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Turkish Puppets Accuse ‘Wagner Mercenaries’ Of Nerve Agent Attack In Libya

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Turkish Puppets Accuse 'Wagner Mercenaries' Of Nerve Agent Attack In Libya

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If anybody was wondering what was missing in the Libya conflict, wonder no more – it is chemical attack accusations.

The mythical Russian PMC “Wagner” was accused of having used nerve agents against Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA).

The GNA interior minister Fathi Bashagha said that the legendary mercenaries had used a nerve agent against the Turkish-backed forces in the Salah al-Din area in southern Tripoli.

“We are in a strong cooperation with Turkey, US and UK to ensure security in Libya,” Bashagha said.

He also did say that in addition to Turkey providing thousands of militants from Syria, alongside UAVs and other weapon systems, the US and UK were somehow involved too.

In Bashagha’s words – the GNA fighters were subject to a nerve agent and were then killed by sniper shots.

“Russian Wagner mercenaries are using nerve agents on Salah Al-Deen frontline, where some fighters of GNA forces were killed by snipers after being subjected to nerve agents. This can’t be done by any party but Wagner Group mercenaries.” Bashagha indicated.

It is not so dissimilar from accusations in Syria that the Syrian Arab Army, supported by Russia and Iran, carried out chemical attacks on civilians and the enemy militants. But, in Syria, the effort was a bit more high-level, as there were attempts to provide some sort of evidence, unlike this situation. But the mythical “Wagner” PMC sends so much fear in the hearts of the enemy, that no proof is needed, one just needs to mention the name and then all sorts of atrocities are expected.

Speaking about eastern Libya, Bashagha said his government was concerned about the threats faced by medics and paramedics in areas under Haftar’s control, saying lack of transparency and credibility remained very alarming.

In the same press conference, the interior minister condemned the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and said it was a threat to Libya’s national security. The only course for the UAE was to “terminate its project” and that Haftar’s Libyan National Army would be defeated.

Bashagha added in a press conference in Tripoli “that [Field Marshal] Khalifa Haftar’s project” in Libya is sponsored and supported by the UAE, Egypt, Jordan and lately Saudi Arabia.

Bashagha also called on Egypt to reconsider its stance and preserve it the interests of its people, saying what harms Libya would harm Egypt as well.

“The UAE’s support continuous to create chaos in Libya and it must be terminated because it’s obvious Abu Dhabi doesn’t want to change its policies in Libya,” he underlined.

Bashagha also said that several Egyptian soldiers had been killed fighting for Haftar’s forces, adding that the Interior Ministry couldn’t verify whether they were sent by the Egyptian government or just mercenaries.

He said that GNA forces were near Al-Watiya airbase, and Tarhuna and it was just a matter of time until both locations are wrestled away from LNA control.

Just hours earlier, LNA spokesperson Brigadier General Ahmed Al-Mesmari said that “Turkish aid” in Tripoli had turned into a direct occupation of the capital city.

“Turkish officers lead operations in open areas and flights continue from Istanbul.”

He also said 3 more Turkish UAV were downed.

There appears to be no fighting for Al-Watiya as of April 21st and 22nd, while airstrikes are being carried out on LNA positions in Tarhuna, however Haftar’s forces appear to be holding on, according to al-Mesmari.

The LNA is carrying out a shelling and airstrike push on Misrata, in an attempt to impede it from providing air support to the GNA.


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Simon Ndiritu

Anglo-Zionist oil thieves better get other jobs, stolen oil isn’t selling. Also, those who traded industries for ‘financial services’ which is basically money printing ponzi scheme will have alot to explain to their masses.

Ashok Varma

A bit ironic that Turkish terrorists invading Libya calling legitimate government forces and their allies mercenaries.


Which one is the UN aproved legitimate goverment in Libya , do you have any idea ?

Simon Ndiritu

Which one do you thing it should be? which has a nation-wide representation? Which doesn’t have Al-Qaeda in its ranks? which has allowed slave traders to operate oppenly in the streets of Tripoli? which has threatened to unleash suicide bombers on the other?….?


Representation nationwide is about 50% each . Both has former, Al Qaeda , slave traders and mercs in its ranks. They are not picky about beliefs of the people they employ. If you are trying to imply that Saudi and Emirates supported LNA is more democrat and less religious than its counter part , you are def mistaken. There are no angels in Libya.


There are no angels with Turkish rats too


That was rich coming from a dutch wannabe morrocan berberi clown supporting arab nationalism . LOL.


