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MARCH 2025

Turkistan Islamic Party Sends Reinforcements To Assist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Against Syrian Army In Southern Idlib (Photos)

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The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) has sent reinforcements to help Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) to repel an advance of the Syrian Army in southern Idlib.

According to reports, the TIP has sent about 20 technical vehciels armed with guns, at least two battle tanks and some number of artillery guns.


Turkistan Islamic Party Sends Reinforcements To Assist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Against Syrian Army In Southern Idlib (Photos)

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Turkistan Islamic Party Sends Reinforcements To Assist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Against Syrian Army In Southern Idlib (Photos)

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Turkistan Islamic Party Sends Reinforcements To Assist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Against Syrian Army In Southern Idlib (Photos)

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Hopefully soon to be Mi-24 Hind fodder.

888mladen .

What about Turkey’s SAM batteries along SY border?


Those are Hawk missiles, that’s 60’s technology. If they’re anything like the Turkish Leopard 2 tanks, as in never having received an upgrade, I’d be more worried about the Manpads that the West and KSA have supplied in their ignorance. Those at least are more modern.

John Mason

How do these terrorists get away with going from one place to another without being confronted and where do they hide all of the weaponry and machinery without being discovered? Difficult to carry a tank in a suitcase.


support by Turkish, Israeli and Western “advisors”, giving them training and precious advices

Langaniso Mhlobo

Yes BRU supporting is clear.Russia could easily detect any cease-fire violation in Alepo and are always in sky and are scaning any movement. Point is what happened to this advance technology that their have.


Turkmen Islamic Party are Erdogan’s proxies in Syria – yet again another proxy militant faction loaded with foreign nationals – Turks. Erdogan still fancies his chances for a ‘Greater Turkey’ that incorporates both north Idlib and north Aleppo including Aleppo city. Hell – everything the FSA/Turkmen/AL-Nusra and ISIS strip looted from public and private property in Syria was truck loaded and sold off on the cheap in Turkey – from entire public hospital wards to pulled up railway tracks – apparently Erdogan still wants to steal more of Syria.

888mladen .

That doesn’t answer the question why RU is doing nothing to destroy them. It’s clear to me and I believe to everybody where Erdogan stands in this conflict. That’s nothing new. The question is do Pusin and his oligarchs do or perhaps they’ve been gambling with lives of SY soldiers who are trying to defend their country from foreign aggression for the handful of dirty lucres.


Why assume Russia is responsible for instantly, militarily, resolving everything in Syria? This is very new development that has evidently only just happened – and if Turkish proxies are fighting SAA in Idlib then it has significant implications for Turkey’s role in the previous Russian brokered arrangements.

888mladen .

I believe you do realize that Sy is in the state of war. Inaction in time of war has proven costly time and again.


What is your point? Clarify your armchair tactics for what should immediately occur – post haste.

888mladen .

Are you perhaps a NATO troll?


Ah, a classic diversionary tactic – no dice however, am still waiting on your tactical plans to simply resolve everything.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Exactly.Any diverting movement towards your arm forces by supporting forces are questionable or pre-warned.Just as USA does as SAA come closed to SDF terrorist.


Actually, these are not turks, these are chinese turkic speaking muslims. Not turks at all. Aided by Turkey though.


‘Turkmen’ has been catch-all phrase vis-a-vis the Syrian conflict for Turkish proxies in far north that generally includes includes Urghurs.


obviously they have made a deal with Turkey not to hit Turkistans. I remember after the incident with the Su that was shot down the Russians bombed the hell out of them,,,,,,,now Turkey is an ally…..and the Turkistans arent…..strange things

Weldon Cheek

If thats what is happening then these “reinforcements”will accidently on purpose arrive too late/at the wrong place or will have a manufactured tiff with the other jihadis that holds them up when they could be fighting.


Turkey has ties with HTS. Hts troops escorted Turkish forces that were advancing in HTS territory while everyone expected the attack on HTS from both sides, North and South form SAA and TUrkey. So in order to have safety ensured for Turkish Forces …there come the friendly Turkmsistanis…..to help….a very complex situatation in Syria indeed……similar thing happened in Former Yugoslavia when the Croats were allies with the muslims one day and the other fighting against them.

Eskandar Black

meat for the grinder.


I wonder how the west spin this ? The deserts can grow tanks, artillery pieces, and the terrorists by the might of their rags can crew them.

northerntruthseeker .

Obviously supplied by the US CIA with American tax dollars paying for it..


I mean for their public consumption. At this rate they have to make a terrorist able to pilot and navigate the seas seems logical enough.

Eskandar Black

Nobody asks these simple questions.


It is like IS growing tanks too in Hama pocket. They started out of nothing with zero. But they have their good buddy Assad. Maybe he is a good gardener.

