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MARCH 2025

Turkish Military Sends New Batch Of Leopard Tanks And ATILGAN Air Defense Systems To Idlib (Video)

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On March 3, a new Turkish military column, including Leopard 2A4 battle tanks and ALTIGNAN air defense systems, was spotted in Syria’s Greater Idlib. The column was filmed in the town of Batbu in the northern part of Idlib province, where Turkish forces had recently established military positions.

Turkish Military Sends New Batch Of Leopard Tanks And ATILGAN Air Defense Systems To Idlib (Video)

ATILGAN Pedestal-Mounted Air Defence System

Turkish Military Sends New Batch Of Leopard Tanks And ATILGAN Air Defense Systems To Idlib (Video)

Leopard 2A4 battle tank

Over the past days, pro-Turkish sources have been in a state of constant hysteria threatening the Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces with various Turkish air defense systems. These including ATILGAN and Hisar air defense systems. Now, when powerful ATILGANs are finally in Idlib, the Turkish military can show their capabilities to the international audience. The only problem is that it would be a bit hard to return Saraqib (from which the Turkish Army and its al-Qaeda friends recently fled) with air-defense systems only.

Turkish Military Sends New Batch Of Leopard Tanks And ATILGAN Air Defense Systems To Idlib (Video)

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I am really surprised to see that Syria claims that they established a no-fly zone and they themselves can’t fly their own planes. They are being shooting down by the turks and the turks are getting away with it. “The mighty s300” of the syrian army is a sitting duck, never heard of it. I can’t believe what is coming out of my mouth, but I hope turks shoot down some russian birds.


pussy turks shoot down syrian bombers from turkish territory…it’s a cheap move


They are actually invading the Syrian air space with their f16s.


f-16’s used turkish territory to down syrian bombers with air to air missiles


They cannot even shoot down the turkish drones. I mean they did some, but they are still being bombed by the them. I say drones what should have been easy targets.

Saquib raza

Have u seen a single day time video of turkey drone attacking saa?


I guess yes, there videos online even in this site.

Saquib raza

Send the link .it is night one. All the drone attack on social media are.night attack. Show like America do in day attack video


I’m not going to look up for you, but everyone is talking about it and even the pro gov sources admit the losses. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe turkish shits, they lie all the time and exaggerate their success. But this time, it seems they have caused significant damage to the SAA.

Saquib raza

If so saa suffer losses how are they gaining on all fronts


They are gaining doesn’t mean that they did not get damages.

Saquib raza

Oh come on . 2500 killed so another 5000 injured 500 tank Just see.the list turkey gives


I really don’t believe the turkish braindead cells. They astronomically exaggerated everything.

Saquib raza

And for the day time video . I challenge you find one. There is none day attack video of drone strike on saa because it is false. Even after a tank is hit it is moving in the cloum . Soldiers are.unfazed. Same attack different angle. So of sinlge drone.carriesm500 kg bomb how.can a.single.drone.wipe out entire column.


I hope you are true.

Tim Williams

they have shot down 15 … TOR M 1’S will close the airspace


Tor is just a point air defense system. They alone can’t close airspace.


but they can fill the gap perfectly. Tor is very effective , actually best weapons system against drones


I agree it’s very effective, but it has a very short range.


That’s why they are used against the drones and choppers most of the time


Tor can also use its weapons on the move as well, so is ideal for convoy protection of high valus equipment.

Tim Williams

you obviously know nothing about it


Please check tor range.


This outrage will interest you I think, Tim.


More Turkish proxy Warcrimes.

Luke Hemmming

That could have been something to do with a radar jammer Turkey was using that Russia took days to locate and has taken measures to nullify this threat.


To be honest, turks are not very smart. I don’t believe this shit.


And what is so special about jammers? That is an old trick and has been used for quite while Why you make it sound so special when it isn’t ? Yes even, Turds use jammers !

Luke Hemmming

Agreed on Turkey not been smart but in my experience never under estimate stupid people.


