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MARCH 2025

Turkish Proxies In Syria Went Out Of Control, Attack Joint Turkish-Russian Patrol

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On July 14th and 15th, Syrian Army artillery units and warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted extensive strikes on positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Turkistan Islamic Party and other radical groups in northern Lattakia and southern Idlib. The main strikes hit fortified positions, weapon depots and gatherings of fighters and equipment near Kbana, Sifouhn, al-Muzarra, Ain al-Aruz, Kansafra, Kafr Uwayd, Mawzrah and Humaymat. According to pro-government sources, over a dozen militants were killed and injured, and 2 weapon depots were destroyed.

These strikes came in response to a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device attack on a joint Turkish-Russian patrol on the M4 highway in southern Idlib on July 14. The explosion hit the patrol near Ariha. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, 3 Russian soldiers and some Turkish troops were injured. The Turkish Defense Ministry added that nobody was killed, but 2 vehicles of the convoy were damaged. A photo of the damaged BTR-82A is also circulating online.

A previously unknown group, Kataib Hattab ash-Shishani, claimed responsibility for the attack saying that the suicide bomber was one of theirs. Nonetheless, there is no such group active in Idlib. Most likely, this is a fake brand used to draw attention away from the real attackers. The main suspect would be the coalition of al-Qaeda-linked groups Fa Ithbatu, which recently lost a conflict for money and power to its elder brother Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which used to be the official branch of al-Qaeda in Syria. The Fa Ithbatu leadership sees the current ceasefire in Idlib as a threat to its interests because Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is using it to solidify its control over the few Idlib areas where its influence is still limited. The new round of clashes between the Syrian Army and Turkish-led forces in Idlib is the only thing that can help it to keep its independence and its access to resources for a significant period of time.

The Turkish military reacted to the situation by sending additional troops and equipment, including trucks with concrete blocks, to Idlib city. Instead of fighting terrorists, Ankara seems to be planning to create more fortifications to protect them from a possible offensive by the Syrian Army or its allies.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Army detained 3 members of the US-backed militant group Maghawir al-Thawra near Palmyra. The militants were tasked with collecting data about Russian, Iranian and Syrian military targets in central Syria. Earlier, Russia warned that the US-led coalition is training groups of militants in al-Tanf  to conduct sabotage operations against civilian and military infrastructure in the government-controlled part of Syria.

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Raptar Driver

Syrians, Russians and Iranians are fighting a war of attrition that they cannot win. They need to end this as soon as possible.

Icarus Tanović

You’re bums and should be delt accordingly like ones. Soon SAA will push forward.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

A mix of truth half truth and innuendo, so what does this article from SF really mean,

“A previously unknown group, Kataib Hattab ash-Shishani, claimed responsibility for the attack saying that the suicide bomber was one of theirs. Nonetheless, there is no such group active in Idlib. Most likely, this is a fake brand used to draw attention away from the real attackers. The main suspect would be the coalition of al-Qaeda-linked groups Fa Ithbatu, which recently lost a conflict for money and power to its elder brother Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which used to be the official branch of al-Qaeda in Syria. The Fa Ithbatu leadership sees the current ceasefire in Idlib as a threat to its interests because Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is using it to solidify its control over the few Idlib areas where its influence is still limited.”

This is the truth.

LOL, Kataib Hattab ash-Shishani are associated with Isis and they also cooperate with the Turkish backed Free Syrian Army [FSA], and they don’t get along with HTS at all, but they probably do get along with the Turkistan Islamic Party [TIP, Uighurs] who are members of the HTS alliance.

Fa Ithbatu is just one of the many Turkish backed alliances that have been trying to weaken HTS’s influence in Idlib, they try to stop HTS making trade deals with the Syrian government and also try to stop HTS using the government checkpoints [to move goods into the government held areas], this group is just the latest instalment of a few previous failed attempts by Turkey and they always call themselves the blah blah “Operations Rooms Alliances”.

So when we read this part of the SF article does it mean the Russians have been attacking HTS,

“On July 14th and 15th, Syrian Army artillery units and warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted extensive strikes on positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Turkistan Islamic Party and other radical groups in northern Lattakia and southern Idlib.”

No it doesn’t, it means the Russians and SAA have only been attacking the Turkistan Islamic Party [TIP] who just happen to belong to the HTS alliance, they’re not attacking HTS itself. And why would the Russians be attacking TIP if they don’t attack other members of the HTS alliance, it’s because the TIP were actually also members of the Turkish backed ‘Rouse the Believers Operation Room Alliance’, and the Rouse the Believers Operation Room alliance were the only ones attacking the SAA and Russia lately, HTS wasn’t, the Operations Room Alliance members are the radical groups the Russians and SAA have been attacking, and they’re all supported by Turkey in some way. So in reality Fa Ithbatu, who the article fingered as the most likely suspects for the attack against Russia and Turkey, are in fact actually in favour of reopening the highway, they’re not opposed to it, they just want to stop HTS using the highway to ship goods to the Syrian government. So does that mean the article is wrong about Fa Ithbatu being the most likely suspects, no it doesn’t, I actually think they’re probably right, but I can see a different reason for their involvement, the reasons the article alludes to isn’t anywhere near the truth, a false flag attempt to implicate HTS is the most obvious reason, and this and many other incidents by the different ‘Operation Room Alliances’ have all been orchestrated to cause tensions between HTS and the Syrian government/Russia.

