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Turksih Military Strikes Area Near Government Convoy Entering Afrin (Video, Photos)

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The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) are not happy that Syrian government troops are entering the area of Afrin where Ankara’s Operation Olive Branch against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) is ongoing.

Users watching Lebanon’s Al Mayadeen TV noted that the TAF had struck the area near the road where the government convoy was heading. According to reports, the incident took place near the village of Maryamin, east of the YPG-held city of Afrin.

No info about casualties among government troops is available.

According to the videos circulating online, the government convoy consists of at least 20 different vehicles, including pickups and armoured vehicles.

Turksih Military Strikes Area Near Government Convoy Entering Afrin (Video, Photos)

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/op_shield/

Turksih Military Strikes Area Near Government Convoy Entering Afrin (Video, Photos)

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/op_shield/

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from al mayadeen tv source hoax tv!!!

David Pryce

Have u seen the video ? fuck me…. jesus wept the stupidity


saa occupied 5% the territory afrin at avril 2017 and only the militia shiite iranian into afrin no syrian army stupid idiot!!!

David Pryce

What are you talking.about? My post is in regard to Turkey shelling the road, which we all saw but u called it lies

Proud White Kuffar

well if turkey attacks SAA that will be problem so I hope then Russia will do something about it!!!!!!


No Russia would not for sure..

SAA chose to go in and doubt with Russia’ greenlight.

SAA is on its own… for whatever reason they want to go in when Kurds are still aligned with US


Its a dance on the Edge ! Assad has to do something to show the kurds he will protect them!! But he cant go full in and confront Turkey! He has to gain the support of the people and force the YPG PKK And SDF to give up arms or leave! Turkey is watching and is giving it a chance!


Excellent point here. King George replying to George King. :)

George King

SAA has not gone in! There is no deal! Why has SF been publicizing rumors from PKK/PYG/SDF/US for the past week? What we are seeing is Kurds from Aleppo area flying NDF flags but are not acting under Syrian or its alliances permission.

This is fooling no one and maybe allowed to play out to draw all traitors (as Assad has called them) into either a killing zone or identification process of who is and is not holding (allowed to hold in future) Syrian citizenship of the sovereign Syrian nation.

jerry hamilton

This is exactly what America want. Attack a NATO member and WW3 has begun.


No, attack a NATO country. Turkey is in Syria right now.

jerry hamilton

You really think America won’t join in?


Nope they wont! Becuase russia is bombing Turkeys proxies from the start inside syria! Russia doesnt want war! But it is ready for a war like this! The USA pushes for war but isnt ready for a war like this!


Nato is a defensive Pact. As Turkey attacked Syria, they cannot invoke art 5 of the Nato treaty and rightly so.

One can only hope Turkey will suffer major losses in Afrin and Idlib.

Jim Martin

Point well taken. Its is important that all of this be framed as the “Erdogan Regime” not Turkey, or the Turkish people. Like Egypt in 2011 is was important to separate Mubarak from the people and even the Army so that they do not feel attacked by the International community or you and I and they then rally around the regime as they feel they are also under siege from us. This is the only way to separate the good people from the extremists

There are legions of good people in Turkey, the Turkish people, and even the TSK in 21st Century Turkey that are horrified by what the “Erdogan Regime” is doing, and it was in fact part of the TSK who lead the coup in July 2016 after they were told in May/June 2016 that they were being given immunity from prosecution in fighting terrorism in Turkey. If It is terrorism then there is the rule of law, so why do they need immunity if they are conducting legitimate counter terrorism operations and not oppression? Why do they need a state of emergency since July 2016 unless the terrorists and oppressors are actually the “AKP terror nest’ in Ankara?

I strongly do not believe that the he coup in July 2016 had anything to do with Kurds, Gulen or international actors, but was a cry for help and an forced change after we international let all Turks suffer in silence under the Regime. For years it was in fact the TSK that kept Turkey secular and allowed it to travel towards a democracy (and no not all of them were saints, not even by a long shot). And the Erdogan turns around with his extremists and calls the coup “a gift from god” so he can stage his own hysterical pogrom against all non extremist Turks from any denomination

jerry hamilton

I hope you guys are right. I am not as trusting.


That’s correct. A Kurdish state east of the Euphrates can’t replace a country like Turkey in NATO. That’s the long and short of it.

jerry hamilton

You lost me.


Turkey -> 2nd largest military force in NATO. NATO has 24 military bases in Turkey (http://www.turkishnews.com/en/content/2013/03/24/natos-eastern-anchor-24-nato-bases-in-turkey/” Look at a map of the region. Turkey borders Iran, a US and Israel target for aggression. Turkey also borders Russia, another target of the US. Turkey also borders the Baltic states. Turkey is situated on both the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Nuclear weapons and radar are staged on Turkey’s lands.

