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Turkish Surveillance UAVs Over The Greek Navy In The Mediterranean Region – Greece’s Military Dilemma

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Turkish Surveillance UAVs Over The Greek Navy In The Mediterranean Region – Greece’s Military Dilemma

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This analysis is made by Pentapostagma Enimerosis and translated exclusively for SouthFront

As Turkey escalates in the Eastern Mediterranean the real question is how determined Greece is to respond.

Greece is confronting a huge diplomatic and military dilemma after Turkey sent a seismic vessel to the eastern Mediterranean to allegedly explore the existence of natural gas deposits.

The vessel began investigating on Tuesday night (16.10.2018) before withdrawing temporarily after the Greek Navy sent a strict radio alert.

After the incident, Turkey sent three frigates and two patrol ships there to protect the movements of their own seismographic ship.

Turkey, however, seems to be pushing tension by sending Barbaros Hayreddin Pasa vessel to explore in an area that includes part of the continental shelf of Greece.

If Barbaros returns to Greek waters, however, Athens will face a dilemma: either issue another radio alert or increase its naval presence in the region to reach strategic balance.

Such a move could, however, scale the situation dangerously, something that would have undefined implications.

Greece is willing to avoid the second option, as it could fuel a sensitive area in which foreign naval warships, including US and Russian ships, are powered.

Diplomatic and military tensions between Greece and Turkey increased sharply this year, as Ankara pursued the arrest and imprisonment of two Greek soldiers.

A few days ago, Turkey issued a NAVTEX announcing that it was planning to investigate the existence of natural gas within and around the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus.

The tensions rose on Thursday (18.10.2018) when the Turkish media announced that there was an “incident” between Barbaros and the Greek frigate “Nikiforos”. The incident was denied by the Greek headquarters and Turkey was accused for spreading propagandistic news.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry, for its part, announced that Turkey exercised its sovereign rights to investigate the existence of natural gas, while underlining that the Greek sovereignty in the region is unrealistic and detrimental to bilateral relations and regional stability.

This in itself constitutes the creation of a dangerous situation that may turn into a “military confrontation” in the Mediterranean.

ExxonMobil is gearing up to investigate the existence of natural gas deposits in Cyprus, a move that could further exacerbate tensions between Washington, Ankara and Athens.

Diplomatic relations between Turkey and the United States have also deteriorated considerably this year due to continued US support to the Kurds in Syria, the subsequent Turkish invasion of the north, and the imprisonment of Pastor Andrew Brunson and other Americans with allegations of involvement in terrorist organizations.

A few days ago, on 20.10.2018, the turkish press has publicly announced that the new UAV surveillance aircraft has been tested and completed and its radius is now 200 km.

This translates immediately that all the disputed areas of the Cypriot and most of the Greek EEZ are within the range and are now targets of Turkish UAVs.

The Turks want to control the movements of Greek ships in the area at any moment, as well as the presence of one or two Greek submarines operating in the Mediterranean, which are one of Greece’s most important leverages against the Turkish Navy.

According to the Turkish website Meteksan Defense, it is reported that the C-Band Data Link System has been developed to provide communication between the Turkish UAVs and their ground control stations over 200 kilometers.

The system can be used in UAVs flying at high, medium and low altitudes, and will be used to transmit the data in live time for uninterrupted and, in particular, making in-time decisions during a crisis.

This means that in the area of ​​the current crisis in the Mediterranean, we will soon see Turkish UAVs, which will “comb” the whole region while they will also provide extremely valuable information to Ankara.

However, there has been a great deal of concern in the Greek general staff for dealing with the threat from unmanned aircraft used by the Turkish Armed Forces in the Eastern Aegean and Thrace.

The latest achievement of the Turkish defense industry is the UCAV AKINCI, which was developed by Baykar Company and is scheduled to carry out its first flight in 2019 and will enter into a wartime operation in 2020.

This is the new truly important upgrade to Turkey’s intelligence gathering area, with the presence of unmanned aircraft, which with the current available technology offer the ability to monitor and track targets of interest, not only within the Greek FIR but also within the National Airspace (LRU).

