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Turkish-led Forces Capture Tripoli Airport And Advance Even Further

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Turkish-led Forces Capture Tripoli Airport And Advance Even Further

On June 3, the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) announced a military offensive to capture Tripoli Airport from the Libyan National Army (LNA) and push the LNA back from the southern suburbs of the city of Tripoli itself.

GNA fighters and members of pro-Turkish Syrian militant groups supported by the Turkish military attacked the airport from the southern and western directions and in the evening of the same day took control of it. LNA forces showed very little resistance to the advancing Turkish-backed forces and even left behind several pieces of military equipment in the airport area.

“Our heroic forces have liberated the entire Tripoli International Airport, and our heroic forces are chasing the remnants of Haftar militias, which are fleeing towards Qasr bin Ghashir,” Col. Mohamad Qununu, a spokesman for the “Anger Volcano” operations room declared.

A day earlier, GNA troops ambushed a convoy of LNA forces behind the frontline in southern Tripoli destroying at least 3 vehicles. This became the first indication that the LNA defense was crumbling. The coordination between various LNA units was interrupted.

On June 4, the GNA and its allies launched an attack on positions of the LNA in Qasr bin Ghashir reaching the western vicinity of the town. More than a dozen drone strikes targeted the town over the past 24 hours. Pro-LNA sources claim that these strikes killed a number of civilians.

According to pro-GNA sources, 15 LNA members were killed in the recent clashes. Pro-LNA sources say that 7 GNA fighters were eliminated.

If Turkish-led forces are able to capture Qasr bin Ghashir, LNA southern positions in Tripoli will collapse fully and only Sidi Salih Airport and Tarhuna will remain as the main strongholds of troops loyal to Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar.

On June 4, Haftar arrived in Cairo to meet with representatives of the Egyptian government, one of the two key backers of the LNA, the other one being the UAE. Nonetheless, unlike Turkey, Egypt and the UAE do not openly employ their militaries to support their allies in the Libyan conflict. The further expansion of Turkey and the advances of Turkish-led forces deeper into central Libya could force them to change their current approach. In such a case, the Libyan conflict would flare up even further.

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Icarus Tanović

That’s right. This is shame, Wahhabis all over the place.

Liberal guy

More wahhabi s will die in fact a very large number




In hiding or on the run – European ICC re-issued another ridiculous and baseless warrant and Turkey has the mission of killing or capturing him


Thank you i did not know that


If I may make a correction. The ICC does not allow states to execute warrants. That would be particularly questionable in this case: Turkey is not a signatory state of the Rome Statute (the treaty that gives the ICC a legal basis), just like Libya. The son of Gaddafi would actually first have to appear again before a Libyan court, since he has so far been sentenced there only in absentia, then the ICC could negotiate with the state of Libya about an extradition.

The charges against Gaddafi’s son have a medium chance of being convicted, as it may be legally difficult to prove that he has committed crimes against humanity in the context of the 2011 demonstrations.


Egypt, UAE, Russia don’t count too much in front of a single NATO country….


Especially if that NATO country is motivated by a extremist Islamist and ultra nationalistic ideology bordering on fascism and the belief that the whole of MENA and even Europe is theirs to claim and take.

It sadly trumps any remotely civil behaving country and approach. That and the NATO support on diplomatic and military level, makes for a very destructive combination.

Its pretty shameful for a citizen of a NATO country like me. Especially when it is very clear the emboldened Turkeys will sooner or later turn against their master.

Like they already started in the Mediterranean, the Balkans, with supporting Jihadi that killed NATO citizens in Europe and now in Libya.

The chickens are coming home to roost; sadly only people who are not responsible will have to suffer for it, not the NATO politicians and think tanks.


I’m more worried about the jihadis trained by UK and France to kill their own citizens than Turkey’s


Well, i say they are both a threat. But Turkey will become a much bigger one.

With the huge nets of AKP spies for example here in Germany (they have more here at the moment than even the GDR ever had in the cold war), with mosques being in the majority in the hands of AKP (even offically supported by out German gov), 2/3 of Turks here loyally voting for Erdogan, children below high school being sworn in to die for Erdogan in rituals at those mosques (no joke), grey wolf fascists, i say we are in for a major mess, at the level that one may call it civil war. Erdogan is already threatening in speeches that he has an army in Germany and Europe, and is boasting of his influence to threaten Europe from within, and that Islam will take over Europe.

