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MARCH 2025

Erdogan Announced The Discovery Of Major Gas Reserve In The Black Sea

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Erdogan Announced The Discovery Of Major Gas Reserve In The Black Sea

Turkish survey vessel Oruç Reis has found itself in the centre of a major international dispute

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on August 21 the discovery of a major gas reserve in the Black Sea.

Speaking from the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul, Erdogan said the reserve, which includes 320 billion cubic meters of natural gas, was discovered by Turkish drill ship Fatih in the Tuna-1 field in the Black Sea on July 20. Fatih,  named after Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, is one of three drill ships operated by the Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO).

“Turkey has made the biggest natural gas discovery in the Black Sea,” the Anadolu Agency quoted Erdogan as saying.

The gas reserve will be called ”Sakarya”. It can allegedly meet Turkey’s gas needs for the previous 20 years.

Erdogan promised that the discovered gas would be put in public use by 2023. A day earlier, Turkish sources had said Ankara might need seven to ten years and up to $3 billion to start production in the Tuna-1 field.

The discovery of a major gas reserve could not be more relevant. Its main gas supplier, Russia’s Gazprom, has set a high price of $ 228 per thousand cubic meters, while it receives only $ 82 for exports to Europe. This was the reason for Turkey’s gradual transition to cheaper alternatives, primarily pipeline gas from Azerbaijan. The opening of a new field allows Ankara to significantly increase its own reserves, while Turkey becomes a key hub for gas from the Eastern and Mediterranean fields to Europe.

Besides Turkish drilling in the Black Sea, the TPAO’s activities continue in Eastern Mediterranean. Ankara’s unilateral activities resulted in a serious crisis with Greece, Egypt and most recently with France.


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Very good. If Turkey needs less Russian gas then it’s easier for Syria to force the Kremlin hand on Idlib, the bullshit of joint Russia-Turk joyrides has not kept the Idlib terrorists from attacking the SAA, civilians and the Russian airbase.

Besides, a more energy-independent Turkey is better to destabilise NATO global Ziocorporate terrorists from the inside.


Since early 2020 Turkey is almost not buying Russian gas.


That’s even better, and if Turks can start selling cheap gas to EU and compete with Russia for the “free market”, it means even more reason to support Syria’s case for liberating Idlib from Turk-led terrorists.

Servet Köseoğlu

we will not sell gas to Eu…it will be uesd at domestic market


You can’t say so, when you were trading oil with ISIS pre-2015, you were selling some of the oil back to your allies in Tel Aviv, so it’s all yet to be seen.

Servet Köseoğlu

jesus..try something original… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e8cc4f212f4c096db431173a4d53afe4332eb251dc0f45df5ab52556f30001fa.jpg


Fuck you very much, those are the facts of the matter.

Servet Köseoğlu

all right..feel free to block…ı am enough of your zionist bla bla shit…


You would be, Ziowahhabi terrorist scum are like that.

Zionism = EVIL

Correct, you industrial base is also growing along with domestic demand, same as in Iran.


Hungry for sucking some more of turd cocks…

cechas vodobenikov

another murikan idiot—turkstram supplies 70% of gas Russian gas to turkey–they possess zero oil


what is your source for 40-60%? remember “since early 2020”

Zionism = EVIL

Good analysis and realistic. Turkey will not be part of NATO for long as the Americunt arseholes are going down in flames and have already restricted Turkish access to many spares, even for the F-16. Turks should be buying Russian and Chinese fighters.


SU-57, SU-35,S-400 just like you claim Iran have bought huh? You jingoist Iranian bot lying monkey.

Servet Köseoğlu

Great news..and it is only the beginning.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c0ee988770e88a8c602ed89dc5453e67ca3786f2d430df18d1e625893e3240a8.jpg

Trap Is Not Gay

Great for who?

That idiot doesn’t even know what he’s done.

Zionism = EVIL

Objectively speaking, Erdogan has won in Libya and will sooner or later cut a deal on Syria as well. The Turkish military has performed far better than expectations and that is the reason Russia chickened out.