The main advantage of all these UAVs is that they are unmanned, so there is no reason to lose staff if they reach dangerous targets and they provide extremely valuable information in real time.

In case of any possible Turkish operation, many of our military units in the islands and Evros and now in Cyprus will become “targets” of Turkish unmanned aircrafts.

Meanwhile, within the boundaries of the Greek continental shelf, the frigate of the Hellenic Navy continues to travel, overseeing the Turkish research vessel Barbaros.

According to information from sources in Nicosia, there is calm in the area despite the provocative presence and behavior of the Turkish Navy and seismic vessel, while Barbaros seems to be outside the boundaries of the Greek continental shelf.

But the Turks are estimated to have just measured international reactions in the past few days, and after the CN-235 spy planes are preparing to send a UAV with a clear mission to continue monitoring Greek military personnel and submarine units.

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Fuck the Greeks

Hanny Benny

stfslavhoreson neverforgettheholyfeetsofyourmom

Christos Pratis

fuck your mother bastard…………….

Έλληνας Εκτελεστής

Sasi moi her


FUCK YOUR FAITH AND YOUR MOHAMMED MONGOL SH1T!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8718cfbb8b75d9bc3c3bd2e16a03da9c0c88bdf35824f9cac2397abc17ed898a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d178fac66a2bd529e61629b10789cb74f2992ea4749730ec785b40e6ee4a5510.jpg

Turkish Greywolves

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqRJHj5X4AATil4.jpg where greeks?




Hah I am not Turk I just hate your disgusting government in Greece and the majority of the people that support it, because of what are they are doing to the Macedonians there.

Promitheas Apollonious

What dont you come and try motherf*cker and see where it gets you.


butthurt turk or albanian??


Neither. Pure Macedonian


so a gypsy… i see that explains it!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

cmon now lets get along lol


Just a reminder…

Who Supports ISIS? Who is the terrorist? ### http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-l-phillips/research-paper-isis-turke_b_6128950.html

The Kurds want their independence from Turkey (20 million living in Turkey). The Turks hate the Kurds… but somebody else has to do the dirty job (Hense ISIS — Daesh is created). Turkey provided Daesh with NATO weapons, military equipment and chemical weapons such as sarin. Turkey Supported Daesh Financially Through Purchase Of Stolen Oil and assists Daesh recruitment. Turkey Offered Medical Care To Daesh, Daesh militants go to Turkey frequently to rest and take a break from fighting. Turkey Provided Transport And Logistical Assistance To Daesh. Turkish special forces have fought alongside Daesh and helped Daesh In the battle for Kobani. Turkey And Daesh Share A Worldview. Erdogan’s bank accounts in Switzerland and elsewhere are made of Kurdish and Yazidi blood, stolen Iraqi and Syrian oil and the money made by human traffickers smuggling illegal immigrants to the EU through the Greek islands of the Aegean Sea. It shouldn’t really come as a surprise these dirty Turkish tricks … they are the ones that committed genocide against the Armenians, the Greeks, the Assyrians, the Bulgarians and against the Kurds in the past !






https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqRJHj5X4AATil4.jpg where greeks?




Greywolves belong to the steppes of Mongolia… Aegean sea is greek during 5000 years. Turkish invadors forget our beautifull see and its islands !

Zionism = EVIL

You Greek kids are funny, Greece is broke and tiny. Even Greek “heroes” are stolen Macedonians. Your economy is smaller than Bangladesh and Greek “men” have a hard time discerning male and female orifices. No wonder even the small population is declining rapidly. The Turks can march into Athens like before if they wanted to.


The Turks also have the same problem with orifices.

Zionism = EVIL

I know :), but Greeks gave the world homosexuality. I always find it interesting that Greeks who are tiny nothing of a country compare themselves to Turkey. I saw the Turkish textbook perfect invasion of Cyprus firsthand in 1974. Today Turkey is perhaps 100 times stronger. The Greeks had ample military resources but refused to fight and surrendered in droves. The Turks established the Larnaca line in barely 10 hours.