And even though all this is confirmed by official speeches, intelligence reports, most politicians are putting their head in the sand.

Yeah, the ISIS and HTS type Jihaids are a current threat, but the Muslim brotherhood types, that have state level resources and power, are the REAL threat. ISIS types are defeated more or less easily. But fighting the Muslim brotherhood that has entrenched itself into the heart of Europe’s systems and societies (and even NATO), is the real threat, that could seriously let our countries explode.


That’s what you get German, a poetic justice. Burn.


Now tell me, what guilt does my generation, which is one of the most conscious for antisemitism have?


I don’t care for your generation, I care that your government let over 1M immigrants enter Germany, and who do they attack? that’s right the Jews.


Yeah, and you idiot attack those like me that work against it, speak up and solidarize against Anti Semitism.. ;)


If you do then then I apologize, most of the European youths are pro-immigrant, pro-Palestinian and Anti-Israel. Jews can’t go to synagogues without Police escort, same in France, Belgium, Sweden and other places. While in Israel, they can pray whenever they want and no one hurts their Mosques, maybe you need to do more.


There is a difference between being anti semitic and anti Israel,but you know that don’t you?i never understood how jewish people who suffered so much under the Nazis can act like Nazis today,shame on you.


It’s only your propaganda to call us Nazis, nothing we do ever comes close to what happened during WW2. For a start, we don’t burn Palis in gas chambers and shoot them in mass pits. We do fight terror and it’s a big difference, so get your facts right.


What he maybe means is that this is an open-ended downward spiral. A spiral that has been turning for centuries, and has transformed a former majority pacifist people into a state of constant war. That does change ones own perception, ones mindset. You had to adept to the middle easts rules. Weakness is nothing you are able to show, in the middle east only power is the law. Had you another choice? I dont think so. But it sadly leaves a mark on ones collective consciousness. And not much one can do about it. If one is a victim, one swears to one self, to do anything necessary to never be a victim again. Better make someone a victim, than to be it too again. And that i understand wholeheartedly from my own experience as a child who’s sick foster father tried to murder together with my sister and mother. And through that experience i do understand how that existential violence changes one self.

Violence becomes normal as part of ones existence. And sadly that spiral is getting faster, not slower. Again, i know this myself.

Also now that you are safe as a nation as you can regarding the circumstances, it changes the threat perception. One gets riskier and bolder when one feels like one is at the top and can project power like ones pleases. And i fear this will sooner or later lead to wrong perceptions of threats, and false risky policy based on this mindset. Thinking it is no more necessary to work towards a 2 state solution (if the Muslim Palestinians would also) because of ones of strength (militarily, NATO, Trump) will be no solution. If this live in siege should someday end, it is either by making peace, or that one sides either pushes the other out or kills everyone of the other side like the Nazis did. I dont think there is much choice, we all are trapped in our history, and what cards we are dealt. Only with both sides agreeing for a beneficial solution, a tragedy of major proportions can be avoided. And that sadly is not in the cards i fear.


I agree StelLe, wish it could not be like this but in the ME we don’t have a choice, 9M Israelis against a sea of hostile Arabs. Like you wrote, it will end either in peace or in a total war that both sides will have catastrophic losses, only God knows.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that’s right.


Well, apology accepted. I can tell you, at least here in Germany the huge majority of the society has been against Nazism and Anti-Semitism since at least the 1960s/1970s. That means the part of society who are pro Anti-Semitism and Nazism is about 5-10% according to official reports by the relevant intelligence services. That does not mean that we support Likud policy, which can be deemed bordering on racism too, or disregarding International law (Respecting international law is the Nr 1 lessons learned from Nazism together with fighting Anti-Semitism and Nazism for most of us). Had the League of Nations been able to enforce international law, and execute that on Hitlers first expansionist adventures, WWII would have been stopped in its tracks, and with the Shoa. So this lesson to enforce international law is very important, and to execute it against anyone who breaks it. On the other hand, we now have a radical left wing, that is playing blind for any problem with (muslim) immigrants, only because many conservatives and the tiny minority of the far right still existing here are against muslim immigration. They are lying to themselves and are naive about Islam and Muslim culture. Only with that combination are the able to both believe themselves to be against both Anti-Semitism and Anti-Islamism. But they will wake up sooner or later, like i did too. But most of them are spoiled brats living in suburbs where they never encounter how the huge majority of Muslim immigrants behave, think and act. That Trump is a fucking moron, Bibi a corrupt politician who is playing with fire for his own game, does not help to rally support either.

