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MARCH 2025

Turkish Hard Power Vs Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Soft Power

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Turkish Hard Power Vs Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Soft Power

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On April 27, Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles dropped leaflets calling on Idlib residents to support the Turkish Army and its efforts to deblock the M4 highway in southern Idlib.

uch actions by the Turkish military likely demonstrate that the negotiations with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which were held after a military incident between the sides on April 26, likely ended with no real progress. If the Turkish Army continues its efforts to de-block the part of the M4 highway near Nayrab by force, it may found itself in the state of an open military confrontation with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

The April 26 clash between the Turkish Army on the one side and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its supporters on the other side became the first time when Turkish forces responded with a hard power to attempts of Idlib protesters to sabotage their actions by ‘peaceful means’.

First, Turkish troops clashed with pro-Hayat Tahrir al-Sham protesters that were blocking the M4 highway near Nayrab. Then, when several protesters were killed and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants joined the fight, Turkish combat drones struck a Hayat Tahrir al-Sham position in the nearby area.

The pro-HTS propaganda video shows the moment of the clash between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants and Turkish troops near Nayrab on April 26 (despite the title about civilians):

Earlier, the Turkish Army, the US-led coalition and the Russian military intentionally avoided using military force in response to non-lethal actions by local protesters. However, on April 26, the Turkish Army created a precendent for the usage of force against any persons that pose even a minor threat to military contingents deployed in the county.


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Grab the popcorn, this should be good.

Al Balog

Perfect, I had a feeling that this was the whole goal of Russia’s 4D chess. This will sure be a new pain-in-the-ass for Erdogan, haha ??.

The Turkish Rats vs. The Green Rats.


If you believe that all that Turkish military build up in Idlib was only for Assad , you are dumber than any regular iranian bot on net.

Peter Jennings

And you’re a troll who gets paid to lie and attack commenters on sites such as this one.


On the contrary , I piss people like you because I tell the truths. The reason why my comments make you angry is simple. There is always truth in it which you notice when I put it down.

I dont have any problem with people who can post their ideas without name callings. But when I see one, I go with such people till the end, till they regret what they have done. I also dont down vote people randomly looking at their comment histories as well . Thats what your shallow friends do , love.

Peter Jennings

That’s good news. So we on this site can expect more from you in future other than the usual sniping? You don’t piss me off or make me angry. You just give me the urge to groom your coat.

Peter Jennings

Cramming the rats into every decreasing sized containers. This is bound to happen sooner or later.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Looking at the joy and happiness on the protesters faces after they rocked the Turkish convoy it’s hard to imagine they’re actually a bunch of bloodthirsty murderers, but when members of Nour al-Din al-Zenki cut that 10 year old boys throat in Aleppo way back in 2016, they all had the same expressions of joy and happiness on their faces when they cut his innocent throat. So when the US sacked/ended support for the group [due to increasing accusations of atrocities, they went to Turkey and got their official support, and then they were accused of even more atrocities fighting for the FSA, and when Erdogan couldn’t tolerate the bad media they were getting while working for him, he also sacked them too, and now they’ve gone to the only group that will have them, HTS. And just comparing this video to the ones that show Kurds doing the same thing to Russian and Turkish patrols, I can say the HTS supporters can throw stones a hell of a lot better than the Kurds can, the Kurds throw stones like a bunch of girls but the HTS supporters throw them like elite athletes, so they must’ve had a lot more practice at it.

And if HTS doesn’t comply to the Turks demands it’s not just Turkey they have to worry about, Russia and the SAA are more likely to be the group that gets the job of pulling them into line, HTS are currently designated terrorists [by all parties] and therefore still legitimate targets for the Russians and SAA, so they can attack them legally according to international law with no objections from the UN or Turkey. And the Turks only stipulated the SAA can’t operate past the 6 km buffer zone just south of the M4, so that means the SAA can still take back a small section of Latakia, all the rest of Northern Hama [except for Qarqur township], and a fair chunk of southern Idlib too, and still not be breaking the new Turkish/Russian deal. So instead of the Turks being the ones to pull HTS into line, I think it’s much more likely the SAA and Russia will be the ones to do that, and with Turkish approval too. And the SAA should be able to recover some more territory in the process too, which would then leave the SAA and Turkish forces facing each other on a new front line, but jointly patrolled by Russians and Turks.


Pitty, SF that you have run totally irrelevant, because Russia is rotten to its core, throwing everybody under the buss, and even worse when it comes to sucking up to the terror state ISISrael, the Russian Gov is so corrupt and their pathetic crawling for the AmeriCunts is simply anoying, but the main problam is hypocrasy, I am simply feed up, and I dont even bother to read anymore and ignores the constant nonsense coming from and about Putin, a man whom will never be anything other than an rat, sorry, but thats an fact.

I could elobrate it further, but again, I warn You Russians, 10 years, and your nation will be over run by the Jews, robber blind like the even dumber Moronikans, whom is, we though we had enough of the HasbaRats, is invading the comentary fields, and despite the umbelivable level of stupdity is everywhere the Moronikans just drags the level even further down, and the treason comitted in Syria I will never forget, to forgive is not up to me, and will neither coment on this matters anymore, Syria was for me, the test, and Russia failed, Putin is an rotten POS, period, and the way He and this PestKopf drooled about their own people despite the incomptance of the regional leaders, tells me what I need to know, the scums always reveals them self, sooner or later it always come forth into the light. Russia whoms history, incl the scam called the Great patriotic war, the constant cover up of the Jewish run Bolshewiks, is for me, even worse, but I know that the truth will come out, but not in our life time, thats the only comfort I have, and the victims of this millions slaughtered is pissed upon while the lies are been hailed, despite the present Russians treason for and against their own people and history.

