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Turkish Military Establishes Four Posts In Syria’s Greater Idlib

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On June 4, the Turkish military established four new “observation posts” in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

According to several opposition sources, the new posts were established near the towns of Bsanqul, Kafer Shalaya, Urum al-Jawz and Mareian in southern Idlib. Bsanqul is located north of the M4 highway, which links Lattakia and Aleppo, while three other towns are located south of the highway.

Turkish Military Establishes Four Posts In Syria’s Greater Idlib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter, Via Google Maps – TerraMetrics

Earlier today, the Russian Military Police and the Turkish military conducted a 15th joint patrol on the M4 highway. Two improvised explosive devices (IEDs) allegedly targeted the patrol. However, there were no casualties.

In the last few days, the Turkish military deployed loads of heavy weapons, including air-defense systems and artillery, in Greater Idlib. More reinforcements arrived in the Syrian region on June 4.

Turkey is committed to secure the M4 highway under the March 5 agreement with Russia. However, this is yet to happen. A long section of the highway is still blocked by terrorist groups.

By establishing more posts in Greater Idlib, Turkey could be trying to intimidate the Syrian military and its allies. Recent reports claim that the army is preparing to launch a large-scale operation to open the M4.


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Turk outposts to oversee ISIS/al-Qaeda Ziowahhabi Jewhadis duke it out for control and then “recognise” them, same as the Kosovo Islamist terrorists NATO gave a country to.

Mustafa Mehmet

you got it shy girl…what you gone do about it


You little jihadi bitches of the global Ziocorporate terrorists will be squealing the nasheeds when Syria destroys those outposts to make you meet your maker, cunt.


Turkey will kick your ass from the North, we will do it from the South. July 1st is coming motherfucker, get ready.


You need to fuck off, 2000 and 2006, two times has Hezbollah made you withdraw like little bitches back to your cave.


They only faced a small force, and we still kicked their asses and pushed them over the Litani like pre 2000. They can shoot again and see what happens to their puppet state, there won’t be a fourth war.


In 1973, Kissinger ordered the Pentagon to launch Nickel Grass to save your little invading Zioterrorist asses, ’cause you’re tough only in Jewllywood fiction and against unarmed Palestinian women and children.

2000, 2006, and in 2020 your pimp is too busy trying to control the riots they themselves started to come save you


Why going back to 1973? it was a different era and Syria still failed to take back the Golan after attacking us on Yom Kippur, that’s how pathetic they are. Next war there won’t be Lebanon, let’s wait for next month. Another historic part returns back to Israel, by right.


The only war you’ve been able to win was the one the US Zioterrorists fought for you. Keep invoking your doom, your neocolony isn’t more than a narrow beachhead after all.


I am pro war shy, you know why? because I know we can win it. The only question is how many villages we are ready to wipe out while doing it, it can easily reach to over a million dead on their side if we decide to.


Good thing is that killing 1 million Zioterrorist scum in their narrow neocolony will be easier, there’s no space to hide.


Sweet !

Mustafa Mehmet

6 days war the best ha


In 1974, possibly under Soviet pressure, Israel withdraw to the purple line and gave back the town of Qunetria, previously occupied in 1967. But at the time Syria had the backing of USSR and today of Russia, and anybody can spot the difference


Russia doesn’t take sides about the Golan, and it’s a wise thing to do. They know another war between the IDF and the SAA won’t be good for the region, so I expect them to put more pressure on Iran and don’t let them open another front against us.


……………..the Russians know how to play the game………………..and they are WAITING for the right moment to fuck you Bolschevik dog filth right up……………. its coming thats for sure faggot.


There are enough of you mo’fuckers in every American city, that we can shoot in the face on every street, and you’ll never know whose gonna pull the trigga……………………then you can go squeelin’ shylock.


Bring it on you piece ‘a shit. Hezbollah will fuck you up……….. you are gonna hurt bad dickwad.


Don’t cry bitch, you can come and join them too for you big mouth. little bastard.


Eat shit and die, you pedo-faggot.

Mustafa Mehmet

NUSARI can do jackshit

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

laugh when the followers of mohhamed get turned into pink mist


Yup, there was a time the Ziowahhabi filth thought they were about to takeover Damascus and Aleppo. Now they’re just bloody shitstains on the pavement giving street sweepers a hard time.


Hahahahahahahahaha…………….best comment so far ! Respect.

Mustafa Mehmet

whos mohhamed?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

pedophile from history

klove and light

Putin you treacheropus bibi cock sucking Zionist pig


EXACTLY what Pootin is… He loves Satanyahoo crack to lick…


I believe that according to the agreement between Putin and Erdogan the north side of the M4 would be under Turkish control and the south side under Russian, now I noticed that 3 out 4 posts are below M4. Anybody trust Russia anymore? But anytime I say the obvious truth here they downgrade my comment. Even myself I pay attention to the South Chinese Sea and the Taiwan strait where the 2 real great power are clashing and I don’t bother anymore about the ME


Good observation. The turks got really entrenched in Idlib, I think it will be really hard to remove them BUT (!) the TAF can retreat at any moment given policy change, changes in leadership, a deal reached, etc. The jihadis on the other hand only have Idlib; no green buses anymore, no returning home.. and Turkey is taking them to Libya and now Yemen, places from where they won’t come back most likley

Lazy Gamer

Surely, there must be a plan hitting all these outposts in one simultaneous attack at the first hour of conflict and preventing any survivors from retreating and regrouping. Turkey keeps offering more targets.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s 5 new OB posts according to syrialiveuamaps, and they’re located near Maratah, Jusif, Al-Qiyasat, Basanqul. and Marian. And Erdogan’s not only spoiling the show here in Idlib and Libya where he’s totally ignoring his Russian partners best interests, he’s also closing up the purse strings on Russia’s natural gas imports as well, and Russia can’t afford to lose a cent in export revenue right now, especially now world oil prices have dropped so low and the coronavirus has hit as well. But what makes it even worse for Russia to understand is this, Erdogan’s at the same time opening the floodgates to US LPG imports, so he’s actually hurting the Russians and helping the US [and NATO] by doing that, but he’s doing the same thing to Iran as well so at least he’s not biased, just very traitorous to his friends in their time of need. With friends like Erdogan who needs an enemy, with him you get both for the price of one.

“Statistics compiled from the Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) show that Russia’s share of Turkey’s natural gas imports decreased from 52% in 2017 to 33% in 2019. Russia sold 28.69 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Turkey in 2017, representing a 52% share of the country’s gas import basket. Moscow exported 23.64 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Turkey in 2018, 47% of Ankara’s total gas imports. Last year, however, this share decreased to 33%. Turkey imported 45.21 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2019 out of which Russia supplied 15.19 billion cubic meters. The country’s LNG imports in March outpaced pipeline gas imports for the first time, data from EMRA showed last week, as it imported 2.06 billion cubic meters of LNG, accounting for 52.5% of total gas imports in the month. LNG imports from the U.S. increased by 300% in March compared to the same month last year.”


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