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Turkish Service Members Spotted In Azerbaijan’s Ganja (Photos)

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Several Turkish service members were spotted in the Azerbaijani city of Ganja following a rocket strike by Armenian forces.

The strike, which took place in the early morning of October 4, targeted a military air base near Ganja. The government of the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh claims that F-16 warplanes of Turkey are deployed in the base.

Azerbaijan said the Armenian rocket strike hit buildings in Ganja’s city center, killing a civilian and injuring at least four others.

Turkish service members were spotted in a video and many photos from the strike scene shared by al-Jazeera TV and Hikmet Hajiyev, a top aide of the Azerbaijani President.

A day earlier, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said special units of the Turkish Armed Forces were deployed on the ground together with the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, which are leading the attack on Nagorno-Karabakh.

“There are 150 high-ranking Turkish officers leading the military operations on the part of Azerbaijan,” Pashinyan said in a statement, adding “This description in itself shows that intense battles are taking place on the front line.”

While Turkey is openly supporting the ongoing Azerbaijan attack on Nagorno-Karabakh, it denies taking any part in the operations there.

The new evidence confirming the presence of Turkish troops in Azerbaijan indicates that Turkey is indeed playing a role in the ongoing military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh. The deployment of Syrian mercenaries by Turkey in Azerbaijan has been already confirmed.


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Anvar Akbarov

“targeted a military air base near Ganja.” — I LIVE IN GANJA, there is HAS NEVER BEEN A MILITARY AIR BASE HERE. There were to missile strikes: one at around 10 am and the other about half an hour later. My windows shook from the blast. One rocket hit a local resident’s house, killed 1 and injured 4. This was an attack launched from armenian territory and targeted civilian population. Armenian claims that they targeted “military air base” is a lie!


If what you say is true, they are only doing that because azeris are doing the same. Gotta fight fire with fire as they say…..

Anvar Akbarov

You can doubt what I say, it is your own choice, I am not here to convince anyone, think for yourself. Everyone here knows that the reason they are doing it is to provoke Azerbaijan to launch an attack on Armenia itself so that Armenia can drag in Russia, based on the Collective Security Treaty between Armenia and Russia (while Azerbaijan is currently only waging an offensive in it own internationally recognized occupied territories that is why one one can intervene). This attack aimed not to inflict damage, but to get a reaction strong enough for Armenia to point finger on Azerbaijan and cry “wolf!”.

Random Dude

They think people of Ganja will leave:)))))) They must have forgotten what Ganja Battalion has done to the terrorists. You can’t even force people of Ganja to leave, too brave. Stay safe dude


Ganja Battalion and no military base? So why is it called Ganja Battalion?

I see azeri trolls spitting bullshit around.

Random Dude

1st Karabakh war. Obviously, you are not an informed person. go study, then come back


Yes, but to call it Ganja Battalion, means there were a military base in Ganja.

Random Dude

Or the battalion was made of men from Ganja

Anvar Akbarov

You clear lack both knowledge and imagination.

Anvar Akbarov

Ganja battalion is the name given to a battalion during the Karabakh war in the 90’s. I am proud Azeri. You have nothing to say but call me a troll. Weak! LOL

Vox Populi

There is a lot of disinformation, however Armenian version is more credible now as they appear to have regrouped and taken the war to Azerbaijan.

Anvar Akbarov

Ehhhmmm… for your information, Azerbaijan has just captured another city today – Cabrail. Look it up if you want to be sure. lol


There is no captured CITY by the azerbaijani army. Your government is lying at you. The videos are showing only some limited places very close to the lines of contact. Most of the videos which show the places where the azerbaijan flag is raised, are being recaptured by the armenian forces.

Random Dude

Again, go read the history on 1st Karabakh war, I guarantee you will be smarter after.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Bingo! ahahahah

Porc Halal

Turks are know as pathological liers…

Zionism = EVIL

ZionistCUNTS have the market cornered on that.

Anvar Akbarov

There are no bad or good nations, only good and bad people, but only mature people understand that. Generalization is an indication of an unintelligent mind.

