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Turkish Proxies Clash Among Themselves Over Looted Properties In Afrin

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Turkish Proxies Clash Among Themselves Over Looted Properties In Afrin

Turkish-backed militants loot shops after seizing control of Afrin on March 18, 2018. (Photo by AFP)

On September 28 afternoon, heavy clashes erupted between the Turkish-backed Sham Legion and Majd Legion in the occupied area of Afrin in northern Aleppo.

Step News, a pro-opposition outlet, reported that the clashes took place in the district of Maydanki in the northern part of Afrin.

“The disagreement began when they both wanted to impose their influence and control of a group of houses and lands, which belong to civilians from the city [of Afrin],” a source told Step News explaining the causes of the clashes.

According to local sources, a militant was killed and at least six others were injured during the clashes, which are still ongoing.

The Turkish military and its proxies occupied Afrin in early 2018. Since then, Turkish-backed groups have been looting the area and suppressing the locals in many ways.

Despite the growing instability in Afrin, the Turkish military is yet to implement security measures needed to improve the situation. Ankara could be avoiding possible tensions with its own proxies.

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SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Typical Turks.


Turkey loves to use headchoppers but seems hesitant, unwilling, uncaring or unable to reign their thugs in. Either of these four is damning enough. Two or more combined is criminally negligent. Unlike the American Empire these guys do not operate half the world away from your country. Which should shield most terrorist sponsors at least somewhat from unexpected blowback from their headchoppers. These Turkish backed headchoppers on the other hand operate right next to Turkey. Not very smart. Do you really want a terrorist statelet next to your own? He who has dinner with the devil should use a very long spoon, not a tiny tablespoon.

Damien C

Rats and thieves doing what comes natural

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, what else did anyone expect from Turkeys and their terrorists. The Turkeys also want to steal 4,000 sq kms of Syrian agricultural lands in Idlib like the Zionists.

Xoli Xoli

I hope Erdogan will change the speech in UNGA.

Icarus Tanović

Yeah, kill your selves, you dirty rats.


If the US and Israel get their way, the whole world will look like this, INCLUDING Europe.


Here is pure example of what Gridiness means. There is a say in my country that”” the more money you have the more you want”” Can you imagine how evil, you can actually be to kill unarmed civilians in a war zone, where the life is absolutely already insanely hard,

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The so called moderate opposition are on the tightest leash Erdogan could find, his dogs are staying well away from the SAA now and avoid them like the plague, but that won’t save them. LOL, This is just the start, soon we’ll see the terrorists and the moderate opposition start to tear themselves apart, the Sham Legion who want to cooperate with HTS are already arguing with Majd Legion who don’t want to cooperate with HTS, and now they’re also fighting over spoils of war as well, LOL, tinderbox time. This will be happening to all the Turkish backed groups right now, all the old divisions Erdogan managed to bring together will now be unraveling, the carefully divided terrorists and moderate opposition groups will start to merge and divide again and show their real colors, which means some of the [so called] moderate opposition groups that were once protected by the old old Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution and the latest Astana agreements, may actually end up on the UN designated terrorists lists, LOL. Under the old old Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution 2254 and the Astana agreements, Erdogan has been able to protect his precious moderate opposition, even though they’ve continually attacked both the Russians and the SAA during several Astana guaranteed ceasefires, but they won’t be able to do that anymore under the new amended UN resolution Assad’s just accepted, now if they continue with hostilities they’ll be breaking the UN’s newly imposed rules and leave themselves open for legal retribution from the SAA and possibly even the UNSC countries like the US, LOL.

Here’s the reason why Assad’s accepted the new amended UN resolution 2254 [backed by the US] and Assad’s reasons for continuously rejecting the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution.