Eskandar Black

maybe that take them from rebel terrorists they snack on


In fact, not at all. Built from released IS prisoners transported by SAA to the Hama region and supplied with some tanks, artillery and dushka’s. All with a solemm Islamic oath only to attack HTS and not SAA, their good buddies.

Eskandar Black

using evil to fight evil, like chemotherapy.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Sound like what goes around comes around.First let’s kill each other then if we draw I will take you home free of charge to recover and attack each other again.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA takes them from the rebels you know that , the Hama has supply tunnels big enough to drive 2 trucks through them, what kind of idiot are you?

You do know these are Uighurs hired by the Turkistan Islamic Party don’t you and why they have the equipment?


These reinforcements can aid in a local fight and are maybe enough to decide a local fight.

I cannot see them decide a large offensive by SAA. A drop in the sea one can say.


If their route is known, why not bomb them? Where are russian satellites? Did they cross through SDF territory or Turkey?

Hide Behind

Shhhh, it is a secret, the Syrian military and Russian advisors, do not know they are coming. As I have noted in past, some things do not add up when one thinks of military expertise and capabilities of Russian aid, and how the F the rebel groups run hither and fro with no real hinderances.


The Turk terrorists are in a ‘de confliction’ zone I suspect and as soon as they Cross the Rubicon into conflict Turkey cannot complain when they die.

Hide Behind

For one thing the Russian much hyped Spec operations group members must be unable to act as independent units within rebel held areas, which is completely the opposite of US Spec Ops units. US and NATO have snipers that have verified kills from over 2000 meters away, it is a form of terrorism against the terrorist, and damned effective a tactic. He’ll the SAAput $50 dollar scopes on AK and worn out barreled AK and Draganovs, throw them into some dumb as rock 60 day ex pot makers untrained hands and call them snipers Or else they waste untold amounts of ammo of 20-30 mm rounds trying to hit where a running man wss 2 minutes ago. And call it sniping. Once a nations people’s have decided upon a common enemy, andvdeclared war upon them, the leaders of that nations duty is to arm and train to best of ability those soldiery.

Weldon Cheek

How canvthese convoys just bowl along down the road with not a care in the world? Arent the Russians and Syrian AF watching the roads?christ they could put a drone or two up to patrol the roads coming out of these groups strongholds and then just plain wipe them of face of the earth with air strikes or Helecopter gunship or whatever!i am 100% behind the syrians and russians etc in this fight but sometimes i just think their arsing about and not taking this shit seriously!.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They have to direct their firepower at the right time and when you have several fronts going and you are winning with it there, why divide your resources.They can always get these guys at any time when they try to close in and they won’t be on their way to Abu Duhur anyways too much noise about it but start at another new front to pressure the SAA and it’s allies.


Wait so this big column of terrorist going in war against Syrian soldiers and there is no one to attack this convoy, I mean please either scramble the Jets or Get those Mi-24 or Mi-28 on rolling.


That’s American made M60. But oh well ISIS even operating M1 Abrams.


Russia can see the movement form space-drons-spyplanes, can it ? Why did Russia not bomb this caravan ?

888mladen .

They are friendly Erdogan’s troupes trained by NATO.

888mladen .

Nice coordination. Two multiple drone attacks on RU air base while large contingent of Ujgurs is moving towards South Idleb. What is RU command doing? Was it too difficult to spot movement of a such large column of vehicles? What’s China doing? Employing former Black Water to protect their Silk Road project. https://journal-neo.org/2018/01/04/major-beijing-bri-security-fiasco-emerging/ We’ve heard so many times on SF about Chines involvement in fighting Ujgurs in SY. It seems like they have turned blind eye to ever growing insurgency among Muslim population of CH.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Why are these convoys not being bombed?

888mladen .

Most likely because of Turkey involvement. Remember that Turkey has positioned SAM batteries along SY border recently. Pusin has been making cardinal mistakes because of his covetousness. That warming towards Turkey will make him pay huge price.

John Whitehot


888mladen .

It seems like Erdogan has been skilfully peaching RU and NATO against each other while secretly working on his dream about restoration of the former glory of Ottoman empire.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Something smell fishy.How to this terrorist manage to move heavy equipment and artillery to the front lines without being detected. Everybody knows that USA does not have a military testing ground.This can only happened if Russia and USA have made and secret deal to use Syria as military testing ground. In the beginning Russia used to detect oil tankers and destroy.USA could detect Russian Heimim base construction and jet deployment. Answer trust no No permanent insecurity council member.


This is just a TIP military parade in the rear areas, and check out that field gun. LOL Hopefully none will survive to make it to the front lines. But the Jihadist will not show you that video. :D

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