Now let’s compare Kurds east of Euphrates. Kurds -> landlocked, no access to seas. Kurds could manage up to 30,000 troops if the US trains and arms them. Kurds would be forever a target of Turkey and it’s neighbors making US bases there untenable.

Hope that helps.

jerry hamilton

Thank you for that but the bit that lost me is….. “A Kurdish state east of the Euphrates can’t replace a country like Turkey in NATO”. Why did you mention it?


I mentioned it because the US will have to choose now between it’s allies, Turkey or the Kurds. It’s a lose lose situation for the US. If it supports Turkey, it loses the hopes of breaking up Syria of which it already controls a substantial portion of it located east of the Euphrates where most of Syria’s resources lay. The US has no troops there and relies on the SDF to occupy and hold it which it would lose if it chooses to support Turkey. On the other hand, if it chooses to support the Kurds and their SDF, the US and NATO stands to lose big time as there can be no comparison between what a relationship with Turkey provides the US and NATO strategically, versus what one with the SDF dominated Kurds east of the Euphrates would provide.

jerry hamilton

I personally expect America to ship the Kurds out and use them elsewhere. They are less expensive than American soldiers and they are good. The problem I have is I don’t trust America in the slightest. Netanyahu won’t let them give up either. They will come back with something dastardly.


Turks will not let Israel attack Iran from its soil.. Turkey gave names of 50 israeli operatives in Iran to the Iran gov’t. Israel, having lost 40 years of work, is the biggest Turkish enemy since then and is trying to take over Turkey anyway it can

US/NATO coup attempt in 2016 was just a continuation of that attempt. Another 40 years of CIA work in the making squashed in 6 hours. US / Israel can’t put in place another plan for a long time to come.

Turks will use Turkey’s strategic location to create trade routes, not war zones. Unlike the US, trade is more lucrative for Turks than a war economy.


“Turks will use Turkey’s strategic location to create trade routes, not war zones.”

Sounds good to me. Life on this planet would be much better if all countries acted in such manner, unfortunately, the US is governed by unelected psychopaths with politicians just being used as pawns and it’s population as potential cannon fodder.

Hanny Benny

that was Putins calculation let aggressor-turkey burn in long term


I believe Putin thinks far ahead. His KGB training helps him in understanding how the ‘west’ functions while his Judo training conditions his mind. The US on the other hand acts more impulsively (as most others do) while believing that it has thought out thoroughly several moves ahead of it’s opponent; I’d say more or less along the lines of playing a game of chicken without understanding it’s opponent.

Man Dagang

Dozens russian mecenaries already slaughtered by sdf & Usa they are in the state of chicken shits


The Turkish shelling of the SAA route opens up the shelling of Turkish ‘Observers’ in Idlib when the time is right. Perhaps this is is all part of the SAA/ Russian strategy?


Loose cannon.


My take though. SAA would forces Kurds into negotiations with Erdogan with Kurds disarmament as the main deals with SAA responsible for it’s enforcement in Afrin. Simply put another Deescalation zone.


That is quite possible .In this mad war events change daily :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes, tell the kurds to surrender their weapons in exchange for SAA protection, this should get turkey to back off

Jim Martin

“Protection”? Should we laugh or cry?

The SAA will have to prove themselves and deploy air defence against the Afrin Invasion otherwise they are a sick dog stretched too far and “begging for Moscow’s permission to go to the washroom” Air Defense is necessary to take the wind/hot air out of this illegal invasion of what was the most stable, peaceful non crazy part of Syria since 2012 when the Assad regime abandoned Afrin Canton and the residents and now the SDF/YPG/YPj had to defend its people against the crazies


The observation points are part of the astana agreements


That is indeed correct but the issue of the SAA entering a part of Syria de facto annexed by the YPG and at the request of the YPG with thus far unknown agreements is a perfectly legal action for the SAA.

If the SAA is able to secure the borders of Afrin and disarm or recruit the Kurds into the SAA , it it surely negates the Turkish argument of ‘ Securing the border from YPG terrorists ?

There has just been a declaration from Turkey that the SAA has withdrawn from Afrin. We will have to wait for the proof.


If SAA would disarm them. turkey would fall back they said that 2 days ago


It would be better if the Kurds accepted the writ of Damascus and that the Kurdish fighters joined the SAA and fully re-integrated with the Elected Government of Syria again.

President Erdogan could then move on Manbij :)

Hanny Benny

Putins long plan runs fine drag turkey inside syria turkey lose support from NATO (because of hisself arroganz) let turkey shatter in long term


Its President Putin’s Judo skill of using an opponents weight to their own disadvantage :)


Turkey must negociate with Assad and surrender. kurds must negociate with Assad and surrender.

No other solution.

After that, Turks go back to Turkey and kurds go back to Iran. Sunnis terrorists go back to USA, UK, France, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Expell western ambassadors and close relations with USA, UK, France and Netherlands.

Ask Putin S300 and S-400 and start building your own weapons to denfend yourself from israel.

