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MARCH 2025

Turkish Shelling Leaves Eight Civilians Dead Or Injured In Syria’s Aleppo (Video, Photos)

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On January 23, three civilians were killed and at least six others were injured when Turkish forces shelled the Syrian town of Tell Rifaat in northern Aleppo.

The Turkish shelling targeted the heavily-populated center of Tell Rifaat, which is located within a pocket controlled by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units. Units of the Russian Military Police and the Syrian Arab Army are present in the region.

The Hawar News Agency said two children, Majid Skaran, 5, and Abdel-Mohsen Sakran,12, were killed in the Turkish shelling. The third victim was a displaced woman from Afrin, Nazliah Mustafa.

Turkish Shelling Leaves Eight Civilians Dead Or Injured In Syria’s Aleppo (Video, Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: Hawar News Agency (ANHA)

Turkish Shelling Leaves Eight Civilians Dead Or Injured In Syria’s Aleppo (Video, Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: Hawar News Agency (ANHA)

Turkish Shelling Leaves Eight Civilians Dead Or Injured In Syria’s Aleppo (Video, Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: Hawar News Agency (ANHA)

Kurdish forces responded to the deadly Turkish attack by shelling the outskirts of the Turkish-occupied town of Azaz in northern Aleppo. No casualties were reported.

From the outskirts of Tell Rifaat, Kurdish guerrilla groups launch attacks against Turkey’s proxies in northern Aleppo on a regular basis. One of the most active guerrilla groups in the region is the Afrin Liberation Forces.

The Turkish attack on Tell Rifaat will likely cause tensions in northern Aleppo, where the situation was calm during the last few months.


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you know the drill …..blame Putin, Russia…who else – Iran has only merits no responsibility EVER!

butt still do not forget: Syria is ARAB SUNNI SECULAR Republic not Shia Persian Mullah protectorate !!!


sunni and secular can not be together

Emad Irani

he ignores the fact that Assad is Alevi, because it would be against his low mindset about Middle East and World


Assad is medic, modern Arab statesmen and not some practicing Muslim. If not so ….why would he create SECULAR Republic out of Syria?

Emad Irani

I already said to you before, here in Middle East the story of Sunni Shia Alevi Druze etc. is over since years ago. You said no one supports Iran in Syria, I said SAA are 90% sunnis and they all obey Assad as the highest commander of the armed forces. Secular doesn’t mean you don’t practice religion, it means the political structure is not based on any religion no matter which one.

Lebanon also calls itself secular but there are rules in case of political structure, means every position is filled with ministers from a specific religion. Head of State is a Christian, Prime Minister is a Sunni, Head of the Parliament is a Shia. Similar to that goes to Syria but more in case of the Army and the Intelligence Agency…

(And for your information Assad is Alevi, Alevis have roots in the Khorasan region between Iran, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan)

SpartanWarrior✓ TEAM SOROS

Do you live in Iran?


Secular = as country constituted on modern principals of governing Sunni = as nation Syria has majority Arab Muslim Sunni population of which only minority atheists. Those things directly contradict only with Wahhabi vision of Islam but are essential for survival of multi religious, multi ethnic Syrian society based on mutual respect and TOLERANCE.


don’t worry, it’s not alignment. it’s necessity. confronting Turkey in Syria would have stirred the NATO nest. now turkey is hated by half on nato and US and their gains in syria are minimal.


better than Turkey, Israel and US in Damascus, no?


I understand.

Emad Irani

this person is a dumb idiot. He doesn’t know anything about Middle East or geopolitics in general. One day they say we saved Syria, another day the say it is Syrian decision to do something. They will lose Syria. Alone his last sentence is full Bullshit khkh


He is quite mentally unbalanced and uncouth. Resorts to personal insults if people call out his nonsense. Some wanna be “Russian” from the ex-Soviet rotten block.


