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MARCH 2025

Turkish Sultan-In-Chief Goes Wild, Threatens Putin, Claims Thousands Of Syrian Troops Were Killed

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Turkish Sultan-In-Chief Goes Wild, Threatens Putin, Claims Thousands Of Syrian Troops Were Killed

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On February 29, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan came with a new group of claims on the situation in Syria’s Idlib and Turkish agressive actions in the region.

Erdogan claimed that the operation in Idlib is not a gamble and is not an attempt to expand Turkish border. The Turkish President added that Turkish forces entered the region under a request from the “Syrian people” (i.e. al-Qaeda terrorists that use civilians as human shields) and Turkey will not leave the area until the “people” request this (i.e. Turkey wants to occupy the region).

Erdogan said that he told President Vladimir Putin that Russia must leave Turkey with the “regime” (the legal Syrian government) one on one.

On top of that the Turkish president claimed that Turkish forces killed over 2,100 Syrian troops, destroyed 300 pieces of military equipment and 7 chemical depots. If these numbers are close to the reality, it reamsin unclear how the Syrian Army continues advancing in southern Idlib, while all Turkish successes were limited to capturing Saraqib and losing a few dozens of troops.

The Turkish president statement also adressed the current situation with the EU migration crisis. Erdogan officially confirmed that Turkey is now intentionally sending refugees to Europe.

“What did we do yesterday? We opened the doors,” Erdogan said. “We will not close those doors … Why? Because the European Union should keep its promises.”

The Turkish leader said 18,000 refugees had gathered on the Turkish borders with Europe since February 28, adding that the number could reach as many as 30,000 on February 29. The Erdogan government is as always trying to blackmail the EU in an attempt to get from it financial and diplomatic support to Turkish actions in the Middle East. Apparently, Erdogan has his own specific vision of how his country should win friends and influence the international community.


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Shut the f**k up you Turd troll !


?. Lol

Rhodium 10

Fake!..RUAF are now attacking Saraqib and other parts while Turkish UAV are flying near them?…Erdogan need to save his face posting past attacks in Libya and Kurdish areas…other attacks have been recorder by Cuadracopters drones and are indeed terrorist ATGM attacks vs SAA!


Sure sure Fake… LOL! Keep believing it. But this is only a human psychological mechanism of someone who doesnt want to believe because the truth hurts!

It is called denial!

Concrete Mike

Like when you deny you love affair with jabhat al nusrah and Israel.

Go fuck yourself terrorist supporter!


I care about Turkish soldiers and Turkey….nusrah and Israel is not my business. Turkish soldiers died and SAA will pay a heavy price for it!


Rumor has it that erdogan sent the solders, participating in the coup against him to Syria to get rid of them.

Porc Halal

shithead, the map speak for itself!!..your claims are baseless…all which is coming from you is just FAKE NEWS…


Just follow pro SAA and pro Hisbollah Twitter accounts and you will see what is fake.

They are crying….


Why then are pro SAA and Hisbollah accounts literally crying since 24 hours? Just follow them, you will see if everything is fake or not! The loses are big of SAA!



Fake fake fake…sure!

KASIRGA K+ Missiles have CEP of 10m and a Blast Radius of minimum 60m. And the Bora missile is even bigger with minimum 280km range. In Hama biggest SAA military camp were attacked near Judin with Bora missiles. Who knows how many SAA died.


Many officers of SAA killed:


Rhodium 10

And human stupids believe fake propagande…surely SAF Mig 29 allow Turkish attacks drones over its territory attacking SAA…


a dozen SAA and Hezbollah officers were killed and over 50 SAA all across the lines.. the dog used the calm to strike. SAA were told to stand down.. the dog fooled poutin again… the hit was bad enough to stop idlib ops for now..


Why are you spreading information like that? What is the source? Western MSM reporting from Turk sources? Funny guy from London basement as “source”?

Rhodium 10

SAA are advancing in south Idlib…RUAF are lauched airstrikes…Turk dogs have no any chance to keep positions as we have seen along Syrian war..

Angry Guy


is now using combat drones in a closed?!?!? syrian airspace freely – no

russian air defense is firing, no fighters are intercepting, poor

soldiers are getting slaughtered, long range missiles are coming from

Turkey and S300/400 is silent!!!!!! Where is the ballistic missile

defense, where is air cover what the fuck is happening??

This open

turkish aggression is happening for more than 2 weeks now and no

fucking response from the weak and pathetic Putin! I am sorry, even if

he helped save Syria from destruction before this permissive behaviour

towars Turkey terrorist regime and no military response speaks volumes

of his cowardliness and disgusting backstabbing too the ally in dire


At least attack the turkish arty firing inside Syria at

Syrian positions and fire at their drones!!!!!!!!!! Defend your ally or

get the fuck out – at least the syrian army can then respond back and

destroy turkish obs. posts for starters unlike now where they are

forbidden because putin ties their hands!

Imagine the morale of

Syrian troops where they are openly attacked by Turkey but there is no

response from Russia! There is no close air support either (bombing from

8km with dumb bombs is not cas but just plain stupid and inefficient

and with no regards to civilians)

Where are the ka-50/52

helicopters with antitank missiles and cannons which would have a field

day with attacking terrorists? Where are the su-25 cas missions? (dont

give me a manpads excuse) What has happened with atgm missile jammers

which we have been seeing on some Syrian tanks years back and were said

to defeat incoming missiles? No tanks are equipped with it anymore?


many more syrians have to die because of Putin soft policy towards

Turkey? When will Russia start bringing in fighters, sams and other

equipment to confront the turkish terrorist aggresssor?! Because now

they are hopelessly outnumbered. I am getting sick of this shit. Such

cowardice, such low regard to human life for an ally is something that

is deeply disturbing, he is willingly letting them die! If that is the

case Russia should get the fuck out and let Erdogan have Idlib and his

terrorist budies since Syria cannot defend themselves! Be honest and

tell them you wont defend them, not letting them into a meat grinder!


is morally bankrupt and destroying reputation of the russian army. I

one had high regard of Putin but now I see what he really is – weak,

pathetic, disgusting thug who just so happens to be good friends with

warcriminal Netanyahu and warcriminal saudi king and wants to be a

friend of Erdogan too, the guy who was supporting isis before.

Look at this and tell me if this is normal when Erdorgan is killing syrian troops en masse!