The SAA can’t defend 24/7 all of it’s units. No army can

Legis Legis Juscius

they have shot plenty of them and video of drone strikes are actually from game arma 3:))))


nonsense…. you are Turd troll huh? yes you are.


wtf have you just said. rather give me some poison, I will die.


So tell me where are Turds “invading” air space?! They use long range (100 km) air to air missiles from their side of border! That can’t be “invasion”!


Hitting with long range SAMs are very very difficult. Look I am not confidently saying that they are hitting syrian jets from within syria. You might be true, but that’s what I read from almasdarnews, I guess.


almasdarnews can’t be trusted in everything they say…. hell NOBODY can be trusted since plenty of people depend on Twiter and social media And main stream MSM can’t be trusted because of propaganda… So it takes time and hard work to discover the truth

Saquib raza

Now turkey air defence will be targeted by Iranians forces

Saquib raza

They can’t attack inside Turkey but they can attack inside idlib


air defense positioned where ?


Its an Israeli move. The IDF today are the world example of cowardice and the Turks are catching up fast.


Soon enough they will make Turd vs. IDF competition who can be bigger coward and PoS on this planet !


What will they achieve? They are forcing hand to Russians to get few extra bombers from Russia and that only they do the bombing of the Idlib from now on. So terrorist rats will get killed either way! So where is the big difference if Turks will lose at the and.

The scenario Turks do against SAA is something that Turks have AGREED with USA to escalate conflict and that USA will bring in NATO on the Turk side! With NATO -Patriots along Syrian border to create 100km deep NATO non fly zone into the Syria so that they can position NATO troupes on the Syrian side. That is my 2 cents


That would not happen.


And why? It is not as if they would declare war to Syria and even less to Russia. They would only use war as an excuse to return back into Syria and try to win as NATO something they have lost as terrorists.


US and nato would provide ammunition, but troops never. At least, not for turkey.


You don’t know that for sure. I didn’t say that US would get involved but NATO (with US as part of it) And why would that be so impossible ? That would give them opportunity to challenge Russia again but this time as alliance. That is why Russia is careful with war escalation! They just seek the way to EXTERMINATE terrorists and kick out Turks and USA once everything is finished!

Everything is so simple in the plan.. but majority of people is sooooo impulsive and want victory of Assad NOW ! Not possible!


If russia really get aggressive, I don’t see any military in world challenging them.


OK but I wasn’t talking about any “country”

I was talking about NATO and I don’t see how would Russia challenge NATO (starting WW3 because of Syria) Something like that would not be acceptable to any Russian in Russia! Russia definitely has no license to start the war against NATO

Attacking them first…. I am sure 100% that something like that is not possible.


Today the US offered to supply Turkey with ammunition. At a high price of course.

Simplekindof Man

NATO is also Greece not on your wildest imagination would Greeks fight for ?. I KNOW they’d prefer to cut their own hands than that..


That’s what actually wrote. No one in the nato would fight for turkey, but may provide ammunition.

Simplekindof Man

You can never know the sinister games played. I’ll give you an example. Didn’t the US promise they wouldn’t intervene if Iraq invaded quwait? What happened? That was the excuse they were looking for. HOW ABOUT THIS Turkey is becoming too big and that can’t be good for the status quo. Promise them everything and watch them self destruct,or let someone so it for you. Just food for thought…


What is your problem? You can’t read?!? You take practically identical argument from me and you pretend es if I was saying opposite ?!

Than you try to “convince me”of something that I have said myself already?!? WTF ?!?…strange.

Thank you but no thank you for your “food” Do not try to make idiot out of me again because I will get very pissed !

Simplekindof Man

I AGREE with you, broaden the conversation possibly ALSO refering to someone else’s comment and yet you are insulted? You’re funny. Ps.If you get very pissed don’t forget to wipe.


So I took it wrong way? Sorry my bad. I appologise.

And thanks for reminding me to “wipe”

Simplekindof Man

I Agree with you and broaden the conversation and yet you Get insulted? Funny guy. If you get pissed wipe after.

