officer was killed in a recent car bomb attack in the Turkish-occupied part of northeast Syria, the administration of Turkey’s southeastern Şanlıurfa province announced on March 12.

The attack, which took place in the morning, targeted a checkpoint near the town of Tell Halaf in al-Hasakah’s northern countryside.

Turkish Gendarmerie Officer Was Killed In Recent Northeast Syria Explosion

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

The attack also claimed the lives of three personnel of the so-called Syrian Free Police, a law enforcement body backed by Turkey.

Turkey held the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the People’s Protection Units (YPG) responsible for the deadly attack. As usual, no real evidence was presented to back these accusations.

Last week, a similar attack struck a checkpoint in the Turkish-occupied town of Hamam al-Turkman in northern Raqqa, killing three Turkish soldiers.

The Turkish military established 41 checkpoints between the towns of Ras al-Ayn and Tell Abyad in northeast Syria last year. These checkpoint, which were meant to improve security, have apparently became targets for new attacks.


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Hanny Benny

Welcome to calipHell !!

Tim Williams

who cares … nobody

Liberal guy

Ya the less the scums the better


Who Cheers? EVERYBODY :)

Tim Williams

Heavy bombardment on IRAQ positions right now ..


Tim Williams

remember ERDO says just 59 were killed … you going to believe him or your lying eyes …




It appears that the Turkish army has been using the Jew trick of ‘projection’ when Erdo claimed thousands of SAA deaths.

Reality is sooooo cruel :) :)

Tim Williams

Why else has he arrested dozens of reporters on the false death counts 500 + killed in IDLIB …. I’ve seen 4 other videos like this ….

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It looks like all these people were walking somewhere when they were struck, but the Turks don’t walk anywhere, they travel in armoured vehicles, so I suspect these corpses are more likely to be the corpses of dead terrorists or opposition fighters. But it’s still awesome to behold and totally terrifying too [also gruesome], I can imaging any terrorists watching this video will now begin suffering from a new bout of anxiety, especially by the time they finish watching it, that’s the widest path of destruction I’ve ever seen from just one bomb.

One more thing I noticed, where were all the weapons, I didn’t see any at all except for right at the end where I think I saw one laying on the ground, were they all retrieved before the camera started rolling, I hope they were.


There was a night-vision video of the massive rocket attack by SAA. I never saw the results of that. Some military were commenting that no one can survive it. Perhaps this is the result of that attack.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No burnt foliage on the bushes, no big pot holes on the ground from rocket impacts, no bodies flung or torn apart from explosions, just people who dropped where they stood, I suspect the air was sucked out of their lungs, Russian thermobaric bombs can do that and they cover a huge area of impact, I suspect that’s what we’re seeing here.

Xoli Xoli

No support Turkey rubbish in Syria even if their die like flies.




Come on you Syrian warriors ! Exterminate the vermin that is turkey ! Kick them out of your holly Syrian land ! Greece is wholeheartedly on your side ! May the Hellenic spirit of the ancient warriors and the weapons of Mother Russia guide you to victory!



What cares: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-takes-control-of-several-areas-in-idlib/


Well, they’re free now :)

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