Rhodium 10

Keep calm man!…Erdogan have posted fake attacks and propaganda machine to save his face!…most of that videos are from Libya, Kurdistan ( Afrin) and ATGM/Artillery attacks launched by terrorist and recorder by Cuadracopters drones….Tukey asked Russia to allow helicopters to fly over idlib to pick up death and wounded soldiers!…RUAF are flying over Idlib and do you really think that Turkish drones are flying near them?…Turkish sent a drone that was shot down with the purpose to cheat people that his drones were flying over Idlib and attacking SAA with impunity!…meanwhile Russia and Turkish army are patrolling north Syria today!

Angry Guy

go on a livemap. The Turkey is bombing the Syrian army again as we speak!!! Putin is a traitor and a coward. Watch RT and Sputnik, Putin stood down and let Erdogan destroy Syrian army!


yes,yes, and yes! and my great great grandma shot JFK dead, ah, no, sorry it was my grandma.

Angry Guy

What are you some kind of a retard? What else do you call turkish bombardment with no russian response? Isnt the Putin the commander in chief?


I can do nothing to improve your law IQ. aS FOR THE TURKISH BOMBARDMENTS…. IN YOUR DREAMS HONEY!

Rhodium 10

live map is a pro israeli web


The Syrians are getting slaughtered wholesale. The Zio-Masonic cabal must be licking their chops with pleasure.


Nice try honey. We buy london bridges and corona virus masks, potatos and potatoes, whatever you sell.


SAA should shot down the drones themselves and should rely more on its on strength. Otherwise the SAA soldiers lose trust and confidence.


To a certain extend I agree with some of your commends, Russia could do more! But it was your fault to believe that Putin is there in Syria to save the country, its people and restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Putin ‘s Russia is in Syria for the following reasons. 1. To establish and maintain naval and air bases in Syria. Before Russian troops get to Syria a military agreement was signed with Assad. Keep Assad alive or any other who agrees with this agreement. 2. Russian intervention, as Putin said multiple times, was to prevent terrorist from moving from there to the very sensitive South Russian region ( Chechnya, Dagestan) where the majority of the people are Muslims with connections with SA, Qatar and UAE. 3. Control and/or at least influence the various allies of Assad ( Iran , Hesbolah), Syrian Kurds, Turks and Israel. 4. Delay or even destroy plans of Iraq, SA, Qatar and Iran to reach Mediterranean with a new piping system mainly for gas and secondary for oil, avoiding Turkey territory and ports as a strong alternative. 5. In any possible way to avoid conflict with USA, Turkey and beloved Israel, even if this hurts Syria’s interests. 6. Putin’s Russia is working hard to emerge as a kind of uniting and trustworthy power in the Middle East I think your frustration about Putin has not done enough, should be seeing through all the above and may be other reasons that I can not think of.


SAA is about to cut M4 and to liberate M5 while Turds screaming about their victory. What joke! What Turd victory?

Idlib will be liberated and dead Turds will be sent back where they came from. Go SAA, Russia, Iran and Hezb ! Death to the Turds !


You are right, Putin and Erdogan are just joking around with Assad. Putin just gratulated for Erdogans Birthday….


It was 3-4 days ago ! Before SAA have killed 33 Turd rats :-)))


And how many SAA died later???

Oh sorry i meant are dying…because i just read about new Drone attacks ?


2100 SAA dead hundreds of tanks and other weaponry destroyed according to you Turds.. Of course all that is Turd propaganda.



2100 number are since the beginning of Idlip operation of SAA… TAF used Artillery and Rockets since the last weeks. Our FIRTINA Howitzers and Guided Rockets like T-122 G+ and Kasirga K+ are very accurate. Just follow Pro SAA and Pro Hisbollah Twitter accounts. Then you can make it up, if everything is just fake!


Just “follow” the FACTS on the ground you retard ! Soon M4 will be cat off and M5 liberated ! You KEEP LOSING THE GROUND in Idlib ! You can stick your propaganda up your Turd a*s !


Yes you can have what is south of M4… Rest is enough for Turkey as buffer Zone. This will now be part of Turkish Zone like Afrin, El Bab, Tal Abyad and Ras Al ayn.


“you can have what is south of M4…” Ha ha ha ha ha ! That was not given but TAKEN from you Turds and your TERRORISTS! Soon enough the rest will fall as well !


Oh i dont think so… Think about Hatay and Cyprus. Turkey will not leave so easily. These are de facto part of Turkey now. Soon there will be an Understatement with Putin and Erdogan and some Part of Idlib will be also integrated to the Turkish Zone. And if you attack Turkish soldiers, you will have to pay… Think about the Drone Attacks ?

George King

Ayman, Putin said ALL Syrian commons to be restored, we have a name for those who fart through their mouths.


Oh i forgot, may be you can give a try in east with US Forces ?


They will have their lesson in due time also! It will not be the 1st country from which they have RUN AWAY !


It’s not up to you to say what Syria can do in their own country.

George King

Erdogan has opened up Pandora’s Box and very well lose Haytay province and Cyprus enclave if justice is to be served. Libya and claims of other nations oil and gas deposits was a reach too far……



But yes all fake of course

Wolfgang Wolf

drones that nobody saw flying, just the turkish TV) all clear)


I hear the turkish lira has hit rock bottom. Is that why you are working so hard?


You mean the Turkish pigeons that are dropping pebbles


There are also North Korean Special Forces, as Syria and North Korea enjoy excellent brotherly relations. North Korea has also built 4 extensive care, trauma hospitals in the vicinity of Damascus. North Korea has military Advisors that also train Hezbollah. Alot of guerrilla warfare tactics, tunneling at the border region with Isreal was taught to Hezbollah by North Korea since the inception of Hezbollah. Incidentally, Syrian Military Intelligence introduced the North Korean Warfare Specialists to the Lebanese group when they left Lebanon.

North Korea Special Forces are among the best in the world. And are masters of field artillery accuracy. As North Korean military doctrine relies heavily on field artillery.

Also embedded with the SAA 25th Special Forces Division and the 4th Armored Division are very battle hardened, very lethal Russian Chechens from the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation. The President of the Federation is Mr. Kadyrov, whom is like a ‘ son ‘ to Mr. Putin. Mr. Kadyrov will do anything for his mentor, Putin.

That’s why when the Kremlin called Mr. Kadyrov in 2015, Putin personally gave Mr. Kadyrov the task of sending units of his men to the Donbass, and ‘ dealing ‘ with the Ukrainian military that were dealing unacceptable losses on the People’s Militia’s that were put together in haste.

So the Chechens arrived just in time, put the inexperienced militias to their rear and confronted the Ukrainian Army that was sent to take the Donbass back, at Donetsk International Airport (which was just built, was huge, and state of the art. Very modern and the pride and joy of the Donbass).

