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Turkish Navy Joins Battle In Libya, Launches Missiles At Warplanes Supporting LNA (Photos)

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The Turkish Navy has officially joined the battle in Libya by targeting warplanes supporting the Libyan National Army (LNA).

On April 1 morning, a warship of the Turkish Navy parked off the coast of the town of Sabratah to the west of capital, Tripoli, launched a RIM-66E-05 missile, reportedly at an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) supporting the LNA.

Libyan sources shared photos of the missile’s remains as well as of the warship, which appears to be a G-class frigate. Eight frigates of this type, which is an extensively modernized versions of ex-Oliver Hazard Perry-class guided-missile frigates of the US Navy, are in active service with the Turkish Navy.

Some sources claimed that the Rim-66E-05 medium-range missile shot down one of the UAE’s UAVs operating in Libya. However, this is yet to be verified.

A Brig. Gen. Ahmad al-Mesmari, a spokesman of the LNA, confirmed that a Turkish Navy warship opened fire. However, he claimed that the missiles launched by the frigate targeted the town of Ajaylat, near Sabratah. These claims are most likely false, as the RIM-66E-05 is not known to has a ground-attack capability.

Turkey began a military intervention in Libya a few months ago to support the Government of National Accord (GNA). Ankara deployed heavy weapons, air-defense systems, combat drones and thousands of its proxies in Libya. However, the situation is still in favor of the LNA, which is leading to more direct involvement by the Turkish military.


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let us hope LNA finds a way to sink that terrorist supporting ship.


They can but that could trigger a salvo of missiles from NATO


That is not the way it works. Article 5 has no relevance in such scenarios.


Yeas but NATO likes to flex his muscles in the Mediteran, to show who’s boss

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Eastern Med is a Russian lake you fool.


I think that is not correct, don’t forget Cyprus and the british bases there. Cyprus is called the british aircraft carrier.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia’s airbase in Syria can see all aircraft landing and taking off from that airbase, never mind the few million Orthodox citizens there in Cyprus. The Eastern Med is Russia’s gate to the Med, and the oceans beyond. It is a matter of strategic control for Russia to have that access, and the reason why no US carriers are off Syria’s coast.

S400 can pick off anything at any time they want. The Greeks are not very friendly to the nation who put Greek collaborators with the Nazis, in charge after WW2. Britain did that, just like they used Japanese forces to police European colonies after the Japanese surrender, until the colonial forces from Europe could retake their former colonies. Yanks also did it, in Korea. Which is why Greece and Cyprus are buyers of Russian military gear, like S300.


Certainly hasn’t stopped Britain launching multiple strikes AND flight sorties into Syria from RAF Akrotiri airbase, including air recce in support of US attacks from Iraq bases

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Really! You believe in fairies also?

No NATO aircraft has entered Syrian airspace since Russia turned up in 2015.

The Israelis fire their terror missiles from Lebanon, never flying within range of an S300 that the Syrians have since the Jewhadis flew behind a Russian aircraft so as to draw Syrian fire.

The nearest US carrier to Syria during the NATO MISSILE attacks, were in the Western Med area, between Spain and Italy. The British subs couldn’t fire their missiles, as a Russian sub was up their ass.

So fuck off with your CIA handouts, you moron.


What prevents NATO from effectively projecting power, however, are the internal contradictions, especially in the Mediterranean. France and Italy have been sabotaging each other since 2010 in the battle for influence in North Africa (theoretically for 200 years). This is reflected, for example, in the fact that France supports the GNA, while Italy supports Haftar and various other groups. Besides, Great Britain and Germany also want to be relevant. And finally there is the contrast between Turkey and Greece.


I think you mean France “supports “LNA and Italy supports GNA


Yeah, excuse me, I got those two mixed up. Even though Italy has been trying to keep the status quo and tries in vain to influence both sides.


By supporting them meaning selling weapons?


Support can come along in many different ways. Sending ammunition, weapons, material, equipment is one possibility.Working in your favour with diplomacy, even just make your support known by recognize your a legit faction, undermining those who work against you, and so on…


They are buying cheap oil, don’t they?


Since when did those Nato gangsters take any notice of article five?they have been ignoring it since the criminal savage attack on Serbia twenty years ago.


I was referring to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

Edit: Article 5 of the UN Charta would be:

A Member of the United Nations against which preventive or enforcement action has been taken by the Security Council may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. The exercise of these rights and privileges may be restored by the Security Council.


And I can only support your view. The Intervention of NATO in Serbia was a crime. A shameful act.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

NATO are active in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, until recently.

Article 5 didn’t mention sending NATO forces abroad in illegal invasions.

Xoli Xoli

No one in NATO support Erdogan agressive and one man decision.