Porc Halal

No shit, look who’s talking about maturity, inteligent minds and ofering ethical guidence !… I assume you consider (see) yourself as a very mature (in thinking) individual as well as a very educated and extremely inteligent person … hmm, very humble indeed…btw, a nation is composed by a large group of individuals (persons), who have comon characteristics within group and in the same time distinct characteristics from other nations (group of people/persons)…one of the characteristics of turks, including you, aquired throughout centures is to lie as you breath…

Anvar Akbarov

As Within, So Without, As above, So below… I am putting forth the truth and facts that I have, while you are spitting our insults. People can see and decide for themselves who is more trustworthy …

Porc Halal

Man, you are so full of shit…

Anvar Akbarov

Thank bro!

Hans Weber

terrorists are terrorists. A religion invented by Viking soldiers in 632, and with one written in the years 760-800 by Karl the Great. You either don’t read anything or you have very low intelligence. You are black-skinned Vikings, you have the same Regigie as the Vikings, the same grip as the Vikings, you go after death as the Vikings in Walhalla, you have a saint who is made of children’s stories written by Jews in the years 100-300 was ours . Watch on the internet, there are countless videos in which your religion is explained.

Random Dude

Gates Walhalla is awaiting all of us. Only the chosen ones will go through. And the most brave will go riding Jormungandr.


Yes and my grandma is a track https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganja_International_Airport

The presence of a civilian airport, means it has been surely converted to a military one in time of war.

Random Dude


Vox Populi

Despite NATO and Zionist support, Azerbaijan appears to have stalled and the Armenians with Russian and Iranian quiet support are on the offensive. Perhaps, Turkey and Israel overplayed their hand.


The jews are overplaying everywhere. They really think they are the sons of god. These people are insane.

Vox Populi

They are digging a grave for themselves as their US protector is on the wane.

Zionism = EVIL

Jews by nature are EVILCUNTS and thrive on human misery, they suckered the idiot Aliyev into this disaster by arming him and giving him false hope. There is no way Azerbaijan could have wrested Nogorno-Karabakh.

Anvar Akbarov

Ganja does have an airport, it is the second largest city in Azerbaijan, but it is a civilian airport. If it really was the target why didn’t they call it as it is “a civilian airport”. But of course not, the “military air base” was just cover to attack civilians to get a reaction from Azerbaijan.

Vox Populi

Well, you country launched an ill-advised aggression propped up by Turkey and Zionists, did you really expect that the big boys like Russia and Iran will let you play?

Anvar Akbarov

Take your tin foil hat of and then we can discuss. Well as you see, Azerbaijan IS ALREADY “playing”, to free its lands from armenian occupation. And I you might very well be aware, neither Russia NOR EVEN ARMENIA ITSELF have recognized the so called “Nagorno-Karabakh Republic” because they both know that this is an illegal entity. In addition the UN SECURITY COUNCIL has clearly stated that those territories are integral territories of Azerbaijan according to the international law and issued 3 Resolutions for immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all armenian troops from Nagorno-Karabakh and the 7 regions which are internationally recognized as Azerbaijan territories. Therefore they call for ceasefire, but know that Azerbaijan is waging and offensive on its own occupied land. And Azerbaijan is taking back control over new territories every day. So… do you have anything to say?

Zionism = EVIL

You fell for the Jew trap. Should have negotiated.

Anvar Akbarov

Every war ends with negotiations. But before that, internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan must be returned.

Zionism = EVIL

No doubt, but believe me, from someone who is much older and has fought in a major war, the longer the bloodshed the more difficult to disengage and negotiate. I see potential war of the cities escalation. As Azeris, like Persians don’t want to look weak or back down, neither do the Turks, we Caucasians are more hot heated than Russians.

Porc Halal

Wasn’t for you, sorry…?


EVERYONE in the leadership of the Russian Federation is Jewish because they have Jewish mothers (including Shoigu). Lavrov and others like Laverman have Jewish fathers. Soigu mother is a Jew.

Zionism = EVIL

I know that is why Russian policy making is crippled. The Jews fuckedup Russia since the Bolshevik era.


That is why Russia is not doing anything to help Armenia …. the Caucasus for the Khazar Jews is a very GREAT CASE. THE ANCIENT POET AESCHYLUS wrote a trilogy about the Caucasus … apart from Prometheus Bound … there is also Prometheus the Redeemer … and all this takes place in the CAUCASUS.

catalin zt

Shocking horrible!!!!

