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Turkish Military Shells Syrian Army Positions In Western Aleppo

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Turkish Military Shells Syrian Army Positions In Western Aleppo

Image: aa.com.tr

On April 22, the Turkish military shelled several positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the northern governorate of Aleppo.

“The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) observed an artillery bombardment carried out by Turkish forces, targeting positions of the regime forces [SAA] in the western countryside of Aleppo,” the SOHR said in a report.

The London-based monitoring group said the Turkish shelling was a response to recent artillery strikes by the SAA. The Syrian artillery targeted the towns of Kafr Amma, al-Qasr, Kafr Taal and Kafr Nouran in western Aleppo in the morning.

These strikes were likely a retaliation to recent violations of the ceasefire in Greater Idlib, which was brokered by Russia and Turkey on March 5.

The SOHR’s report has not been confirmed by the Defense Ministry of Syria or the Turkish Ministry of National Defense, so far.

Turkey is now working to solidify its military presence in Greater Idlib, including western Aleppo. The Turkish military sent hundreds of troops and loads of heavy equipment to the Syrian region in the last few weeks. On April 22 alone, 25 vehicles were deployed there.


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Mustafa Mehmet

saa terrorist gangs ask for it ..


Goodjob TSK, we support you.

El Mashi

Israel and Turkey: BBF, but only Turks die.


That’s because we haven’t invaded, yet. When we do it, Syrians Iranians and Hezbollahs will cry to Russia, there will be no mercy.

Raptar Driver

You’re a bunch of pussies! Death is your only salvation.


Death is something that comes for us all, but if it’s dying for our country then it’s the most heroic death we can get. We have learnt from our mistakes, no more small limited operations, we are going all the way this time.


Can’t wait to see it. You’ll know your place well soon after. Like it was done during Islamic Golden Age. Even your own are turning on you. Implode, explode, whatever way, your demise awaits.

Hadi Heidary

“we are going all the way this time” you kinda reminded me of one of george carlin speeches


You won’t be laughing, I promise you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

As if Jewhadis promises were any good.

You promised to worship one God, then started praying to the Golden Calf while Moses spoke with God.

That’s why God punished you, for eternity. You even carry the mark of shame, 3 skins instead of four, like normal people have.

Hadi Heidary

but i’m always gonna laugh at it. israel keep trying to force the palestinians to leave the country and take the whole country for themselves and IRGC keep threating to kick israel regime and give all the country to palestinians. :) in my opinion both of them are wrong. all the region have been part of persia in the past so as an iranian nationalist i like to go for peaceful solution in this region unless they are pointing their gun at me or threatening our interest. iraq,afghanistan,syria,paelstine,israel ,turkey etc…. i see all of them as friends unless they prove it otherwise.

Raptar Driver

Listen to your own scriptures. Live by the sword die by the sword. You are the invaders Only death is your comfort.


And you will cry to the USA.

Hadi Heidary

i respect nationalism but you need to put a limit on it, threatening all your neighbors isn’t exactly the best idea….. please do realize iran is on syria with the minimum possible presence! what you see on syria is not even IRGC but only a very small unit of it called quds force. Israel will never invade Syria, Mark my words! cause on the second days of invasion netanyahoo has to fly to US and then moscow and ask for ceasefire and help.

Mustafa Mehmet

No need to fly to America. USA watching .. Molla already. any move. that’s all they need. end off Molla

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The USA just watched an Iranian missile barrage tear their camps to shreds, and did nothing.

Can’t wait for the balkanisation of Turkey, Christian Greek control of Thrace, with the goatfuckers on their way back to Turkistan in Asia.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Israel spent 2 thousand years, begging white Christian boys to do their fighting.

When the Christians get you a state, you then start begging for more Christian soldiers to fight for you to steal even more land.

The most cowardly race of people in history. Loyalty is just another asset for Jewhadis to sell. Like your mothers, everything has a price.

El Mashi

Hezbollah and SAA are battle hardened, and ready to liberate the Occupied Syrian Golan Heights. Israel’s current battle experience is its snipers shooting women and children from 300 meters. Its doubtful that the IDF wants to fight someone with a gun.


Ofcourse you support Al Qaeda, ISIS and Muslimbrother backing Ankara tyrants.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right.

Lone Ranger

Kosher mossadisis…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are one skin short of being human.

No wonder Jewish mothers are so protective, it’s the guilt they feel for mutilating their male children. Mutilating little boys seems to be the Jewhadi way.


