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MARCH 2025

Turkish Human Trafficker: Business Is Booming After Erdogan Opened Border

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Turkish Human Trafficker: Business Is Booming After Erdogan Opened Border

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A video purportedly showing a Turkish human trafficker is circulating social media.

In the video, the man brags about how he’s “filled Europe with immigrants” and that he’s made thousands of euros after Turkey opened its borders.

The man said he had been trafficking people for 20 years and that he receives 500-600 euros per head for each migrant he successfully exports.

Despite serving 6 years in jail for human trafficking, in the video he brags about how he is back in business following President Erdogan’s announcement that Turkey would be re-opening its border and encouraging millions of migrants to invade Europe.

Erdogan opened the borders, in response to an airstrike in Idlib, Syria that killed 34 Turkish soldiers.

The opening of the borders is a very obvious attempt to pressure the EU, with many of its members also being NATO countries to provide some support, be in the form of military, financial, humanitarian, or simply justification that Turkey is, in fact, in the right support the “moderate opposition,” who are in no way al-Qaeda affiliated militants.

“I told them it’s done. It’s finished. The doors are now open. Now, you will have to take your share of the burden,” he said in a televised speech.

“Hundreds of thousands have crossed, soon we will it will reach millions,” Erdogan warned.

In response, Greece closed its eastern border and one Syrian migrant was reportedly killed in clashes with Greek border police.

Another video shows a woman sat on a shore screaming while multiple cameras surround her to catch every second of the drama.

It appears that the migrant wave is not so much due to a decision by the migrants themselves.

Additionally, on March 4th a video was released purportedly showing Turkish border police shoot a canister of tear gas at Greek border guards at the border between the two countries.


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Every one is running away from Turkey , running away from Er?an, but as usual they blame it on Russia. Turkey will be the reason why NATO will end and the Catholic European Union will form.


When you posted that fake video of killed migrant you forgot to post Greece official statements that it is fake. https://twitter.com/SteliosPetsas/status/1234424104813506560 https://twitter.com/SteliosPetsas/status/1234584209685188608 Stelios Petsas is Greece Government Spokesman. Southfront has turned into Turkish propaganda machine the last week.


The thing is that it doesn’t even look real. The color of blood varies from very dark red to a bit lighter red depending on hemoglobin (the level of oxygen in the blood). Blood can’t have that color since it cant hold that much oxygen molecules. Anyone with at least basic medical training would know this.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Its not fake you liar. Open your borders and take syrians. They want to go. Dont be racist.


And what are u gonna do if we (the peoples of Europe) are not in the mood to open the borders and take Syrian war criminals, beheaders, rapers, thiefs, other criminal elements?

Lelouch Vi Britannia

We dont want them too. So we will send if u want or not. You are talking about human rights, freedom etc. So you have to accept them. Or they will go illegally. You are killing, torturing them. Its a big shame and whole world is watching. World will never forget this shame. We dont have to feed all Syria


No one here is doing anything to those people so keep your accusations to your self. Do you think Turkey is unsafe and every Turk should gain asylum in Europe?

Lelouch Vi Britannia

They are not turks you idiot. We have over 4 million immigrants and we dont need to feed whole immigrants in world. Turkey is safe but there are too much so they wont to go Europe. Let them go and stop killing/attacking them. Your actions are against human rights. Watch videos photos in twitter. Greek police is trying to sink syrian boats , firing on them. Baby killer greek police.


If Turkey is a safe country then i don’t see any problem with them staying there. What needs to happen is for Turkey to get out of Syria so HTS, Al-Qaeda, Daesh (ISIS) can be defeated and then the people can return home to Syria instead of going to Europe. The real problem is Turkey aiding and supporting the worst Terrorist organizations in the world and trying to give them a new caliphate in Syria even if they call a caliphate or not. It’s not Europe that is the problem.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

No they run from esad, they wont go back to syria. Turkey is safe but we have 4million+. Its too much for this country. So you will have to get some. We are not volunteer too. There are times you have to accept truth. You need to accept. You are responsible for blood in middle east. These people die cuz of western countries who are creating fake wars among muslims.


So you think that Greece officially would lie about it? You do realize that a government spokesman does official statements for the Greece government. It’s not me that made it up it’s coming from the Greece government.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Killed syrian is now in turkish hospitals morg. His family are doomed. What t f are u talking about. There are lots of video how greek police and soldiers attacked innocent immigrants. They have no hope and they want to go Europe. And you are killing them. You are murderers.

Porc Halal

They are invaders you moron. An inocent person would enter LEGALY in a civilized country. If you caveman turks are caring so much about these migrants, why you are not keeping them in your shit-swamp country you cocksuckers?!

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Yes they sre Invaders, we didnt take them and they still entered. So they will do same to you. Dont cry. We were stopping them for you. We wont stop anymore. Now enjoy idiot. We have 4m+ . Its too much for us. You will take some of them.

Porc Halal

…And you cocksuckers must learn that each country has the right to defend itself against any aggression…


Listen up you braindead radical leftist It is not racist when you want to protect your family and nation. there is a process where you and your family can support migrant families by letting them live in your residence and supporting them financially for a time until they can legally support themselves why dont you and your family take in a dozen or so Syrians if you feel so strongly about it ? but remember you and your family takes full responsibility for %100 of their actions and future stability under the UN migrant act. So are you going to take in any of these Syrians afghans africans that are threatening violence against Greeks & Bulgarians ?

