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Turkish Military Establishes New “Observation Post” In Eastern Idlib Air Base (Video)

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On February 6 morning, the Turkish military established a new observation post in the Taftanaz Air Base in the eastern Idlib countryside.

The al-Moharar News, an outlet affiliated with the Turkish-backed Sahm Corps, released video showing dozens of battle tanks, armored vehicles and engineer vehicles of the Turkish Armed Forces to the air base.

A source in the Syrian military conformed to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that a large Turkish unit was deployed near the towns of Taftanaz, Binnish and Ma’arrat Misrin.

Last week, the Turkish military established similar posts around Saraqib in southeast Idlib in an attempt to halt the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advance towards the city. The attempt failed, as the army was able to liberate Saraqib earlier today.

The establishment of more observation posts in Idlib indicates that Turkey is still determined to support its allies in the Syrian region. A day earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened the SAA with a military action if it doesn’t withdraw from certain parts of the region.

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Soon to be surrounded.

Concrete Mike

They must have the same advisors as saudi arabia


Seems that way, I agree, Mike.

Now Saraquib is liberated, I expect to see some weapons in the various NATO supplied terror bunkers that will greatly embarrass the US at the UN.

Its a city of circa 80,000 people, so a search will take time. The terror gangs did not expect to run because of the Turk ‘observation post’, so the terrorists had little time to pack their suitcases :)

I seem to recall that chemical weapons were being stored there.

On another note, a storm is brewing in the UK with the Volumetric Mixers. Many of them are operated by ‘one man bands’, often recent immigrants. Concrete is now being exposed that is very sub standard and 3 houses in a city near me are to be demolished after the construction of an extension a few years after the houses were built , thah exposed the weak concrete.

There are complaints nation wide, so it will be fascinating to see what the various councils do :)


They are beyond embarrassment and beyond redemption. The only thing that can embarrass them is for them to flee a la Saigon.

Willy Van Damme

Anyone a helicopter?

Jens Holm

Goverments has to sharpen the rules for fx buiding houses.

The oursourcing to outsourcers to outsourcers must be rewduced or controlled.

We have bad examples too. But the responsability has to be given to the politicians demanding very cheep building as well as the GB entrepeneurs.

Too many big projekts here gets more expensive, the we are told, because too much is forgotten as well, but as You write its about the quality of all kinds of materials for construction.

So much concrite is made by sand from the sea. Its a little salty, but the main prblems is the particles are around and therefore dont glue well by the cement.

A good soluition therefore might be as for other things telling this house is a cheep one and will be fine 20 years. The more expensive ones might be fine for 50 or amost forever.

Danes has many concrite bridges mainly relative small ones. Too many has to be repaired a lot before time. But thats a part of efforting building out Our motorway network relative fast.

So the choise is a surprice even expert told that, when it was done. We could have done less bit butter or make some kind of roadpricing.

So Your Eingestürtzne Neubauten” has to marked with a classification. We do have that for fx insolation of houses and ny that heating economy.

We do have storms and also more heavy rain in Denmark, so asaptions had to be made for all kinds of construtions. To much rain not running into the sea fast enogh is a a very big problem in townparts too. To much asphalt is only one part of it.

Almost the whole Denmark now has to have new waterpipelines for waters from roofs and sometimes also big pumping stations.

I hope You can vore for Counsil improvments, where You are. Too light or bad constructions is no good for the climate change above it too.


Still, it is an extremly shitty situation. Those posts are bait, and Erdogan hopes the SAA will give him any pretext to escalate, and then cry to the world and NATO for attacking the SAA directly. This can go to shit any moment, until all of Idlib is liberated. And then the same shit will start again when the SAA shift attention to Afrin, Al Bab, and the newer Turkish occupation zones. With US and Donald now supporting Erdogan in his mischief again, this is an absolutly dangerous game. But it would have come to this anyway. The Idlib deal only postponed this (while strengthening Erdogan). The SAA has still some 1-2 years at least ahead. Lets hope Turkey and NATO will have no chance to fight an open war against SAA. Fighting Turkish proxys is costly and hard, but no obstacle. A direct fight SAA vs Turkish army with NATO backing is a whole other thing though. Lets hope for the best; Even though it is more than likely that in the years ahead Erdogan will find a pretext.


Sure it’s a tense situation. Even though the SAA will be fighting Turdkey on Syrian land, NATO will make some bizarre claim to get involved. What’s the alternative?