The Chechens and the Ukrainian Army Group met at the airport at a devastating battle broke loose. The Ukies were absolutely no match for the very experienced Russian Chechens. After a long period in which the Ukranian army was taking huge losses, and the airport reduced to absolute rubble, the Ukrainian Army was finished as an army anymore. The remaining units fled the battle, in big hurry, leaving everything behind, including thousands of their dead. Among the dead were the ‘Azos’ battalion, Ukraine’s best Special Forces.

Then the Ukrainian Military sent an armored Division to pierce through Donetsk People’s Republic through what they thought was a weak point, as western intelligence gave the Ukies bad advice.

At the town of Debaltsevo, the Chechens were waiting for the Armored Division, and what followed was a very violent battle in which the Chechens proved themselves as experts in artillery designations with advanced spotters ‘ marking ‘ the columns with laser. The Battle of Debaltseve marked the end of Ukrainian Military offensives since then. They simply could not recoup.

The same Chechens were sent to Syria, and some to Libya, where they have been seen in action. Especially Libya, because when they showed up fighting on Haftar’s side , where they essentially took over the front line fighting from the Libyans and others, the Chechens ( whom were again, sent by Putin and Shoigu) the battle lines south of Tripoli saw serious movement, after what seemed like an unbreakable stalemate.

So, the SAA , NDF are backed up by Iranian IRGC, Hezbollah, Russian Special Forces, North Korean Special Forces, Chinese Specialists who dont want the Uighurs fighting alongside Al Qaeda and HTS, from going back home and blowing things up. Better to deal with them in Syria.

Battle lines Re drawn. This could get very interesting, and the Turks start a major fight they cannot handle and soon enough Ankara is under seige.l


This sort of thing seems to be common, interventionist states enjoying a recent gain, then attempting to sue for peace or declaring premature victory.

Reminds me of Bush’s “mission accomplished” faux pas in 2003, but of a decidely lesser stature.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

propaganda is for the terrorists benefit. if they thought they were losing they would lay down arms

Angry Guy

While Erdogan is killing Syrian troops , Putin congratulates Erdogan on his birthday….


Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

God Bless Russia and Putin

Angry Guy

Yes great ally, Putin is da man! You fucking idiot

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

There wouldnt be a syria left if it wasnt for putin, your russiaphobic bias is showing

Angry Guy

I am pro Russia you simpleton. Put your head out of Putins ass. No one is denying that Putin saved Syria until this point. What is happening now is the moment of truth, its all on the line

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you have made 32 comments, most of them you are anti putin. stfu. you are nothing but a sock account.

Angry Guy

I am not. I was watching this war for years and I cannot remain silent anymore seeing the treachery he commits. You are a retard if for what has been happening lately still see him as a great leader!


klove is that you? you pos

Angry Guy

Nope. But I agree with him. He is telling the truth you Putin fanboys dont wanna hear. You ppl only call names but never give counter arguments.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Sorry mohhammed, your NATO / Israeli created terrorists are getting turned into pink mist

Angry Guy

You are pathetic

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

LOL i would have to value your opinion to care about it. putin also controls Trump didnt ya know, and wants bernie sanders to win USA elections…

you complete fuktard

Angry Guy

You have no counter arguments only name calling. Stfu

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you have no argument. you ‘imagine’ putin is allowing this. you have no proof, and you honestly think drones are operating in the same airspace as SAA and Russian fighter jets?

Angry Guy

Yes. Drones dont carry 100km range missiles. Check the livemap

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

syria hasnt lost 3k soldiers, it hasnt lost 300 vehicles, it is still making gains in idlib. and you are a sock account

Angry Guy

I didnt said it has. Whatever you say Putin fanboy.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

putin fanboy.. wow, slayer comment. am actually a verified russian bot. and all your election are belong to us


Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

so you dismiss over 4 yrs of russian involvement to parrot the same anti putin codswallop we have all seen on this site for yrs? are you a complete dickhead? or do you have to practise?

Angry Guy

I dont dissmiss, Putin is. Right now he is letting Turks bomb Syrians at free will

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

then why have Russian and SAA warplanes been sending turkish soldiers home in bodybags all week?

Angry Guy

Only Syrian

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

over 50 turkish soldiers killed last week, russian defense ministry issued a statement saying turkish soldiers were embedded with terrorists


Have some mercy on the poor guy. It must be difficult for him to have his dreams broken, going down the drain. This is nothing but a confirmation of the victories of Syria and allies! Rejoice!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you claim it’s all on the line now? lol

have been watching the conflict since Russia entered the war. have pretty much watched every syrian war report for the least 4 yrs.

if you genuinely believe that taking idlib is all down to the last few weeks of fighting you really do need to take a step back. Russia has been holding off against this operation because of OPCW corruption, ALL NATO allies aggression, and many many more reasons it isnt a foot race. this is war, you need to learn more about politics.


On another thread here it is said that Turkey asked to send UNARMED recce drones to patrol the Sochi ‘exclusion zone’. And an order was sent to the SAA to NOT fire at any Turk Drones that day.

President Putin and his planners have been fastidious about adhering to Internation Law and agreements in general in Syria.

It is likely that the Russians were concerned that the Turks would send armed drones BUT President Putins strategy in the face of perfidious NATO, has always been to respond harshly in a measured way in Syria. Hence the gradual deployment of advanced Russian weaponry.

Now that the Turks are publicly supporting UN designated terror groups with Turkish equipment and soldiers, it is apparent to all that Turkey is violating International Law by invading Syria. President Putin now has more proof after the Turk drone deception that he has acted in good faith.

The next few weeks will be pivotal in Syria and coupled with a world stock market collapse that now rivals that of 2008 and the Corona hysteria, we are in uncharted waters.


This is diplomacy. The war still goes on. Moslems should watch Putin and learn


But of course. Mr Putin is a statesman!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yup. diplomacy has been part of this conflict just as much as tanks and planes. i do beleive Russia has put a wedge between turkish and USA relations


WW3 isn’t far away now. This was the plan all along.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

lol WW3 has been ongoing since the ‘end’ of WW2


It’s starting to really heat up now.