Porc Halal

“to free its lands from armenian occupation”…so, in other words the turks and azeris are doing ethnic cleansing…sorry, but I quoted you only…

Anvar Akbarov

Why don’t you quote “3 UN SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE AND UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWAL OF ALL ARMENIAN TROOPS FROM THE NAGORNO-KARABAKH AND 7 REGIONS OCCUPIED BY ARMENIA” Don’t try and twist the meaning of my word, I am totally against the killing of civilians, hence I started this thread. I want two things: 1. the legal territories of Azerbaijan to be returned 2. to try and work out some peace and even maybe some cooperation in the future. This is will be beneficial for all sides. But this can start only after the lands are returned to Azerbaijan once again.

Porc Halal

don’t try to turn it around now … you said it, and I quoted exactly what you said, nothing more! … anyway, that territory was never legally Azerbaijan, but it was taken by force from the Armenian-inhabited territory of Armenia and given to Azerbaijan as in many other cases in the former USSR …

Anvar Akbarov

This bullshit made up “history” has been circulating by armenia for decades, I don’t even want to waste my energy on arguing with you. If you are so convinced in your beliefs can you tell me why neither RUSSIAN nor even ARMENIA itself haven’t recognized Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent state? I reckon because they know very well that it is an illegal entity, which tries to justify its existence by fabricating “historical facts” and destroying Azeri historical sites to erase evidence that Azeri have populated by lands. But, fortunately, the international community bases its judgement on actual history, hence this lands are internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan.

Porc Halal

You azeri and turd chimps, brought even other indoctrinated mad chimps from syria to backup your ethnic cleansing

The Objective

Thanks for exposing the lies in this article. I now consider SF a mostly propaganda website and I’ll not believe anything I read here until I confirm from several other sources.

I have a question regarding this Armenia Azerbaijan war. I can see from the map that NK is enclosed within Azerbaijani borders. And then I see another small area that has a small border with Turkey also being described as an independent territory separate from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and NK. Some maps describe this same territory as Azerbaijani. I think it’s called Nakhicevan. I think the global powers are supporting Armenia because the part of Armenia located between Nakhicevan and Azerbaijan has cut of any direct borders between Turkey and Azerbaijan proper, and prevents Turkish access to the Caspian sea. They seem to be trying to contain Turkey by preventing its easy access to the Caspian sea. That’s because the Caspian sea divides Turkey from an important part of the Muslim world (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc). These countries can easily form a strong alliance as they have long land borders.

My question is whether the area that divides Nakhichevan from Azerbaijan is also Azerbaijani territory. Nakhichevan is being described as an autonomous region of Azerbaijan, and it looks odd that a region claiming to be Azerbaijani be cut off completely from Azerbaijan. is this war all about linking up Azerbaijan to Turkey and to the rest of the other countries after the Caspian sea? If so, then this is a much bigger war than just taking back Nagorno Karabakh. It means Armenia is acting on behalf of the Western powers to cut off Turkey from the Caspian sea. No wonder Russia is protecting Armenia despite its ties to the west.

what do you think?

Anvar Akbarov

First of all I have also started to get a feeling of a SF picking sides, though it wants to appear as neutral, either they don’t do their research thoroughly of they do it intentionally. I noticed that the last 5-6 articles I had read on this topic, I noticed that each of them has a slight inclination towards Armenian side, BECAUSE, thought the SF quotes official sources of both sides, there clear victories of Azerbaijan side which are officially announced and some outrageous claims of armenia (like attacking a civilian city and claiming that they have been targeting the “military air base”) but for some reason SF does not know or want to talk about it. Nakhchivan – this is the territory you are referring to. I am very well familiar with that region because I served in military there. I will share with you links to two YouTube videos that will answer your questions very well. First watch Russia’s Mindset it will help you better understand the event in the second video – Origins of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. After you watch them, you’ll see pulling the strings. And if you will have any additional questions, please let me know.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS3P9kk-vFk&ab_channel=CaspianReport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE6rSljTwdU&ab_channel=CaspianReport

The Objective

Thanks for the reply. I hope you answer the basic and perhaps most important question, which i think the videos will not address. The area separating Nakhchivan and the rest of Azerbaijan, does it originally belong to Azerbaijan or is it Armenian territory? Because this is the area that cuts Turkey off from Azerbaijan, Caspian sea, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the four CSTO member countries. If this area belongs to Azerbaijan, then I have no doubt Russia represents the greatest threat to Turkey, Azerbaijan, and the Muslim world. And I’ll start a blog to create awareness more among Muslims. Most do not perceive the Russian danger.