And even more of Turd cock sucking and Russia spitting Good…you are hard working Iranian twat

Trap Is Not Gay

Erdogan can’t even define if he’s Muslim or white, or Westerner, or Middle Easterner, etc.

Erdogan panders to Muslims, to the EU, to the USA, to Russia, to everybody.

Reminds me much of India, India is like Erdogan.

Servet Köseoğlu

speaking of your mom? ı didnt get the point…be specific or cut the shit..

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, Turkey is headed towards a major power status along with Iran as most rational people knew anyway. These are huge countries with educated manpower and big domestic markets. Turkey will eventually spell the end of dying NATO anyway as it looks east, where the world’s future belongs. Turkey should also be looking at developing nuclear weapons.


And again Turd cock sucking. Once Turd prostitute always Turd prostitute


It can allegedly meet Turkey’s gas needs for the previous 20 years.

I wonder how they will do that.

Servet Köseoğlu

let me explain nasrallah: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0d4dcb2a57cbedfeddac61820b961be722402b61804f6dbe7302b60eccbc8c5a.gif



Servet Köseoğlu

ı know hard to swallow…get used to it. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a05c972234f4a4cf5bd37817fd440446f0e854bfde5512bfb18322ca95252576.gif



cechas vodobenikov

sexually repressed LGBT flightless turkey


they are backward nation, you can’t understand that of course

they do it backward ….that’s how they are doing it


Since you seem to be an expert on the Turkish psyche, please explain how “they do it backward” works.


you don’t want to know…the doesn’t look nice, but what can we do when they like it, donkey likes it also from behind…. so they exchange positions…first they go from behind than donkey does the same from behind and they start to scream but they like it !

everything backward…

Fog of War

Why do you engage with this retard. His job here is just to cause arguments and conflict, I would just ignore him.

Servet Köseoğlu

he is working here..its his job +insurance….ignore is bliss


An Eastern slav calling others backward…the irony! Your nations economy is based on selling your own siblings and nieces for a handful of euros LOL.

Servet Köseoğlu

ignore him and fyi:russians are mostly racist and full of hate against Turks…Definitely Us is much more reliable ally…

Ishyrion Av

Indeed. When Russians will bomb you to hell, Americanski will come and give them some help. Anyway you take it, you are fucked.

Servet Köseoğlu

you are the one fucked….do you really believe russians can bomb us to hell at our soil?impossible… however you are free to masturbate…Does anyone call help from Us?sneaky,cheeky guys who are not willing to sell even cobra ah-1z helicopters and tactical uavs referring congress,humanrights shit etc…things changed all countries have to go through this metamorphosis which we are experiencing right now in their way..after the coup shitloads of money has gone out..Us needs full obedience but it will not gonna happen..Us is much reliable ally?still hell yes..militarily,economically,culturally a country offering plenty of options but under one condition which is good Turkish leadership…with you just business +-..our relations are too complex..You think you’re Dostoyevskis wet dream, but you’re just vultures picking at the dead. You’re a bunch of misfits who think war is some kind of costume ball. The invincible army? The knights of steel? What a pack of losers…personally you and the other stupids not your president,decisionmakers…

cechas vodobenikov

yet u lose all wars to Russia, insecure backward, unless aided by the British…sexually repressed like amerikans


How can people who have invented 60 genders be sexually repressed? Confused, sick perverted maybe, but “repressed”… I will probably not be able to understand , so don’t answer it….

Servet Köseoğlu

stupid natasha you aided always with hasburgs,sometimes brits even romanians and when ı was at my prime you were under the balls of golden horde..you and the german tribes couldnt spell my name because of fear.

Ishyrion Av

You are so limited. Russia already defeated you several times in your times of glory. And, while you invaded, you were bested by smaller countries as well. Read my words: end of Turkey will come from Russia.

Servet Köseoğlu

russia defeated me with his allies generallyt…when ı was at my prime you were smelling the balls of golden horde army…when we started wars we were already decling and we we get defeated by almosy everyone you prick…constaninople and hagia sophia and bosğhorus is under our control….Stupid natasha ı hope you will collapse again like ussr…you are dogshit when comparing usa …you wanna be like them but noway…stop pretending to behave world dominant player..country of cheap hookers..

