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Turkish Specialists Are Using Anti-Aircraft Missiles Against Russian, Syrian Warplanes: Russian State TV

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Turkish Specialists Are Using Anti-Aircraft Missiles Against Russian, Syrian Warplanes: Russian State TV

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Turkish military specialists in Syria’s Greater Idlib region are attempting to shoot down Russian and Syrian warplanes with man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADs), the Rossiya 24 TV revealed on February 27.

In a report, the state-run channel said that Russian and Syrian aircraft are taking counter-measures after carrying out airstrikes on Greater Idlib in order avoid Turkish missiles.

“Syrian and Russian planes are stopping the rebels again and again. But the sky above Idlib is also dangerous. The rebels and Turkish specialists are actively using portable air defense systems,” the channel said, according to Reuters.

Aside from employing air-defense systems, Turkish artillery are also providing Greater Idlib militants with fire support, according to Rossiya 24.

Following the Russian report, a Syrian military source confirmed to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that Turkish personnel are the ones using MANPADs in Greater Idlib. The source also confirmed that the militants are receiving fire support from Turkish forces.

A day earlier, two Syrian warplanes, one of which an L-39, dodged two anti-aircraft missile while carrying out airstrikes on Greater Idlib.

Rossiya 24’s report was not a surprise. Earlier this month, a pro-opposition news agency shared a video showing the launch of a U.S.-made Stinger missile from a Turkish post in southern Idlib at a Russian Su-24 warplane.

These hostile acts by Turkish forces in Greater Idlib could eventually lead to a direct military confrontation with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), or even Russian forces.

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Better bomb them then, no differation possible between Turks and Terrorists now.

klove and light

still stupid??? been in a coma for years???

PUTIN WILL NOT ALLOW TAF troops beeing bombed. Turkey has for months now, day in and day out, crossed into syria with large columns of Military Hardware..tanks,artillery etc…. day in and day out.. NOT ONCE has russian Military bombed the Intruders, not once.And SAA, they are not allowed to bomb them on orders of Putin.

just use your vbrain ONCE….. Question… when Turkey shot down russian Military planes and murdered the pilots and even mutilated them after death, what happened????????? nada Nothing…Little talk here and there and finito. Question…when IDF(Israel) through it´s direct Actions caused the Shooting down of a russian Military intelligance plane with over a dozen dead russian Military members…what happened??? nada Zero ..Little talk here and there and finito.

Putin is a treachreous Zionist pig.

the russian Military Leadership should hang him, burn him, and send his ashes to his cock sucking Zionist brother bibi

David Price

Putin doesn’t lose his head, in either of the situations you mentioned he is calculating and after his refusal to travel to Turkey Today a large Turkish military convoy was devastated. He has played chess with his moves since 2015 and Syria is now to be liberated because Erdogan doesn’t learn but Turkey will,how long do you think the sultan will hold power when Turkey’s young men die for terrorist and Erdogan’s expansion dreams?

Icarus Tanović

That’s true.


No response bullshit the Turkmen were crying like babies whimpering about genocide from the Russian bombing


What are you on about facist flog,putin and israel leader both snap ye lame wrists, typing in all these absurd lies,like it or not you cia controls no more,you and your pro lgbtq (proven asswipes) are going down and there’s nothing you can do but,lie,lie,lie you invalid filthy lieing incest spawn wannabe,your opposition ain’t taking over israel!

klove and light

time for the russian Military Leadership to hang Putin. burn him. and send the ashes to his cock sucking Zionist brother bibi.

Lone Ranger

Hi Slomo…


i wish there was an ignore function cuz u r a dik


There is, on the right of his comment is a – and an arrow pointing down. The – collapses his comment, the arrow requests blocking.


Just block the twat Its easy.

Scroll over his comment and you will see a downward arrow. Click on that and follow the prompt.


I don’t like the idea of blocking people unless it’s extremely personal threats or something like that because it’s a form of censorship and there is too much of that in this world


You have a point, but many of them repeatedly troll in order to disrupt discussions. The repeat offenders , I block.


I said before, your previous critique of the Idlib deal was spot on, and yes, Putin has personally said he stands by Isreal, and will defend them with Nukes, though everyone has to judge for themselves that fact. IMHO critizing Israel for its often criminal policies is a valid position, but seeing Israel as the only bad actor in the world is delusional, when American, Muslim countries, western, african and asian countires too are often criminally breaking international law.