But that cognitive dissonance will implode sooner or later. Only then, it will be 5 past 12.


Well I’m not Bibi’s supporter and I think he is bad for us, but if we couldn’t beat him in 3 election campaign then I guess we have to deal with it. Regarding our policy, one hand fights terror the other wants peace. We have offered them atleast 3 times a peace deal which they get most of their demands, but most is not everything and they refused time and time again. The EU should check and see who is the real problem here, most Israelis including myself would be happy to give them a state and get rid of them since we can’t co-exist. I hope they accept Trump’s plan so we can end it.


Well i do understand what you are saying, and i think i get what brought you to this point. See my new comment above; Thanks for you open words, i need to get some sleep now, if you write an answer i will get back to you tomorrow. Have a good night!


Thank you SteLe, you should know that over half of the Israelis voted to send Bibi out in the last elections (62 seats against 58 seats), yet he somehow managed to trick his opponents (Gantz) and ask them to join him for the Deal of the Century plan. I don’t like this government and I think it’s bad for Israelis and Arabs alike, but as part of this country I have to follow the rules even if I don’t like it. Also, I felt sorry to read your personal story, I guess we all haev to face our demons. Stay safe.


Hmmm interesting. Now I start to understand why EU wanted intel data from the 5 Eyes, now they can blackmail EU with this. But don’t worry much, Islam won’t take over Europe, it’s too late for that. The time is running out for the current estabilishment.


I dont believe Islam will take over Europe. But i do believe it will be a major factor for the upcoming imploding of our societies. Not because of the power of the AKP and other Islamists, but because of the ignorance, weakness and cowardliness of a major part of our elites.



Icarus Tanović

Not Islam, but Wahhabism. And Erdogan is American ferel dog.

Icarus Tanović

If Gülen doesn’t do something Turkey is Doomed.

cechas vodobenikov

it is doubtful that without amerikan invasions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan that the European refugee crises would exist; unfortunately Merkle opened the doors to 1 million migrants…I do not oppose asylum for migrants, however this mass migration seems poorly considered and implemented, something also observed in Sweden and France…of note there are nearly 30 million Muslims in Russia, mainly in central Russia, Kazan, Ufa, etc where extremism is unheard of—it is mainly in Dagestan, Ingusetia, Chechnya where these remnants are found—but these are largely uneducated villagers that continue to adhere to sharia…If they want sharia that is fine with me, as long as they do not seek to impose it on non Muslims

Astar Roth

Those you’re talking about are Wahhabis, especially in that part of Chechnya that is not under goverment control, and they don’t have clue what Sharia is, and hiding under the cloak of Islam, but they are not Muslims, and thankfully Russians knows that very well. CIA and Americans have tried via ngos to introduce Wahhabism to Russian Muslims, buy it failed to do so. Now, cloaks and masks are down and we live in new world where Russia is regaining old power, glory, if I may say this way and influence. Russia is getting back on the big screen as an Superpower, and Americans are trying everything to prevent that. And it is going to happen, they like it or not. Russia is back.

cechas vodobenikov

Russia does not need super power status—the world needs the US empire to collapse…perhaps trump will hasten this…he is withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, and apparently 10,000 from Germany—-will the USArelocate these troops to Poland? difficult to predict

Astar Roth

Russia is one of the best countries in the World, they like it or not…


What is Egypt scared of? Just get in there!!

Ivan Freely

War is expensive. Egypt is probably only concerned in the border areas.

Icarus Tanović

I can say for sure one thing and that is since March the fifth more and more bots, drons and trolls are piling here without any resistance from admin right here on SF.

Liberal guy

More wahhabis scums will die

Dick Von Dast'Ard


Jens Holm

It seemes like Haftar has lost more then that.

cechas vodobenikov

the USa w help from UK France has turned Libya into a civil war—GNA/Turkey control a tiny sliver, LNA from Tobruk to Sirte and ISIS/clans in the interior and south

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