Zionism = EVIL

Russia is barely 140 million people and many minorities, and hardly in a position to bomb anyone as Syria and Libya have amply demonstrated. The Americunts will take over Belarus soon as I had predicted and Putin would still be kissing arse. Even Russian media now openly questions Putin’s incompetence and unpopularity. Once NATO moves into Belarus, it is game over for Russia.


As I was CALMING ALWAYS that you are back stabbing Russia hating double faced, snake like, son of whore! It just takes some that you start spit your poison and show your hate out in open !

Without direct support of Russia Iran represents nothing in Syria included !

Ishyrion Av

You are not even worth to read in any conversation. Despite your nikname, you get your payment from Tell Aviv.

Zionism = EVIL

You hurt my feelings ROFLMAO. You kids need a whiff of reality. The simple FACT is that Turkey, among a few other old world nations is a rising power and will play a significant role in shaping the Eurasian centered world power balance headed by China. The Arab world is in the crapper along with the Americunts, Russia is too weak and will disintegrate as Belarus an Ukraine have clearly shown. This is not unexpected as the ebb and flow of history has demonstrated.

Servet Köseoğlu

you dont know who are these gays are..these orthodox stuff has butthurt and needs usa approval..

Zionism = EVIL

If the arsehole Putin keeps on licking Americunt arse, Russia is destined to break up. Even in Belarus, the Americunts have won and are dictating terms, which is humiliating beyond belief. Americunts are holding a conference in Lithuania to map out the future of Belarus/


Some more Turd cock sucking by pro Iranian prostitute

Servet Köseoğlu

ignore him…they are miserable people they wanna be like Usa..they need approval allday-everyday by the other white races…investing shit loads of mass media like sputnik.rt,ntb etc..they are behaving major power like usa and china but nah..you cant dude its too late…you dont have the balls..noone likes you…even at ww2 they relied on other nations lile caucasians,ukranian cossack,turkic nations..1*1 these are cowards….stupid wankers…


He does not need facts. You HAVE to say positive things about the side he supports or you are his enemy. This behavior reminds me some certain group… ah neoliberals in America.


Turd you can hardly can make mockery out of anybody on this planet. Nobody likes you, nobody !

Servet Köseoğlu

nobody likes you nobody as if we care… lol… completely pidar..s


There is Iranian bot “Zionist EVIL”- under the name “liviko” who agrees with you…and your Turd buddy also…

birds of feather flock together…. I know that you Turds are vicious cunts, who doesn’t give fuck even about your own mother selling her arse…That’s exactly why I don’t like to talk to people like you because pointless. You only understand language of force just like your monkey Sultan.

Servet Köseoğlu

The evening is still so young. Come on, hurry, hurry, hurry! Pull yourself together – the fun has just begun! Come on! HURRY! dont give up…Transform your body! Heal your severed honour and stand!for the mother land russia……Yes…excellent! I haven’t had this much fun in ages! …What did you say that iranian guy name was…


Gypsy, your existence is a mockery.


seriously? so what should I do? put photo of your monkey Sultan on my wall to give some meaning to my existence?or to become Turd like you?

Porc Halal

ask the mongol cocksuckers about flying donkeys and if rays of light really came out of their guru’s mother’s cunt when he was aborted…


that is far too complicated for them for them to understand as question but if one asks them about donkey love…there they know everything

Porc Halal

They might know something about goat love as well…


of course, sheep also, but no pigs (I don’t know why?) and if it is urgent even small chicken can help….their manhood is not so developed so….even small chicken….disgusting but they like it…

Porc Halal

“I don’t know why?”…:)))))…yeah, I wonder also why they don’t like pig love!… https://i.pinimg.com/originals/21/3f/06/213f066622d75a6a9bc43761f02ab433.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

He is an uneducated PUNK, the idiot did not even know US newpapers. ROFLMAO.


Zionist EVIL-“liviko” you have some Turk sperm on your lips I must correct myself “liviko” loves to suck them off so much so not true that “nobody likes the Turds” ! Zionis EVIL you were always Turk cock sucker and you always will be.


He is a sad Pootin fanboy that can’t comprehend reality.