But you have to agnolegde, that no matter how bad the Idlib deal was:

IT IS NOW BEING CORRECTED. Since some weeks, the support from Russia could not be better. On ALL levels. The bad outcomes of the deal are being corrected. It was late, but NOT TOO LATE. And that, is all that counts NOW.


shhh don’t question Putin’s personality cult here


I do, as i question every cult. But i also question the Anti-Putin cult..


I would have Putin as president to any recent USA president. He at least fights for his country and his people.


Get Thee Behind Me Satan:

Lone Ranger

Time to take out Turkroache isis specialists…


Good that this is shown in Russian state TV. It will push the patriotic sentiments of the people to the point, where any new concessions to Erdogan become even more unlikely. Add to that the fact, that Putin now calls Erdogans bluff anyway, it looks even more dire for the Turkish dog. Now lets hope some elite units on reserve are there to take back Saraqib until whole south Idlib is free, and Turkeys game is finished.


Check RT. You’ll bee surprised! :) re: Saraqib


RT claims the SAA is still in control of Saraqib, interesting.


It is not alone Turkey game, it is USA-Israel-NAT(Turkey) game.


Turkey requests access from Russia to use armed drones in Syria’s airspace: Speaking to reporters in parliament, Akar said Ankara was “hopeful” about ongoing talks between Turkish and Russian officials in Ankara over the northwestern Idlib region, where Turkey’s military is backing militants against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA)


On the other hand..

Putin will not meet with Erdogan in Turkey amid ongoing tensions in Syria: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/putin-will-not-meet-with-erdogan-in-turkey-amid-ongoing-tensions-in-syria/




Lone Ranger

Turkroaches are crying and raging :)




There should be one…when they are all dead turkeys.


It would be madness for President Putin to ever visit Turkey again as the Turks are likely to murder him.


The reason hi refused last invitation (5th of march) visit is because Erdogan has betrayed his promises from Sochi and Astana. There was nothing left to talk about after Erdogan openly announced aggression against Syria..

Putin is man of his word and Erdogan could screw him only once with his betrayal and double speak. Now the masques are removed. The games are over and serious stuff is about to begin


The global Corono virus hysteria, big stock market falls, US and EU debt,tension with Iran, warlike tensions between Russia and Turkey, the climate emergency boondoggle, the Yemen genocide by Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong interference by the US/UK, Trumps popularity,Brexit,all have become a perfect storm for the US/NATO.

Tis time to find my tin hat I think :)


it is more like instead of a”tin hat” …that we need “tin” sombrero and very big one :)


It looks like this end times shit has happened before as they are finding underground cities all over the place where people went underground to hide from something or other so it might be time to get the shovel out

klove and light

great Breaking News for syria….

the russian Military Leadership just talled the turkish Military to go fuck themselves….no future safe Zone in Idlib, no permission for turkish Aircraft or uav´s to enter syrian airspace!!!!!



I find you hypocrite.

Few seconds ago you were spitting on Russians.Your spit is not even dry yet. Now you collect likes on opposite… How nice person you are.


So this is it; the moment of truth I dreaded since 2015 has come. Russia is about to be exposed as a paper tiger, which we kind of all knew already after Turkey got away with shooting down and murdering a Russian pilot, and after years of watching Israel striking targets throughout Syria without much regard for the vaunted S-400’s or SU-35’s.

Russia has no choice but to mobilize its nuclear forces and try to scare Turkey and Isreal into backing down. And make no mistake: Turkey and Isreal are on the same team.