Its not much more to add, but the main problem is again, whom owns the Russian MSM; shitholes like Sputnik and the even worse RT, that the Commies in Fort R. is doing their best to feed the beats, aka lies and cover ups, is really pitty, and have become like Saker, and intellectual insult, and historically is doing their part to feed the lies about everything, but of course, they are some few lights in the dungeons, but they are few and far inbetween ( Hezb, and Iran, etc is one of the few, genuine, and have me deepst and hartfelt respect, I have never waived and never will, for my suport off true Men and Muslims), but I have lost my intital faith in Russia, I hoped they where genuine, but they are not, just another rotten to the core shithole and corrupted to their bone marrow, like the Imperial banana republic, but the main problem, is how deep the Tribe runs them both, the Tribe corrupts everything they tuch, and will continue to do so, until its been dealth with or the truth comes forth, like the Talmud, people mock Christiand and Islam, but you never read about the Talmud, and you may ask your self, why, but when you do, you will see, true evil, nothing is more evil than the Talmud.

I dont judge all Russians to be scums, but my final warning is, your history, is more or less an collection of lies, forged, like the Romanovs did, whom is German like the “royal” Brits are, aka the Black Nobility witch I bet you dont know jack shit about and I dont even bother to explain it to you, and they rewrote the past and Putins bitches aka the Bolshewiks whom was an Collor revolution, like the Ukrainians, and they where all done by Jews, and is right now, rewriting the present, but I know the truth will rise. Your nation is by now, just another Jewish run shithole and yes, Putin is just like others, an Jewish pissant, nothing else. I have had visions, witch I initialy belived was about the present Russia ( I dont care about whom is the leader, that is for me, irrelevant, its the nation and people I talk about and tha path is have as we speak now that I cared about), since my vision was about the Orthodox Church, (why do you think initialy the orthodox cross is like it is, and what is now removed from it, the axis witch is the “ordinary” cross, the tilted line and the cresent moon and you can stil find that in some few places ad ask your self why, I could even tell you that, ut again your history is been distorted ad lied about because of the Jews) and Islam, but I think now, it is not yet the time, since Russian souls is way to corrupted, pitty, I was so certain, but I know the traitores are running your nation, unless the turn, I am afraid it will stil be an long, long time for Russia to resorect, I was wrong, now I just back out. They know whom I am, and I dont lie, but the present, was not what I hoped for, and what comes, I dont know, but it will be, like the present rape and plunder of the UssA and the vassals of Europa, its been like that for soon 500 years, and I am afriad it will be, centurys before something more profound will happen, and until then, may the lord have mercy upon those that is fighting for justice and truth. I write this for this one time only, I will be here again, since I have seen the future, but what I saw, I know it will be atleast 500-700 years from now, the intervals of my visions,we simply dont have the things witch I persived, I can only hope I am wrong, but I dont think so, the corruption runs to deep, for now. Have an nice day and take care. WE are walking straight into darkness, trust me, the NWO is the devils spawns and they will win because humans have become corrupted and blinded.



I forgot to add this, this is my forth time I am here, I have one more time, since I have seen the past and the future, that time is 500-700 years into the future, and as said, what it will be, I dont know, humans and what tech we right now is not even close to what I have seen, but the rest, where we go, what we did up to that time, I dont know, but I hope that we have changed, but again, that rests upon us all, I just tell you what I know. I am in now way like the prophets whom have been here, they where in another leauge, but as they, I belive in forces beyond our capacity, as we speak, the potential is here and thats my last battlefield, human consciousness and what we trully are, but now, its been hidden and taken away from us as begins, and I am here just to warn you and teach the few that stil is awake.

Love, rests upon the pilars of truth and justice. Be the light.



holly shit, tldr, got as far as russia throwing everybody under the bus, cool story bro


LOL, this place is getting more and more amusing each day.

Peter Jennings

It seems the relationship between the terrorists in Idlib and the Turkish admin isn’t that good and all it took was a road block to prove it. Terrorists in Idlib seem to think that they have a say it what will happen in the region when the reality is the Turkish admin intend to use the terrorists to do the fighting whilst they, as quietly as possible, occupy the area. If Turkey do take the area, which is improbable, those fighting in Idlib could, overnight, suddenly find themselves labelled as terrorists by the Turkish admin. They’re only freedom fighters when they are fighting for the benefit of erdogan and his gov’t.


HTS is declared as a terrorist group 1 year ago by TR . It did not happen ”overnight” or ”suddenly” TR and HTS have an icy relationship since the beginning.. HTS has never been under control of TR admin , they always had a distant , hostile symbiosis type of relation. . Both parties knew that next target of TAF would be HTS once Asad was dealt with.

So lets base our posts on facts , not imaginery analysis.


These saudi backed HTS scum shouldve be disbanded longtime ago.

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