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Turkish Military Deploys Troops Inside Key Western Aleppo Town (Photos)

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On February 19, the Turkish military deployed troops inside the town of al-Atarib in Aleppo’s western countryside, according to local sources.

The al-Atarib’s Media Center released photos showing Turkish service members inside the town. The service members appeared to be from the Turkish Armed Forces’ commandos units.

Last week, the Turkish military established at least two “observation posts” north and west of al-Atarib. The step was not likely coordinated with Russia.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is now stationed less than 4 km to the east of al-Atarib. The town may be one of the next main targets of the army’s ongoing large-scale military operation.

The deployment of Turkish troops inside al-Atarib is a serious escalation by Turkey, whose president vowed to launch an attack on the SAA in Greater Idlib earlier today. These moves by Ankara may lead to a military confrontation in the Syrian region soon.

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klove and light

Putin u treacherous Zionist pig




God help the SAA!

Donald Moore


Smith Ricky

What about your Trump?

Donald Moore

Not to klove and light, Trump can do no wrong. Putin is not a treacherous Zionist pig, he is trying to keep the Syrian War turning into WW3.

AM Hants

Why do you say that?

Is President Putin the President of Syria? What faced Syria in 2015, before Russia was asked to lend a hand? Is Syria stronger now than then?

Donald Moore

No Putin is not the president of Syria but he does want those two bases in it. Before 2015 the legal leader of Syria Assad was almost over, the terrorist had most of Syria occupied till Russia came in the fight. Is Syria Stronger, yes and their army is better trained, look how fast they worked the terrorist over now, over 2,000 km captured since Dec.

AM Hants

So what is the problem? Who has helped Syria and who has been trying to pillage and control it?

Donald Moore

Helped-Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. Pillage-Turkey, US, France, Britain, Saudi Arabia, UAE. The problem, the UN-US-EU New World Order (NWO).

AM Hants

WWI – create League of Nations WWII – create United Nations WWIII – create full spectrum domination/NWO

What is interesting, at the end of WWII the leaders fof the Soviet Union, Great Britain and America met in Yalta, Crimea, Russia, to discuss the end of the war. The demilitarisation of Germany and establishihng the United Nations. 1947, the CIA, under the leadership of Allen Dulles, with his mates Eric Browder and Reinhard Gehlen, in the background, is established. The first mission was to provide safe passage for the Bolshevik and Nanzi elite.

When did they decide to create NATO and the EU and why were Germany to lead the EU, using the Frankfurt School Ideology as a template?

Germany, demilitarised and yet the Nanzis, merged into the CIA, following the de-Nanzification of Europe end up running things. Who lost the war?

Donald Moore

Even when the US/Britain let the Soviet Union in on the Allied side during WW2 they already decided that it would be an enemy nation. Patton said publicly when Nazi Germany fell that we should continue the war and invade the Soviet Union and arm the Germans. The Soviet Union kept a large standing army so the US made NATO to counter it then the SU made the Warsaw Pact. The EU was created to unite all the European countries into one so it would be easier to get things done with only one organization instead many countries, part of the NWO. Germany become the powerhouse because at first the US didn’t trust the Germans. The US wanted to make Germany an agricultural nation but when they did a study they found out that they would have to slaughter half the Germans to do it so they let them invest in civilian manufacturing not military. Around the 60’s they stated to let them do that and as time went on they were able to make more and more weapons themselves. Who lost the war, all the people that fought it, who won the CIA and the others along with the Governments!

AM Hants

Enjoyed your comment and so true, with regards who lost the war. All the people who fought it, whatever side they were on.

Smith Ricky

And you forgot that Trump is also controlled by the CiA aka Zionist?


This is important to have in mind.

Donald Moore

Never forgot and he is a Bitch of the Zionists. When I said Trump can do no wrong it was sarcasm over what ‘klove and light’ said that Putin is a Zionist Bitch. Putin doesn’t want to do what the US is doing now spending there self into a collapse like the Soviet Union did. Putin is fighting this war off the military training budget since he rotates the men over to Syria and get real training there. Even the so called US experts admit that Russia is not straining over this war like the US is involved in wars all over.