Yes but it’s Turkey, just like Israel and the US that is addicted to invading and killing, not the Greeks

Zionism = EVIL

Greeks have been colluding with Zionists and even gave them access to the outdated S-300 system. Russians are very wary of Greeks. It is inevitable now that a Russian, Turkish and Iranian strategic alliance is building up. Most people don’t realize how close the three countries are collaborating in defence, economic and geo-strategic sphere. Zionist airforce is now regularly training with Greeks as the skies over occupied Palestine are getting smaller and smaller after the SAA S-300 have become operational.


Turkey run under Erdogan can barely survive. Their economy is not doing so well especially the lira and their bonds. Coincidentally their bonds share one commonality with Greece-junk.

Regarding their fighting capabilities, they are not doing so well against the Kurds, yes? Their empire days are gone as all empires go.

If they were smart, Erdogan would bury the hatchet with Greece and work jointly with the Greeks to explore, develop and split the profits of the LG. Unfortunately, Erdogan is living several centuries behind in fantasy land. The US will destroy Turkey as they recently did with the priest. The priest was released was he not? Looks as if Turkey got a good ass fucking with their bravado protests.

Think like a cunning China Man instead of a ass fucked Ottoman.


Erdogan’s AKP is funded by Saudis, Qataris and Emiratis and his crazy policies are mostly directed at the Sunni Arab headchoppers. Regardless, Turkey is a big country and will play a crucial role in shaping the Arab world. The Turks are in Qatar with boots on the ground, their forces are in Syria and Iraq and basically do US bidding. Turks also have relations with Zionist parasites, so they are trying to fool everyone. The whole Salafist terror in Syria is a Turkish tar baby. It will be interesting how Russia and Iran handle the last major terror outpost of Idlib? The headchoppers are now using US drones to bomb Russian bases and Moscow can not remain passive for long.

Brother Ma

Most of ISIS and cruel types in Syria were always Turks even if the Americans kept it a secret at the time.

Promitheas Apollonious

Did they? Stop bullshitting what you have no idea what you talking about clone.

Brother Ma

You saw shit. All nato laughed at Turkey in cyprus. It took weeks to take over one beach and even then you had no greeks shoot at you,greek airforce was ordered to be grounded,submarines were turned back and a small detachment of Greek troops slaughtered divisions at the airport and stopped you in your tracks. You only took over what you could later during a ceasefire because you are a sneaky lot and the USA and the rest of the world is finding out too late!! Hahaha

All nato knew it was happening and the Greek Colonels were in on it. Fool ! Read a book like I did. Do not gloat! You nearly lost and onl won because you haf powerful friends. Losers.

Brother Ma

Do not let facts get in the way of a good story will you.


Just keep dreaming….soon, Istanbul is Constantinople again – Russia will obliterate you.


Let me guess an albanian/turk, jerking off.

Brother Ma

Hah.! Stolen macedonians? Greeks may have invented bumfucking but Turks and Brits perfected it. It is well known that Attaturk the crypto jew Turk was a childbum raper and the sultans loved little boys . Also in1922 many Turk leaders took sex boy slaves . All whilst the Allies looked away. Like they do in Afghanistan now when Afghan men fcuck little tea boys.

Turks cannot fart on tgeir oen if their Israeli and/or american bosses do not tell tgem to.

Now ,the are Russia’s bitch for the moment.

Mustafa Mehmet

You find your grandma ? Diary book . At last you can find out all her secrets now.she was having affairs with Ali pasha


Why so hatred for a particular nation? Turks have been playing dirty games in Syria for what I don’t understand, but to blame them as they are bitch of Russia or US or Zionism, doesn’t belong to a mature man’s words.

Brother Ma

Read History to know what the Turks/ Ottomans have done.


I admit. But now a days Resistance axis need them to join against bigger Evil. Turkey has much and much importance in settling all dangerous issues in middle east.They played a very nice game in khashoggy issue, to show the world true face of satanic Saudis. Present turks are not more bad than Zionism and wahabism, I believe.