Indeed, it could be a small salvo like in Syria


not many citizens in nato countries, the governments gets blackmailed into submission tho and im sure there are some that prefer a turkish state run by muslim brotherhood.. Like the “refugees” trying to break into Greece etc.


i dont think so, they have attacked turkish terror supporting forces earlier wo any complications. satans/nato article 5 do not count when you are being attacked on foreign soil…


Those are proxies not part of NATO


no, they killed a bunch of terrorist supporting turkeys in Libya. they attacked their port fasilities and a docked ship if i remember correctly


No, they targeted the unloaded ammo near the ship, check all the photos, they are online. It was one that was looking like the smoke was from the ship because of the angle. That was the most presented on the news because sites need clickbait tho.


https://duckduckgo.com/?q=lna+killed+turkish+soldier&ia=web I do not think the turkeys have a good track record with the truth… They got so owned and laughed @ with their bs propaganda during/after the Russians and Syrians slapped them around in Idlib, LNA have a far better rep when it comes to telling the truth. So we will have to agree to disagree on this.. https://media0.giphy.com/media/hweYSW5kh8zEQ/giphy.gif


Yeah that gif scared me so bad that I have to agree with you


sry, i like gif`s?


You are one of a kind

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Like the US did to Iran?

You sad muppet.


No, to Libya.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

NATO ally Turkey had its military in Syria bombed to shit, NATO did nothing.

Iran bombed a NATO base in Iraq, the US and NATO did nothing.

Don’t you watch the news?


NATO, and the article 5 of the Northatlantic treaty does not cover such scenarios, it does not count as an attack on you when you are as occupant in an other state, therefor there is no legal base for mutual defense.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Duh, the US are the head honchos of NATO, as Trump says, they pay the most.

Trump threatened Iran with all out attack if Iran did retaliate for the cowardly US murder of an anti ISIS hero.

Iran fired ballistic missiles at US bases anyway.

Neither the US or its puppets in NATO did a thing.

NATO are also in Iraq, or have you been living under a rock for the last near twenty years.


Yeh but Lybia is not Russia or Iran. They bombed Syria tho

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You fucking retard can’t even post in English, you Jewhadi prick.


Well your mom didn’t need English at all

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m so hurt.

You bitch!


That’s how she likes me to call her.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s what you imagine it would be like, if you knew any women, outside of porn hub.


Like the US did to Syria you little shit, Lybia is not Iran

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The US fired a hundred missiles, from the Red Sea and far away in the Med, the cowardly fuckers copy the Jewhadis in that matter. The Syrians shot down the vast majority of them.

Assad is still there, stronger than back then even.

While NATO ran home when it’s best toys were found to be ancient tech compared to Russian defences.


NATO nations are too focused on COVID-19 to bother with Erdogan’s latest war adventures. Plus no one in Europe is ever going to war to protect Turkey, they hate them.


USA and UK have always missiles ready in Mediteran


Unlikely to happen. But a pleasant thought indeed.


This missile’s part, is the booster of the main missile, to increase its speed and range. That means, if the main missile has found its target, this must happened quite further away. The funny part of the story could be a possible destroy of a Turkish UAV!

Xoli Xoli

Turkey will soon collapse because of I’ll wishes of idiot Erdogan. LNA must sink all Turkish ships.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Any proof?

Just Turdish propaganda.

Shia man

What’s up turkeys ass? Why is it even bothering Libyan?

Ivan Freely

It’s about oil in the Mediterranean Sea. See the Libyan-Turkish maritime boundaries treaty.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Except there is no maritime border between them. Greece, Cyprus and the Med lay between them.

The Turds lost their empire a century ago. They need to sort out their own slave traders and head choppers before worrying about far away former territories.

Ivan Freely

Look up past articles here on SouthFront. It explain how it’s done.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I read them, and the facts that there is no such maritime border.

Erdo said so, but come on, he’s a prick who says a lot of shit, all bravado.

Greece, Cyprus, and more importantly, the EU will have a lot to say about Central Asian goat fuckers stealing assets from them.

Mustafa Mehmet

Big talking Greek Cockroaches

rightiswrong rightiswrong


Up your ass perhaps! No wonder you Musthaveashit.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The CIA are what’s up Turkeys ass.

Bigly bigly. lol

Hanny Benny

turkey = REAL ISIS !!! (500 years of devsirme childabduction)


Assad must stay

Sink the frigates LNA!!!!


LNA-Turkey 5-1, it is said the Turkish frigate had to launch several expensive missiles to down a drone that cost a fraction, maybe the tyrant mini-sultan could rent some of his rooms in his money pit ego palace he build for himself.

MH370 Atok The Deceiver

wait a bit longer till Turkey turn to the next Spain and Italy


Glory to God , it is now one year evil forces don’t stop repeat that Cia agent haftar’s forces advance but the fact is they are fully powerless

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