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MARCH 2025

Turkish Leopard 2A4 Battle Tanks Enter Syria In Azaz Area (Photos)

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According to CNN Turk, Turksih Leopard 2A4 battle tanks are now entering Syria in the area of Azaz, controlled by pro-Turkish militant groups. The battle tanks will likely participate in the upcoming advance of the Turkish Army and its proxies on the city of Afrin controlled by Kurdish YPG/YPJ forces.

Turkish Leopard 2A4 Battle Tanks Enter Syria In Azaz Area (Photos)

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Turkish Leopard 2A4 Battle Tanks Enter Syria In Azaz Area (Photos)

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Turkish Leopard 2A4 Battle Tanks Enter Syria In Azaz Area (Photos)

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Turkish Leopard 2A4 Battle Tanks Enter Syria In Azaz Area (Photos)

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Dušan Mirić

Aggressors! Invaders! Murderers!


Calm down zionist slave. Your saliva is all over the place.

The Latin Mass

“But these Turks are getting in the way of a Greater Israhell. From the Nile to the Euphrates is what the jew wants in the Mideast. A Kurdish “state” is vital to this Greater Israhell Project.” You are on SouthFront and oppose the jewish world disorder? I thought only jew-loving terrorist-loving people were posting comments on SouthFront. There was a reason the zionist west wanted Erdogan removed from power in their failed coup. Erdogan, like Assad, is no jew slave.

Langaniso Mhlobo

End of USA terrorism and splitting of Syria.Al Tanf and Hasaka terrorists harbouring bases are within range.Give the USA terrorist direct hit.

Langaniso Mhlobo

No more Israel illegal no fly zone.Exploiting Syrian mother land is over.Time of Niki Haleys UN show is over.Time of Beating drums behind the bushes is over.Big brother Turkey is going to give direct hit and say no more killing of my brothers and instigating each other.Enough is enough USA take the road just as Germany did bye bye.Get out from family matters.


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I can’t believe some people here are actually supporting the Turks, they’ve been funding, arming and directly aiding terrorist groups in Syria since the start. And now these people want to support them just because they don’t like that the Kurds are allied with the US? Their are bigger fish to fry people! I’ll root for anyone who fights the Turkish invasion.

Solomon Krupacek

kurdish traitors should be killed. all af them. yankee and turkish agressors, too.

The Latin Mass

The wahhabi terrorists think they are fighting zionism, when through their mossad handlers, they are being directed to support zionism. The kurdish terrorists know they are supporting the zionists and love Israhell. The kurds want Islam defeated for the jew and a new blasphemous Islam replaced where the jew controls Al Quds and perhaps some other holy sites (say Mecca and Medina), and where every Muslim obeys the jew. kurds are traitors and worse than the jew wahhabis. Kurds are worse than Al-CIAda and Israhelli Secret Intelligence Services.


A good result would be for the Turks and the Kurds to suffer great losses in men and material with the Kurds still in control but pissed off with America.

President Assad has already offered reconciliation if the Kurds accept the writ of the Syrian government that has always included Kurdish representation.

The Latin Mass

SC, is saying he would support jews over Turks. The jews that started this whole Syrian Civil War are “better” according to SC than Turks. While in reality, Erdogan is great, he hates freemasonry, zionism, and anything jewish. And the jews tried to overthrow Erdogan in a coup. I like Erdogan doing what is best for Turkey and Assad doing what is best for Syria. It is the ‘mericans that have sent the most to the rebel terrorists and the ‘mericans favorite terrorist group in Syria is the kurds. And a welcome thanks to Erdogan for wanting to clean up the kurdish mess. Erdogan is not trying to overthrow Assad with this attack on kurds, Erdogan is trying to prevent a zionist kurdistan.


And who allowed large quantities of Jihadist, arms, and monies to flow into Syria to start this war in the first place? IT WAS ERDOGAN AND TURKEY. DUHHH

The Latin Mass

No it was mainly the arabs, Israhell and the jewnited states. The (((arab spring))) was a Pentegon/CIA plot. The kurds are part of the forces fighting Assad.


It may have been financed by others, but it flows across the Turkish border. Even today we hear about Turkish vehicles (TIP et al) being used against the SAA on the front lines. The Jihadist days are numbered !

The Latin Mass

Erdogan wrongly supports the Sunni Arabs because Erdogan and Turkey are Sunni and Erdogan wants Syria to be loyal and or friends with Ankara. So Erdogan is wrong in supporting the rebels. That being said, Erdogan is the only major Sunni player in the Mideast that hates zionism and hates jewish terrorism. So Erdogan is useful in defeating the kurd terrorists, even though Erdogan wants to turn Syria from Shia led to Sunni led. If Erdogan attacks the Syrian army, Erdogan is in the wrong. If Erdogan attacks the kurd terrorists, Erodgan is doing good.