Run out of arguments Turkish ‘atheist’ Turd, kowtowing for his Turkish tyrant lol


Run out of arguments ? Did you have any arguments btw , house negro ?


I have plenty but ofcourse low life Turd are oblivious for facts dumb Turds and their Kebab brains


Anyone reading the comments from beginning till the end can simply see who is being put where, house negro..


Nobody is reading your incoherent lies, which is a typical trait of Turds


But everyone reads the lies of someone like you who is even afraid and ashamed of his own nationality and pretends to be someone else , is that it house negro ?


I know what i am, the question what are you? You are a liar, but that is an inherent trait..


Nope dude. Let me help you a bit here.

You are a self hating berber posing as a dutchmen. When cornered , you also try to white wash yourself claiming that you are an Arabian nationalist , but you even not an arab as well.

The main problem is your inferiority complex . You are ashamed to be an african descent immigrant living in Netherlands. That inferiority complex urges you to use the most extreme arguments that western red necks use here and there, and that makes you a Kapo.


”A kapo or prisoner functionary (German: Funktionshäftling, see § Etymology) was a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp who was assigned by the SS guards to supervise forced labor or carry out administrative tasks.”

Thats what you are dear , you are a traitor to your own kind. You are a discgrace..


Let me help you a bit, you are wrong but that doesn’t matter since your inferior Turks mean nothing to the average person. You waste of oxegene were quiet close with nazis, hell even to this day the similarities with fascists and nazis are eerie close compared to the Ottoman kebab ideology.


Ape , you are losing it.. Calm down.

Deal with yr inefriority complex first , then man up and open yr comments once again so that everyone here can see what kind of ignoble POS you really are.

BTW, dont give advices to western right wing here and there about protecting their land etc etc . Because if someone takes your hood off and if they see yr brown face and curly hair, they will send you to your hijab wearing mother in a cardboard box..

Now take my advice and f/off.


Believing your own lies and delusions, not the sharpest Turd traitor


Awww. Offended ? Come here , traitor. I will pet your empty head..


Little man,i don’t get offended by anonymous illiterate Turkish apes that lost the plot a long time ago..speaking about being a traitor. .Turds still close to their zionist overlords?


Ah , the saharan ape wants to return to plot , how about that , house negro ?

House negro: My Arab nationalist friends are also supporting western nationalists who are against foreigners in the EU.

Reply: Then why don’t your Arab nationalist friends and you f/off and go back to Morocco?

House negro: Tyrant, Ankara, genocide, ISIS, kebab, zionism

Why all our comments go like that , ape ? Is it due to the reason that your IQ does not even pass my shoe size ?


Lol you dumb turf (less than 90) accusing others of having a low IQ , how ironic. Again you don’t know anything but assume a lot kebab brain. Again Turks are not the brightest and you are proving that dumb hairy Turkish ape.


Everyone who reads all the comments from beginning till the end can simply see who has the low İI here and who is being trashed in each and every comment , house negro.

I will not even speak about your national IQ level in Morocco , we will further discuss when you decide what you actually are ,saharan ape. LOL.


Turk intelligence ( oxymorone) lol, you just showed to us all your cognitive disability hairy Turd ape. Can you tell me more about that ” mighty” DNA that is invincible ..according to you low life Turd propaganda. Being trashed..lol even more delusionsal than i thought.

Simon Ndiritu

LNA represents 85% of the territory, GNA can well be the local government of Tripoli. Also, its grip on tripoli is weak, the other, Fayez al Sarraj complained that local youth were unwilling to join GNA millitary, maybe they dont believe in its course


85 % which is mainly desert and where noone lives. If I am not mistaken half of the population lives in that remaining %15.

If I was a Libyan , I would not be willing to fight either for GNA nor for LNA. I dont think they will be living in a better Libya whomever wins there. This war is between Saudi Arabia ( plus UAE ofc ) and Turkey , rest are proxies and second level players.


You mean the Muslimbrother Turkish rats?


Do you have any political idea about something or you just like follow my comments with anger and try to reply each of them, illiterate sabharan ape ?


Just deny it again low-IQ Turkish monkey. Your tyrant and your kind are despised everywhere and with good reason.Turks are cowards and mentally challenged, you are proving that kebab breath.


Thats does not reply my question, house negro. Do you have any political idea about something or you are simply follow me like a wounded ape jumping with anger.

BTW , ape , since when Berbers are considered arabs ?


I am just playing with your hairy Turkish ass. Again the question is what are you? A Turd low life that needs to feel good about himself with lies about his “great” Turkish crimes?