Lol Erdoğanists and zionists thugs cheering for each other.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Go fuck a goat Musthaveashit.

Like your daddy and his daddy did. Goat fuckers all of you smelly Asian rejects.

Azriel Herskowitz

Good work Turkey. The civilians are depending on your protection from the Regime.

Lone Ranger

Turkisis… Most the civilian casulties were caused by your mossadisis buddies Shlomo…

Mustafa Mehmet

you are very wrong.. couse by russki and papet asshole bombing civilian with barrel boms and chemicals

Lone Ranger

Thats CNN/hasbarat propaganda and you know it.


Dumb Turkish garbage, as if you low life Turkish rats care about civilians.


Response to the Assadists.

Black Waters

There’s not such thing as assadists, there’s only people in Syria that want to live in peace and to develop their land, that people has a close interest with Assad because he kept his word of protecting his country, against all odds he remained stoic against the evil of the U.S gestapo and ISISrael.

They only support the idea of nation and to protect themselves from foreign enemies, which makes sense considering that they are surrounded by rabid dogs.


The Mongol thugs showing their real face again, low life Turks stealing land and backing their Al Qaeda and ISIS headchoppers.

Mustafa Mehmet

And Brotherhood whatever you call them go for it


Mustafa you low-IQ Turds are treacherous cretins.


Hold yr horses , house negro. Treachery is yr personal field of expertise


I could smell you Turd from a distance..Turds are born traitors and thieves. .history has showed it..


No one needs a lesson from a house negro, son. No one likes a moroccon ex muslim pretending to be something else and giving militarist advices to western nationalist here and there about well being of EU.

What you smell is your own stenchy odour , and you are the exact description of a traitor.

You deserve no respect , all you need is a spit on the face and a kick in the gut . So better get lost before I stick those big words and ‘history knowledge ‘ of yours into somewhere appropriate.


Speak for yourself low-IQ ‘atheist’ Turd. Mud Race from European slaves and Mongols who a few decades ago were cleaning toilets in Europe. You treacherous Turkish house negroes don’t get any respect from nobody. You are smelling the BO of your moustach wearing mothers..Thieves, liars and genocide perpetrators, that is your race low life Turd.


An ex moroccon who pretends to be a Dutchman on net , asking other White westeners to be tougher against ‘brown’’ immigrants with in EU is the exact description of a house negro , son..

How does it feels to tell that Africans (Nigerians) have low IQ while you are originally an African yourself ? Can you explain me the inferiority complex lying behind such a statement ?

Can you tell me how it feels to give rightist advices to Western Europeans without telling them what you are indeed a brown moroccon hiding yr head scarf wearing moroccon mother and yr mosque attending poor father ? Werent they cleaning toilets there, son ? Arent they still ?

Can you tell me more about the inferiority complex that pushed you to refuse and hide your roots, the humilitaion yr parents faced when you first immigrated there ?

How it feels to know that you and your sons will be the first ones that will be slaughtered in streets of EU like little piglets if the advices you give to others come true someday ? But dont worry, son when those neo nazis are cutting yr thoats you can always say ‘ Hey ı am Brown but I am one of you, I am a pure sand dweller,I am your regular house negro , spare me, use me ‘’ LOL. You are a disgrace , an abomination.

Now , a humble advice , house negro. The people whom you are pretending to be one ( westeners) are the masters of genocide. So before speaking about the things you dont know , the history knowledge you dont have, go and read something, you little clown.


You are rambling like a deranged Turd.Typical petty low-IQ Turd denying the crimes of his forebears. Turds are just as bad as nazis and fascists, Grey Wolves Mongols with an inferiority-complex.

Spare me your crocodile tears nasty insidious Turd. Western People are getting more nationalistic because of piece of garbage Turds like you. .welfare recipients and leechers and at the same time cheering for their mini-sultan tyrant in Ankara. .Bragging about their past filled with victims of genocide and bloodshed You low-IQ Turds are depraved.


Aww . My dear house negro who was talking about mud races, race purity and telling westeners to defend their race is now singing melodies of socialism democracy and human rights .You little hypocrite clown..

I am telling what you are and you even can not tell a single word about it , because it is all true. Thats also why you closed yr comment history. BTW, You can keep scrolling my comments and downvote all of them in anger, no worries , be my guest,son. Unlike you, some of us do not have anything to hide.

We are a former imperialist nation , and like all imperialist nations we of course we have a bloody past. But this is not yr problem , isnt it, son? Because just like I told you and you could not reply as usual , West Europeans , which you are pretending to be one of them are the masters imperialism and genocides. But speaking all about these dont fit yr sneaky agenda , does it ?