Paul O' Sullivan

US has already stated they will not help Turkey Military wise and will not send Patriot missile battery’s. You lot need to stop and listen to the people in charge who call the shots there tune and answers they give is usually the give away to what they will and wont do not some article you found on the web US and NATO wont do anything to help Turkey in Syria as be supporting terrorists groups hence it is pretty quite in the west about syria and Twitter is hoping everyone wants to be the first to get the news out even if its not verified. Know if Syria started bombing Turkey its self then yes NATO would have to support but that’s not the case.

NATO wont do anything Turkey says they are protecting Syrian People yet use them as leverage against Europe they are using them not helping them its there pretext. The 5th of march is when it will be decided at the end of the day Turkey had a whole year to keep its end of the bargain all they had to do was seperate the Terrorist groups from the moderate rebel groups but did not. This is there fault not Syrian and Russians.

Russians tried to talk to Turkey when this all kicked off in Feb but they did not listen as they thought they was winning on the ground until the Russians got done with Talking started massive airstrikes and Irianian Militias reinforced the Syrian army on the ground Turkey lost all it gained and know wants to sit down and talk they need a way out and to save face. Russia will help both sides come to an agreement as elections are coming up in turkey having 50+ dead soldiers on your hands and for what did not gain anything. 5th march will be in everybody’s interests more than likely be Turkish forces be allowed keep the numbers of troops in syria before the fighting started rest leave or pull back to the turkish borders and the rest not leave there Posts giving syria no reason to target them. Syria will want the Turks out of syria but cant happen be not many happy turks if they just leave. Russia is going to have all the say the other 2 party’s will just have to meet in the middle no one wants a war Syrians must be sick to death of this lasted longer than WW1 & WW2 combined they want to end the war rebels will want to make a deal with Assad but the Terrorists have to go one way or the other. 5th of march is when it allgets decided now if they don’t reach a deal it will get messy But the US and NATO will stay out of it as long as the fighting stays with in the border of Syria.


“US has already stated they will not help Turkey Military wise and will not send Patriot missile battery’s.”

You talk like VERY naive person from first words…Should I read your comment at all?

Al Balog

I never take the US government’s words seriously. After all, they have agreed today to sell Turkey more weapons and military aid. Just like with Ukraine and Israel.



I do not have to even think to know that USA can NEVER EVER BE TRUSTED !! Who doesn’t agree with that is an IDIOT !

Al Balog

100% to the point. Yesterday, I listened to TLAV pick apart Pompeo’s congressional hearing, and TLAV paused just about every 5 to 10 seconds to dissect a new lie out of that fast-food addict’s mouth.


Paul O' Sullivan

Have they sent any? No you really think they will come back to me on this comment in 3 weeks and see your batterys you think will be there. Like i said if the fighting stays within Syrian borders US and NATO don’t get involved no reason to and no pretext.


We all know that boring stuff you trying sooo hard to “explain” We all have heard USA & NATO “reasons” I can’t care less what USA say I know they can’t ever be trusted! And I know that Russians think the same as I do !

Paul O' Sullivan

What are you on about when have I said the US can be trusted or anything your saying going to argue my comment argue my comment that boring stuff is facts once the fighting stays in Syrian borders NATO won’t get involved most they will do is the US sits back and supply’s arms if turkey wants Patriot Missiles they will have to pay for them US will not supply there own with there own troops on the ground. 5th of March is when it will be decided what happens. US and NATO will not get involved will be no US boots on the ground. Seen you mentioned Syria does not have S-300 yet they do S-400 is to protect Russian assets in the airbase the S-300V4 is to protect Russian assets in there naval Base not Syrian assets facts. You seem to thing people here commenting are Turkish or us trolls from the way you get so defensive there not just pointing out your wrong on your prediction!! Yes your half right about NATO getting involved if it escalated but that would have to mean the fighting spills over the Turkish border which won’t happen no one wants that only people saying stuff like that are on comment sections like these.


How many times have Trump promised “to stop the war in Syria” and to “get out of Syria”?! He have said that so many times that I have lost the count !!! Yet he has used cruise missiles and “returned” back to Syria few times already !!!

Joe Dickson

F-16s are launching AMRAAMs from Turkish airspace. S-300 don’t have the range.