Thank you very much for the references. I’ll certainly watch these videos. I have a creepy feeling that Russia is more dangerous to Muslims than even Europe and America. Their support of anti-Muslim rulers in the Muslim world is currently worse than what America is doing. They are killing Muslims and supporting governments that do so in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and soon other countries.

I also looked closer at the CSTO (collective security treaty organization) and I was surprised to see that majority members are Muslim countries. It started with 6 countries, then later 9 countries 5 of which are Muslim countries including Azerbaijan. three countries pulled out in 1999 including Azerbaijan, Belarus and Georgia. Currently, there are 6 countries in the CSTO, four of which are Muslim countries. Only Russia and Armenia are Christian.

There are reports on suppression of religious Muslims in the four CSTO Muslim countries, where people are penalized for growing a beard or wearing the hijab, among others. But the Islamic awakening is on the rise. Based on my research, the Islamic awakening sweeping across these four CSTO member countries is attributed to globalization and the internet.

It appears Russia is dragging its feet towards pulling the CSTO into this war because it’ll outrage many Muslims in the CSTO countries as they’ll see this as an assault on a Muslim country – especially since the UN recognizes NK as Azerbaijani territory. This can lead to public dissent that might overturn the secular regimes of these countries – a prospect Russia would want to avoid at all cost.

After all, this war might be a blessing not only for Azerbaijan, but the entire Muslim world.


I like Caspian Report, I watch all his videos but he is Azeri and a little one sided on this issue.

Anvar Akbarov

Yeah Shirvan, does a good job of covering many countries’ geopolitics. In one of his videos on Nagorno-Karabakh he intentionally points out that the fact that he is an Azeri himself so people can be aware of his possible bias on the issue, therefor he points out that everything he lays out in the video is in public domain and can be fact checked independently by the viewer.

The Objective

Thanks again. The video answers all my questions. I see Russia is the cause and instigator of this never-ending conflict. Hopefully this time, the Azeris will take back their territory.

Anvar Akbarov

Thank you very much for your curiosity and interest in the topic, and I am always glad to help if you have any additional questions. Cheers!

Kenny Jones ™

Drone command center was there, just admit it, no drones now anymore over the warzone, coincidence huh?

Anvar Akbarov

Oh my God dude, use your head. Look at the pictures, do they look as an airport the Armenians claim they targeted?

Kenny Jones ™

I just haven’t seen any drones flying ever since..


There’s a wikipedia page on the ganja airport and it being used by the military if you want to learn something from a credible source. I’m sure you’ll say that it is fake Armenian claims too.

Zionism = EVIL

Take it from an old aviator, all airports are military forward bases in times of war.

Anvar Akbarov

This one is not a fake Armenian claim, because as the friend below pointed out “any airport can be used for military purpose”. But to use that to launch a missile into a civilian neighborhood – this called a WAR CRIME. The missiles hit civilian home, not an airport. Armenian side knows very well that is it not a military airport, they just needed a cover for this ruthless attack on a civilian city. Cowardness.

catalin zt

Should they hit your isis mercenaries instead?

Hans Weber

be ashamed, you want to exterminate Christians in Nagorno-Karabakh.

But Christians are uniting now, and they will strike together. You who have been committing crimes for hundreds of years, you who are inhuman. You who worship an invented religion, you have no basis of truth, only boundless violence.

Fog of War

” You who worship an invented religion ”

And what is Judaism and Christianity ? All of Judaism’s foundational stories are stolen from the Sumerians amd Christianity is based off of Judaism.

Anvar Akbarov

I never liked people who judge nations based on their religious beliefs, color or any other trait.

catalin zt

Hope u azeris will go to HELL along with your anglo-saxonjewturk bosses…

Random Dude

Just for reference. this is the Turkish flag. None of the above is same. wishful thinking https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/34275c20b526abb5d2aa45209c616ffc2fed6337382e62283b6b551b9b0293c4.png


lose you and your blood-stained flag. Have you slaughtered a lot of people … and do you have the audacity to speak ??? Your time is coming ..

Random Dude

Not Turkish fault. Its the sword. Its thirsty for blood. And the most delicious blood is the blood of the brave enemy, but there is not many brave enemies, so gotta compensate with more quantity of average enemies. Time is always on, anytime dude anytime


” Its thirsty for blood”

Like a vampire, because this is Turkey … a vampire state

Random Dude

The sword is vampire, not people. Unless we are talking about Romania.