Oh yes your 2 Shia friends have just declared war on Russia and insignificant me. ….what else could I do but accept their generous offer?! True, after declaration of Kremlin through Larov’s mouth, things are now completely different. Sh*t has come to the surface. But that was still no reason to declare war on Russia immediately.. But to.. maybe try, to see how to resolve problems, on common interests grounds. Fact is that Russia (Putin) is here on this forum regular punching bag accused regularly for every evil on this planet. ….after Larov’s declaration things (already bad) are now getting even worse. It is stupid to insist on something that doesn’t exist at all….something like mutual respect. * Russian exit (by force…. or by chance, is in Iranian dreams it seams) It takes wisdom for one to know ones place and only fools think that to be ordinary thing. Iran for some reason (known to Iran only) over steps Iran’s authority and walks all over Russia breading space and ignores Russia position deliberately. If you lack basic respect to Russia, if you mess with Russia than you better be ready for the mess you are about to start. I hope that you Iranians know well what are you doing. Because Russia is not some Western country. That you can easily scare away with few missiles, when things start to get rough. Russia will not be humiliated by anybody, without appropriate reaction.

Emad Irani

haha he has paranoia man. If you criticize him, he thinks you declared war against Russia. This Idiot is not our ally, Russia is. There are many good Russian guys over there, even I know many of them. But this piece of shit is just an Idiot without any knowledge


He is bi-polar and attention seeker.


You are neither a Russian or sane. You seem bi-polar as one day you support Iran and then turn against. An attention seeking idiot can not be taken seriously.


but you never fail to be against Russia huh NATO pig?


Russia is a weak state and now prime US target. The internal unrest in Russia is quite serious and genuine. Putin has overplayed a weak hand.


Why you Iranians think that Russians are idiots, that they can’t see Iranian perfidy game? Iran have been publicly officially warned by Lavrov – Russia, now The same goes for you. You represent Iran with half of Middle East as Iranian territory on your avatar and pretending to be nice guy?!

Back off, I have been naive for too long!

Servet Köseoğlu

Fake pkk source..same mouthpiece sinking submarines with rpg-7.


Indiscriminate shelling of civilians is a ‘war crime’

The turkeys and their backers are here to deny … deflect … use double standards to defend Erdogan … the vile Islamist Dictator

A change is coming …

The Future is About to Land …



Maybe they are learning from Zionists.


No … turkeys have been doing it forever …. a long history of genocide … AGAINST: Armenian Christians … Greek Christians … Erdogan specialty is the Kurdish minority

Servet Köseoğlu

Bull-shit as usual..and you are a liar..our specialty is against Pkk not kurds..and we will continue to destroy them even they are under smelly-disgusting Usa wings.



Whole towns INSIDE Turkey have been shelled by the ‘brave’ turkeys … against Kurdish civilians

Erdogan is a mass murderer … his adventurism will lead to his downfall

The Future is About to Land …

Servet Köseoğlu

no,they were armed terrorists and right-fully pulverized.and usa pervert-pedophile company did everything to throw him out but it didnt work and every-day over 4000 people are off in pedophile states of america because of covid… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4567670cc4054e19bd8a83edaa2f75b72067b1bbe6982310fa72d0caaab88310.jpg


Deflection … Are your hands firmly over your ears?


Servet Köseoğlu

liar liar liar..when facts,reality shot you down thats all you can do..typical troll..usa co. pkk state project is annihiliated…good-morning.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Turks stirred up a hornets nest,

“The Afrin Liberation Forces have shelled Hawzan west of Al Bab with mortars”

“The outskirts of Azaz, Kafr Kashir and Kafr Kalbin have been hit by shelling in response to the bombardment of Tel Rifaat which killed civilians”

“The Afrin Liberation Forces are shelling TFSA positions around Azaz in response to shelling on Tel Rifaat”

“The Afrin Liberation Forces are currently clashing with the TFSA around Kafr Kashir and Kafr Kalbin with machine guns. Meanwhile the Afrin Liberation Forces have fired upon the Turkish base near Mayramayn”

“Intermittent clashes between the SNA and the SDF on the axis of the town of Kaljabrin and Kafr Khashir in the northern countryside of Aleppo”

Israeli attacks yesterday resulted in the deaths of an innocent Syrian family, today Turkish attacks have done the same to more innocent Syrians, so how many more have to die to serve foreign interests.


Arab lives don’t matter unfortunately as their leaders have no self-respect.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Maybe we should get rid of all our leaders everywhere and start again. it couldn’t get any worse than it already is.


westerners have emptied out country, not many are left and willing to defend impoverished Syria. predators like IsraHell, Turkey and Iran smell the blood and want to feast over the dead Syria.


This place is infested with Iranian bots.

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