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MARCH 2025

Turkish Soldiers Killed In Idlib Were Embedded With Terrorists: Russian Military

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Turkish Soldiers Killed In Idlib Were Embedded With Terrorists: Russian Military

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On February 27th, as a result of its support of “moderate opposition” in Idlib, Turkey lost 33 of its soldiers.

It appears to be paying the price of supporting al-Qaeda-linked terrorists such as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and doing it with hypocrisy even entirely acting as it is not a fact that is widely known.

Regarding what transpired, the Russian Ministry of Defense released the following statement:

“On February 27, 2020, formations of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham terrorist group in the Idlib de-escalation zone attempted to conduct a large-scale offensive operation on a broad front against positions of the Syrian government forces.

To eliminate any security threats resulting from retaliatory fire by Syrian government forces originating from the Turkish observation posts and units deployed in the Idlib de-escalation zone, the Russian Reconciliation Center is in constant contact with the Turkish Idlib Coordination Center.

Over the past 24 hours, representatives of the Russian Reconciliation Center have constantly requested and confirmed from Turkish colleagues the coordinates of the location of all units of the Turkish armed forces located near terrorist combat zones.

At the same time, on February 27th, in the area of ​​the settlement of Behun, Turkish soldiers who were in the battle formations of terrorist groups fell under the shelling of the Syrian troops.

At the same time, according to the coordinates transmitted by the Turkish side to the Russian Reconciliation Center, there were no and should not be any units of the Turkish armed forces in the area of ​​Behun.

Immediately after receiving information about the injured Turkish troops by the Russian side, comprehensive measures were taken for a complete ceasefire by the Syrian forces, and the safe evacuation of dead and wounded Turkish troops to Turkey was ensured.

Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the area of ​​Behun was not used.”

Thus, the Russian side attempted to preserve the lives of Turkish troops, even though it turned out that they were fighting on behalf of the militants in the area, and Ankara denying that it was so.

Regardless, strikes will continue on the al-Qaeda-affiliated militants, regardless of Turkish presence among their ranks.

To attempt and hide what happened in Idlib and the casualties that it suffered, Turkey blocked Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Messenger via many internet service providers in the country.

The Turkish Armed Forces, until March 13th, declared areas of the country directly adjacent to the conflict zone in the north-north of Syria as zones of active patrolling of their combat aircraft.

At some echelons of these regions, a complete ban on flights was introduced for aircraft that were not involved in combating against the Syrian government forces.

In a statement, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed “grave concern” of an escalation of violence and called for an immediate ceasefire. He said “the risk of even greater escalation grows by the hour” without urgent action.

Through his spokesman, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg issued a statement condemning the “indiscriminate” air strikes by the Syrian regime and Russian forces. He urged de-escalation by all parties of “this dangerous situation”.

Completely disregarding the fact that the Syrian Arab Army and its Russian support were fighting against known terrorists, and Turkish soldiers were in their ranks.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a two-hour emergency security meeting in Ankara that was attended by ministers and military officials.

“Head of the terror state Assad, who will go down in history as a war criminal, and regime elements will pay a heavy price for this treacherous attack,” Fuat Oktay, Turkey’s vice-president said.

Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and Turkish commanders directed operations in Syria at the Turkish border, state-owned Anadolu news agency said.

Turkey called a NATO meeting on February 28th, which will discuss what happened. Erdogan’s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, who plays a senior role in foreign affairs, also spoke about the situation to US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien.

“We stand by our NATO ally Turkey and continue to call for an immediate end to this despicable offensive by the Assad regime, Russia, and Iranian-backed forces,” the US State Department said in a statement.

“All known” Syrian government targets are under fire by Turkish air and land support units, Turkey’s communications director Fahrettin Altun said, adding it will “respond in kind” to the deadly air strike.

Russia, meanwhile, deployed two warships equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles to the Mediterranean Sea towards the Syrian coast, the Interfax news agency cited Russia’s Black Sea Fleet as saying.

If is even potentially possible that the Turkish parliament could vote to declare war on Syria, but with the success it is having so far, it is unlikely that much would change, apart from it receiving even more casualties than it has now.

It is unknown how much support it would receive from its NATO allies, it will become clearer later on February 28th, and then its further actions would become apparent.

Furthermore, it is unlikely that it will receive any direct military support, rather it is highly likely that some words of encouragement would come, condemning the “Assad regime” and its Russian supporters, and that would be it.

Turkey would continue claiming it is in its right to invade another country, embed its soldiers in the ranks of terrorists and they cry foul when they’re being killed, which is the natural outcome of these said militants losing the fight on, more or less, all fronts.