The Syrian government explains the reason why they’ve accepted the new UN amended resolution in this article but I’ll simplify for anyone too lazy to read the complete article, It’s because the Turks were using the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution, in conjunction with the latest few Astana agreements, to give the Turks way too much influence in the formation of the new constitutional committee. That’s the constitutional committee he was being forced by the Russians/Iranians/Turks to implement since the end of June last year but didn’t want to, and now the only way for him to avoid that totally devastating outcome, was to accept the new UN resolution. And he accepted it because it actually stopped the Turks from interfering at all, unlike the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution, which actually gave the Turks nearly as much influence on the committee as Assad himself would’ve had. Assad also says Erdogan’s been using both the old resolution 2254 and the Astana agreements to effectively protect the so called moderate opposition, even though they continually refused to abide by the Astana agreement and resolution 2254, and therefore should’ve been redesignated as officially recognised terrorists, and now he’s accepted this new deal from the UN, they will be from now on. And even though the Russians and the Iranians are thanked for their help in this article, that’s just two faced political niceties, the truth is this is about the biggest slap in the face the Russians and Iranians could get from Assad, he’s more or less said if you won’t help stop the Turks as you should have, I’ll get the UN to do it for me instead.

By January last year all coalition party members, the US/EU/Israel/Arab League/UN were all saying behind the scenes Assad could remain in power, by May/June they were all actually saying it to the media too. They then gave Assad the green light to take back Daraa/Quneitra and he did, and then he was supposed to go to idlib and do the same thing there, but Erdogan refused to comply to the new reality and kept on saying the Assad could not be a part of Syria’s future. And since June last year all the Turkish/Iranian/Russian Astana agreements they’ve subsequently made, have all tried to push Assad into accepting Turkish meddling in the constitutional process, the one thing Assad wants less than anything else. I’ve been saying since June last year the Russians and the Iranians are no longer helping Assad in any meaningful way, that they’re in fact now actually doing more to harm to Assad than anyone else is, and some people have been calling me a troll, US puppet, anti Russian, and the worst thing, A LIAR, just for my simple observations. I wonder what all those people think now when they see what Assad’s just done, he’s accepted his old enemies [UN+US coalition] new proposal, over his own allies [Russia+Iran] old proposal, so I wonder what they’ll call Assad now, a traitor, anti Russian, pro US, DUMB, maybe they will.

And although Deputy Prime Minister Walid Al-Moalem gives the US a mouthful about their involvement and occupation of Northern Syria, the UN hasn’t ruled out future discussions about the territory so it’s not a dead end matter. The US could’ve have thrown Erdogan a lifeline but they didn’t, they instead threw Assad a lifeline, they didn’t save him by throwing him a lifeline though, just stopped him going under as fast as he was. Effectively they’ve both stopped Erdogan in his tracks with this move, he will no longer have any say whatsoever in Syria’s political future, and both Assad and the UN/US have only agreed to implement the new amendments to do exactly that, stop Erdogan having a political voice in Syria.

Pave Way IV

“…but they won’t be able to do that anymore under the new amended UN resolution Assad’s just accepted…”

Seriously, WTF are you talking about? WHAT NEW AMENDED UN RESOLUTION? Are you referring to the agreements between Syria and the Syrian Negotiations Committee that Geir Pedersen is presenting on Monday?

In Al-Moalem’s speech you linked, he repeatedly slams the US and Turkey for supporting terrorists in Idlib. Show us the part of his speech where he thanks the US for proposing these imaginary amendments to 2254. Of course he says nothing about Russia and Iran trying to force the 2254-mandated Constitutional Committee on Assad because they never did. It was a part of Astana that just died on its own – Pedersen folded like a cheap suit to Assad to get the process started again.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Where in my comment did I say Assad thanked the US for anything at all, are you being paid for that BS sort of accusation, if you are being paid for it you deserve the sack because anyone reading my comment will find I said no such thing. If you failed to follow the news I’ll explain,