Iq of ye shoesize!


guys what i think the saa should do is go for the m4 and chill for a couple of months when this turkish /western histeria is done then go back to work liberate a couple of km2 and repeat again, also i believe in a direct confrontation between the saa and the taf with no air support the turk army will be raped.


Well, that’s pretty stupid. Even “special” forces are not immune to 23mm at head height

Albert Pike

Halturnerradioshow.Com says it has started…


He’s been wrong before.

“Turner’s viewpoints typically encompass Holocaust denial,[1] conspiracy theory, white supremacy,[citation needed] and have included calls for assassination of government officials. In August 2010, he was convicted for making threats against three federal judges with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, for which he spent two years in prison.”

– Hal Turner –



He posted this 3 hours ago:

“3:41 PM EST

3 Russian generals, including the grandson of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, have been killed by the Turkish attacks against the Russian base at Latakia, Syria”



There’s nothing on any other sites corroborating this or any of the other material that he’s posting.

Albert Pike

Sometimes he is so early with his news, because most likely he knew it before, which makes him part of a network, which tries to write the great war into existance. That makes him interesting, but also not bound by the truth, because his news will always have that spin into the demise…


He’s done some interesting work. But this is obviously premeditated disinfo. Once they’ve done this, and he’s not alone. I don’t follow them anymore on a regular basis.


If what Turner is claiming actually happened it would be all over RT by now. And there’s nothing there. He’s lying.

Albert Pike

wouldn’t be the first time – but also sometimes he is first…


That’s the way disinfo works by mixing fact with fiction as part of psyop.

Pave Way IV

The Bab al Hawa border crossing is the beginning of the central Turkish head-chopper rat-line into Syria. A terrain map shows numerous smaller exit rat holes through the mountains. Erdogan is panicking because loss of the Bab al Hawa rat line means no head-chopper ammo and supply convoys from west of Aleppo down to north and west of Idlib. Cutting the M4 to Idlib city means loss of its final (south-eastern) rat line. The head-chopper war is over at that point. Probably just leave the Uyghur head-choppers in Jisr as Suqur for now. They’ll start fleeing back into Turkey when they see Idlib liberated, because they’ll know they’re next on the menu.



Yeah, the Uyghurs would be a hard adversary as they have nothing to lose and nowhere to go and are unlikely to integrate.


USNato will redeploy them to China borders. That’s the purpose of CIA smuggling many thousands Uyghur out from China Xinjiang via Thailand, and given one time usage Turkey passports by Turk Embassy to enter Turkey.


Clearly Bab al Hawa is a no brainer in the tactical sense. The calculus with SAA must be about the overall strategy, is it better to trap the rats as much as possible by blocking exits, or push them out of Syria altogether.


Will Putin bomb Turkish too as well as terrorists ? ….humm it is going to be interesting to see how Russia will help Syria with Turkey (NATO) problem. I am sure that Russia and Putin are “hasta la madre” of this animal called erdogan.

Donald Moore

All Putin needs to do is put a no-Turkish Fly Zone over and let Syrian Airforce do it, they stop Turkish F-16’s already. As for NATO they already said they will not help Turkish Forces in Syria so if they are getting smashed then that’s Erdogan’s problem!


What NATO says and what NATO does depends on what T-Rump tells them to say & do

Tim Williams

article 5 of the NATO treaty does not aplly … every NATO country has told TURKEY that is the case

Bobby Twoshoes

True enough but how much is the word of a NATO country really worth?


Russian army on their way to help SAA…



This is not surprising from a evil, treacherous, dangerous and mad islamist like Erdogan, who has always been supporting the worst terrorists, having been the number one supporter of ISIS. I hope that his soldiers invading Syria will be completely smashed by the Syrian and Russian airforces, and that the Turkish military or some other Gülen-like competing islamists will do a coup against him.

Tim Williams

2 volley’s from 5 TOS 1A’s coming up …

Arch Bungle

Some ten of Turkey’s observation points are currently surrounded by the Syrian army. If Turkey starts to escalate they will be in a dire situation.