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Zionism = EVIL

The glaring FACT is that the Turkeys and terrorists are mutually inclusive. Russia has learnt a lot from the USSR Afghan war and now knows how to impose a cost on the goat fucker scum.

Lone Ranger

Time to drop a few cuise missiles and FOABs :)

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, if Hafeezullah Amin, Taraki and Najeebullah had the balls of Dr.Assad, the whole course of world history would have been different and USSR still there. The Pakistanis played the same terrorist game, but the aging Politburo and senile Brezhnev and Andropov, despite GRU recommendation did not hit the Paki terror camps and that emboldened the Americunts. Putin finally gets it and must have read the archived GRU reports which were more factual than the KGB political tripe and rosy picture. Turkeys are cowards and if they know Russia means business, the goat fuckers will collapse. Russia is a superpower with 6000 nukes and the finest technological professional military in the world.


Anduin Lothar

There is absolutely no targets in Syria that would justify use of “FOAB” there. Smarter way is to use free fall iron bombs and unguided rockets, far more effective against targets they would hit, at least 15 times cheaper as well…

Lone Ranger

A mile long military convoy could be taken out by a single FOAB. Overkill? Maybe. But its a message as well…

Zionism = EVIL

If you closely look at the shredded tires and shrapnel holes on the third rate Turkey MRAPs, it is apparent that the SyAF has used some serious cluster ammo that really fucked up the Turkeys.

Anduin Lothar

U use cluster munitions or unguided rockets for those type of targets, not FOAB, FOAB is intended to be used against stationary heavily fortified targets (bunkers, hilltops…). FOAB replaces smaller tactical nuclear warheads and that’s it.

Lone Ranger

U.S. used heavy bunker busters against civs in 1991, killing 500 civs with one strike. I mean payback is a biatch…

Zionism = EVIL

I believe his point was rhetorical and he has a pretty good understanding of weaponry. People just don’t like the Turkeys and want them nuked or MOABed, can you blame them?

Alex Cabrera

as reported the SAA used 9K79-1 missile

Before being targeted by a 9K79-1 missile, the Turkish units west of Saraqeb were warned by an airstrike that hit at a close proximity of their station.

Remember, Syria didn’t start the war, Turkey and other NATO states did. Syrians didn’t go to other’s homelands and backed terrorists to kill their people, they came to ours.

The death of Turkish soldiers is on the head of the Turkish regime Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who sent them illegally to Syria.

Those who think that the Syrian military will back down from its constitutional duty of protecting its homeland and citizens are dreaming.

The Syrian forces are expressing the uttermost self-restraint against the Turkish presence in Syria but will not hesitate to take out any Turkish military establishment/convoy that will get in the way of SAA’s operations or might threaten SAA’s personnel.


Syrian Arab Army

Lone Ranger

God bless Syria and the SAA.

Lone Ranger

Moderate? Sure… Didn’t know isis was moderate…

Lone Ranger

Moderate rapist cannibal headchopppers….

Lone Ranger

Moderates use a dull knife instead of a sharp one, to beheaded one… Thats why they are moderates.

Zionism = EVIL

90% are Turkish regular military in civvies, Erdogan the goat fucker is using the Paki ISI template. Wrong country and wrong people to fuck with though in 2020.

Lone Ranger

Erdogollum will regret being bold and dumb at the same time, bad combo…


After 33+ dead Turk soldiers there is no peaceful way out of this. Turks are between rock and hard place.


Zionism = EVIL

Russia is a military and technological powerhouse and the stupid Turkeys can’t even produce a dishwasher. The chest-thumping goat fucker Erdogan wanted to sell the so called T-129 which is basically a Eurocopter with 100% EU and Americunt parts. While Russia is developing hypersonic missiles.

Pakistan to buy Chinese attack helicopters as Turkey and US fail to deliver

Pakistan will procure the Chinese-built Z-10 attack helicopter as Turkey and the United States fail to deliver on their orders of the T-129 and AH-1Z respectively, a senior offer said on 26 February.

Speaking at the IQPC International Military Helicopter conference in London, the commander of Pakistan’s Army Aviation, Major General Syed Najeeb Ahmed, said that the Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) Z-10ME “remains an option” asthe Turkish Aerospace T-129 and Bell AH-1Z Viper prove to be unobtainable for different reasons. The Turks do have the permission or capability to sell European sourced weaponry to third parties while US is now allied to India.


Even if they can resolve pending licenses for export, Turks depend on US and EU parts and can fall under the sanctions easily. Who needs chopper without spare parts? Pakistan is making wise choice. Next step after that is to build maintenance center for the Chinese choppers in Pakistan and sell their services to the future Chinese clients..