This will be the great Gog and Magog war.


edogan now sounding like a street punk “must leave turkey with regime one on one” …im really starting to doubt the syrian/russian alliance …what happened yesterday was bad , i know you guys will say oh the vids are fake but there is a very high chance they were real and as we speak now turkey still raining hell on saa postions …and it clearly shows : no real advance since 72 hours i’ve seen some videos yesterday of syrian soldiers they seem very concerned …and it seems the russkies can’t do sh*t about it …russia has shown it’s might against the militants but never against turkey (turkey has shot down a russian airplane – killed the russian ambassador – tried to shoot down 2 more russian jets with manpads – bombed hmeimim airbase – supported militants that killed multiple russian soldiers through the years of war – never honored the sochi agreement – erdogan disrespected russia at multiple occasions and supported crimea and is against russian interests in libya …..) i think there is a deal made between turkey and russia that allows turkey to strike saa positions with no permission to let the militants advance …idk it seems weird….the best thing russia can do know is to hurt the militants extremly bad maybe use a 20 kallibr strikes overnight that will oblitarate the entire military and human infrastructure of idlib so that turkey wont have mercenaries and ground forces on the ground that can rely on …and i promise they don’t have the balls to put turkish troops in direct combat with saa and hezb cuz they will be smacked …i know russia can’t risk war with crazy turkey but it can hurt really bad the militants like bring another fleet of sukhois and some tu-160 and go ful berzerk in idlib

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Russia pounded the hell out of saraqib yesterday. and SAA have continued to make gains, and all week Turkish soldiers have been coming home in bodybags

Angry Guy

Just stfu already it wasnt the russians who killed the turkish troops! On the other hand the russians because of Putin do allow killing of syrian troops. Literaly! Anyway I am done with you you are lost case.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

tiny little mind you. go blab your anti putin propaganda somewhere else.


You must be enjoying your role as a double agent, agent provocateur. Poor performance. Don’t try so hard. It’s pointless. SAA is advancing. The panic mode demonstrates the deep troubles you are in. Yes, that’s right, deep troubles. You get what you deserve.


turds and roaches are now embedded with headbitting rats. It’s hard for RuAF to strike without stepping on turds..


erdoogie turned stupid… cant believe he is openly saying the same excuses hitler used.. actually hitler had a better narrative but the dog wants to help out terrorists?????? again US is fighting ISIS but the US supports the dogs ISIS against syria.. comes from playing too much didlo.. Yes ISIS is clearly in idlib now..

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

God bless Southfront.org

and lol at the trolls who claim putin is working with turkey to destroy assad

Angry Guy

Who exactly is claiming that?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

some nobjockey sock account called Angry Guy

Angry Guy

You have your head so much in Putins ass you dont even know it. What a pathetic man you are. A true cult beliver, like MAGA retards who praise Trump.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

LMAO do you work for CNN?

Lone Ranger

He is a Hasbarat, not tbe only one here I may add, I counted 4-5 sofar.


look at this pussy jihadi low life, hitting a man in the face while his hands are tight…i hope they get the same treatment when they get captured by saa pls someone send me a video of saa soldiers smacking around hts scum ….i hope all theses terrorists scum will die a bad death torn in pieces with open skulls fuc*k them and god blees the brave syrian arab soldier i will pray for you brother you’re a hero and a saint may allah bless you https://twitter.com/CivilWarMap/status/1233484301938941957

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

i agree but i cannot watch that sort of thing.


during execution everywhere the hands of sentenced are tight.

Traiano Welcome

Those who the gods would destroy, they first make mad.


The Turks seem to trying to out do Trump in the bizarre and irrational behavior for Israel. They are becoming an international pariah and an embarrassment. The only ones benefiting from the Turk’s self destructive behavior is the Jews. While the Turks alienate themselves from everyone else on the planet.


We don’t need Turkish help, as soon as a new patriotic government is established under Gantz – all of your cries will fall on deaf ears. A payback is coming to Gaza for a decade of rockets, we will enjoy slaying them and mercy is not something they will get. Their casualties will be just a number for us.


The whole world is familiar with your evil cult’s crimes against humanity. And everyone here is familiar with your criminally insane desire to add to them.


– 2018–19 Gaza border protests –



You don’t get me do you? they started all that mess when they first fired rockets on Israelis after we left Gaza in 2005 and the Islamists took over it in 2006. Since then, we have done 3 military operations (which i participated 2008, 2012, 2014) – only to be stopped halfway. Now, if you think the world will stop us again then you’re wrong, the only one that has stopped the IDF under a fake ceasefire was Bibi for his seat, and it’s ending next week. They want war? they will get one.


You’re the one who wants war, endless war. And you’ve gotten it. The sooner that Israel and Jews are gone the sooner that your Yinon plan forever war will be gone. And the world will be a much better place for it.


Be careful what you wish for, we might decide to disappear the Palis instead. No one is removing us from here, and you will learn it when we go all in into Gaza to smash their heads.


Coming from someone who has retreated from Gaza 3 times after Hamas kicked your evil cult out I’m not impressed.


Can you read? we left under a UN pressure because “Oh poor Palis they just shoot rockets and you kill so many of them” crap.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You ran from Hezbollah anti tank troops, you Jewhadi cowards.


There’s more pressure at the UN now than then. The US veto was overturned to authorise a military force to deal with you trouble makers. And that’s exactly what needs to be done. Unfortunately the stupid Turks are busy fighting your Yinon plan forever war and dying for you. That needs to stop.


LOL…you lie again. No US Veto was overturned and the proof is there is no such UN military force as you claim. Now give the link to the binding UN resolution overriding a US Veto and creating a military force to be used against Istael. You truly are a looney toon. Get help.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Denying reality is why you Jewhadis kept on being exiled for 2000 years.

Your fighting men are sheet, can’t you read a history book?


Engaging in those violent fantasies will not save your soul. You need to reform and become a decent person.


LOL…and who will make that happen? You, junior? Take a look at your own competitive casualty list and get real. You and yours sure seem to be congenital losers. But you still go right ahead advocating genocide which if tried would not turnout too pretty for you and yours.


I hope you’re correct. But the polls aren’t looking so good today.


So? You proud of being a bunch of losers?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Another crazy Jewhadist.

Lone Ranger

Gantz is a soft liberal compared to nutti bibi…


That is so not true, go read about the man, a true Israeli National hero. Unlike Bibi the corrupted fuckhead.

S Melanson

Will Gantz defeat Netanyahoo? I have read that the outcome is still uncertain and very much up in the air. Are there new developments that give you optimism of Netanyahoo’s fall?


Yes Melanson, Bibi’s trial begins 2 weeks after the elections at March 17th. He can not run Israel and face court at the same time so the high court can decide he is not allowed to continue as PM. That is most likely to happen, then Gantz can form a unity government and become the PM. The key man in our politics is Liberman, he would probably recommend Gantz and not Bibi, so he can have the most seats.

S Melanson

Good to hear.

People here commenting are letting personal bias dictate what they pen and it it really disappointing. No nation is entirely pure, or entirely vile in their words and deeds and so I would think that Russian and Turkish actions could be debated on the merits of the arguments as opposed to which team one is rooting for.