Joe those are S-400 not S-300 (S-300V4 is in Tartus) and yes they have 400Km range much longer than CRAPPY AMRAAM ! So get the BASIC knowledge on the subject first before you start to drivel

Joe Dickson

Russia is not getting involved. Syria don’t have S-400.


You talk nonsense.

Non fly zone over Idlib is RUSSIAN NON FLY ZONE


Breaking , Syrian Army liberates Dadeikh and Kifer Batiekh in South Saraqib Twiter


LIVE: At least 12 ambulances arrived in front of Reyhanli Hospital (turkey). Rats souce say there are 12 dead soldiers, the number is reportedly increasing. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8a138da145f35172f52aa4727b6c3b87b9c0f3fc13d666a0e8ce4f2c2bbd364c.jpg

rancilio 70

Wonderful! As many Turkish pigs killed! :))))


You don’t have to be so scared, pig boy

rancilio 70

Don’t frighten me, goat fucker, but I like Turkish pigs to be killed as many as possible. Did you understand goat fucker? :)))))))

Herbrecht Von Jeromen

C’mon: Turks are so brave, when they beat disarmed prisoners, many against one. The Sick Man, gotta kick him back to Central Asia…


The murder of a wounded Syrian POW by Turkish allies.


Stimme Der DDR

You mean by terrorists.


Yes, the Turks, with the largest NATO army in Europe, are allied with Al Qaida and ISIS. They always have been .


We killed 5000-6000 ISIS. and ısıs created them for america oil, ısıs not muslim they killer herd.


Terrorist; SAA and its supporter are Russia, which killed 2 million innocent Syrians. They exiled 9 million Syrians


You read too many pages spoofed,this must not be,not good for nwo mentality!


Manipulation news, they are Russian soldiers. Don’t believe everything in the media, we don’t kill innocent people


I think Europe needs to be conquered again. :D

Herbrecht Von Jeromen

C’mon, we’re waiting. Looking forward to give Constantinople back to Greeks and make Ankara a big, flat parking lot.

Ishyrion Av

You couldn’t conquer it in your glory days. You were stopped at the Danube!


We are an honorable and brave nation. You only speak bad words.

Furkan Sahin

2 mio what hahaha ? you are fool and lying

Mack Dane

SF is my go-to place for laughing at low-IQ posters who spread fake news and crazy conspiracy theories. Thank you everyone!


Wait and see

Hanny Benny

..the destruction of your fakestate?


No, our war strategy is different, we only test weapons.

Hanny Benny

like testing the refugees.. ? …whats wrong with you?!?

Tim Williams

more targets to be turned into junk in short order

Tim Williams

The pounding continues …




Good luck to everyone .D

The Saint

The Turks must be worried about cruise missiles. However these Atilgans are not very capable and are easily confused by EW.


Anything made in turkgay is as sh1te as their sh1te – kebaps they stuff up their patatoheads all day.


Arent you at the border beating Syrian refugees?

Al Balog

No, Greece is defending itself from foreign migrant invaders.



You forgot obviously when you were refugees in Syria in WW2


you forgot also the 10M turkish migrants in europe


When Syria was under European imperialist rule and in very very small numbers. Greece has already many tens of thousand of Syrians. We can not allow any more especially mixed with >10 times more other nationalities.


We also do not forget the millions you exterminated in your many genocides


I am from Yugoslavia so might have confused me with someone.


What a site that is!


Those “migrants” have also been vandalising churches.


I heard most of those “migrants” arent even Syrian. Is that correct?

Al Balog

Yes, it is. I’ve seen many live footage from Hungarian and Greek media, and a good portion of them look South Asian (Pakistani, Afghan, etc.) or sub-Saharan African (Somalia, Eretria, etc.). I’d say about 15% are Syrian, being generous at the very most. Some could even be other Arab groups.


In Italy even msm reveal there aren’ t any sirian among terrorists that made violence against police and european civilians .


Most are Syrians. But there are Africans and other groups as well.