There’s a war in Syria that no one talks about, it’s a political war between the Turkish backed ‘Interim Government’, and the HTS backed ‘Salvation Government’, and the Turkish backed ‘Interim Government’ is losing badly. HTS has most of the internal political power in Idlib but very little military might, Turkey on the other hand has very little political influence or power in Idlib but it does have a massive war machine, so why is Russia still propping up Turkey politically when HTS are the ones who seem to be the top dogs in Idlib, any guesses, it’s because of resolution 2254. Russia Iran and Turkey drew up resolution 2254 and proposed it to the UN back in 2015, the UN security council voted and accepted the resolution but Assad refused to comply to it, and that’s despite the fact it was co proposed by Russia and Iran who are both staunch allies of Syria. Assad said he refused to accept his allies resolution because it gave too much political power to the Turkish backed opposition groups operating in Syria, he didn’t want them so heavily involved in the rewriting of the Syrian constitution and the ensuing political process, and he kept saying no for nearly 5 years he hated it that much. But last year the UN approached Assad with a new offer, they said he could insist on certain amendments that would give the Turkish backed opposition groups way less say in the political process, and he accepted that UN offer the very same day they made it, so 5 years of saying no to Russia and Iran [Assad’s allies] but just one day to say yes to the new UN offer [Assad’s enemy]. Assad didn’t want to accept the offer but he had to, it was the lesser of 2 evils, it was either give in to the UN or be railroaded by Turkey, Russia, and Iran, and the UN deal was the least damaging offer, Turkey was fuming when they found out that the UN offered the new amendments to Assad. Now we have the Syrian government actually trading with HTS, who aren’t part of the Russian, Iranian, Turkish Astana/resolution 2254 process, but they are the strongest and biggest opposition political group in Idlib, so why does Assad trade with HTS and not with the legal Astana backed opposition groups, mmm, isn’t it obvious. Assad’s saying stuff Astana, stuff resolution 2254, and stuff Turkish inspired political reforms to Syria’s political system, he’s not going to help his allies cut his own throat with Turkey’s knife, even if the UN just helped to make the Turkish blade a little sharper [so it wouldn’t cause as much pain when it cut], it’s still going to cut his head off. When Assad trades with HTS but doesn’t trade with the Turkish backed opposition groups he effectively helps make HTS stronger and Turkey weaker in the process, and if it keeps going this way Turkey won’t have much legal justification for keeping their military in Syria, they’d then in fact mostly be protecting the very people that the Astana agreements and resolution 2254 said couldn’t be involved in the political process, the designated terrorists. Assad helps HTS financially with trade deals which ultimately hurt Turkey’s political interests in Syria, but Putin actually helps Turkey with ceasefires, safe zones and reopened highways that are stipulated in the Astana agreements [Astana agreements implement resolution 2254]. And the Russian media continually implicates HTS for most of the woes in Idli, when in fact it’s nearly always the Turkish backed terrorists and legally recognised moderate opposition groups that are attacking the SAA and breaking the ceasefire agreements, the only group from HTS that does attack Russia and the SAA is the TIP, and that’s because they’re pro Turkish, unlike most of the rest of HTS. So what a stark contrast in behaviour, it’s like they’re both working completely opposite angles to solve the same problem, Russia tries to make Turkey’s position stronger while Assad tries to weaken it, the question is who’s method is best designed to return Syria’s lost territory in the long run, I think it’s Assad’s, in fact I think that Russia’s way is the best way to lose the territory forever, and also lose Assad in the end. Go Assad, do even more deals with HTS, stuff Astana, stuff resolution 2254, and stuff the UN, the US, Russia, Turkey and Iran, because now HTS has become the lesser of all evils when it comes to Turkey. One enemy destroying another enemy is always good to watch, but helping one enemy more quickly defeat the other is even more gratifying, especially when the enemy that’s left standing is the least powerful of the 2 enemies. And no I don’t mean militarily, HTS can’t do that, they can only take over the opposition government which is nearly as good for Assad’s purposes, the military process begins when the political process ends, which is the same time the Internationally recognized Turkish backed Interim Government loses 90% of their territory to HTS’s Salvation Government, then Turkey won’t be able to justify their presence any longer, at least not in HTS territory, and that’s about 75% of occupied Idlib, Latakia, Hama, and Aleppo.

Gregory Casey

The most sensible explanation I’ve read or heard of explaining what’s going on between Syria & President Assad on the one side and all others swarming over their territory. Anything that weakens Turks grip on Idlib and to the north and east must be good for Syria. SAA can deal comfortably with HTS in their own time and on their own terms but having Turks stuck in the middle makes ending the war for more difficult and time-consuming.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think you summed that up very well.

Gregory Casey

The truth is obvious to anyone who thinks about it and you have assembled all of the pieces on the chessboard!

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