Vox Populi

Azerbaijan’s second-largest city, Ganja, has been shelled by Armenian forces, as heavy clashes continue over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region where Armenian forces appear to have taken initiative.

Anvar Akbarov

Armenian forces are being taken hostage and the rest are fleeing the battlefield. There has even been information and photos circulation of armenian soldiers being tied to their posts with chains so that they don’t escape. This is really sad.

Vox Populi

I am a neutral observer. Wars are not good for anyone. However, propaganda is taking hold. If your statement is correct than post some links or visual images.

Anvar Akbarov

Yeah I agree. I cannot really feel prowd because, you can see that, those captures armenian soldiers are just kids, and they don’t want to be a part of this. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5f858645700345caa8587ba4a0e23a455a9dfccc0c5aa92916dfb51f0796a0ed.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2b81620885d24f2fb85c305a1cd937783348e2751cf38eab169a92f73a2dc6a0.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Feel sorry for the guy in chains. Maybe a criminal.

Anvar Akbarov

Recently Azerbaijan soldiers captured military trucks from an armenian military convoy that was attacked and destroyed by Azeri drones. Some of the trucks were intact and the in the videos of them, it could clearly be seen that the steering wheel had hand cuffs on them. Also intended to prevent the Armenian soldiers to espace. This is all just inhumane.

Zionism = EVIL

If true, then also criminal cowardice and no better than human hostages which the Zionist take in Palestine.



Zionism = EVIL

You are getting smarter. LOL. The dumbass Egyptians in 1967 said the same. Seriously.

Anvar Akbarov

Very funny, I have posted some pics below your UFO. LOL

Zionism = EVIL

Looks like an Armenian missile has done some serious damage and this may turn into a war of the cities, in which Azerbaijan has more to lose as Baku is a glass city like Dubai on the Caspian. Turkey and the JewCUNTS have got the dumbass Azerbaijanis in a pickle.



I’d be very happy to see Azerbaijan get a pounding.

Zionism = EVIL

They are indeed. The Jew arsewipes keep sending Harop drones to continue this senseless war which the Azerbaijanis with a third rate military simply can not win.


But you won’t see such a thing. Instead, you’ll sit on your chair and keep watching Karabakh being taken back by Azerbaijan day by day.



Mustafa Mehmet

that mean your end is come. be ready re mosquitoes


Your end is coming soon … and this time no one will help you except the whore Germany. The smell of your blood is everywhere in the air ….. DEATH is coming … I am the Angel of Death …


I’d love it! The sooner the better. Time will come when we have to get rid of Erdogan and give a country to turkish kurds.


Armenia is now bombarding civilians in Azerbaijan to provoke a retiliation and attract international powers to the region. A clear indication that they are losing the war terribly in Karabakh.

Zionism = EVIL

I believe so. Azerbaijan shelled Iranian territory for the same reasons. This conflict needs to end.


Mate, that region is internationally recognized as Azerbaijan territory. Every single country in the world, including Russia and Iran, sees it as an integral part of Azerbaijan. The problem has not been solved since 30 years and Armenia would never give them without a fight. I hope it would be solved by negotiations but let’s be realistic, it won’t happe. Also i don’t believe Azerbaijan has shelled Iran territory, why would they do such a stupid thing?

Zionism = EVIL

I understand that even Armenia has not recognized it. But you and I are both mature people and know that this conflict is dangerous and potentially only favor the JewCUNTS and AmeriCUNTS as it would set off Russia and Iran against Turkey. The French midget is fanning all sides too. Ideally, Azerbaijan should have given a warning and eventual ultimatum for withdrawl from Nogorno-Karabakh and then if the Armenian side wavered should have attacked with legitimate grounds. The idiot Saddam did the same by attacking Iran over a fictitious Arvand Rood thawleg line nonsense and we all know how well that ended. Azerbaijani military is not that good and they will drag Turkey in. You guys have enough issues in Syria and Libya and will face EU sanctions. It is time for all to drink cool aid.


I know the US and France are now rubbing their hands since this conflict has a great potential to set off Russia and Iran against Turkiye. But the problem must be solved in the end. Looks like this is the right time. Russia won’t move a finger for a pro-American prime minister like Pashinyan and i believe they will enjoy this conflict until Armenia begs Russia for help. Iran is relatively silent but they would prefer Armenia over Azerbaijan as it seems. They don’t want a powerful Azerbaijan in the north since there is a big Azeri population in Iran and they might ask for a unification in the future. Difficult situation indeed. Maybe partitioning Karabakh by half would solve the controversy.