They are not, with any strech of immagination. They are too dark for Syrians or with central asiatic faces. Afghans are the majority.


Every tv in Europe recognice there are no sirians . The percentual composition of terrorist that tried to invade Europe is similar to the one of terrorist that kill Sirians in the nato and israhell war of the last 10 years against freedom and democracy .


There are unfortunately Syrians trying to escape from Turkey. Conditions there are atrocious. There is some illegal stuff happening in the refugee camps, like human organ harvesting and theft. Forced prostitution of children etc… I can’t blame them if they want to flee. This is an open jail with horrible, horrible conditions.

Stimme Der DDR

That is correct they are gold diggers.


Very few are Syrians. Most of them are Pakistani, Afghans, North and Sub Sacharan Africans.

Guided and helped by Turkish Jandarma and army who even equiped them with loads of turkish made teargass grenades to throw at Greek Police.

The Turks even fired shots over Greek Policemen heads to help the border crossing.

John Brown


Fuckturkius Sraloukranius

These freaks who try to come to Europe are worse than ISIS. Elimination!!!!

Peter Jennings

They’re right to do so. Remember Cyprus?


Good to see Greece make practical + logical use of white helmets,good job!


Migrant….?! Special forces of kepap terrorist . Noone should survive to this violent aggression against european people ! Europe stand against terrorism . No kepap will be allowed to enter . FREE COSTANTINOPOLI !


If only soros had that many demonstraitors for real,but really he is not that rich! The economy is about to implode like the upside down american false flags and gold will make the long awaited return backed by weighted leverage,oh well.


That’s the Turks beating Syrian refugees at the Turkey-Syria borders. At the Greek – Turkish borders however there is border guards and military of course guarding Europe from the hordes of AFGANI-PAKI CRIMINALS that ErdoGay let out of turkish prisons in a desperate effort to blackmail Europe in giving him more euros for his next palace he wants to built somewhere far away from Turkey…

Hope that clears it for you … you seem very confused in your comments. Medication must be wearing off…


Come show you Turkish cock


I don’t like shows. I like cinema. And I am not a Turkish cock either ! hahahah you are as dumb as a bag of sand !


Despite everything, we love you all ,


You mean like you love your goats and donkeys ? No thanks , you can keep your love. [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/484sKbj.jpg)


Wait to order a microscope…


the night is just beginning


We just test our new weapons


An interesting Sputnik’s article to read: https://sputniknews.com/analysis/202003031078466801-out-on-a-limb-erdogan-trapped-between-major-powers-tired-of-his-game/

John Brown

They are replacing their losses. Yes this USSA equipment is garbage.


Too bad we can’t help you Turkey vs the SAA, IRGC and Hezbollah roaches. I had high hopes Gantz would win the elections, but unfortunately Bibi got the majority of seats. Unless we find a way to remove him, that bastard will ruin what is left of the IDF. Wish you goodluck TSK, true Israeli patriots are with you.


Oh but you are helping you scummy nazisraelite , when you send helicopters south of Damascus what do you think that is! Don’t worry, your time will come soon.



You cry about one helicopter? that can hardly be called an agression. Gantz would have shown you a true agression, but I guess we won’t find out now.


Not just one helicopter ! Who are you trying to convince here ? Do you think everybody was born yesterday ? How f*cking dumb can you nazisraelites be !


My heart is truely broken to see that traitor leading Israel 4 more years, he is your best friend.


ROFL Why is he my best friend hahahaha I dont give a flying cr@p who is the nazisrael prime minister, they are ALL THE SAME. just like in the USA. You are as dumb as your friend kebap19 !

Al Balog

Same with me. Israel election was fake, and I knew going well into it who Gantz was. Just someone falsely promising for peace, while he’ll still do the same exact shit behind the scenes. Him and Netanyahu wouldn’t make a difference.



Gantz is worse,deep state masonic fake economy milita sales fukhed! Too bad for soros,too bad for london,too bad for lgbtq 21 gender communion, sorry but the truth remains this election result hit the incest bots much harder than mr falleth much harder flat of its fugly face gantz!


What heart?