The UN sent an envoy to see Assad about a week ago or more. Assad didn’t invite him, it was the UN who initiated the meeting. They asked Assad if there was any way they could come to a political settlement in Syria. Assad said yes they could but the UN would have to comply to all his conditions for him to agree. The UN agreed to listen to his requests/demands and agreed to all of them, ALL OF THEM, read SANA more often, that’s what Assad himself said, “All his conditions were met”. Some of his demands and his reasons for them are found in the article I provided, but if you’d been reading the news like I have you’d have also seen many more details concerning the future amendments that have also been released. The amendments will be part of the new agreement between Assad and the UN that both parties must now enforces and abide by. Assad’s already began the process of picking the constitutional committee several weeks ago, even before the envoy arrived in Damascus, which means they were talking even before the official meeting, I suspect they first started talking about it a day or 2 after Putin announced the last Astana enforced ceasefire. The Turks/Russians/Iranians have been using the Astana agreement to implement the new constitutional process [a condition of resolution 2254] every time they issue a new version of it, read the last few Astana agreements you troll and you’ll see just how much pressure they’ve been putting on Assad lately. And you said this in your comment,

“Of course he says nothing about Russia and Iran trying to force the 2254-mandated Constitutional Committee on Assad because they never did”.

But Assad says this in the government authorized article I provided for you to read, obviously you didn’t.

“The Syrian government has engaged in the political initiatives aimed at solving the situation in Idlib, giving them more than enough time to be implemented. We have welcomed the memorandum creating the de-escalation zones and the Sochi Agreement on Idlib, hoping that such steps would complement efforts to eliminate Al-Nusra Front and ISIL remnants and other terrorist groups operating in Idlib, with the lowest possible loss of civilian lives. We have also announced more than once the suspension of military operations. Meanwhile, in the interim, the Turkish Regime has failed to fulfill its commitments under these agreements. Instead, it has provided terrorists with all forms of support, including weapons that are more sophisticated. Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra Front has taken control of 90% of Idlib, and the Turkish observation points established inside Syria have been used to support these terrorists and block the advances of the Syrian army in its war against them”.

You obviously know nothing at all about the conflict in Syria, and worse still you don’t even fully understand the article I provided, because when you say, “Pedersen folded like a cheap suit to Assad to get the process started again”, you’re more wrong than you can possibly imagine, because in fact the exact opposite is the truth. This is what’s really happened, due to the last Astana enforced ceasefire, Assad was being forced by the Russians/Iranians/Turks to comply to the Astana agreement, which the Russians/Iranians/Turks themselves are saying is being used as a framework to help implement their own crappy UN resolution 2254 as quickly as possible. And the old version of that resolution gave the Turks nearly as much say in the new constitutional process as Assad himself has, that’s why he doesn’t abide by any of the latest ceasefires Astana forces on him. But now the UN [US] has just agreed to all of Assad’s demands/conditions, the new amendments they add to the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution will reflect all of Assad’s new demands/conditions. And if you can’t read properly I’ll explain what the main concession is, Assad will now get to pick all 150 members of the new constitutional committee, the old version only allowed him to pick 50. Now he not only gets to pick the government representatives he could’ve before, he also gets to pick 50 for the opposition groups that have to be included according to resolution 2254 [but he won’t be picking any pro Turkish opposition though, just Arab League backed opposition], and he’ll also get to pick the 50 non aligned entities too [which means he can exclude the US backed SDF], so the new UN proposal is way way better for Assad than the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish version of it was. That’s what he refers to as foreign influence in the context of the new changes, refers to Turkish involvement in the constitutional process, and that’s been killed now thanks to the new amendments to be added sometime soon. On monday well get a preview of what all the new amendments will be, but until they’re passed at the UN, and just so long as Russia doesn’t veto any or all of the new amendments [no one else on the UNSC will], we won’t really know exactly what they are and what they really mean until the new resolution is voted on and passed and the info released. But it’s pretty obvious what some of them will be if you’ve read and understood the article I provided for you, and also by reading few more enlightening ones that have been available from both the Syrian government and reliable sources from their side, as well as some from the UN/US side too. Haven’t you noticed the SAAF has been taking it easy despite the fact SAA artillery is going gangbusters lately, that’s something the UN said would be included in the new amendments, restrictions on the SAAF, not a ban on SAAF activity, just restrictions, and it looks like Assad’s already complying to them even before they’re officially announced. I hate the old resolution and the new amendments because they both harm Assad tremendously, but the simple fact Assad’s never once agreed to the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution, but now jumping at the chance to make a new and better deal with the UN, is all you should have to know to understand which is better or worse for Assad. You tried to tell me Assad was using the old deal to stall the UN/US for as long as they could, but if that was the case they’d still be using the old one to stall them for longer, not jump at the first chance they’ve had to make a new deal with the enemy. And why hasn’t Russia/Iran/Turkey offered to amend their old resolution for Assad, if the US/UN can do it you know the others can too, so why don’t they, even now they should be offering Assad an even better deal than the UN just did, but they haven’t and they won’t either, BECAUSE ERDOGAN WON’T LET THEM, sadly for Assad the UN had to do it instead. Assad doesn’t like the US and the US still doesn’t like Assad, but they both absolutely hate Erdogan with a vengeance, so they both chose to take the lesser of 2 evils option with this new arrangement, that’s why sometimes the saying “the enemy of my enemy is now my friend” is still used to describe situations exactly like this.