That said, I would like your opinion on how I see things which I have been fairly consistent about in past comments. I wrote a comment three days ago about the disastrous Astana Process and it is in my Disqus account. Here are my key thoughts:

Erdogan will make good on his threats and conduct major operation with Turkish military engaging SAA directly.

Erdogan will engage Russian forces in Turkey if necessary.

Russian forces can do a lot of damage but not sufficient to prevent Turkey overrunning SAA – SAA lack depth and elite troops cannot be everywhere at once.

Chances of escalation involving US and NATO is greater then people think, particularly if Erdogan abandons S-400 deal.

In my opinion, Putin and Russian military are in internal power struggle making the situation more uncertain and dangerous – similar to the period following the IL-20 incident which Bibi completely failed to grasp – he should have been voted out for that alone.

Lastly, SAA supporting claim of Turkey behind Armenian genocide was unnecessary provocation. Add to that bombing Turkish troops with Russian support, I do not see this intimidating Erdogan into backing down, if that was the intention. If anything, SAA and Russia have made it more likely Erdogan will follow through with his threats.

Your thoughts…


Well Melanson, I agree with most of the things you wrote. Erdogan can not back down now, he has made many promises to his public to take back control over Idlib and now he is actually doing it. Russia can do some damage as you said, but same thing with Israel – if Turkey goes all in with their army then the SAA has no chance, just watch the 14min video of the airstrikes against SAA and the aftermath. Erdogan will keep the S-400 in my opinion to put some pressure on Russia so he won’t cancel the deal, at the same time he has the power to blackmail the EU with the refugess crises that scares them the most, even more than Assad. Erdogan has good cards now, question is how he plays it – if he fixes the relations with the U.S and can get back their support, then Russia can’t do much in that case. Putin tried to keep Turkey away from NATO, and it did work for a while, but Erdogan is not stupid to trust Russia. I think if the SAA continues their offensive in Idlib and capture more Turkish OP, Erdogan can and will fulfill his threats – and that will affect the entire ME. We need to wait and see in the next few days if he does declare war on Syria. Regarding Israel, I am confident that if Bibi loses this monday, our entire policy is going to change and that means we go to an offensive rather than just attacking weapon shipments here or there. I know the IDF is very well prepared to any conflict from my recent exercises, I believe a Gaza operation is just around the corner.


To compare Russian army and Turk army



boy, russia can not send 50% of ts army in war with turkey. moreover, russia is not able to send 2% of its army. (for russia was too expensive keoop 100 aircrafts in syria!)

russia has no balls to use nuclear weapons. therefor you can not involve them in comparison.


Shut up troll bitch!


take 2 pills of xanax

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Kanada has no balls, why don’t you go join your Jewhadi tour.


this is not my business, boy. if ia were syrian, i were in the army.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So you are just a bitch on the sideline then, ok.


like you :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I don’t support Jewhadis like you do.

Trolling for head choppers makes you a filthy perv.


You can’t be more exact. Kananda is Sunni (Arab?) Muslim. So he doesn’t really see Jewhadis as enemy. He hates Turks but that is all. He is half terrorist himself

(a “moderate” terrorist that chop’s only half of the head)

He is probably already in EU as “rape fugee” I would shoot the bastard if I only could. That day will come and Europeans will exterminate the Jewhadi pest or send them back where the came from.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I think this guy would suck Turks as well as 3 skins.

Jewhadis are practised perverts, all those kids they take in Palestine would tell you that.

Lone Ranger


Wolfgang Wolf

no need to keep 100 aircraft in Syria… so why are you talking about such numbers?


The Turkish government’s military recruiting strategy. https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/154/334470993_e0f84d2516.jpg


Never has a more truthful meme been created.


Just suggestion:

DAVID starts should be used instead of regular starts on the top hat . In that case even “I want you” would be sufficient for people to understand the meme: who wants them for war and why.


I agree but have just one quibble.

The star of david is some fiction that was invented by 19th century zionism.

The zionist six pointed star is just a hexagram, it has no connection whatsoever to the ancient Israelites or any hebrew state of antiquity. It was concocted out of the blue and has no historical basis.

John Brown

The Star of Remphan Molech Satan NOT the Star of David

rim phan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqgKV9oqbDU

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J7WIzKVev0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6mB5sEJUt4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuiogdTAkSk&t=92s https://southfront.org/situation-in-southern-caucasus-is-further-deteriorating/ star of rempham https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKcUxrHFnRg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTHssFg7i_g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G5_edtkcN8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiB1JVa7zEo

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2625649dc11d8d2c4bd0fe57de3f363608ea3abbfcf861bc751861e3300b84be.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiB1JVa7zEo The star was mentioned and condemned by the God of Israel in Amos 5:26 and it was called by Him, `the star of your god, Moloch’ or otherwise called `Chiun’. Reference to Amos 5:26 and the Israelites having it in the wilderness was also made in Acts 7:43. Here it was called the Star of Remphan. All these names refer to the `god’ Saturn. The hexagram was brought to the Jewish people by Solomon when he turned to witchcraft and idolatry after his marriage to Pharaoh’s daughter in 922B.C. It became known as the Seal of Solomon in Egyptian magic and witchcraft. David had absolutely nothing to do with the hexagram and that star most certainly did not, in any way, represent God’s people. Solomon gave himself up to satanic worship and built altars to Ashtoreth and Moloch (Saturn).

Christian S

Erdorat is maffia muslimbrotherhood, the sultan and his al qaida affiliates use turkey to fullfill a zionist wetdream, fightin the resistance. Russia tries not to get involved in this fight but sooner or later it has to show erdorats whos the boss. Russia aimin long term strategy with lotz of patience but bombing of tigers units is red line crossed i say, more fancy gear will be shipped to SAA but the experienced and skilled men are not replacable


It is war Soldiers get killed even the most experienced. Russia can’t baby sit everybody or do the fighting for SAA. Somebody should maybe answer why the Saraqib and surrounding area fell so quickly? They left quite lot of weapons, tanks and ammunition behind them. It is not how normal army fights the war. They cant just leave everything behind and run away. Either they are not real soldiers or the moral is very low in some SAA units. They can’t win the war with soldiers like that. Tigers and other elite troupes can’t be everywhere and regular troops are not worth much it seams…

Christian S

To fend off the invasion and win the war cannot be done without elite troops like tigers, since summer 2013 these guys turned every task on frontline into a victory, without em syrian war would be quite different, no way SAA can afford to lose them with shitty but effective drone/air strikes. 5th corps units replaced them at saraqib and are trained by russians but left without real fight leavn gear behind must be effect of pinpoint strikes by turks in which saa had no answer atm


There is lots of propaganda war going around with distorted information’s at the moment.. I didn’t see any Tiger losses As for “5th corps units” no training can compensate lack of motivation to fight. Those guys have run away without fighting leaving weapons and even tanks behind. Syria can’t win the war with soldiers like that


The Turkish government’s air superiority claims are being widely ignored and not covered in much of the international media.