Porc Halal

Just one clarification here, this braindead fuck is not a far left extremist but an islamo-sunny-far right extremist aka islamo-fascist, or wahabi headchoper, etc…or, if you like, a retarded goat fucker turk…

Lelouch Vi Britannia

They wont stay in poor balkan countries, they will go to germany. Let germans think. Why are you caring? They are not threatening anyone. You are illegally blocking borders. They have rights to migrate. You cant stop them. Moreover you are attacking, killing them. Murderers

Porc Halal

Why you don’t keep them for your selfs, you motherfucker racists!

Porc Halal

PS…why you do not treat them like human beings you motherfuckers, they are treated in islamo-fascist turkey like animals with no fucking rights….you only want make money from slave trade aka human trafficking…


We wont open our borders, but if you wish you are more than welcome to take them in your home and feed/bed them. Send us your address and we will make sure to give you a dozen jihadist boys that you love so much to keep you warmth at night.

AM Hants

Why do ‘Open Society Foundation’ and the ‘NED’ lead the tax payer funded, NGOs, who embrace human trafficking?

Anybody seen Haley’s replacement, over on the Turkish Greek border? Do like the tweets. Must admit, after Samantha Power, did not think US could find a worse UN Ambassador, then along came Haley. Remember, her comment, just before the Russian UN Ambassador collapsed on the streets of New York, and later died in hospital, a week after the bio-assassination of the half brother of the North Korean President. Haley, who stated, that ‘those who not cover the backs of the US, will have their names taken’. Her opening speech in the UN, just days before Vitalie Churkin went to meet his Angels.

So what is the new one going to be like and no doubt worse than Haley. Do like the tweets flying her way, as she poses with Al Qaeda’s medical team, aka the White Helmets. Now remind me, but, who funds the White Helmets and why are those nations so supportive of Turkey invading a sovereign nation?

‘You met Al-Qaeda’s medical staff’: US envoy to UN takes heat after proudly greeting notorious White Helmets https://www.rt.com/news/482267-us-ambassador-white-helmets/

White Helmet Funding (notice how the same characters also top up the BBC). (Images)




Does anybody remember the story about Turkey and the Benghazi?

The Red Line and the Rat Line by Seymour M. Hersh… https://www.voltairenet.org/article183223.html?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=ddb8e115866e1b5c315beb00cfdf5a0e47222971-1583317056-0-AWIkyTpYlXMs5FPvNsXbWNK4a1iOUxMhpzWZGSx9ywVL9g0D1gMm9Oz7wvSB3i61MklHfqmVwAuffVCBpRDstjp60NuZCtiOii2ESt4LRqrPMm4WCxOeJ2e4leGohfA0KTIZJOLsAPA68d-jLhdgkRz_Yu0guQyYzixrSh0t0IBZ9wZDYxHNMu5qI-4Dy7htavfD1NSfceOS02fw2-nEiQJM2oY-4DGo1OVBJunEa5tk2lZ4iMKn_V7oPuA_YHc2CTBv4cgwrGG2WnwLRlELJYxHKol-V49jYb3Q1Hr_OeyM

AM Hants

What confuses me, is why are so many of the refugees, running from Syria, via Turkey to Greece, not Syrian?

Afghan, Pakistan, various African nationalities, but, just how many are actually Syrian? There again, who flocks to the White Helmets, prior to getting on board the NGO tax payer funded, Libya to EU Cruises? With just a ‘one-way ticket’?

NGOs are smuggling immigrants into Europe on an industrial scale… https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-04/something-strange-taking-place-mediterranean


A lot of (mainly young male) inhabitants of shthls on the planet (mostly followers of a stone-age-culture and a religion of torture and death) want to go to Europe to have a fine life, with no need to work but getting everything they need to build up their halluzinated caliphate.Later on they might see in the conquered countries: We now have the same hell from which we escaped earlier…Why that?

They now see that a (last?) opportunity has come: Turkeys want to get rid of’em and the a.hole from Bosporus wants to celebrate his frustration with the reluctant and blackmailed Europeans… And there is the damn German Leftist Government who startet this unbelievable destructive policy.

AM Hants

Whilst we all get played. The same crowd who developed and encouraged the woke, pc movement are also the ones who want neanderthal man to travel the globe, especially those that despise traditional, Christian territory culture. Ironically, the same crowd also funds and covertly supports the nationalist agenda and totalitarian ideology. Guess one way of creating a primitive version of war and unrest, as they try to erase 90% of the population.


No more EU deals with Turkey, and kick them out of NATO for all I care. That rabid dog Erdogan (no insults to rabid dogs intended) has proven time and time and time again he cannot be trusted.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

Have fun with syrians. Nargile fok fok fok

Simplekindof Man

Turkish police throwing tear gas on Greek Border https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5DNzq1melsg


And this guy is not accused of human trafficking? Strange world in Turkeyland. I guess the deeper sense of his – probably exaggerated statement – might be to pour oil into the upcoming fire and the following chaos of warfare. Hope he will get his payment that he deserves soon… At least we now know who this Erdogan is, we can know his intentions and with what criminal elements he is hanging around.

Hanny Benny

turkey = REAL ISIS !!! (500 years of devsirme)


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