Gantz is a poof,you demented like up de ass mason kweer n gaystapo wet dream

Horace Lacondeta

Oh they will need more than luck^^

Furkan Sahin

Bibi have win election lol you are finish :D


For now, it’s not forever.

Furkan Sahin

everyone at Gantz doesn’t win because he wants to make big trouble like Erdogan


Yes they are wiser than the unelect deep state masonic/nazi poster boy who pretends to be the man,plenty a cia/nazi gutless wonders too,chicken hawks! But the whole world now has awakened in yet another crushing blow to soros+co!


It’s just the start of the end for them creeps in london,just you wait and see losa!


Very sad for masonic templars of london,oh well no more 19th century eco dreams!

Codenamed 'Gordon'

You forgot to take your medicine. You know that you end up writing nonsense


And why don’t you shut up dirty Khazarian fake jew??? Israel is a fake state you stole to true jews descendants that are the Palestinian. You are nothing but impostors and terrorists. Miserable people trying to spread terror on earth. Murderers, as I am quite sure you are. Dirty rat. One thing more ask you people if they don’t feel ashame whith their Shoah business?? Man, doing business out of dead people.

Concrete Mike

Bibi won eh? Its.probably same shit different pile no worries.

Thanks for.proving my point that TSK are prostitutes.

Later nerd!


Whatever Mike, I have the right to say what I think.


Unlike the Palestinians right ?


That’s right, we don’t listen to terrorists.

Concrete Mike

You sure do bud!

Lone Ranger

Bibi is probably a lot more brutal than Gantz…just sayin.


In your dreams, he is a traitor and a coward.

Lone Ranger

I havent seen a more brutal Israeli PM ever… Only thing he hasnt done is dropping nukes…yet.


Bibi put gantz on his overgrow ass faster than you blink,much more stronger! You have a habit of representing weaklings,atleast bibi averted ww3 to date, no time for evil incest spawn masonic/nazis to restart gw bush + clintons fkfests!


Like I said leave it for the real men to deal with international affairs,not mason homosexual gantz

Tim Williams

19 more dead rats ….


Al Balog

Lol, I almost misread “Binish town” as “British town”. ?

Bobo Voxar

like Luton?..


Bradford :)


Jihadis in Man U shirts


And Man U is owned by a jews I think. MBS was hoping to buy it, but I do not know the state of the sale.


They have towns with more jihadis than most of syrian towns


Nice manipulation


lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/21660b4b3e716036cf3755730dfb0a649b48b484f2264718b530c59962cbde26.jpg


Remember that you are human. We all people love religions, races, we only defend ourselves.


You are wrong . European leaders and owners ( the ones YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR ) ate religions , ate races ( here you cannot use the word ” race ” otherwise you go to jail with the accusation of ” racism and antisemitism and fascism ” ) : globalist pseudoscience says races doesn’ t exist ( !!!! ) excepting for the ” God elected race” , the only one ( the one you are fighting for ) that deserve to own the holy land , the whole world as they are the only human race ( others – turkish – arabs – white – blacks – yellow …. ) are all just speaking animals to be eliminated because thay create pollution in the world property of God’ s elected super- race . And about the only religion allowed is satanism ( the one you are fighting for ) .

Tim Williams

I say 15 … Bulgarian media says 14 …


Josiah Gaxx Isaboke

I think the Turks know that these drones are on a kamikaze mission so as they fly, they hug the ground far enough as not to be detected or picked up by radar and when they get close to their targets they move up attack effectively and then they are shot down…Explains the constant videos the Turks are showing. There has to be a better way to tackle them before they get to there targets. The Turks are playing dirty knowing well Syria cannot attack them inside Turkey. For them these drones are doing their job perfectly


Think a little more, idiot


good goy


EU praises Greece as ‘shield’ after Turkey opens border.

European Union leaders have given a show of support for Athens, describing Greece as Europe’s “shield” in deterring migrants, despite questions from the UN about breaches of international refugee law.

Ursula von der Leyen, said: “This border is not only a Greek border, it is also a European border … I thank Greece for being our European aspida in these times,” which was translated as “shield”.