The World is getting more nationalistic because of globalization, you illiterate ape. There is nationalism problem everywhere. It is in China , EU, Asia , US everywhere. Dont try to push me that yr personal hidden agenda to me with yr juvenile and shallow trivia.

I also do wonder , being a morroccon pretending to be dutch , where do you find the face to speak about welfare leeching ? Do you think your reverse psychology and ultimate inefriority complex is only visible to you ?

Ps : what crocodile tears, lowlife ?where did you get the idea that I pitied you or something ?


Yet again a diatribe from an illiterate Turkish monkey. People are getting more nationalistic because they have seen that being kind to barbarian low life Turds and Muhammedans like letting them in their country and parasite on their society, teaching them hate by the Erdoğan regime Muslimbrother thugs is detrimental for the west.

Speaking about being illiterate low life Turd. .nationalism has nothing to do with nazism, Arab nationalist like me support the preservation of other people like western People. Unlike the Turkish monkeys who at this day still conduct their imperialist ideology, stealing land, violating territory, supporting jihadists, threatening neighbour countries etcetera.

It is the Turds who need to boast about their barbaric past stealing and murdering to feel good about themselves, pathetic treacherous, mentaly challenged race.


Still no reply from the illiterate house negro about the shadows surrounding him and obscuring his personal credibility. The most funny part is someone who defies basic laws of human pride requests attention and speaks about humanity, values and what is just. Hillarious.

At this point I am not interested in your eurocentric stupidity or whatsoever. Your white masters will always find reasons to be nationalists , 150 years ago it was blacks , 80 years ago it was jews and now somebody else. Let them reap what they sow. I dont give a rats azz to your primite chantings and inefriority complex and how you lick their asses.

If people like you , and your arab friends who can not deal with globalizm believe preservation of some others, then what the fouck you are doing in Europe and dont go back to Morocco where you came from ?

Nationalism has a lot to do with nazism, illiterate twat. Its the halfway there. Thats the reason why nazizm was also called national socialism at the first place. BTW , while daydreaming shallow chimps like you are writing stories about western ‘democracies’ here , France is busy with getting colonial taxes from 6-7 different African nations , pushing coups if one of them refuses to pay , and orchestrating massacres in Rwanda. In every piece of land TR enters to enchance its security , there is also a presence of western force.

But no worries, there will be house negroes like you blinded by the inferiority complex preventing them to see what is really going on.


You are even dumber than i thought Turkish retard. Nationalism has nothing to do with National-socialism, the latter has a fascist and imperialistic background (ring a bell? Comparered with the Erdoğan Ottoman deranged ideology You Turds love so much).But i didn’t expect an semi evolved Turk to understand the difference. Arab nationalism are not kon towing for sleazy illiterate Turds as your jihadist butt buddies.


I did not tell you that they were the same illiterate ape , I told you that nationalism is halfway to nazism. Learn to read , and then learn to comprehend.The roots of german Nazizm can be traced back to German nationalism which started during Napeleonic wars. Nationalism is always the first step leading to racism or nazism. So please do not waste my time about yr romantic stupidity about Arab nationalism or whatsoever.


Lol you low IQ Turds are really dumb cretins. Nationalism has always been around, way before the nazis illiterate Turkish kebab..Kind of brazen a wast of oxygene Turd blaming others benig “racists” , while at the same glorifying your Mongol breed nationalism. You Turds are not only liars but cowards, afraid of nationalism in the Arab world who despise your illiterate Turkish monkeys.


Recap ;

House negro: I am not a western ass licker, I am an Arab nationalist. It’s all because of you Muhammedans and Turks.

Question: Since when Berbers and African descent people consider theirselves Arabs? What made you see yourself as Arabs is that Muhammedan beliefs. The source of your Arabian nationalism is you is Islam itself, you illiterate Saharan ape..

House negro: No . I am an Arab. genocide. Muhammedan. My Arabian nationalist friends. Greeks. North Syria. And North west Syria.

I am not African. Africans have low IQ. Nigerians have 84 IQs. I am clever. I am not a self-hating moron.

LOL. You confused clown..


Lol Dunning Kruger in action ..in ful display. .dumb Turd how do you know what i am you Turkish hairy ape? Secular nationalism has nothing to do with islam you Mongol illiterate.


Hey look Look , what we have here is a self hating saharan ape who also knows bişts and pieces of Dunning Kruger effect.