John Wallace

Even without NATO throw in the Turkish airforce attacking Syrian ground troops and equipment throws a massive spanner in the works. The SAA has had air cover , what would they be like with being attacked by air. Turkish Air Force has an active strength of 60,000 military personnel and operates approximately 635 manned aircraft (2019).


The Syrian air defense would not tolerate that and they could easily close the air space. A Turk ground force would have to do the grunt work under a blanket of TOS1. It sure wouldn’t be easy.

John Wallace

Syrian air defence doesn’t tolerate Israeli and US intrusions either but they seem to do so at will. Sure pop up and bomb attacks are different from ground troop support attacks but it will still be messy. Isn’t Turkey the strongest NATO force outside of the US and Erdogan is keen to have a war somewhere . Why can’t everyone just get out and worry about their own countries instead of this constant bullshit. ps your avatar is very apt. I like it.


Why can’t everyone just get out. Good question….


The NATO is not going to back the regime of Erdoğan if there would be any confrontation in Syria.


I wish I could be sure about that. I wish it would be so, but we will have to wait and see. Cheers


The NATO would be foolish to go in that hornet nest backing a megalomaniac tyrant that backs Al Qaeda.

Tim Williams

RULE 5 does not apply if you are invading a country … TURKEY owns it by themselves


Yes no NATO obligation

John Wallace

Not sure if Erdogan would want NATO inclusion but who knows what he and Trump talk about down the dark alley.


NATO would also like to see Erdo replaced , I am sure.


I agree, yet we know the the west cannot be trusted.

Willy Van Damme

Rule 5 is only for friends.


not with troops, but with intelligence, logistics, maybe even air support and missiles

Tim Williams

not going to happen


I hope you are right.


Similar to the US and UK arming and assisting the Saudi’s proxy war in Yemen :)

That’s going really well :)


:) but in coordination with turkish army it´s a different story I´m afraid


The Turkish army is large, I agree. Yet its performance in Northern Idlib was dire.


NATO will probably support Erdogan not because they like him but because they hate Syria and Russia. They’ll do everything they can to arrest Syria’s momentum. After all, the western slaves have to follow Israel’s orders.


The key to control over Idlib is the Taftanaz airbase which has been serving as the CIA and Turkish conduit for arming and training the terrorists. The SAA should be employing artillery and missile barrages on the base, which is long term strategic terms is untenable for the Turks to hang on to.

Xoli Xoli

Let Syrian snipers attack this convoy with portable manpads.Make road inaccessible.


Sorry but snipers don’t use portable manpads. Transexuals use manpads

Xoli Xoli

Ruca dont you think it is beter for snipers to used it as Syria has limited forces.It will be beter as their are flexible.

Wolfgang Wolf

another isolated post…. worthless gestures of Errorgan…..

John Wallace

But is it. With the other OP’s being surrounded and made impotent why does he make more posts to be shortly surrounded. There is some serious gear that should they confront Syria with air cover / back up they can be more than a thorn. What happens if massive Turkish military reinforcements come to assist. Turkish artillary reportedly assisting an HTS attack . Errogan threatening Assad and remember he was always against Assad and totally for his removal . That has not changed apart from Putin holding his coatails holding him back. Putin is walking on a muti line tightrope with several criss crossing in many directions. There are several wild animals stalking a section of line. Putin has to try and keep each in check but doing so allows another to gain ground on another section. How long before Putin is caught in no mans land unable to prevent unbridled movement by hungry animals all looking for a feed. Just read Everyoneisbiased comment and must agree . Shit is being thrown in the air in all directions just waiting to flick the fan switch on.


These Turkish and US outposts serve no purpose and are very vulnerable.

Tim Williams

ODDS in Las Vegas has the SAA surrounding this base in a week


The Turks have quite good armour, and it’s interesting that they’ve only sent their second-rate tanks and not heaps of logistical support. I think it’s a bluff. If they were in this for blood it’d be Leopard IIs all the way.

Tim Williams

Leopards were decimated by ISIS … they are JUNK


I agree, but they’re better than Pattons (even upgraded). I mean, is ANY tank much good these days? Even a T-90 will go up in smoke if you hit it with a ATGM. I reckon the Turks are only putting on a show of force


Syria should stop procrastinating and do what needs to be done and give Turkey/US coalition their marching orders by forcing them out. Situation can’t get any worse and trying to appease the Turks/US using Russian methods obviously doesn’t work but has the opposite effect. The current situation could have been avoided if Putin didn’t go to bed with Erdogan, Lavrov with Kerry and both of them with israel.