If you’re trying to say the Russians Turks and Iranians were actually helping Assad with resolution 2254 and the last 3 or 4 Astana agreements you’re a fool, or worse still a paid for troll. The simple fact whether you like it or not is this, the UN just stopped a Turkish takeover of the Syrian political system, and they didn’t do it to help Assad, they did it to help themselves.

Pave Way IV

“…The simple fact whether you like it or not is this, the UN just stopped a Turkish takeover of the Syrian political system…”

Well, there’s my problem then. I failed to recognize Turkey’s ill intent regarding Syria, and I failed to understand that Russia and Iran were actually encouraging this Turkish takeover since 2015. I feel so stupid!

“…and they didn’t do it to help Assad, they [the UN] did it to help themselves…”

Uh… yeah, I see the beneficial connection… kind of… well… I guess I don’t. I see the UN is also ‘helping themselves’ by ignoring Turkey’s occupation of Syria and being a state sponsor of terrorism for the last half-decade. I’ll bet Russia and Iran are part of that scheme, too! Those bastards!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I said since June last year, not 2015, that’s the date they introduced the resolution. It’s since June last year the conspiracy to oust Assad began, when Iran started depending on oil sales to Turkey, and Putin began thinking he had more to gain by keeping Erdogan afloat and letting Assad sink, June last year is when the Turkish inspired political takeover of Syria began to take root.

The UN did what Obama asked them to do and they do the same thing for Trump, and that’s because the UN and the US are basically the same thing. The US has had sanctions on Turkey/Erdogan for more than 10 years now, do you really think they want Erdogan in power, those sanctions say they don’t. Do you know how much pressure Egypt and Jordan and the rest of the Arab league put on Trump to stop the war in Syria back in Jan/Feb/May last year, and now constantly demand he also helps them to get Erdogan out of their neighbourhood, they didn’t all go running to open their Syrian embassies just because they missed Assad, they had good reasons. I’ll repost part of Deputy Prime Minister Walid Al-Moalem’s speech,

“The Syrian government has engaged in the political initiatives aimed at solving the situation in Idlib, giving them more than enough time to be implemented. We have welcomed the memorandum creating the de-escalation zones and the Sochi Agreement on Idlib, hoping that such steps would complement efforts to eliminate Al-Nusra Front and ISIL remnants and other terrorist groups operating in Idlib, with the lowest possible loss of civilian lives. We have also announced more than once the suspension of military operations. Meanwhile, in the interim, the Turkish Regime has failed to fulfill its commitments under these agreements. Instead, it has provided terrorists with all forms of support, including weapons that are more sophisticated. Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra Front has taken control of 90% of Idlib, and the Turkish observation points established inside Syria have been used to support these terrorists and block the advances of the Syrian army in its war against them”.

What do you think he’s saying?

Mustafa Mehmet

Dictators assad propaganda again.

Xoli Xoli

No wonder Turkey is bankrupt and cant feed the rats.It is true what mr.Khan said in his speech at UNGA.Arabs,Muslims particularly Islam has values.But USA,France, Britain and Germany interferences in Middle East. Because of oil and gas their label people extremists, insurgents,radicals, moderates and friends just to have reason to sabotage with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, UAE and Qatar support.

Their pay abd drug people who need money to execute the evil jobs.

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