Brother Ma

You make many good points. If most Turks thought like you things would be better. If the Ruling Turk Elite thought like you things would be better. Yet people like you are in the minority and do not have power. Consequently,Turkey and Turks are dangerous.

Also friend,you speak about Wahhabism as if Turkey and Erdogan do not like it. Wrong. They love it. They supported it and filled ISIS ranks with Turk Volunteers from Grey Wolves etc

Also Zionism,Kemalists in Turkey were best friends with Israel till recently. Kemal and his peers were almost all Zionists and Donmeh cryptoJews. You know all this.


Sure, somethings missing in ur comment. There is a difference between Sunnis and wahabis(takfiris). Erdugan really a sunni and most of Sunnis don’t like wahabis. For example Hamas, Akhwan,FSA in Syria, are all Sunnis but not Takfirees. ISIS, HTS,AlShabab in somalia,Boko Haram, AlQaeda,Taliban,Jundullah etc are all Wahabis(Takfirees). Erdugan supported wahabis not because he likes those but he was actally supporting every anti government faction.Same when USA support wahabis, can anyone say that US love those? No not at all. They only use them.Same as erdugan.

Brother Ma

I agree with you. I never said I Like Americans rulers either. I agree Erdogan does not like Kemalists. Yet kemalists have been the lifeblood of Turkey since the 1920’s. They formed most policy for Turkey over the years. Also erdogan did support headchoppers in Chechnya .they may not have been Wahabi but were very close to it. You keep saying Erdogan does not like wahabi or zion. He did until he had a fight with them. So did turkey in general.


Kemalists had been the lifeblood of Turkey, but Turkey is being changed now. Erdugan was sympathetic for wahabis, but we should welcome a little different erdugan and his policies. Sending a bad guy to Hell is never better than converting him from bad to good.

George Fotiadis

Turkey will change my friend, there are are lots of progressive people, there is a clash between the religious, monolithic nationalistic, traditionalists and the modern people that are sane, not nationalistic and see the future in cooperation and peaceful co-existence with other nations, we will see where all that will lead us, for sure people change, nations change also. Nationalism is the past, Greetings

Zionism = EVIL

With all due respect, Greece is a tiny nation of barely 9 million declining population with an economy the size of Bangladesh and hardly a match for Turkey. Greece should accept its vassal status and quit being a base for Zionists. Greece is having a hard time even figuring out who Alexander and Aristotle, both Macedonians, were? let alone fight Turkey a nation of 82 million, poised to be a G-10 economy.

Promitheas Apollonious

That what Mussolini think when he attack Greece.


A nation of 82 million will be utterly crushed when it starts a war with Greece. Just wait and see….


lol little stupid turks think they can take on Greece just like mussolini or the Persians? AHAHAHHAHAHA history aint getting tired of repeating itself!!

Brother Ma

G10 my arse! A house of cards built with qatari money like israel is propped up by American billions every year. Who are you trying to fool boy. ?


I used to read ur comments for long time.You r a resistance Axis supporter, but I can’t understand why the all guys here at South front are targeting u?

Brother Ma

In your veins , apostate. batakoglu


lol little stupid Turks think they can take on Greece just like Mussolini or the Persians? (or countless other nations)AHAHAHHAHAHA history aint getting tired of repeating itself!!


Erdogan’s AKP is a national and international disaster, but Turkey is still a large powerful nation with the second largest NATO military and now getting closer to Russia as well. Greece is no match for Turkey in any arena.

Brother Ma

Numbers mean little . Cannon fodder who are only tough when winning. Proven over and over again. Rated at poor quality troops .


”Its not how many but where.” That is a Spartan moto. You do know the Spartans right ? Greeks are looking forward for a chance to prove once again their heritage !


Both Turkish and Kurdish are trying to occupy parts of northern Syria. Both will be defeated.


Turks ARE trying to occupy parts of Syria and Iraq. The Kurds have been living there 100s of years before the Mongols came from central Asia. Its not the same.