Lone Ranger

Because its a lie. Mossad/Turkisis propaganda.

Prince Teutonic

This is a moment of truth for Russian army. If they abandon SAA and Assad all this effort they’ve put in will go to waste and Russia will be seen as paper tiger from now on…

Angry Guy



tige-er?? russia is only a shirty cat. :))

Lone Ranger

Than you were defeated by a kitty cat ;)


I think that that’s highly unlikely to happen. The more salient issue is is there any truth to these Turk reports about overrunning SADF air defenses, or is it just more hasbara propaganda for the Jews?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Keep your knickers on little girl, the moment of truth lays with the Jewhadi in Istanbul.

The USA and Israel are the paper tigers, this is their plan, where’s the US protection of its allies?


allegedly at night russia and turkey have found solution.

god save syria!

Lone Ranger

Erdofuck is delusional :_) Turkroaches are crying and raging…


If the Russian air defense systems are boat anchors as the Turks claim in their latest twitter offensive.Then why did they buy them rather than the Patriots, and why have they kept NATO and the IAF out of Syrian skies for all of these years? Something doesn’t add up.


LMFAO…if you missed it, the IDF has been bombing at will all over Syria for years with impunity. And last I checked, the US is part of NATO and it’s Airforce has been also operated over Syria for years. You truly live in an alternate universe created out of your delusional and demented wet dreams.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They couldn’t get patriots because the were a part of Trump’s punitive measures to curtail Erdogan’s activities in Al Hasakah, which was in response to Erdogan’s failure to comply with their agreement to allow Turkish troops to occupy SDF held territory and behave themselves, they didn’t, 12 verifiable war crimes in just the first week. All US arms sales to Turkey were halted, the EU also did the same thing, Spain and Italy announced they would not renew their obligations to supply their own patriot systems [NATO obligation], but Spain did decide to keep their patriots there because if they’d pulled out Turkey would be left with no effective long range Air defense systems. Why don’t you read some other news from time to time, you wouldn’t be so ignorant then, and even just reading SF news, you should be aware that the Israelis and US haven’t been kept out of Syrian sky’s at all, maybe if they were allowed to use those S-300’s the Russians gave them they could keep all enemy aircraft out of Syrian sky’s, but Putin won’t let them use them. Isn’t it lucky the Syrians didn’t have to pay for them, they would’ve been a big waste of money, despite the fact they’re the second best AA system in the world, the S-400’s are the best.

“they kept NATO and the IAF out of Syrian skies for all of these years? Something doesn’t add up”

LOL, have they, it’s you that doesn’t add up right, LOL.


Then prove with credible evidence that NATO and the IAF were flying over Syria west of the river in the Russian declared no fly zone.

Willing Conscience (The Truths



There’s at least 2 more I know of but I can’t be bothered finding them. And anyway you didn’t say,

“flying over Syria west of the river in the Russian declared no fly zone.”

You actually said this in the comment I responded to,

“and why have they kept NATO and the IAF out of Syrian skies for all of these years?”

But now you’ve changed it somewhat, it’s gone from “Syrian skies” to “flying over Syria west of the river”, do you really think that sane intelligent people don’t notice the difference, why do you continually try to move the goalposts after the games already started.

“they kept NATO and the IAF out of Syrian skies for all of these years? Something doesn’t add up”

LOL LOL LOL, you’re an idiot and a LIAR.


So now your spamming these threads with the Baghdadi story of highly questionable veracity. This certainly fits your profile as a Zionist shill. Do you get a Mossad paycheck for peddling hasbara propaganda?

The Russian no fly zone is in Syrian airspace. And the Russians on occasion are reported to have allowed the US to carry out anti terror operations in it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And do they also allow Israel to do the same thing too do they, on the odd occasion, it’s funny I’ve never come across anything from official Russian government websites that have ever confirmed what you just said, how about you provide a couple of links for that assertion,

“And the Russians on occasion are reported to have allowed the US to carry out anti terror operations in it.”

Come on Richard, provide a link confirming that the Russians have officially sanctioned airstrikes over Syrian territory by either the US or Israel.


“Moscow is ready to cooperate with Washington in the fight against international terrorism, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told Sputnik.”

– Russia Ready to Cooperate With US in Anti-Terror Fight –


Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, why are you totally off subject now, this has not even one shred of relevance to support your out and out lies, you said this,

“and why have they kept NATO and the IAF out of Syrian skies for all of these years? Something doesn’t add up.”

and this,

“Then prove with credible evidence that NATO and the IAF were flying over Syria west of the river in the Russian declared no fly zone.”

I did prove with credible evidence that the IAF and the US/NATO were flying over western Syria. And to prove the Russians allowed the US to bomb targets in Idlib, which your first comment denied has happened, you link this article that has only the very slightest relevance to our argument, this part

“Moscow is ready to cooperate with Washington in the fight against international terrorism”

But apart from that insignificant to our argument part of the article, it does absolutely nothing to confirm what you said, you’re just a stupid liar Richard, and you have a lot of very stupid friends on SF. Please point out what part of this article you linked says, or even implies the Russians gave the US permission to bomb in Idlib. …..

Moscow is ready to cooperate with Washington in the fight against international terrorism, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told Sputnik. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Moscow is ready to cooperate with Washington in the fight against international terrorism, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told Sputnik. On Tuesday, US Department of Defense spokeswoman Lt. Col. Michelle Baldanza told Sputnik that the Pentagon did not plan to conduct joint US-Russia anti-Daesh operations in Syria. “Of course, we are ready to cooperate with all sides to reach the common aim – combating terrorism,” Bogdanov said, when asked whether Russia was ready to cooperate with the United States. According to the official, the Russian side has called on Washington to warn their allies among the Syrian opposition that they should distance themselves from the Nusra Front extremist group. “We strike Nusra Front and do not touch the rest,” Bogdanov said. Syria has been mired in civil war since 2011, with government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups. A US-Russia-brokered ceasefire came into force across Syria on February 27, but it does not apply to terrorist organizations active in the country, such as the IS and Nusra Front, both outlawed in Russia.


You’re an idiot. I provided the proof that you asked for.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

it proved you’re an idiot.


You’re wasting my time and the site’s threadspace with your false accusations and idiocy.


LOL…so yet another has nailed you as the lying idiot you are…


You shill for baby rapers and war criminals.