Croatia’s prime minister, Andrej Plenković, echoed her words: “Greece is now the shield, the real external border of the European Union and the guarantor of stability for the entire European continent.”

Greece saves the day again.

Al Balog

I was very happy to hear that when I turned the news on. Greece keeps winning ??


But humanity is dying because you are barbarians, we will continue to fight because we are human.


There are millions of refugees because Turkey ruined Syria with the jihadist terrorist scum with whom they invaded the country. Turkey was the main passage way for Saudi and Qatar funded foreign fighters who began crossing the border into Syria after March 2011, months before the “Free Syrian Army” was formed… The Turks are infamous bastards, truly the shame of Asia.

Concrete Mike

Well said, and matches my position exacly.

Thank you.


And mine, Mike.


finish your matzos kike, its 7pm, time for bed

Simplekindof Man

I think it’s also got to do with this government,if it was the previous one…


Well, the Greeks are actually Greek. Unlike the Turks, who are not actually Turkish.


True, and when Greece moves in to liberate the nations living inside the Turkisis borders we will make sure we won’t shoot and kill the wrong people.


Plenkovic,Croatia,same Neonazi shit like Greece and Hungary.


Do you lame – ass trolls think that people never been to school and they don’t know nothing about the history of this planet? You are such pathetic failed trolls ! hahahhahahaha


You hate Arabs,i really dont get what you doing here? Like faking some support for Assad while you in truth only are here because you hate Turks more then Arabs.

Al Balog

As a Hungarian, I do like Syrians and Arabs and feel sympathy for their cause. Syrian civilians are more than welcome in Hungary if they come in the right way. They’re going through the same stuff that Hungary went through under the Ottoman Empire. I just don’t like illegal migrants and brainwashed Erdogan supporters.

In Hungary, there is a black minority called the Magyarabs from Sudan. They’re integrated quite well.



Not True, like the rest of the crap u post. I don’t hate Arabs. Greeks don’t hate Arabs. Greeks and Arabs especially Egyptians have had the best relations for over 150 years now and even in ancient times.


good, arabs and greeks, europeans, we should all be united against the fukturd erdogan …greece should open it’s embassy in damascus and all countries that have syrian refugess and try to find a way to fuck erdogan in the ass

Icarus Tanović

This comment saved the day. We shoul all be inited against Wahhabis pigs.


What neonazi shit, are you retarded? Jesi ti jedno malo četničko govance?


Sta ste nego Nacisti? Boli istina?


Nazis you are ;) so shut the fuck up! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f2c6f96051ee21173c688ed084d7d4589aa921654738c465f33a199e19658120.jpg


Europe and Christians are always brutal, brutal, merciless. But someday everyone will escape from Europe


Sons of a bitch – turks , your own mythology says you were born out of bitches ass ! Don’t talk about Europe. As long as Greece stands so will EUROPE !

Hanny Benny


decide are you a kill? or a victim?


Any convoy coming from Turkey must be totally destroyed, and Russia can see any convoy coming from Turkey. So, what is the problem dear Russian to eliminate these weapons ?

Legis Legis Juscius

maybe they will, but i think they are supoosed to go into observation post, there are atleast 500 turkish troops in observation post inside syria under assad control, so assad isnt touching these post, he could easily do that


Because there’s no old Turkey


They are collecting them all together for a mega turkey roast.


It’s past 11 PM and you made me smile from ear to ear.

Two thumbs up my friend.

Legis Legis Juscius

Go back and look at the last turkish drone strikes, they are full of lies look athe the last 2 tanks, one is ofroad, if they say column was moving from marat all numan, why the column is standing?

look how tanks standing against each other, and where their tank canons are pointing, just wathc and analyse the video

The game on 0:45 seconds even frozen, it lags look at the footage from 0:26, all column of anks doesnt move, no movenet, if they were reinfrcements column in maarat all numan, they wont be standing there, they would be moving to saragib

Legis Legis Juscius

go back to strike video and watch it clearly, somebody messed up with lying


Speak stupid, :D

Legis Legis Juscius

hehe you are tough in video games

klove and light

and that treacherous Putin bibi cock sucking Zionist pig is watching at the sidelines……. opps sorry forgot……russian Military is not capable of seeing, tracking and destroying them…-sarcasm out

Putin you are a treacherous bibi cock sucking Zionist motherfucker…and 99% here are cock sucking Zionist Putin Lovers.