Lone Ranger

You aint following news… SAA is vaporizing the enemy, right now. Russia is such a papertiger it blocked the U.S., UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey. I wish I had half that paper power :)


Let’s just get the record strait. Without NATO and potential nuclear all out exchange, Turkey is not even in the same League with Russia. It’s going to be the same as comparing let’s say Real Madrid to Castile-La Mancha. Turkey could not last even a week against Russia in all out conflict 1vs1. Without any use of tactical or strategical nuclear weapons, Russia can still quite comfortably dismantle Turkish arm forces in 5-7 days and that’s me being overly generous. Turkey does not posses mid or long range Air defense of any type( both against air planes, cruise or balistic weapons), their military doctrine depends on Air superiority fighter to defend their troops and air space. That all works beautifully if you are paired against regional enemies, the likes of Greece. However against Russia that is not going to work and not because Turkey’s air force is much inferior to RuAF, but because they need air fields. Within the first day all vital infrastructure, military facilities and key production facilities would be hit with ballistic and cruise missiles including all air fields and planes that are stationed there. Once they are completely decimated, Russia would start direct flights over Turkish territory, obliterating any moving ground and naval units and would not take them long to destroy all military capabilities. Russia have 72 bomber/attack squadrons. Even if they only used 1/3 would be over in a week.

That being said Russia would never start or look to start War with Turkey or NATO. Further more Russia is looking to further integrate Turkey in it’s sphere of economic influence and on later stage military economy as well. Russia is actively been trying to avoid confrontation and made concession to Turkey, deescalated several times. I hope Erdogan would back off, but the problem with is first his type of characters and second local culture and mentality – something called “save face”. He needs a small victory or something that would make him look like he is equal partner, that he is not humiliated in any way or he is achieving and wining some of his goals. The problem is that Russians have drown a line and Idlib needs to be cleared of terrorists. I just wonder who is going to blink first as Erdogan also needs Russia in economical terms and also to leverage his position with USA.


It’s pretty obvious isreal has no fear of Russian nuclear weapons they seem to know Russia will not resort to such things plus isreal and its allies seem to posses some unconventional weoponry which scares the shit out of people it’s probably Babylonian shit involving demons and gods and spirits and such like no shit one of the most powerful forces in the world today is a man with tits and a goats head he is one of the ancient demons these zionists masonic illuminati cunts worship


Syrian fighters are tougher than you think,cia muppet pm back then ordered your hato hit,hato are a packa gutless tyrants whom can’t fight for sht. Either way intell is way outta touch,way too unprofessional to render advantage,and no russia ain’t gonna use nukes either,what for,tyrant?

Well they have the hardest trained military on earth,cia is finished,and you need to wisen up, don’t be the feminist and jump to conclusions,you know complacency got too many liars killed!

You will become popular here with a post like that,for sure,glad I ain’t you.


Level the turkish positions!!!! After a couple of them the turks will learn to observe and not side with the terrorists.

Josiah Isaboke

They better train on how to duck the Russian missiles because they are going to be doing a lot of that in the next coming days…Turkeys running from getting roasted here> https://twitter.com/warsmonitoring/status/1233112864690515968


retarded turkish soldiers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgVXTyFE140


Does the Turkish military have a contract with ‘Tyres R Us’ ?

Assad must stay

lmao too funny


How did this happen?


4 Turkish soldiers were killed after a car bomb exploded in the Ras Al Ayn countryside north of Hassakah

A large number of the dead and wounded in the ranks of the Turkish army, after their site near the town of Bullion, south of Idlib, was bombed by warplanes



ΤurkIsrAmourica is failing everywhere !


Lone Ranger

They will run out of drones ;)

Josiah Isaboke

Twitter has deleted videos of a direct hit on the place they were hiding….I was blocked from Twitter the other day for putting up videos of Turkish soldiers getting directly hit by an airstrike…3 days without twitter so today they have deleted from ZOKA and MONITORING…Don’t mess with the Deep State;;;Hhahahhahahahahah!!!


do you have the video of them getting directly hit i want to see it pls

klove and light

Breaking Sputnik News……… seems like the russian Military is now fed up!!!!

The Russian military announced Thursday evening that the Syrian air defences downed a Turkish attack drone that violated Syrain airspace and was preparing to carry out strikes against the positions of the government’s forces in Idlib’s Maarzaf area. Speaking in a daily briefing, the head of the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation, Rear Admiral Oleg Zhuravlev noted that Ankara keeps violating the agreements reached with Moscow in the Idlib de-escalation zone established in northern Syria. “In violation of the Sochi accords, the Turkish side continues to support the actions of illegal armed groups in the Idlib de-escalation zone by artillery fire and the use of reconnaissance and strike drones in attacks on the units of the Syrian armed forces,” Oleg Zhuravlev highlighted.


warplanes bombed a turkish observation post south of idlib near baylun and reporst of many casualties among turkish soldiers, erdogan holding an emergency meeting right now in besiktas….

klove and light

seems like russian Military Leadership is now taking over and bypassing Zionist stooge putin,.

sounds very positive now for SAA


or mayby you are just wrong and putin is not sionist just careful and patient

Lone Ranger

Right you are.