“The only friends of the Kurdish are the mountains”, there are reasons. The Armenian genocide, may have been ordered by the Sultan, but the Kurds killed the millions of Christians, and took their lands and property. Assad’s father took in half of them, giving them a safe haven from the Turks but they turned on Syria by siding with the US when they slid across the Iraqi border Everything from facilitating the Sassoon family heroin trade, to buying and selling stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil, the Kurds are opportunists, void of honor. They are a Turkish problem, only the US have made them a Syrian problem.


The right to self-determination is the right of a people to determine its own destiny.

In particular, the principle allows a people to choose its own political status and to determine its own form of economic, cultural and social development.

The principle of self-determination is prominently embodied in Article I of the Charter of the United Nations.

Earlier it was explicitly embraced by US President Woodrow Wilson, by Lenin and others, and became the guiding principle for the reconstruction of Europe following World War I.

The principle was incorporated into the 1941 Atlantic Charter and the Dumbarton Oaks proposals which evolved into the United Nations Charter.

PJ London

The kurds are not ‘a people’. they are a conglomeration of tribes that share a more or less common language. By your reckoning the Roma can determine their own economic, cultural and social development. Good luck with that.


The whole world is made of conglomerations … if the USA can have a one flag one army one constitution…so can the Kurds !

PJ London

Sure they can, they just have to defeat the Turks, the Iraqis, the Syrians and the Iranians. They will be ‘helped’ by the Israelis and the US. They will find that both are far worse oppressors than the current countries. Ask the Palestinians and the Lakota.


Nothing is gained without fight.

PJ London

OK but don’t complain about ‘genocide’ when they are wiped out, they are no match for the countries in which they live.


Dying on the battlefield on a fair and square fight is no genocide. What the Turks have done to the Kurds, the Greeks, the Armenians, the Assyrians and the Bulgarians IS GENOCIDE. Dont get mixed up.

PJ London

Yes but if you do not take out the women and children the little blighters grow up, the women have more and in 20 years time you have the same old stuff all over again. Safer to shoot the lot, just ask the Israelis.


You are right, the Israelis are commiting genocide in Palestine. That does not justify killing women and children and the elderly. Even in war there is a thing called honor.

PJ London

Only in fiction and Hollywood, in real life it hasn’t been seen in 1,000 years.


What ? What hasnt been seen ? Honor you mean ? Yeah…you probably right about that…


In Syria the Kurdish are 8 % of the Syrian population of 28 million. Call it 2.5 million people, spread along Syria’s northern border with Turkey. They are mixed in with Christians and Sunnis. Only a real majority in the eastern area near Iraq. In Syria they do not have the numbers to claim to be ‘a people’. In Turkey on the other hand, they comprise 30 to 35 % of the population, that is why I said they are a Turkish problem.

Έλληνας Εκτελεστής

Fuck turkish moggols

Dont talk much gayreek, or you can swim in aegan sea again

Concrete Mike

Copy paste much??

Turkish Greywolves

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqRJHj5X4AATil4.jpg where greeks?




single cells will do that. Single tasking single function clones. But you need to forgive this one after all he is a turk.


I’m afraid the Turks ignorance is huge. The First Hellenic Reich is rising. The new leader (hidden for the moment) will mobilize the troops and will reach the furthest east point of Turkey. Turkey will belong to Greece.


And when the Greek Reich Leader is done, he will decide if the turks live or die.


One thing’s for sure. Erdogan will be thrown in the streets (by the Greek SS) without clothes, for all the PLANET to watch on tv’s, cameras.


I like Erdy, he makes Greece look good next to his piece of s**t they call a country!


Turkey isn’t Turkey. Turkey is FOR-THE-MOMENT-OCCUPIED Hellenic territory. Not for long though.


And Kurdish. And Armenian.

Brother Ma

Kurds are Turkicising Persians . I have no time for them . Most are Turks themselves and Turk-lovers. Armenians ? Sure.

Ricky Miller

For the moment? I do believe that Constantinople fell to the Ottomans in 1453. And before that all of the Aegean. Been way longer than a moment.


not in historical time. And not for the ones who never forget an enemy.

Turkish Greywolves

Dont talk much gayreek, or you can swim in aegan sea again.


