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Turkish Military Claims It Neutralized 10 Kurdish Rebels In Northern Syria

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Turkish Military Claims It Neutralized 10 Kurdish Rebels In Northern Syria

IMAGE: Anadolu Agency

Turkish security forces have neutralized 10 members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in the northern part of Syria, the Turksih Defense Ministry said in a statement on June 11.

According to the Turkish side, the operation took place in the Tal Rifat area. it was a response to an attack by PKK members on Turkish forces in the region of Afrin in June 9.

When Turkey says the PKK, it often refers the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) that operate in northern Syria. The Kurdish group has deep ties with the PKK. So, Ankara sees it as the PKK’s local branch.


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Xoli Xoli

Turkey always promotes terrorism and spelling blood of innocent people.Kill Erdogan game over so that allah=devil can torture him in hell.Erdogan fake partnership with Putin brings hatred against Russian.

Mustafa Mehmet

shut the fuk stupid idiot

Xoli Xoli

I want to rape both you mommy and grandma and sell them to Erdogan terrorists.

Mustafa Mehmet

Shut the fuck up stupid. moron

Xoli Xoli

The only way to stop you terrorists is to raping also your mothers and chop of your heads.Just as you do to other innocent people.


There is something to be said for your opinion. Erdogan cast an evil spell over his country. Like a certain german did almost a century ago. One must hope in the end Turkey will be cleansed likewise.


Stop all wars and don’t fight with each other. You don’t serve your nation nor you serve Islam rather you making yourselves and your religion notorious world wide. You look lunatic when you kill your brothers both sides. The American and European leaders laugh on you that the Mideastern facilitate our job.

Astrid Watanabe

The Kurds are righteous fighters against the terrorists. It is ridiculous they did not join the SAA. They have the same enemies, Assad invited them more than once, and even their neighbors the Iraqi Kurds advised then to join the SAA.

Astrid Watanabe

True, you can call them traitors. It is a shame. The Iraqi Kurds [though they have a reputation of being the Mafia] have more common sense in this case. One comment states that “the Kurds still are an invaluable asset to Assad” because they do fight the same enemy, and also there is still some secret communication between them and Assad. They are not all of the same mind, and some quietly did join SAA. Lots of things going on we don’t know. It is frustrating to watch though. The SAA surely could use their help. Even I get angry at this.

Mustafa Mehmet

Because they’re traitor. how can you trust terrorist


Assad is a traitor to his country and people, all for personal power, wealth. He is giving away his country to Russia, Iran and Turkey. Disgusting, really.


Having the same enemies does not make one friends. SDF does not join Assad as he wants to return to pre 2011 : death squads, secret prisons where they torture tens of thousands and murder most of them, no civil rights for kurds, ethnic dicrimination. He offered that and they said : no, please go kill someone else. We pass.

KRG, as in KDP of Barzani have mostlythe same ideas as Turkey and, indeed, Syria. Their advice is always suspect in Rojava.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Turks are reporting on the casualties they inflict against the Kurds but have stopped reporting on their own casualty figures, there’s only one reason to do that, hiding high numbers.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yeah right they hiding ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

well what are the latest figures, up until last year they were made available but this year there’s no officially released data that I can find, and yet this year there’s been more attacks against the Turks than ever.


that is irrelevant, what is imperative is that turkey takes out the kurds and thus the witless trash from the disintegrating states of A. once the kurds are back as tenants in the borderland and once syria is finished mopping up in idlib, hama an so on they can get to the hard task – to kick the squatters from the palestinian land they have stolen. once and for all. where that sum will go I can’t say but diaspora 2.0 is in the offing-

there should be a world wide ANTI-ZIONIST day once every year when people that opposes the war crimes and crimes against humanity and the ethnic cleansing program and lebensraum pogram and concentration camp Gaza perpetrated and/or operated by the squatters on palestinian land can get together, rejoice and frolic and burn israeli flags and raise the palestinian.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If you think that Turkey taking out the Kurds will improve the situation, you’re right it will, but it’ll only be an improvement for Turkey, no one else. I want the opposite to happen, I want the Kurds to take out the Turks, and the first thing I want to see them do is take out the Turkish OB posts in northern Hama, then they can do the same to the OB post in latakia, and so on until they’re all gone. Then the SAA wont have so many obstacles blocking their path on their way to the Turkish border.


I have searched for the mentioned incident on pro SDF media. All I could find was a tweet there was a shelling, killing one civilian and wounding three. Pure propaganda by Turkey and fake news. Maybe southfront should hire or use fact checkers?

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