Al Balog

I agree. Putin is the 4D chess master. Some people just don’t get it ?

The Farney Fontenoy

No, Putin is Israel’s man, and is under very tight jewish control, however Russian military will not bow to Israel, last year Shoigu forced Putin to blame Israel, in a humiliating public U-turn after Israel got a Russian spy plane shot down. Putin has very few friends in the military.


No you are just a liar and a flog,who has it in for putin as he don’t respect kweers and you being one of deplorable liars,despite putin contributions is proof you are as your fake zoggie khazar bots,down with your tyranny,RUSSIA STOCKS UP!

The Farney Fontenoy

Please ask families of SAA killed by Turkish drones today what they think of Putin letting Turkey kill their sons.

Lone Ranger

Putin is love, Putin is life :)


Go back to your toy soldiers noob,you don’t rate not even to a single hair on putins ass,flogged!

klove and light

Breaking News………yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

an entire turkish Military column was atatcked in Idlib for first time…… 30+ dead, over 70 wounded


Kinda ruins your previous post, huh? Calling Kell stupid and now your own post shows who is stupid. Your vapid and crude remarks are not welcome. Some who uses diplomacy and their brain seems to be a foreign concept to you. You also seem to forget where Syria and Iran would be without Russian backing.





Attacked by whom, how? Russians? Those.. you hate so much?


At least, Russia should tell Turkey not to do that.


Russia has, :)


Peter Jennings

It’s time to flatten every Turkish observation post before they cause the destruction of Syrian and Russian aircraft. Air supremacy over Idlib is essential for SAA success.

It won’t be a good year for the Turkish tourist industry. They may as well file for bankruptcy now and get ahead of the rush. Erdogan would rather play his political games than care about the business lost. He also risks bad ties with the only country that was willing to help him during his problem with assassins and regime change agents. Such Ingratitude won’t go unnoticed.

Tim Williams

RuAF leveled one today 30 + Turks dead

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Hmmm, but are they ‘good’ Turks or ‘bad’ Turks to the sultanate?

Assad must stay

erdodog should escape to antarctica lmao


Less pro cia turks and brussels teorrists,the better for mankind,me thinks.

Joe Doe

This was very obvious Turkish military fire those MANPADs.Shutting down 2 helicopters requires precision and such precision you can get by substantial training. Therefore, militans have no such training in such short time

Rhodium 10

Syrian air force has begun to attack Turkish outpost!….



You can call me Al


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Erdogan has the option of enlightenment or the abyss.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

MOSCOW, February 27. /TASS/. Russian and Turkish servicemen have held a joint patrolling mission in Syria’s Hasakah province, the Russian Center for reconciliation of the conflicting sides in Syria said on Thursday.

“Another joint Russian-Turkish patrolling mission was carried out along the route of Qamishli — Shayreq — Delliq — Tavrat — Qasra — Duhayt — Tell Boum — Kara Mania — Salam Alayk — Shayreq — Qamishli in Hasakah province,” chief of the Russian reconciliation center Oleg Zhuravlev said.

Moreover, Russian military police carried out three patrol missions on Aleppo province and one in Hasakah province. Aerial patrolling missions were also carried out from the aerdoromes in Qamishli and Qwaires.

Tim Williams

shoot them down now …


Dick Von Dast'Ard

I guess we shall find out whether the Syrian operated S-300 or the Russian operated S-400 takes them both out.

Tim Williams

overkill … PANTSIR can do it

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Or maybe the UAV’s are assisting Russian military aviation? I think many people are reading what is going on, all wrong.

Tim Williams


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well that’s my take, don’t see how you can be doing joint patrols and not in some kind of mutual deal and understanding. Rarely anything is quite what it seems at face value.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

2 Turkish drones reportedly operating over Idlib, I think if the Russians haven’t already given the SAA heaps of MANPADS, they should now. The map looks both good and bad at the same time now, I like all the additional red on the map that’s great, but all the blue dots make it look really ugly at the same time.


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