Lone Ranger

+25matzo balls…

Al Balog

Israeli and Turkish trolls very strong in the comments right now. They’re making a tag-team against us.


it’s ridiculous, you cant even sift through it, i just figured out how to use the block function on disquss


israel’s friend Hezbollah, Shia , saudi , rabia, russia, us and others .

Concrete Mike

Hah nice try, we know your in bed with israel, b3cause your a dirty whore!


i blocked him lol goat fukr


read a lot of books, do a lot of research, just try to learn the facts

Gabriel Hollows

Only a turkroach could believe this.


Truth is, despite the Turkish terrorist filth deployment of drones and tanks, and the heavy losses suffered by Syria, that SAA is gaining ground and Turks, ISIS and al-Qaeda are losing it. If anyone wants to reach a ceasefire with the terrorist scum, SAA/Hezbollah and allies must resist it, there must be no room for the terrorist invaders to resupply their hordes of scum polluting Syria.

Legis Legis Juscius

i hope no ceasifire syrian army wining all battles, its actually easier then i tgouht


Be it with Russia or Iran, Syria needs to procure the capabilities to wipe out this unreasonable advantage being given to terrorists. It’s shameful that ISIS/al-Qaeda have miles-long convoys of Turkish trash to resupply them 100km inside Syria. Reminds me of the miles-long convoys of stolen Syrian oil ISIS shipped to Turkey and Israel.


A third Balkan war would be great, this time purged the Turks from Anatolia.

Lone Ranger

They had to since the old ones went puff ;)

Lone Ranger

SAA is gaining Turkroaches are draining ;)



Tim Williams



Lone Ranger

How many do they have? Hope they are running low…


They got Syrian refugees forced labour building them in factories !

Lone Ranger




Legis Legis Juscius

why tweat is unavailable?

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan soldiers are dying like cockroaches.



Xoli Xoli

Thank you man.Most of you on this forum including Karen have always comments with supportive links .Which reflect current events on ground.


My pleasure. That last ‘link’ was more like underground not ON the ground. Thats where you ll find turkish rats and cockroaches, Underground hidding.

Tim Williams

how many dead TURKS … what is your number ERDO ?





Looking at these desperate failed turkisis trolls trying to post in English … Erdogan’s ”internet troll team” …they must be the worse out of all of them out there. They really are dumber than a box of hair !!!


there is this new one called atillia he’s really retarded !!


Atilla wasn’t even Turkic lol

Concrete Mike

Yup LOL truly morrons.1


Every new one is more retarded than the previous one! Seriously they ‘v broken all Guinness records in stupidity !


turkisis army bombards saraqib and reports of russian military evacuation…i bet the putin-erdogan meeting will go so well …putin should just shut him down, erdronegone went crying to every country in the world to help him against russia and got nothing, now he’s going back to putin like a miss behaved little bitch with his ass cheeks widly spread …putin shouldn’t meet with him honestly he should let him wait for 3 hours in his office and then tell him no deal motherfucker, that’s what a punk like erdogan deserves…meanwhile russia should intensify the extermination of the isis rats and try capturing the m4…i will lose all my respect for putin if he gives anything to erdogan in thursday meeting the bastard don’t even deserve a ceasefire.

Simplekindof Man

Maybe it was the worlds way of closing the eye to Putin. ie:fuck him hard we don’t care

Tim Williams

a couple of quick JUDO chops and a kick in the balls is all


putin need to tell the gards to close the door and bully the fuck out of erdogan give him a couple of b*tch slaps and choke tf out of him and then send him back to ankara

Legis Legis Juscius

source please? because it means very bad things, thats like declaring war to russia


[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/3aMGQsG.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/Se9b1MJ.png)

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