What you are playing is not a hairy ass, illiterate saharan ape. It is something that can deepthroat and choke you if you dont shut your mouth tight.. Comprende ?

Keep licking western ass, pose to be one of them while you can not say a single word about western crimes here .

What a lowlife you are .. LOL.

Peter Jennings

Aren’t the Libyan people the lucky ones? having a UN approved legitimate gov’t. As if they ever needed one or wanted one. The people of Libya are so thrilled about it, that they are breaking out the green flags and giving the GNA a good kicking.

If it wasn’t for nato, via Turkey assisting, it would have been over long ago. Maybe the French might join in and save Sarkozy some debt repayments?


Regret Sarkozy joined the other side, and assisting Haftar since last 2 years. I am afraid thats how he deals with his debt repayments.


Same as in Syria, Turkish rats lying. We call Turds national born swindlers with good reason.


You , but who exactly ?

Moroccons living in Netherlands and pretending to be dutch ? Berbers who claim to be arab nationalists ?

Who exactly you are , house negro ?


Lol just in; Turd regime just accused the Greeks (who are defending their country against the vile Turkish apes) behaving imperialistic..lol the stupidity and projection of these hairy dumb Turkish apes don’t know any boundaries.


Everybody, grom Germans, Arabs, Europeans etcetera, you don’t know half how much you Turd cretins are despised.


Do I look like someone who looks of love of others, house negro?

They may not like us because we fought with them for centuries. What is your excuse for pretending to be one of them although you are not?

Who are you , house negro ? What are you ?


Who said i am? good for nothing Turd.Turds are a liability, welfare recepients, don’t integrate, leechers and swindlers..


Pumpkin , moroccons , ie your mother and father and most probably you , are the 1st in line when it comes to receiving wqellfare in netherlands. Ditto for liability , integration and leeching.

Do wou want me to post sources here ?

You have identity crises , dont you ,house negro .. LOL.


Lol you are dumb serious, Morrocans May not be the best example of integration but compared to low life Turds they pale. .Your mother and father are probably getting welfare while you leech in their basement.


I am living in Istanbul , sanaran ape. And yes , moroccons are the first in line when it comes to receiving welfare in Netherlands .. Go cry elsewhere .


You man Constantinopel You Turdish illiterate ape, Turks are known for their fraud with welfare, common fact. .go choke on that


Iit has been 500 years , get used to it.

By the was Constantinople , not constantinope, illiterate saharan ape.

Dont hesitate to post back to me on that matter when your western masters ie Yanks leave US to Indians , Australians to aborogines and New zealanders to Mauries , ok ?

Now go and get yr welfare , moroccon ape.


Lmao, wannabe white Nazi thug with identity crisis pretends to be Mr. Globe now. The word Arab is synonym with terrorist you dipshitee.


His inferiority complex is unbeliavable.

I checked his comments , he was calling other africans as low IQ clowns , insulting Afro Americans as ‘ negroes with inferiority complex’ in hip hop forums. He was also advicing western nationalists to act tough on immigrants and protect their sons and kin from foreigners.

While he was doing all these he was claiming to be dutch and hiding his moroccon roots.

When I got him from his tail , he closed his comments.

He is the lowest person I encountered here ,he is a house negro – a Kapo, prideless sell out.


Hahahahaha, i can’t believe a lowlife moron like this exists.


And where does that put you Moroccan scooter thieves?


Lol Turks are dealers and murdering buffoons


Good , now you began defending your own people. How you felt when Wilders told that they would clean the streets from Moroccons ? Did you subscribe to some right wing forums trashed your own people ?


I defend eveybody who deserves it, that will not be Turd trash, Wilders by the way made some sharp comments about the Turdish islamic ape Erdoğan..


LOL , berberi ape , I was just wandering how you felt when your own people were trashed by others whom you try to fit in. A sad life you have over there dont you..


Incompetent Haftar backed by the dumbass Emiratis who are pumping billions in equipment and even supported by the Wagner thugs are slowly but surely losing.


You Turds can maybe step with your “mighty” army ..lol


No need to, drones are taking care of them.

Peter Jennings

Not for long it seems. they are dropping like flies.


Says propaganda outlets of LNA A total of 20 Bayraktars were sold to LNA so far. Haftar claims to down 38 of them , and there is still many in air. You do the math.

Peter Jennings

It’s not the math, but the consistency of loss that’s important.


Just more propaganda, they’re dragging the same drones through the desert and taking pics.

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