Tim Williams

Turkey has 37 observation post now in Syria … the agreed to 12

Tim Williams

Russia will wait for TURKEY to start any action … once they do … THOR’S HAMMER will drop on them …

I hope the TURKS brought enough body bags …

Wolfgang Wolf

TOS-1 is the right answer……

Tim Williams

one my favorites …

Tim Williams

Former USA UN weapons inspector … the mess TURKEY has put themselves in now


Simplekindof Man

Erdie is hoping they get killed too? Another excuse to invade.


That’s one of my possible scenarios and has been for months.

Erdo does not want angry Al Nusra jihadis to seek safety in Turkey and the EU does not want the either. Nor will NATO allow Erdo to redeploy Al Nusra to Libya because it would blow open the can of worms that NATO has been complicit with international terrorism. It is then a short step to expose NATO for colluding with ISIS.

Simplekindof Man

“….expose NATO for colluding with ISIS….” that would be a treat!


Anyone have an idea of the morale of the Sultan’s Janissaries? Are they hiding in the Winchester waiting for it all to blow over or are they in the mood for a fight?

Xoli Xoli

It is game over for Erdogan this his last war on earth. He will never ever withdraw this rusty artillery and armor cars again.Soon Russia will terminate all trade.USA,France and Brittan will temper with Erdogan S400 to make the ex400.


” The service members appeared to be from the Turkish Armed Forces’ commandos units.”

Or are they head choppers who have had a shave and been dressed in Turkish uniforms, similar to a Southfront report a couple of days ago?

The reward being better wages and the right to live in Turkey if Erdo is successful. The down side being that of Erdo loses , these men in fake uniforms can be shot on sight.


Good observation. On the cover photo the so-called commando, the one behind who is nearly dragging his rifle on the ground, is a good candidate for a head chopper but the one in front seems to be somewhat different. Perhaps Erdogan is mixing the crooks and the real soldiers to create more connvincing pictures cheaply. My observation is that he has not got neither intention nor means of attacking SAA. (Seemingly he has deployed in Idlib only around 6000 members of Turkish army whereas its should be 45K – 55K upwards according to Yanks.) Why he is trying to play the comedy is probbably connected to his plans for the next generalelection in Turkey.


Erdo’s mind ia likely a mystery to himself. Rather like Trump. :)


Good show deep state incest spwan/nwo/ wannabes are losing on all fronts,just like their greens!


I wonder if these are the same commandos that were stealing chickens in Afrin lol.


The Russian naval base at Tartus would be a tough nut to crack. And it’s highly likely that it’s prepared to deal with a Turkish offensive. With inland supply lines to Syrian air bases secured. And Russian equipment already at those facilities. A Turkish offensive, if it materializes, could be very costly to the Turks. And would exacerbate rather than improve any humanitarian problems in Idlib. Where the Iranians are on this I’m not sure. But my guess is that it’s on the Russian and Syrian side, not the Turkish side if the Turks attack.


Russian Naval Base at Tartus, Syria https://cdnph.upi.com/svc/sv/i/6541476115524/2016/1/14761160893329/Russia-to-build-permanent-naval-base-in-Syria.jpg




The vermin Jew are undoubtedly trying to get the Turks to do their dirty work for them. Whether the Turks capitulate remains to be seen.


Let’s eat some turkey: it’s the new thanksgiving. For Erdogan: “Giauru ma !”

J Roderet

Clearly, some major negotiations going on behind the scenes between Russia, Turkey, Syria, and Iran. It would be very stupid for Turkey to attempt directly attacking the SAA in Idlib/western Aleppo. Syria would quickly turn into a Vietnam for Turkey, just like Yemen did for the Saudis. And that conflict would quickly spill into Turkey itself, as Syria would naturally respond by arming Kurdish groups.

This makes me doubt that Erdogan will actually try anything too crazy. He is probably just trying to get the “best deal” that he can. And that would be control over as much of the northeastern Syrian border as possible to use as a buffer zone to divide the Syrian Kurds from the Turkish Kurds and as a place to permanently stash what remains of the head-chopping “moderate rebels” in Idlib.


Please look at the way the second soldier on the cover photo , allegedly a member of the elite of the elites commandos!, who carries his rifle, nearly dragging it on the ground. I am not impressed.


Without air coverage, Turkey & its moderate head choppers will be roasted by SAA air force.


These Turk commandos and head choppers look different only in their uniform badge, flags & beard shaved.

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