You’re a headcase.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a headcase.


“US Central Command claimed to attack a takfiri training camp in the terrorist stronghold of Idlib province …

forty or more militants were killed in the strike, including senior terror leaders. …

the United States may have shared intelligence with Russian Federation Special Forces”

– Surprising US Attack in Idlib –


Willing Conscience (The Truths

“May of”. If I’d linked that to you as proof of anything you’d howled for a week, but you stupidly send it to me thinking I might be ok with it, LOL, you’re getting stupider as time goes by, change medications.


Coming from a self admitted liar who lies and plagerises habitually.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Coming from a self admitted liar who lies and plagerises habitually.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Coming from a self admitted liar who lies and plagerises habitually.

You misspelled plagiarize’s.


You’re the plagiarist.


A web search shows that they’re interchangeable variants of the same word.


The author has a lot more credibility than you do. And it doesn’t disprove what I’ve written. You are providing a lot of proof that you’re a headcase with your plagiarism problem.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You have no credibility, the only credibility you have is with other mindless trolls like yourself, which is still no credibility.


Coming from a self admitted liar, plagerist and narcotics user. Your false accusations have no credibility.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a headcase.


The only thing that plagiarizing my comments proves is that you’re a liar and a headcase. Just like your lies that you disproved what I’ve written with your links to the Baghdadi nonsense.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The only thing that plagiarizing my comments proves is that you’re a liar and a headcase. Just like your lies that you disproved what I’ve written with your links to the Baghdadi nonsense.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The only thing that plagiarizing my comments proves is that you’re a liar and a headcase. Just like your lies that you disproved what I’ve written with your links to the Baghdadi nonsense.


Like your fellow Zionist shill Jake spamming these threads with hasbara propaganda. You’re really making a fool out of yourself and deepening your already substantial credibility deficit with your repetitive false accusations.

I provide more quality source material with links than any other commentator on SF. Over 95% of which is from non SF sources.


Maybe. But most often they don’t prove what to claim or are irrelevant to what you claim. Your LSD trips clearly scrambled you brain, junior.

Wolfgang Wolf

keep the camelfuckers busy in Saraqib, cut of the M4 and let them dry out and finish them off in a salient in Saraqib… the rest of the idiots can live in turkish enclave close to the border.


turkey lies mythoman turkey!!

Art Best

Putin is enabling the Turks to MASSACRE the Syrians with armed UAVs and F-16 jets firing standoff bombs from outside Syrian airspace and you guys are celebrating a Syrian victory?

Putin killed hundreds of Syrian soldiers in the last couple of days in COLLABORATION with Erdogan.

Fear of retaliation does not justify betrayal nor suicide at the hands of your supposed enemy, the Turks.

I can’t believe you people. Are you all Zionist trolls?

Putin is a Zionist TRAITOR to Russia, western civilization and Christian peoples:


Angry Guy

Well said, but the ppl here are too much in love with Putin and will vote you down for any negative comments about him. I asked them: would you want to have an ally such as Russia in a event of war? I got no answer.


Thank you for the downvote. For me it’s a badge of honor! What does Mr Putin have to do with erdogan’s madness, bibi’s schizophrenia and the global warming? You must be but-hurt and frightened.

Art Best

Putin is an evil little man who was appointed by Drunkard-In-Chief who sold his country to the Zionist oligarchs, YELTSIN.

I’d rather have an enemy like the Turks than an ally like Putin and the Russians. How many millions of their Christian brothers have the horrible Russians killed at the behest of their Jewish Bolshevik masters?

Russians make me sick.


Me too, I mean the jew bolsheviks of Russian origin! The Russians are all right! Love and respect to Russia!

Art Best

Putin does the sword dance with the Wahhabi Muslim terrorists, my friend. Putin is no better than the Bolsheviks.


Sure, sure, you should be grateful to Mr Putin and praise him a few times per day as he has saved your tribe of semi-humans and the world as well.

Art Best

Precisely. Putin is part Jewish and a Zionist:



Whatever you say honey, no problem. You already made a fool of yourself. Hahaha!


Without Russian intervention in 2015 Assad would have fallen for sure, not sure how saving Syria helps the zionists infact its the opposite of what they have been trying to do

Art Best

This war would have been finished at least 2 years earlier, with 200-300.000 fewer casualties, if Putin and the Russians wanted it. It would have cost the Russians less in blood and treasure as well.

Putin and these Russians are perverted human beings. There is no other explanation.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It should’ve ended back in August/sep/oct 2018. By June 2018 the Arab League, the US, Israel, most of the EU, and the UN all said Assad could remain in power, Only Erdogan kept saying Assad had to go. But I’ve followed events from the very beginning, Putin alone should be the one held to account for the nightmare Syria’s become, he’s gone against his own militaries and governments advice from the very start and has prolonged the war way beyond it’s used by date. He ignored his generals advice to put Russian boots on the ground to help the Syrians put down what was then just a civil uprising, Putin said no they wouldn’t intervene because it was an internal matter the Syrians could work out for themselves. Then when he finally decided to intervene with equipment and aerial support, the same generals and advisers told him to also put Russian boots on the ground, and he didn’t. And even though Isis was running amok in Iraq right next door, Putin did nothing to help prepare for the invasion or even repel it when it started, he didn’t have the assets in place, and the US got a free pass to invade and take over the north. He about the worst military commander Russia could have, I hope if Russia has to fight a war against anyone now they’ll sack Putin from the military role and put a real military man in charge of the Russian army, as military commanders go Putin is crap, and disloyal too.


‘ We ‘ , the ‘ Axis of Resistance ‘ are neck deep in an asymmetrical war as we speak. AND Putin is an ally. I would certainly fight too

good american

You also didn’t answer when asked what was in the contract between Russia and Syria. If we are not familiar with the deal we cannot accuse Russia of breaking it. So far I don’t hear any complaints from the top military planners so I’d assume the sides are keeping to their respective agreements, whatever they may be.

Angry Guy

I don’t know what is the formal deal between them. I accuse them from the moral point of view, and because they are allies so they should help Syria. Specially because here we have a clear case of an open aggression from hostile nation which supports the same terrorists that Russia in fighting. They are even targeting russian planes for christ sake with the weapons Turkey provded and Putin just watches this.

good american

I don’t know, this is a thin ice situation that I can see the US grinning from the shore. Perhaps this is a bear trap? How does Russia work the situation without falling in?


And you Mista (R)? You must be a poor jewboy working for a few shekels, an armchair warrior, a propaganda virus.


Putin this, Putin that etc. That record is a well worn canard.

You are a buffoon who should be wearing a Yellow Star.