We swim in Aegean sea the last 5000 years (only) .

Turkish Greywolves

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqRJHj5X4AATil4.jpg where greeks?



Brother Ma

Do you know what I do to wolves? Skin them and wear them as a raincoat.

Brother Ma

As it once already was.


THIS, is Turkey SOON. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EYsfl1YSQJI/hqdefault.jpg



Zionism = EVIL

A great Macedonian homosexual indeed.

Promitheas Apollonious

you mistaken him with yourself I am sure.

Brother Ma

Who cares, Fool? Look at your own government first .

Turkish Greywolves

Dont talk much gayreek, or you can swim in aegan sea again.

© Proud 2b Greek ✓ᵂʰᶦᵗᵉ

The end of turkey is coming soon. Nobody want them in the area, is a huge problem for everybody. — Greece — Cyprus — Israel — Egypt and the far away countries as America + France that do not hesitate to burn hole countries like Syria for a pipeline….thing about the huge Mediterranean deposits…….

The times have changed The times that Turkey did whatever it wants is past.

Now we ‘ll defeat – humiliate and devide islamic Turkey. All we need is a spark.

Concrete Mike

Fuck israel…bunch of thieves


True but in this case a convenient idiot.


The US still wants Turkey as a weapon against Russia. The US will kill Erdogan eventually; and install the Turkish equivalent of Yatsenyuk. Then it’s back to business as usual, install medium range nuclear missiles in Turkey again.

Brother Ma

Very true ,which is why Turkey must be neutered now! Whilst Israel,America,Russia and Europe all hate it. Strike whilst the iron is hot. Those American Plans of Partition need to come to Fruition..


Turkey is a mistake in human history…


If you take a plant out of its natural environment, it can become a weed. The Turks are not in their natural environment, they come from central Asia and invaded the ME and Europe.

Brother Ma


Turkish Greywolves

Dont talk much gayreek, or you can swim in aegan sea again


This is a typical way of how Turkey is doing things It dose not matter to them that Greece is a peacefull country A country within the ΝΑΤΟ alliance that follows the International Law and Rules They dont want to follow the International Law of Sea . That why they havent sign it

They still have the mentality of their nomadic way of life of their ansestors The only rule they follow is the law of the strongest So in this case i personally dont think they will take any aggresive action, but they will try to “bend the rules ” by violating them

Is worth mentioning that in the area there are alote of other NATO ships monitoring every movement besides the single greek frigate that is sent there do to exactly that, to monitor any illegal activity

So i expect that the leadership of NATO will intervene if Turkey starts to “missbehave” Remeber that there are alote of huge oil-companies in the area of SA Med comming soon to start their business like Exxon Mobil , Total and ENi etc

Turkish Greywolves

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqRJHj5X4AATil4.jpg where greeks?


:D? cry hard <3



Turkish Greywolves

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqRJHj5X4AATil4.jpg where greeks?


:D? bark more

Zionism = EVIL

Hardly, the Ottomans gave the world a magnificent culture. Even people in the Balkans still relish the life under Ottoman Empire, so do the Arabs.


Oh, no my dear. Ottomans certainly did NOT give the world a magnificent culture. The Ottoman empire from their inception created troubles for all their neighbours until their demise and were always looking for an excuse to invade. Not surprising because their whole economy was based on war and looting, just like the Roman empire (and republic) and today’s US of A. They had a few separate armies, each had tens or hundreds of thousands of professional soldiers with no fix pay. Their salaries directly came from war what they managed to plunder, so peace meant no pay and therefore mutiny.

They ruled with such cruelty that almost all of their former subjects hate them and hate the part of history in which they were under Ottoman control. Many people like to attribute the Ottomans’ behaviour to religion which is not true, Ottomans attacked everybody as long as they were strong enough to do so, from Sunnis of north Africa, Levant and Arabian peninsula, Shi’as of Iran (do you know how many times in 5 centuries they tried to invade Iran?), Orthodox Christians of Byzantium, Armenia and eastern Europe to Catholics of Venice or Spain (even attacked Pisa), with one aim and one aim only: Looting, taking slaves and tributes and hungry for more and not shy to perform genocides. Their navy was almost all pirates and privateers, Khayreddin Barbaros, Admiral Pasha, their greatest Admiral of the sea was a privateer attacking everybody all around the Mediterranean.