Mustafa Mehmet

You think we give a jackshit what you think pisssofff


no, you obviously don’t that’s why you get upset.

Zionism = EVIL

He is teenage idiot and totally illiterate attention seeker and easy to bait. The moron is a hasbara twit , an even worse version of the PUNK “iron zion”.


Sooo not sure aren’t you, one thing is sure though that you LOVE sucking Turk cooks!

cechas vodobenikov

backward uncivilized money worshipping stupefied American without any culture—LOL….”the banality of America—the radical absence of culture”. J Baudrilliard USA #1—mental illness, obesity, violent, non violent crime, extreme poverty except African nations, rape per capita….in the most recent PERLS. examination–US children #48, Russian children #1…Gorer observed that you r feminine and insecure—Only in USA is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine” the self uglified amerikan, despised in all European and S amerikan nations, I have lived—shallow, culture less, sexually repressed

Zionism = EVIL

He is uneducated attention seeking dumbass cunt, just laugh the idiot off :)


And even more Turd cock sucking by pro Iranian bot You are active again “liviko” your mouth are full of Turd cocks!


Indeed, best to flag such idiots :)

John Wallace

Now you are becoming really juvenile and as Fog says more about talking bullshit too create arguments. Pointless shit..


I become many things when I am bored. And what puts you in position of judge and “serious” person? Fact that you can name countries that are on Black sea maybe? If you ever had to say anything with substance or intelligent you would not even bother to start this conversation over some stupid comment in the first place. Because those were not serious comments !!

When I make serious comment I have never challenge from you (but on these mu rubbish comments you jump on occasion to show that you know 3rd grade geography as proof of being “serious”…

These comment I was making I have said them only for fun because BORED, so get of your high horse please. Nobody is forcing you to read and not everything that was written on his forum was written to talk “seriously” ! If you have bad opinion about me in general why do you read my comments or talk to than or ask me anything?! If you want to challenge me on serious stuff than do that PLEASE, I would like to learn something but I do not see so many people here who can teach me something… Please do show me what you know next time when I try to say something serious

I would like to see that really!

PS You got up-voted by Turk and Zionist EVIL his secret false account…. congratulations !

John Wallace

TLDR why would one bother.. Have a nice day..


don’t start what you can’t finish… have nice day you as well

The Objective

It will, and probably even more as exploration continues in other areas. Turkey and Qatar will soon be controlling large oil markets in the Muslim world. This discovery just came at the right time. I wish Turkey success in its explorations and pursuit of energy sufficiency.

Pakistan’s arm is currently being twisted by Saudi Arabia over oil. Turkey, Qatar, and the GNA should try to discover and control as large oil reserves as they can in order to help allies like Pakistan, Afghanistan (Soon to be ruled by Taliban), Malaysia, and any other Muslim country that faces oppression from anyone.

Oil reserves in these three countries should serve up to 10 Muslim allied nations. That’s why it’s important for them to control these reserves even if it means going to war. I see the intensifying Turkish deployments in Libya as a demonstration of this intention.

One of the first weapons the U.S. will seek to use is undermine Turkey’s economic development by targeting energy exports to Turkey. None of the U.S. gulf puppets will violate energy-export sanctions on Turkey.


The main problem oppressing the Muslims is the British-installed Ziodi Arabian regime and the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine. Muslims Brotherhood bullshit only breeds more conflict and disunion and it’s funded by the same petrodollars as the Riyadh regime.

The Objective

Google this comprehensive analysis by the Hudson Institute: “where will Erdogan’s revolution stop?”

cechas vodobenikov

—Qatar zero oil, turkey zero oil

The Objective

In your wildest dream

Zionism = EVIL

Qatar has one the largest gas reserves. However, Turkey is very low on oil and that is primary reason Erdogan decided to invade Libya. Turkey produces 66,308.27 barrels per day of oil (as of 2016) ranking 58th in the world. Turkey produces every year an amount equivalent to 7.8% of its total proven reserves (as of 2016).


And even more Turd cock sucking…. So you are not only Iranian bot but also Turk bitch prostitute.


Black sea is Russian pond.