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Cheap Jewhadi propaganda.

Every time the SAA win more battles, the Jewhadis go all fluffy and ask for help.

Art Best

You’re saying the Syrians are Jihadis, moron.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I say you are a Jewhadi you ducking p rick.

Go suck a 3 skin.


Hitting the Vodka ration bottle again, Igor?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Have you still that crush on me Jakob?

Back on shift, like the good Jewhadi you are. Always a skin short, a strand of DNA, which could get rid of the crook nose, just short. Historys losers, how many times have you been kicked out of Palestine?

Couldn’t be arsed insulting you exclusively, so block off.


Very law level of comprehension. Shame. Do not expose your …well, let’s put it mildly…. confusion- typical for the ethnic group of barbarians.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And which battles are they winning, oh that’s right, you mean the ones in southern Idlib where there were no terrorists to begin with, and that’s because they’d already left to go north to the new Turkish battlelines. Occupying territory vacated by the terrorists can’t really be called victories, just mindless propaganda for the mindless morons like you, who lap it up mindlessly and then ignorantly perpetuate the propaganda to everyone else. Which btw isn’t the worst thing you do, the really bad thing you do is troll anyone else who disagrees with you, or even says anything you don’t like, just like all LGBTQI weirdos do. There must be a lot of Jews that you don’t like, it seems anyone that disagrees with you or says anything you disagree with must be Jewish. And may I ask, do you read any of my comments you give dislikes to, or do you just give them all dislikes out of contempt, which is another sign you’re nothing but a sniveling little faggot. Your avatar name tells the true story about you, wright is wrong, up is down, black is white, front is back and men can change into women, everything that’s the complete opposite of reality. :]

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Go suck your boyfriends 3 skin you Jewhadi runt.


Nahhhhhhhh…it’s so hopeless for a loser like you, time for you to suck on your 2nd Amendment Rights…speaking of sucking…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I gave you a like because most of what you said is true, I don’t think Putin’s a pro Zionist though, just way too pragmatic and he lacks empathy, which is the cause of his disloyalty to Assad and the reason he panders to Erdogan and Israel. As a military commander he’s purely and utterly incompetent, he blames the Syrians and Iranians for many of the failures he should’ve avoided, but as the saying goes, ‘a good tradesman never blames his tools’ he just uses what he has and he uses then wisely, though to cut Putin some slack the Syrian and Iranian military and militias have made his job extremely hard.

Art Best

Agreed, Putin is a repugnant psychopath. I have no issues with your astute analysis of the situation.

(Hint: Putin never prevented the Israelis from bombing and murdering his supposed allies, the Syrians and the Iranians. You can think for yourself.)

Angry Guy

Yes. And not only that but to add an insult to the injury they refused for many years to ship S-300 system to Iran which they had already paid for because of international sanctions on Iran (imagine that)! And even when Iran received it, they found out that they cannot shoot at Jew planes because of the launch codes!

Another fine example of Putin treachery and love to Israel. But he sells S-400 to Turkey – Syrias enemy no problem! HA. You see this is what disgusts me so.

Anyway Putin lovers here accuse anyone of being a troll or a jew when stating facts but the irony is that Putin himself is a half-jew by mother side and therefore has jewish blood. He may be orthodox Christian, but geneticaly a jew. Lavrov is also a jew. The sad thing is that even Russia is led not by ethnic Russians but by jews. So this explains hes double-dealing and treacherous behavior somewhat. Its a genetic thing.


LOL…poor baby. So hopeless. So many against you. You can’t win. If you were an American, I would suggest it’s time to suck on your 2nd Amendment Rights, Adolf.


you, dirty zionist, shut up!

George King

There is a big difference between being a Jew and being a Zionist, that battle is starting to show its head in the US Presidential Elections. I suggest you pay attention.

Art Best

Sanders is no champion of great virtues. No one could get where he is by being honest and meaning well.

George King

Art, the deep state, the elitist and the 1% do not want Bernie Sanders and are working to disrupt the convention so he will not gain the nomination. The last election was a throw the bums out of both parties and Trump & Sanders were the only two choices so Trump was elected by default he won’t be this time unless they unseat Bernie as Trump has sold out to the deep state, no balls!

Art Best

Not much changed since the days of Jewish Bolsheviks torturing and murdering Christian Russians by the millions.

The Russians surely are a depraved people for putting up with their own genocide at the hands of the Jews who hate them.


And Islamist Iran’s lap puppies, Hezbollah, also. Don’t forget them. They are being sent home in body bags as well.

George King

Obviously you have never cracked open the “Art of War” much less read with comprehension. I suggest you do if you sincerely would like to comprehend what is taking place rather than being blowing in the wind of hot air.

Art Best

False argument known as (vacuous) Appeal to Authority.

What is your *argument*, pompous idiot?

George King

I believe you have confirmed my question to you. You really should read up on it, “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu. To win a battle and lose the war means that you have used up so much in winning one battle that you have nothing left to fight on and win the war. This is usually referred to as a Pyrrhic victory.

Art Best

The Russians are losing this war by exhausting the fighting spirit of their supposed allies, the Syrians and the Iranians, by disallowing victory every time said allies come close to it.

It’s obvious. Putin and his Zionist administration’s only purpose is to extinguish the fighting ability of his allies by needlessly prolonging the fight against the Jihadis.

The Russians, the Saudis, the Israelis, the Turks, and the Americans are collaborating behind the scenes against both the Syrians and the Iranians.

The Russians distinguish themselves by the level of their duplicity which eclipses that of their peers.


The Russians are losing this war by exhausting the fighting spirit of their supposed allies, the Syrians and the Iranians, by disallowing victory every time said allies come close to it.

they did this always in the last century.


Exactly. Syria is going to be no more after everything is said and done.

Fair treatment

If Erdogan dosent keep his fucking mouth close and continue to threaten Putin, he will bring his country in a war with Russia. And trust me..you don’t want to start a war with Russia.

The Man

Surprise, surprise Mehmet, you Turkish dog-Turd. Any mention of that filthy bitch erDOGan and you’re right there. erDOGan is going to really get f*cked on this and you’ll have no one to fill your arse with jizz. You really are a pathetic Turkish Turd.

Mustafa Mehmet

Clow Cockroaches

The Man

OK, I give up, you Turd. What’s a ‘clow’? Oooops, I keep saying Turd instead of Turk for some reason. Maybe the words are interchangeable… anyway… your post is nonsense!

Mustafa Mehmet

You are a joker. Scumbag

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Hitler invaded the Sudetenland at the request of the Czech people.

Good God Erdogan is full of shit. What an embarrassment for Turkey.


not czech, german minority

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