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Turkish Intelligence Officials Asked Their Syrian Proxies To Withstand Attacks On Idlib, Promised More Support

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Turkish Intelligence Officials Asked Their Syrian Proxies To Withstand Attacks On Idlib, Promised More Support

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Turkish intelligence officials asked their Syrian proxies to withstand Syrian and Russian attacks on Greater Idlib during a recent meeting in Ankara, Enab Baladi reported on January 24, citing two opposition military sources.

One of the sources, a commander in the National Front for Liberation (NFL), told the opposition outlet that the meeting, that was attended by NFL and Syrian National Army (SNA) commanders, took place on January 23.

According to a second source, Hakan Fidan, Head of Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization attended the meeting, which also witnessed a call from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan thanked the SNA for participating in Operation Peace Spring east of the Euphrates, and stressed that the support for the factions in Idlib will continue and that they will not be abandoned,” Enab Baladi quoted one of the sources as saying.

During the meeting in Ankara, Turkish officials promised to deliver more weapons to militants in Idlib and talked about “surprises.”

Earlier this month, several opposition sources reported a similar meeting, during which Ankara promised Idlib factions with military support and even help from the U.S. Later, some sources claimed that the militants received a fresh batch of U.S.-made TOW missiles.

The new meeting confirms that Turkey is still determined to support the factions in Greater Idlib. During the last year, these factions improved their ties with al-Qaeda-affiliated groups roaming over the region, and refused to implement any of Turkey’s agreements with Russia.

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Mehmet Aslanak

Al-Qaeda-affiliated group is giving Syrians the reason to violate the safe zone. It’s the elephant in the room.


Does turkey not have influence on Them ?


OFC they do. Dont get confused by this hasbara-like Turkish troll.

Mehmet Aslanak

US & Turkey actively supported them up to 2014 in order to overthrow Assad. Afterall Incirlik AFB is just 60 miles to the Syrian border. Figure out the flood of weapons direct from the US. Later after the separation of ISIS from al-Qaeda, US & Turkey stopped supporting them. US switched to Kurdish communist guerilla (PKK/YPG/PYD/SDF/ALF/blach blach…), while Turkey tolds SNA groups to stay away from ISIS, al-Qaeda & Kurdish communist guerilla.


pretty confusing, Russia gives Turkey missles so Turkey can bombard Russians. New kind of warfare, Here I’ll give you armaments so you can kill my soldiers.

Mehmet Aslanak

Do not believe lamestream media. Turks are not bombing Russians or Syrians. Turks only bomb Kurdish communist guerilla (SDF/PKK/YPG/PYD/AFL/blah blah…) wearing fake SAA uniforms. Turkish drones take pictures of those fake Syrians soldiers & report to Russians to confirm if there is any real Syrian soldiers in the area. Then starts to bomb them as Russians report back they are not real SAA units, but Kurdish communist guerilla supported by US army.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Earlier this month, several opposition sources reported a similar meeting, during which Ankara promised Idlib factions with military support and even help from the U.S.”

LOL, didn’t Trump kill 40 of their leaders in an airstrike in northern Idlib a few months ago, then placed bounties on 3 of the most prominent leaders heads, and then he killed a few more of them as well, and then he even killed their mate Baghdadi too, Trump sure does know how to support the terrorists doesn’t he. The only help the terrorists will receive from Trump and the US is when the civilian casualty numbers become unacceptable, so we have to keep that number way down if we can, minimal civilian deaths means less chance the US or anyone else will try to intervene.

“Later, some sources claimed that the militants received a fresh batch of U.S.-made TOW missiles.”

US TOW missiles sold to Turkey and then gifted to the terrorists, just like the Russian Grad rockets and French heavy mortars were, Turkey’s good at passing on hand me downs, they’re more than happy to share.

Mehmet Aslanak

So what? Business is business. US army supplies similar weapons to Kurdish communist guerilla (PYD/YPG/SDF/PKK/ALF/blach blach…) Revenues come from stealing Syrian oil at Northeast. That’s why US army blocks Russian patrols there. No oil revenue, no weapons for communist guerilla.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And no oil revenue for Turkey either, even though it’s so tantalizingly close to the Turkish border.

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