Zionism = EVIL

100% in agreement. This is not good for either Turkey or Iran. Luckily, both have quite mature leaderships and are in constant contact. Russia is more of a wild card with Jews up every orifice.


Maybe the division of Turkey in the middle … solved all the problems … for all the nations that Turkey has slaughtered and attacked.

Fog of War

How about a divison of Russia for all the millions of poeple the Bolsheviks slaughtered ?


Russia is already being punished by having Jews in the state administration and not Russians. With the dissolution of the USSR, MANY STATES WERE AUTONOMATED. And another will be punished … by 2050 the most of the population will be Muslims. !!

Anvar Akbarov

Azeri army is not as good as US but much stronger, better equipped and much more motivated than armenia’s. What you say is totally intelligent and right. We DO want peace, but only after Nagorno-Karabakh and the 7 regions are freed from armenian occupation. Which Azerbaijan WILL free in any case, either by force of through negotiations.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

N.K has always been inhabited by Armenian people


same thing in Cyprus


Turks have the habit of ethnic cleaning


There would never be an ethnic cleansing even if they wanted to because all the eyes are monitoring the situation in Karabakh closely now. It does not matter who lived in the region before, it changes, they must respect Azerbaijan. Armenia should pull back their forces from there and then both countries should negotiate. Nobody would be harmed. Simple.

Porc Halal

lies…lier…you are pathological liers…

Zionism = EVIL

That is how all wars end. I see the same here, but unfortunately there will more violence in the short term. This was a dormant conflict waiting to explode. I was in Baku in the late 90’s and a million Azeris had been displaced and living in old trains at the old Baku rail terminal. So this was thorn for the Azerbaijanis. Armenia needs to negotiate for sure as now the stakes are too high. As I have said, even the most motivated armies in the end get crushed by numbers.


WHEN the Turks withdraw their troops from Cyprus … then Armenia will give back Nagorno-Karabakh. It’s the same thing.

Mustafa Mehmet

you are like broken record https://media3.giphy.com/media/1ULCgkWc2IiXJyxp5o/giphy.gif


MALAKAS like you only SHIT and MALAKIES says


Why should Armenia withdraw its forces ?? Turkey withdrew its own from Cyprus ??? And there are so many UN decisions that say that.

Mustafa Mehmet



When Turkey is bombed …. and your own children are killed … remember to say again malakies…..EVERYONE GETS IN THE END THAT THEY WORTH THEM. ALL THE BLOOD THAT TURKEY SPILLED … WILL RETURN AND DRUNK IT AT THE END ….


Negotiate always been last resort after both two country exhaust their resource. If you think thing would be that simple there will be no war but hey there is war.

Anvar Akbarov

Any child can go on wikipedia and write whatever he/she wants, doesn’t make it true. Armenia is notorious for fabricating “historical facts”. When I was in the US I encountered how armenian were selling an Turkish Lahmacun under the name of “Armenian Pizza” LOL This is SO armenian style – “steal and present as your own.” Same goes for other peoples’ lands.

Kenny Jones ™

Azeris think Iran is stupid, allowing them to form a Zionist spying base and import the same rebels they were fighting for years in Syria, they will be smart and choose the right side

Zionism = EVIL

Azerbaijan is not even a Muslim state. They are like Zionists, it is all about money and power. Aliyev is a tin pot dictator like his corrupt father was. He has aligned with Zionists and Turkey to keep him safe.

Free man

Apparently the Armenians are desperate. They will probably continue to do desperate actions because there is no way they will win this war. They had 30 years to reach a diplomatic solution but they were too arrogant and stubborn. Now they are paying the price. Too bad.


They choose the war so they must be ready for the consequences. Innocent people will suffer because of their stupid politicians. Nothing to do unfortunately.

Free man

I hope the war ends soon and a diplomatic solution is found. But it does not look like it.


Turkey that consciously chose the war with a bunch of peoples (Syria, Libya, Kurds, Cyprus, Armenia, Greece, Egypt) … what should be punished?


Probably the opposite has happened … first Azerbaijan bombed Nagorno-Karabakh and the Azeris have HUGE losses.