John Wallace

Part is but the rest is divided up between Turkey , Ukraine , Moldova , Romania and Bulgaria. Turkey controls the entry or exit point.

Servet Köseoğlu

dont mention them the entry..they spent enourmous resources to capture it,they already lost Alaska to Us because of that mighty entry…

Lazy Gamer

Rubbing salt much? lol


There is written agreement, convention that was respected for quite some time. If Turkey tries to change rules they will be in big trouble. I don’t think they will ever do that

cechas vodobenikov

turkey cannot prevent Russian vessels from transiting the Bosphorus, unlthey wish to lose yet another war w Russia—Turks may be nearly as stupid as amerikans, but they are not this stupid

John Wallace

Russia is allowed to have its military ships pass through the Bosporus under the 1936 Montreux Convention on the Straits. Under its terms, Turkey can only block Russian naval shipping if war is declared or if it feels under an imminent threat of war.


You know how to Google up your answer. When ever they decide to close “they will be under an imminent threat of war” by Russia and that will be last thing they did in Bosporus because Russia will take control over it for good. So they should better stick to agreement.


how many time did Russia try:)))???

Mustafa Mehmet


cechas vodobenikov

the impoverished turkeys, plagued by 60 million in poverty, beggars and hucksters will be required to employ Kurds to bring them gas

Mustafa Mehmet

you wrong Turkey population is 82 million…… poverty.. beggars.. hucksters. you idiot talking about your mama again … Fiddlers on the roof again ding dong ding dong ding dong

Zionism = EVIL

The current population of Turkey is 84,463,026 as of Friday, August 21, 2020. It is roughly the same as Iran but the land size is smaller. So 85 million is a large market domestically. Why do think Iran beat the deadbeat Americunt sanctions so easily? SIZE. Turkey has the same advantage.


The best Google scrolling Iranian bot at service to the Turk sexual needs, how touching, drives tears in my eyes :-)

Servet Köseoğlu

jeez..this dogshit does ever sleep..he really think that we give up?who the fuck is he?whats his father and mothers name?why they are acting like usa…all pidarussian elite famlies send their chilren to usa to get education..lmao..well this is a rape…

Ishyrion Av

From which 20 millions are kurds.

Servet Köseoğlu

14 miilion kurds and nothing will change..how about hagia sophia f.cker…triggered?

Zionism = EVIL

Not exactly correct, even in a downturn the Turkish economy and standard of living is better than ever Eastern European shithole.


There you are “liviko” a Turk cock sucker! Birds of feather flock together…

I was worried that you have switched to the other account completely! But you couldn’t resist opposing some pro Russian and sucking some more Turk cock aren’t you?


wrong prediction bastard try again ?


How shrewd of you Zionism EVIL to create the false account I can still smell your Turk cock sucking breath


only balkan slavic mouths smell turk cock. good old ottoman days


Zionism EVIL Shia Iranian bot and prostitute of Turks wants to embarrass or insult somebody?! How can low life like you be in position to insult anybody at all? I have much more respect for domestic animal than I have for people like you


your men were our slave soldiers and your women were in harem ?


You are boring the shit out of me “Zioism=EVIL” You think that if you can manipulate handful of kids here that makes you some kind of authority in anything? Or that I care at all about any of your words?

Judging by your comments you are back stabbing, cowardly, not to be trusted, big mouthed prostitute, perfect for sucking off Turd cocks and doing cheap Iranian Shia bot.


whatever you believe. enjoy the downvotes ?


“Zioism=EVIL” like all prostitutes you are such unimaginative twat Go away Turd sucking faggot, you are boring!




You are whore as person and as profession, Zionism=EVIL.


seriously now..is there anyone left that believes what erdoclown has to say? he is just a clown doing tricks all day for the others to laugh


Usuall lies by fanatics, to keep alive the TL which is 7,4 and will reach 10 within a few months. They are bankrupted and can not accepted. Fitch today announced one more step to death.


wow, so many haters in this comment sections. did Gazprom promise payment for comments? Because im in, if so.

Servet Köseoğlu

happy hour russian style… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/388a519212ea2cf4ec94db795f25d468b53ff320fa44d01d33507dc1bc6e8c86.gif

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