Recap ;

House negro: I am not a western ass licker, I am an Arab nationalist. It’s all because of you Muhammedans and Turks. Secular nationalism, you know..

Reply: Since when Berbers and African descent people consider theirselves Arabs? What made you see yourself as Arabs is that Muhammedan beliefs The source of your Arabian nationalism is slam itself, you illiterate Saharan ape..

House negro: No . I am an Arab. genocide. Muhammedan. My Arabian nationalist friends. Greeks. North Syria. And North west Syria. Dunning kruger and et al.

I am not African. Africans have low IQ. Nigerians have 84 IQs. I am clever. I am not a self-hating moron.


Turks have a low IQ too, it is a little bit higher because you are descendants of slaves.Half breed Mongolian cretins.


Can you also comment on the IQ statıus of Moroccan berber clowns living in Netherlands and posing to be dutch ? Well you better , because thats exactly what you are LOL. Inferiority complex at its best , lol.


Recap ;

House negro: Nationalism has nothing to do with racism.

Reply: Nationalism is always to first step leading to Nazism, even Nazism itself is called National socialism. Nationalism does not always evolve to racism, but under right terms there is always a chance.

House negro : But, but Nationalism was there before Nazism. I don’t understand.

Reply. You don’t understand because such discussiosn exceed your IQ level.

Housenegro : Arab socialism. We Arabs don’t like you.. I am not a saharan ape. I am an European. I am an Arab nationalist. Not african.I am an arab nationalist berberi dutchman. Wait… Who the fouck I am ? LOL


Supporting jihadist groups in Syria and Libya.

Invading West and Northen Syria.

Denying the Armenian genocide

Denying Assyrian genocide

Denying Pontic genocide

Violating the airspace and territorial waters of Greece and Cyprus.

Using hordes of immigrants as a battering ram to flood Europe.

Blackmailing Europe and so on. .

Typical low IQ turd smelling kebab breath like yourself are oblivious to the insidious behaviour of Turks.


Typical collection of MSM from an illiterate self hating house negro who posts MSM claims and pretends that they are definite facts.

But I have to adnit that I liked that ‘kebab’ part. It was really rich vcoming from a self hating dutch wannebe moroccon LOL.


Low life Turds “demand” that the Greeks hand over the islands of Samothraki, Lemnos, Chios, Ikaria, Samos, Rhodes, Chalki, Karpathos, Kasos, Kalymnos, Leros, Patmos, Kos, Kastellorizo et cetera.. Turds are deluded cowards.


Another bunch of İies from house negro.

TR did not ask delivery of these islands. TR Just told that as per Lausanne Treaty , these island shoud be stripped of arms and military personel. Refusing to act accordingly would mean declaring the treaty as null and void. So please sell yr uninformed BS elsewhere.


Ofcourse, You Turds have only the best interest for these islands, listen i know You inferior Turds love to lie about these things. Maybe your “benevolent” mini-sultan can send some jihadi mercenaries to disarm them. .You Turds crack me up.


I just told you the status of the islands as per Lausanne treaty, house negro. I told you that you were lying and instead of giving me a proper reply you are reverting with some ‘’jihadis, sultans and mercaneries.’’ BS as usual. Do yourself a favour and make some research before posting next time, so that you can reply without trying to divert the attention.


Mustafa, why do you side with the Israeli entity? You do understand that after Syria/ Iran, Turkey is next on the breakup list, don’t you?

Mustafa Mehmet

I do not want Molla idiot and Hezbollah terrorists anywhere near Turkey.. I hope Syrian people get back to normal soon got nothing ageinst syrian


So it’s a choice for you then? Hezbollah is the greater evil? Hezbollah does not support a Kurdish state in Syria, but the Israeli entity does. Why would a Turk support the Kurds? Are you Kurdish?

Mustafa Mehmet

Hesbullocks support or not don’t make any difference they r terrorists organisation just like PKK and the rest..


I must be mistaken about your nationality then. Apologies.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He’s a Jewhadi.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

Apart from stealing their land and fucking their goats.


Turkish terrorist scum

Mustafa Mehmet

Lili not you as well ‘come on


Yes, yes me as well!

Xoli Xoli

Putin protected Erdogan terrorists.


Rather, Russia try to please Erdogan with such a cease fires. By doing that, Turkey’s terrorists have the benefit of been safe.