Europe hates America

Europe should unite itself and destroy kerdogan but won’t happen cause our politicans looking for money and not for religion

Europe hates America

Europe should unite itself and destroy kerdogans isis turkey but won’t happen cause our politicans looking for money and not for religion

Zionism = EVIL

I don’t believe Europe can do didley squat.

Fog of War

” Europe should unite itself and destroy kerdogans isis turkey ”

Europe should unite itself and destroy the filthy state of Israhell, or does that not concern you ?

Samuel Vanguard

if these were Russian forces they would have been condemned by “international community” but since these are Turks the world passes a blind eye and blame Armenians

Zionism = EVIL

Well the cowardly dumbass Americunts have killed millions and the Jew media is silent.

Samuel Vanguard

exactly am American but i don’t watch zionist sponsored corporate media

Zionism = EVIL

Good for you. We are living in a law of jungle and unfortunately Zionists have used the dumbass Americunts (present company excluded) to do their nasty work everywhere. Most of the weaponry in this conflict is from the Zionists.

Samuel Vanguard

that’s a known Zionist strategy of financing both sides with money and weapons unfortunately majority of Americans think they are saving humanity form dictatorships,but they are enforcing them

Zionism = EVIL

I think if Biden gets in, he would be worse like Obama. He is part of old guard ZioWasp establishment.

Samuel Vanguard

you spot on and if Trump wins i foresee a war with Iran and the continual process of looting Syrian oil

U n k n 0 w n

The territory of Azerbaijan was partitioned with the treaties of Gülistan (1813) and Turkmenchay (1828). The modern-day (Li)Armenian Republic was established on the lands of Irevan (Yerevan) and Nakhchivan khanates, where Azerbaijanis always constituted the majority until 1828, under the patronage of the Russian Empire in March 1828.

Russia renamed the region as the “(Li)Armenian province” and (Li)Armenian families began to settle there from Iran and the Ottoman Empire.

According to Russian diplomat and Ambassador of Iran, Griyebov : “The (Li)Armenians were essentially resettled to the lands of Muslims, and they gradually started to chase away the Muslim population from these regions.

According to the (Li)Armenian version of the Nazi Doctor Mengele, war criminal Zori Balayan : “Without the Treaty of Turkmenchay, Griyebov, Abovyan and Russia, there would not have been hundreds of newly-created (Li)Armenian hearths that turned into modern villages and cities. Only during the 1960–70s, more than 200,000 (Li)Armenians moved to their ‘homeland’.”

Between 1918–1920, out of 575,000 Azerbaijanis living in the Dashnakist (Li)Armenian Republic, 565,000 were either killed or forced to migrate. In 1920, there were only a bit more than 10,000 Turks left in the Soviet (Li)Armenia..

Between 1831–1926, the (Li)Armenian population in the region increased to 881,000 from 161,000 while the Azerbaijani population decreased to only 84,000 from approx. 335,000 between 1916–26.

The (Li)Armenians not only killed or chased away the populations in the regions they captured. They also attempted to completely erase their traces. The (Li)Armenians demolished graveyards, historical, cultural and religious monuments and various other buildings in an attempt to erase the traces of Azerbaijanis from (Li)Armenia..

Only after 1988, the (Li)Armenians demolished more than 2,000 Azerbaijani graves in (Li)Armenia. The Khojaly massacre was just the most recent episode of the historical and traditional (Li)Armenian extremism and hate.


Better for turds to not send their ,,soldiers’ to Armenia. Turkish soldiers are poorly trained . They have no warrior mentality , too many skinny fat in their ranks , just look what happend in Syria . weakened SAA soldiers with sport boots and limited, food supplies and ammo vs turds with NATO equipment – epic fail , just like sAUDI aRABIA in Yemen. Turkey is still backward country without own technology + poor economy. erDOGan knows that war is best option for collapsing economy but sooner or later ordinary Turks will open their eyes. Erdogan is just EU , NATO dog and when he will be no loger needed then we will see replay from 2016.

Fog of War

Let me change that for you.

” US soldiers are poorly trained . They have no warrior mentality , too many skinny fat in their ranks “


well ,mostly US soldier are jacked so try once again

Fog of War

Whats that supposed to even mean ‘ merikan ? Have you seen the average ” US ” soldier these days ?

Romeo Pesiao

PRTE is a liar king…

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