The Latin Mass

You had tens or hundreds of millions of dollars worth of arms for the syrian rebel terrorist sent through Jordan, not Turkey. Jordan is a client state of Israhell, it does the bidding of Washington and Hell Aviv and sometimes dips their hands into the coffers or arms being sent through Jordan.


The zionist media want you to hate Erdogan because Erdogan does not like jews.


The article you posted said 1 million was stolen on the black market in Jordan. So you are fake news ?

The Latin Mass

The article says millions of dollars worth of arms was stolen by the Jordanians. It does not say all of the arms were stolen by the Jordanians. So at least tens of millions of dollars of arms passed through Jordan. If not more. Only the CIA and Mossad could tell and they are not telling. So there is a chance that hundreds of millions in arms passed through Jordan. Not Turkey.

888mladen .



The Egyptians fought the Jews in 48, 56, 68, and 73 and almost overran them in 73. They were only pushed back with a massive American airlift, including 100 modern fighter Jets and missiles. The Russians have nukes in Syria and they may be going into Egypt as well.


US also supplied brand new tanks with grease still on them right into the Sinai desert in strategic places outflanking the Eygptian army.

That was the reason Eygpt called it quits as he said, Eygpt could fight Isreal, but not America .


Do you have a link for that?


Can you provide a link to say Turks are attacking SAA?

That would be stupid of the Turks


Some Turkish vehicles supplied to the “moderate head choppers”, not Turkish troops.

888mladen .

What warranties that people who are driven by hatred would not do something stupid?

Art Garcia

Where do you get this fantasy from Latin?

northerntruthseeker .

Partially true.. The Turks have been two faced in their support of some factions of the so called ‘rebels” that are presently being annihilated in Idlib Province…

And we cannot forget about Erdogan repeating again and again the same old tired sick statement that “Assad must go”…..

But the real instigators and the ones that want to see all the bloodshed continue are the sickos in Israel…


And the US said they only came into Syria to attack ISIS . Now they want to partition Syria with this “Kurdistan” as well as Turkey , Iraq and Iran .


There is no way Assad will allow aYurks to control any part of Syria. That is plain stupidity.

888mladen .

The only question is can he do it?

888mladen .

Turks have been steeling SY territory for quiet some time.


If the Turks were to settle themselves into the Kurdish terrorist controlled areas, there is a problem if the US/Israel , or anyone else for that matter, assassinates Erdogan and the next leader is a NATO hero.

northerntruthseeker .

Absolutely.. Assad offered months ago for the Kurds to be granted full autonomy in a free Syria if they would stop being stupid enough to ally themselves with the evil US-Israel cabal…. But the Kurdish leadership stupidly turned down this fabulous move by the Syrians by wanting their own “nation” when such a creation would see every nation surrounding this “Kurdistan” want to see its destruction…

Now we see the fruits of the Kurdish stupidity with this action by Turkey…


Just like in Iraq. In Iraq at least they already have sort of autonomy and having strong US presence there.

In Syria US is only temporary Greed will see them lose everything


I don’t see any air support for the Kurds yet. Without it they’re no match for the Turkish military.


Stupid spam: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2322cbd49ca5e7b7e2d2dddb8a38acf3015cc26d7a71d7b661d691dc0da151e.jpg


The Kurds may find a few Manpads in a UN Red Cross truck :)


That won’t help them much.


Oh well, what goes round comes round , :)

888mladen .

It won’t help Turkish pilots either.

888mladen .

The both sides should feel the brunt of their mutual hatred. I’m still waiting to see some evidence of that rumor about US providing MANPADs to YPG.


Mostly Turkoid ultra-nationalist (or some very stupid people…) bots, AKP hires them before public military or political actions of the ottoman state (for example for the referendum last year that game Erdog dictatorial rights)… We people without chips in our brains remember how the ottoman artillery attacked SAA on many occasions 4 years ago while battles were raging near the border between Latakia and Hatay. SAA would today control more of the border were they not attacked by Turkish terrorist state, and the Turkish terrorist state even threatened war against Syria to protect their FSA salafists. We people whose brains are still functional will never forget this. Or perhaps these are people who only tuned into the war a week ago and thus have no knowledge of what happened since the beginning – that beginning being early 2012 (Right after NATO annihilation of Libya) if I’m not mistaken.