That being said, the republic of Turkey used to be different, at least until a few years ago.

At the same time, I find it ridiculous the way other countries fought Ottomans, conquered some islands and later gifted them to Greece (like Rhodes by Italians).

I don’t mean to support Turkey against Greece or vice versa, what I mean is having ONE island which is located well within another country’s territorial waters (12 nautical miles, about 22 km) is more than enough for creating unsolvable disputes between the 2 countries, let alone a few dozens.

For example the distance between Turkey mainland to the islands of Rhodes is 20km, Lesvos is 11km and Kos only 6 km. Considering the number of islands, their distances to Turkey and Greece mainlands and historical feud between 2 nations (we have people on this boards from either Turkey or Greece who only appear under articles about the other country/nation and all their comments are ultra-nationalistic and pathetic insults and badmouthing to the other, never share their thoughts on other subjects, some of which from both sides are easily recognizable under this very article) it’s guaranteed that there will always be clashes.

Maybe that was the intention, it was a very popular British practice to draw borders where future disputes will be a sure thing.

Brother Ma

As usual ,Turks heros belonged to other races. The privateers were all born Christians and converted. Hahah Greeks. Their greatest Architect ,Sinan :a Greek ! Their present President ! His great grandfather was a Greek! And an anti -Turk rebel , one at that! Is there anything Turks really did invent themselves?


Shit Kebap, they make that them selfs and eat it too.

Ishyrion Av

No, nothing. They just stole other nations wealth and killed their people (when they were not taken into slavery). We are living the times when Constantinople will be Christian again and turks will hide in deep Asia. Or what will be left of them.


you are wrong i am Greek and i have commented on many more articles that are not related to my country or turkey on this very site…so spare us your pathetic propaganda plz


Well said.


Unfortunately capturing slaves wasn’t a Turkish monopoly (they used to buy them in Istanbul slave markets): all Muslim nations until the 19th century used to do so, from the Crimean Tatars to the Tripolitanian pirates and beyond. The Turks were very affectionate to take young Christian children and train them as Muslim slave soldiers – but truly enough if skilled and loyal they could rise to high state and army positions…


Don’t make it something which it’s not. Leave the religion out of it. Many Muslim nations or groups didn’t practice slavery, from Iran to Muslims India and China. At the same time, very well into the 2nd half of 19th century slavery was thriving in the America, should we say slavery is a western phenomenon or a Christian one? It has nothing to do with Islam or Christianity, but tradition and morality of individual nations.

George Fotiadis

Generally my Persian friend Garga you are right, the problem is that the islands that you mention and part of the Turkish Aegean cost as Cyprus where -are, Greek populated or better populated by Greek speaking people, or where -are under Greek cultural sphere, but not totally, you know well the Greek Persian relations of that time in antiquity, Greek population ruled by Persians, next we have the Greco Persian wars, Xerxes said once that the Aegean is a Greek lake, Turks repeat the same arguments that Xerxes said, the Aegean sea is strategically very important indeed, he meant that those islands should be taken by Persia, later after the invasion of Alexander that has changed and we come in the Hellenistic area, that failed in the end, the Hellenistic kingdoms, Parthian and later Sassanid’s regained strength and were never again concert by Rome the western or eastern Roman empire.

In that time we have the Roman Persian wars, that lasted for 600 years with no winner, so with a view words Greeks and Persians have a long history, and not only war , do you know that we lived together in the Parthian empire, fortunately the long history of our two Nations has teaches us that there is no need for another war, we talk about collective wisdom of Persian and Greeks, because of the long history, that modern Turkey lacks somehow (not all Turks are nationalistic- Turkey is changing slowly to a more moderate state but this will take some time).

Turkey needs to grow collectively and stop playing the bully and let the complex of the past (the greatness of the ottoman empire on the edge, same as Greeks in the past, Persians British today, empires vanish in the vanity of their existence, like all empires in the end, civilication stays).