Christian S

Turks seem already do know that when Tigers meet up with 4th at ICARDA Farms M5 highway Idlib city will be next, Jisr al shoghour and many terrorist will be surrounded after that.


Okay, I have been watching and wondering about what Turkey has been doing for a while and I think I have an idea……. this is a very big backstab folks. But, the recipient of the knife if not Russia, Iran, Hez or Syria …… it is HTS and da boyz who are getting it.

Turkey is throwing up all of these useless posts but, I have not heard about a single word speaking to a meaningful ramp up of the Turkish Army itself; nothing. The statements by Turkish officials, zero mobilization of Turkish Arms Forces, real mobilization that is, the little amiable chats between Presidents Erdogan and Putin and all of the rest of the atmospherics, for my money they point to a very complex dance in which Turkey is completely abandoning their head choppers. It’s been grand but, time if up.

As it looks now, by year end HTS and the rest of these murders will be gone. All of those Turkish posts are going to be very expensive, be of little to no value and also looking like laughingstock material. Remember everybody, it is not just Russia. If Turkey messes this one up with Russia, their ally China is going to take an extremely dim view of their behavior. It is all part of a much bigger playing field than it appears. So, this is my take.

Go SAA. May God bless you guys.

Tim Williams

Like a KUBUKI theater


You could well be right, and all of Erdos rage is just theatre, as he does not want his beaten proxies to enter Turkey, but to die in Syria.

Erdos and US/UK proxies deserve to die, but the West is too gutless to admit their miscalculation in Syria and instead offer to join in with the Terrorist cull.

Wahabi terrorism is spreading rapidly in the EU and will soon involve Turkey as well.


“Turkish Military Establishes New “Observation Post” In Eastern Idlib Air Base”

Lol, maybe they are trying to learn some tips from the SAA forces that surround them.


If I recall, it was that part of Idlib that the Chemical weapons inspectors were not allowed to reach as it was under US Terrorist proxies control in 2013 . This was when Syria willingly gave up its historic stocks of chemical weapons. At the time it was rumoured that Sarin and Mustard were stored there. I wonder if the airfield the Turks are going to has a store?


Yes, it should have a store of chemical weapons!!! There were two depots that were outside Syrian government control AND which were under the control of the jihadists. Somehow the western establishment never made anything about this salient fact! So, by rights it should all still be there! The Turks will probably confiscate it, if they haven’t done so already.

Tim Williams

Reading the TURKS attempted to set up another observation post in SARMIN earlier today. TURKS got out of their vehicles only to be greeted by the SAA …

James Kira

The tanks keep rolling in, so eventually Turkey will fight Iran and nato will fight russia.

All things being equal, Rebels are the strongest groundforce in the world, so this means that Rebels will flourish in such an environment, and assheadists will perish within 3 years.

Assad must stay

keep dreaming moron, SAA will crush the rebels and then crush u :)

James Kira

saa-dists cant fight without aerial support is my point.

I support Axis against nato and zios, but once that happens, the playing field will be even, and Axis will have its hands full against nato.

Then Turkey and Iran will duke it out. And here I support Turkey slightly more, just to punish Iran for allying with russia against Rebels.

And between Rebels and assheadists the playing field will be leveled, but Rebels will come out stronger.

James Kira

Also most assheadists live in the west theres noone targetting assheadists atm and this is my point also.

assheadists are more moderate but as war intensifies so will your targetting be.

Rebels have been targeted for years because We dont cuck out to westerners like assheadists do.

Assad must stay

Nope, in ur wildest dreams, SAA is gonna win and nothing u can do about it hahahaha!!!!

James Kira

Thats exactly what kikes say about kikerael.

Its ghey and assheadists are the new kikes.

John Wallace

You been smoking Jens butts.

Assad must stay

soon they will be observing SAA surrounding them hahahaha


I’m glad people are waking up to the fact that these observation posts are not military installations designed to be used in a hot shooting war. If Turkey was serious about trying to hold onto Idlib they wouldn’t just blow hot air, there would be an armoured division coming over the erstwhile border and a minimum of 100,000 men with fortifications being dug up around every town and hill and large kill-zones being set up with hundreds if not thousands of artillery pieces, as well as minefields. That’s how you defend an area, not by a few observation posts. I agree with John below that these are token gestures that cannot influence the tide and the direction of the war.

MeMad Max

Kill them there too…


Just TOS it

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