The Latin Mass

This is being prompted by the jewnited states to create a zio-Kurdistan. The jews did this with Israhell. If before the UN declared a jewish (terror) “state”, the arabs moved on the jewish areas of Palestine, there would be no state of Israhell. Before Israhell was armed by the ‘mericans. Erdogan was wrong to back the rebels. Erdogan is attacking the terrorist kurds before the kurds get armed to the point where the Syrian army can’t attack them. By the time Assad is ready to retake the land, the jew plan the kurds to be ready and refuse to negociate. Erdogan has had enough and is trying to prevent another Israhell from rising in the mideast.


And that’s a good thing. As long as the territory remains under Syrian administration after the fighting is over.


Gazell spam: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3c424e20cfeb7804eb2bb1a536ba28d7a2dd8ec1415f059d90429108c9f08200.jpg


What’s wrong with you. He is right and on spot


Gazells have been known to jump around for no reason Joe. It’s not your fucking business to but in.


History events always change man. Erdo kind of late but at least he reailzed with whom he should work together. Yeah erdo and the turks have much blood in their hands. And i hope syria will have their pay back in the future but for now this is a very good situation. Someone said it before its much easier to kick out erdo than the us.

Whats your choice? Sooner or later syria has to deal with these kurdish punks. Do you suggest syria should Go to war against the us in order to counter the kurdish uprise?

You dont have any good alternatives but only complaines.

Jim Martin

Here we go again. This is a very dark day for not only Afrin Canton, but the Syrian and Turkish people as a profoundly gutless International community and the so called American, Russian and NATO Allies let Erdogan have the Sudetenland. He will never be happy with that and more oppression and anarchy in Turkey will happen under Erdogan as a result until “Irakus Erdogan” flies himself and Turkey too close to the sun

The Russians cut the same deal with Hitler also in 1940 over Poland and they received neither peace or security as a result. In a future Syria after Assad (and Erdogan), the Russians now should either loose the Naval base at Tartus (sp?) or be forced to share it with the Americans. Message: We are non-aligned as we don’t trust either of you. “As one moderate Kurd said to me earlier “Why don’t you feel our pain”? It makes me sick

P.S. As I follow this, I am reminded of a W.S. Churchill speech from the past regarding similar events: You all might find this interesting. This was actually given to me by a friend of mine and it is painfully accurate, and equally tragic.

“When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure. There is nothing new in the story. It is as old as the sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalogue of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind. Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong–these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.”

—House of Commons, 2 May 1935, after the Stresa Conference, in which Britain, France and Italy agreed—futilely—to maintain the independence of Austria.

The point is, the international community is reacting as they did in the 30s. They hope to ‘buy’ peace by sacrificing someone else’s. In these scenarios, there is no free lunch

Not a happy moment


Great news for Afrin In Al Bab Turkey lost 30 Leopards. If TFSA operates those tanks, there is a good chance TFSA will lose many of them to either ATGM’s or seizure by SDF.

All the probing attacks of today repelled by SDF.


They lost 30? I don’t think even AMAK claimed that. Anyways, Erdogan will continue with bombardment for a while, and then throw in some FSA trash, who will die trying to gain 100 meters (much like Al Bab).

Solomon Krupacek

and what with coward russian rabbits? they ran away again …


Erdogan is a useful idiot. This assault will drive the Kurds away from the US coalition in N Syria and more towards reconciliation.Solomon is not so wise today!

Solomon Krupacek

This assault will drive the Kurds away from the US coalition


you made my day :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

btw., russia has no more credit. there is no country on earth, which trust them.


Tillerson and the pentagon are starting to backtrack already as far as support for the Kurds. Turkey is a member of NATO also. Put your thinking cap on. :D

Ishyrion Av

He can’t. He is pissing on his thinking cap for a long time and when he tries to put it on, only piss comes out.


Solomon only has a kippah .


Solomon Krupacek

nice try, nazi!


You are dreaming if you believe Tillerson , the US is about to announce this new state of “Kurdistan ” .


I am saying quite the opposite Ronald !

Solomon Krupacek

if i am troll, what are you? with nazi avatar, nazi nick, hundreds of spam pics :)))

here is ypur anthem:



I agree. We have: idiot – Erdogan, traitors – Kurds, scum – Murica. Let them ride among themselves while the Syrian army is progressing

Pál Póli

No, he’s an useless idiot to all parties



Solomon Krupacek

putin? yes!