Zionism = EVIL

You are right and secondly my point was that the Turkeys are total slaves to Americunts and NATO and can’t fuck a goat without their permission.


True. Even when they get permission, that is only very expensive goat sex experience. Since USA are the pimp for the goats.


Exactly right!

Concrete Mike

Turks created their own mess when they decided it was acceptable to use their armed forces to support jabhat al nusrah.



But unlike other ISIS Al Qaeda supporters, Turks never knew when to stop. They never could understand that game is over and let it go before it is too late and too expensive to support failed project. They have erroneous image of themselves and their capabilities.

Zionism = EVIL

No wonder they lost their perverted Osmani empire to a British faggot T.E Lawrence who riled up the Arab tribes.


By our lives we model our brains and our brains model our genes. And those are transferred through the blood line. That’s how the generations pay for the sins of their forefathers.


The Turks are dumb-asses!


I don’t understand people who believe in Erdogan. When something happens they block websites and try to hide what’s going on. Isn’t this a clear sing for everyone that they are being duped? How can they explain for themselves that it is completely okay not to see the truth?

Zionism = EVIL

Most Turks are illiterate religious types and also believe that the earth is flat.


You are boring. Your comments may be valid for Erdogan but not fot the greater majoriy of the population of Turkey. Last year at the municipal election of Istanbul , population 16m, 55 % of the electors voted for the Social Democrate Party , CHP. Keep your , seemingly, deap-seated hatreds of turks to yourself. You deserved to be blocked.

Zionism = EVIL

Go fuck a goat, it seems like a good day for it.


i already have block lol

Zionism = EVIL

In your cave :) block ROFLMAO.


Thank you !


The Turks are indeed, genocidal, terroristic and barbaric savages who killed millions as recently as century ago!

Constellation 2023

Says a barbarian Christian who have the blood of Jesus Christ and the whole of humanity on their hands!


You have the sign of the US flag on your logo! Do you know that the US regime killed over 20 million people since 1945? See the factsheet below:




Constellation 2023

If you really believe the silly nonsense you write then Turks will have no difficulty in winning all the upcoming wars. Hahaha.


If Russia continues like this, there will be very heavy costs for both sides. The economies of both sides in particular are in very bad shape.The same is true within Turkey.

Concrete Mike

Turkish threats mean nothing.

Tell you government to stop holding al nusrah’s dick .


;O) I think you put that rather well. ;O)


His (Nato) governments are suckers!

Zionism = EVIL

Russia is a superpower with 6,000 nukes and Turkey is a bankrupt shithole. News travels slow amongst cave dwellers :)

Assad must stay

and with hypersonic missiles, avangard, burevestnik, poseidon, kinzhal :)


No if brussels continues like that,eu will collapse and regardless,their nwo tryranny will surely fail!


The sooner they collapse the better!


Picture explains what is being tricked: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d0bf7dd18ad6f9188528733691248836b0976ae69792efff98898b840b9789b.jpg


Fuck You Arab bastards out of the country.Ingratitude. It is a pity that the Turkish military was martyred for them. https://twitter.com/ZehraTulElBetul/status/1233180158393245697

Zionism = EVIL

Faggots martyred LOL

Wahid Algiers

What is your problem? Turks invade another country and YOU think that could happen without any casualties. Turks ride the false donkey. And believe me, not many love them. Nor in Syria, nor in Europe or elsewhere.


Considering that the Sultan shot down that RAF aircraft a while back, killing a few Sultanas might not be the end of the Russian-Turkish rapprochement. It depends on whether the Sultan continues his brinkmanship.

Rafik Chauhan

Turks are slave of Israel they are coordinating attack on Syria . plus Turks did nothing to support Palestine they are quite when this Zionist thugs are killing Palestine . and Turks are killing syrian no difference they are enemy of islam and Muslim. the only true ressitance is Iran Iraq Yemen Ansharrallhan and lebnon Hezbollah and syrian government and Hezbollah. other Muslim state ruler are enemy if Islam and Muslim

Albert Pike

What do you expect? Erdogan, is a Dönmeh, a Crypto Jew and Zionist. He plays King of the South, and all Christian Zionists, like Lindsey Graham, and Mike Pompeo love it…


Long Live The Resistance!


Erdogan demolishes Turkey.


And his days are numbered. PKK wake up!

Constellation 2023

Liar, liar pants on fire! There were no militants next to Turkish Forces. A big, big mistake on the part of Moscow.


The embedded CIA/Nato fags will be next


Putin is an idiot, the more he bends over, the more this pig Erdogan will fuck him up

Constellation 2023

Long live Erdogan, the savior of the oppressed people of the world!

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