Lone Ranger

Turkisis trolls need a few more cruise missiles up their rear end…

Lone Ranger

Hasbarats are crying and raging…

Icarus Tanović

This is gonna turn to Turkish Vietnam.

Mustafa Mehmet

Not to worry yourself ovic


Turkish waste threatening Cyprus and Greece too. .violating their territory almost on a daily basis. Mongols are vile cretins.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yes we are what you gonna do about it elahta. how much you get pay for assad and Greek propaganda.. Mongol are great people elkamis


You low- IQ Turd Erdoğanists stil in denial like always, nothing changed. Mongol race are garbage muds.

Mustafa Mehmet

So your nation biggest begger in Europe… mongols are breve people not like you Cockroaches

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your Turkic, not Mongol.

The Mongols raped women, you rape goats.

Mustafa Mehmet

Behind you watch your assess. if turkic Raper we might as well do you as well

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You should be trolling a pedo site, such is your love for male ass.

I would kick the sheet out of you, any day of the week. Your Turdish culture is what us white Christian boys use to clean our ass. Now go and fuck a goat like your daddy. The only Christians you ever had sex with, were already dead.

Mustafa Mehmet

Ali pasha behind you ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s the best you can do, look someone behind you!

No wonder you come from such a backward race.

Ali Pisspants more like it. Musthaveashit and him make a smelly package.

Mustafa Mehmet

Ali pasha rule you lot 500 years’ you calling us goat f***er we might as well fuck everything I’m doing my lovely Greek lady friend Sophie I show her your coment she just said ignore him… she’s calling you stupid idiot haha

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Ali Pasha is a goat fucking p rick of the highest order, no doubt.

His children were retarded, then sold off as whores for white soldiers.

Goat fuckers never made a civilisation you smelly Turd.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turkish women are so ugly that you turn to a Greek woman!

No wonder you fuck goats, giving the dogs that pass for women in Turkey.

Even the most fanatical Turds, like you, prefer white women to the Asian slags you brought with you. White culture is the best, and don’t you failed blacks know it. lol

Mustafa Mehmet

I sure you got Türk blood in your vein to.. its OK be happy ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

No filthy Turdish troops came within a thousand miles of Western Europe, you illiterate goat fucker, what books told you that. Vienna is a long way from here, and you couldn’t even beat them. That was 400 years ago, and you have been losing since.

Definite though, is the proof that white Christians fucked your women frequently, when we took away your little empire.

Mustafa Mehmet

You can’t even fight little Albanian country..come on go back to your cave now where you belong

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Albania doesn’t fight with us, too busy breeding goats together.

Albania is a place that no one wants. They love Stalin you muppet, another white hero for you goat fuckers. lol

Mustafa Mehmet

Ahaa re sirbic we r not molla they are Iranian.. we are Sünni you deal with your Albania neighbour first.. be nice to them otherwise they come and do you… Next is Kosovo. and Macedonia and Bulgaria and western tharce turks will do you. You don’t even know what blood you carrying

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I carry my own blood, unlike you with a mix that would put a mongrel to shame. Albania is a white nation, dying from shame because they had sex with Muslim invaders.

That’s why they are the poorest country in Europe. Instead of growing a pair of balls, they slept with Turdish troops, who are known carriers of disease and cowardice.

Mustafa Mehmet

Sophie is one on the side. very nice lady very much fun. love her

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Ali Pasha was a white European Albanian, who fucked goats he stole from other Albanians.

I just looked him up, as we don’t hear much about Albanian bandits. His mother was a bandit also. She became a bandit, as the local villagers couldn’t pay her enough no matter how many times she provided sex for money.

The mullahs in Constantinople had him killed, before he brought a white Christian army after them.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

She shares you with a herd of goats, how touching.

No wonder you love her, she is white and Christian.

Everything your goat fucking race isn’t.

Mustafa Mehmet

Ok now I’m not going to deny I had one night stand with your mum. Now cut the crap and shut up. Cockroaches

rightiswrong rightiswrong

One night stand!

Your mother does a battalion night stand every night, while your dad fucks goats.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are not Mongol, your lot ran from them to Europe.

Musthaveashit is a goat fucker.


Turkish “logic”:

Ankara:”Greece and Cyprus threaten the peace in the Eastern Mediterranean. .”

By vowing to defend their sovereign territory against Turdish greed.


Is SAA or Russia really to silence this Turkey’s artillery ? I doubt it.


The Russian have to prove if they are a super power or not. The government unde Erdogan and the government that succeeded Edrogan will never be Russia friend.

Assad must stay


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