Pál Póli

Yes those idiots have no battle field tactics in tank warfere just driveing the tanks around into direct fire.


these tanks need many hours of training ….i dont think FSA operates them. Turkish soldiers do ,they are trained to use them for years. a joint operation of Turkish armour and fsa mercs will mean a lot of field cooperation…..difficult to achieve……even organized armies have trouble there…


Leopard is aparently the worlds best tank currently… But that being said no tank is safe in our current times hence the Rebels and other groups found methods to destroy and making tanks into a burial place for 3 people

Tudor Miron

Those? https://youtu.be/bRYZ53LMtYM


Mountains is thinking of his experiences in Call of Duty :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There are only two countries with the most advanced Leopard Tanks and Turkey is not one of them as those are just the M2a4 think for Turkey it sacrificed armor in the modding. Canada like Germany use their own versions of reactive armor the medium 2a4 has been updated since Turkey had theirs.There are old C2’s which can be modded to a 2a4 not being used or C2A7-8 C distinguishes it as Canadian specification, Turkey like some countries go cheap and for quantity and quicker delivery. Other factors come into play is tank tactics which Turks are not so good at, neither are the US.

The Latin Mass

T-14 Armata are the best in the world. Theoretically, they can shoot at incoming fire and destroy it. Turkey should order 1,000 of them and scare the zionists. They are real inexpensive too at less than 4 million each.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Much higher than 4 million think 14 million and why so expensive and time consuming to produce.

Solomon Krupacek



True but those are not for sale. Meant for Russian forces to wack Nato’ s old tanks

But the T90 can match others

Pál Póli

Assad said that he will shot down Turkish airplans if they bomb Afrin. What happened did he chicken out? The Turks are bombing Afrin and soon will attack Syrian forces also.

northerntruthseeker .

This is a dangerous game the Turks are playing.. And they may be playing right into the US-Israel evil hands by showing their “hand” here…

I suspect that the next move will be by the criminals in the US government now screaming to high heaven and using their Jew spew media to put out the propaganda that the “Turks are murdering the poor innocent Kurds” and will use that propaganda to convince the gullible American people that the US must go to the ‘aid of the oppressed Kurds” and therefore send in the troops..

But of course once the Americans send in their forces outright to “assist” the Kurds, the US military will use those forces to attack and finally overthrow Assad….

Yes, it does make you wonder why the Turks are doing this at this time, for it will only further “destabilize” the situation in Syria when the SAA is finally winning the war.


I think they will get Nikki to complain to UNSC Turkey is using US air space in Syria.


The Israelistani Kurds are looking at a two front war with no air support on at least one and hopefully both fronts. The Israelistan secession attempt may be coming to an end sooner than many expected. There’s no question that the balkanization of Turkey is on the Jews to do list.

“Israeli strategists have long wished to balkanize the Middle East to make it easier for Israel to dominate the region. These efforts to break up the surrounding nations into smaller units were described by Moshe Sharett in the 1950s, by Yinon Oded in the 1980s, and more recently by the neocons in the Clean Break document.”

– The Mossad’s role in the Kurdish Independence movement –





TIGER SPAM :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg


You are so full of shit Richard D, Where was your your post when the tigers took the airbase? TIGER SPAM :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d710672b7557a9673c3aaeaf356dd439480e47eb5d0a2fb8ce56d9e0f2c457d.jpg


It’s called truth, which is something that lying two faced Jew trolls like you hate:https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-19If49TLF38/Vomc1GpTwGI/AAAAAAAAl64/QtHqW3z_xHQ/w477-h464-n/israeli_trolls.gif


Syria spam: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13a2a669997878cbca9df9d1508baafc9382cc62c7bba04c23ef7f1984183643.png


“Section 8 is a category of discharge from the United States military, used for a service member judged mentally unfit for service. It also came to mean any service member given such a discharge or behaving as if deserving such a discharge, as in the expression, “he’s a Section 8″. The term comes from Section VIII of the World War II-era United States Army Regulation 615-360, which provided for the discharge of those deemed unfit for military service.”



SPAM SPAM: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b87e5134b301bd5cc48877aed30853c62865b603b4f00ac9efd5d8a0faf809b3.jpg


You’re a head case.






Sorry, I did not have time to read your reply. But of course it was just more HATEMONGER trash, is this correct RichardD ?


– the true causes of “antisemitism” –



We shall call this a truce for now. Smell you later.


Dejudification in Europe, the near east and north Africa 1946 to 2010:



What truce? You provided nothing but the word SPAM and you call a truce? Get a life


RichardD came after me first on another thread, so I tired him out with BS. :DDD


Seems you are sooooo frustrated Assad is winning LMAO

Facts are showing here unless you can provide proofs it’s not which I am sure you can’t


I can prove that you can not understand a post. SEE ABOVE


The above proved nothing but using words like spam.

Quote the part you say RichardD posted is spam and let me demolish you


That was the plan but the only problem was ISIS did not win , Assad won.

But they still try the luck which I very much doubt will work just like all their past plans…all failures.

They lack Putin class brains

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