As for your thoughts about to whom those islands should belong, remember that they have been for thousands of years, Greek populated areas, and today they are seen in Greece as a pure Greek area, with a long connection deep in the past that will not be braked easily.

Maybe someone things that Greece is economically done, (for now) but they know little about the capabilities of the Greek Military, that is very capable to defend itself against Turkey, Persians underestimated that in Antiquity and you know what happened, sure history does not repeat itself the same, buT it want be an easy take, Greece is maybe small compared to the very strong Turkey, but far from not dangerous, believe me I know what I am saying.

Do not also forget the failed invasion of Greeks in Turkey that century, in 1922 that failed not because of the lack of cabability of the Greek army, but because Greece was politically divided, when Prime minister Venizelos lost the elections and the German friendly King come back, (that made the Allies to withdraw their support to Greece) he changed all capable officers that where not loyal to him in the middle of a campaign, what i want to say is that Greece with a little bit of luck could win that war.

Greetings my Friend Garca, and peace to all of us, greetings also to any Greek, Turks and all the nations in the area.

We have done it in the past, to co-exist in peace, i hope we will do it again.

Brother Ma

Foolish Turk. The Arabs have said they hate you and never wish to see the Ottoman Empire again. Go back to your Anatolian village, coban, and graze the sheep. I read and listen to news from quality international houses not like you listening to your propaganda newspapers printed by Turks. Hahah



Turkish Greywolves

go cry to mommy merkel. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqRJHj5X4AATil4.jpg where greeks?



Brother Ma

That is true. She does love the headchoppers like you a lot. I wonder why? Gigolos?



https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqRJHj5X4AATil4.jpg where greeks?



Poor kiddo :D

Brother Ma

Boz kurt? How long ago did your fathers pray to Jesus. When you go home to karadeniz pontus do you call your village by its Greek name like Erdogan does as well?

Έλληνας Εκτελεστής

George Karaiskakis said https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btbxQZHdSFM&t=126s


Men in pretty skirts.

Brother Ma

I know right! Cool!


The turkey is just a large bird in the genus Meleagris, which is native to the Americas. Males of both turkey species have a distinctive fleshy wattle or protuberance that hangs from the top of the beak (called a snood). They are among the largest birds in their ranges. As in many galliformes, the male is larger and much more colorful than the female.wiki says…


Now I’m hungry…




Brother Ma

Most sense I have heard from Turks in a long time. I don’t know how Putin/PoTUS and his pals can understand them?



Turkish Greywolves

Dont talk much gayreek, or you can swim in aegan sea again.

Turkish Greywolves

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqRJHj5X4AATil4.jpg where greeks?




Change your name to Turkish Spamalot. :/

Promitheas Apollonious

right behind your ass kid. To open to feel it?

Brother Ma

Your spamming shows you are ignorant ,overly emotional and childish. Who can make deals with a person like this?

Promitheas Apollonious

watch the basket last night?


Turkey is like Israel, an enclave in the midst of the local peoples, and like Israel it survives because of American protection.


The Serbs are against the Turk scum. They killed hundred of thousands of Serbs.

Promitheas Apollonious

well the time to return the favor will come soon take it.


With gods help.

Brother Ma

And werr the main foreign headchopper volunteers in Bosnia hercegovina and to a lesser extent in kosovo. Also turkish intelligence was running the moslems of Sarajevo during the “market massacre”incident. All with America’s blessing!

Jorge Melissas

” The destruction of the Turkish Nation is a requirement of the law of nature and will contribute to the progress of civilization,


report that guy turkishgaywolves for spaming the same image of soon to sinked junkship

Brother Ma

Grece should shoot them down and go for broke. Either way it had been screwed over by friend and foe alike . It should shoot the UAVs down and sink a few ships.

Who knows ? It may scare and surprise a war -weary Allied coalition and its enemies just as Attaturk did with the Allies in The Chanak Crisis.

Jonathan Cohen

The obvious response for Greece is to step up support for abortion rights defending YPG.

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