So that, Syrians can leave in peace.

Samantha Green


Man Dagang

Turkey must mobilize 500 tanks, 100,000 troops plus Fsa, 100 jets, 50 atak, thousands of artilleries, anti-tank and anti-aircraft misiles to conquer syria for good..Assad will follow Putin to Gulag

Promitheas Apollonious

try not to post when under the influence of drugs. Also start digging a lot of mass graves, to bury what will be returned to turkey in bags.

Man Dagang

Hundred of Thousands of americans & south americans already died due to drugs, mass shootings, criminals homicide & suicidals..so dont sell any drugs here


Turkey should have never attacked Syria in first place. Never follow USA, you will be destroyed. Now, the situation is against Turkey. Erdogan should have known that USA will betray him. He must have done a deal with Assad.

But, I don’t know why, he chose to fight Syria what let kurds to create an independent state.

I don’t understand why Erdogan is agaisnt Assad. Assad is not a threat for Turkey. So, Never play against yourself.

Hanny Benny

because erdoKhan is against just EVERYBODY this is 1200 years long calipHell you will understand when they attack somebody you love in your context

…turks knows only thereselfs and they are the “Masters of the world” from God given… a 1000years abduction and rape-culture try to understand..


You don’t understand that a lot of syrian sunnis support Erdogan. The Ottoman was a caliphat and was not a colonization where Turks colonize Muslim lands to kill them and replace them.

As you can see, ex-ottoman nations don’t speak turkish and are not racial turks. The fact is that a lot of syrian sunnis support Erdogan and want to topple Assad to replace by a syrian sunni friend of Erdogan.

Hanny Benny

you are right i know this facts that’s the reason of jihadism in syria but the times changed not all sunnis support islamists and there a lot of sunni soldiers in SAA and stable situation in “liberated” rebel-country also in turkey only 50% support blind erdoKhan many live in fear now and stf.. have some turkish/kurdish/alevite friends


ottoman does not mean islamic. there’s an interesting story that the pope offered the keys to europe to the ottoman sultan if the Ottoman state became catholic. At the time there were more orthodox christians under Ottoman rule than muslims. Sultan showed the pope the middle finger.

“some” turkish/kurdish/alevite feedback won’t do. get to know turks from other sides too. nobody in turkey supports anyone blindy. everybody has their own interests. everybody is pretty much their own sultan. it’s not a tribe. it’s a complex society.


how many of your turkish frineds raped you? how many times?

Hanny Benny

MY turkish friends don’t rape, if they try they would never be my friends. What do you mean with this question?


could it be because ASSad massacred 1 million of his own people? and created 3 million refugees in Turkey? and helped create a PKK state in the east of syria? and because ASSad is a SOB?

Eskandar Black

They could do this. It would be illegal and expensive. The real question is, after the dust settles, who is left standing. Hard to say. but not Turkey.


Iran has lost how many generals/soldiers in the last 4 years? Iraninan people are getting pissed? And assad? SDF has been continuously fighting 2 fronts – turkey in the north and isis in the south. They have all run out of breath – all are on incubators. Turkey has just entered the war 1 month ago. It has much more stamina. Much better financially, militarily than any other party. Perfect timing but more importantly -a diplomatic success.

But don’t keep me from underestimating your opponent. That will just make is easier for them.

Eskandar Black

turkey entered this war in 2015 when turks profited from their relationship with isis and seized lands in northern syria, like the thieving creatures that they are. Their success against the SDF in Afrin with russian blessing is going to be short lived.


why? what would be the benefit? having more arab citizens?? no thanks.


Wrong only the YPG PKK SDF must surrender! and the USA has to leave Syria! The Kurds can fight in the SAA to protect syria!


No way. Give independence to kurds in northeast Syria where they live. So that you solve the kurd issue and you create one big for Turkey.

After that, close the border with kurds and enjoy your life.

Don’t understand why people want trouble.

Promitheas Apollonious

maybe before you be so generous with other people countries and land, you should offer them your home? Live with them for awhile and see how ti goes then we see how you think about what you so generously now offer as though the country is yours to give pieces of it away.


There is no advantage to do the police. Give kurds independance north east, where they live and get rid of the problem.

You will live so better.

Amanda Adams

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Promitheas Apollonious

who told you iran want the kurds in his land?

The rest you saying are not bad suggestions if the world was a perfect place and rules by judge people and not the lunatics who rule the west.


kurds can go back to Iran or Turkey. They want half of Syria. They are delusional.


They don’t want half of Syria the fucking US want’s half of Syria to do and build their dirty bases and be close to Iran.


They want half of Syria. And they will help to attack Iran.

That’s the main problem when you have a multi-ethnic countries.

Either you do like USA and you genocide the other ethni. Either, you let the other ethni live and give them independence. I don’t see other choice.

The problem is that this part of the planet was living under a big caliphat. Atfer that,, the west came, destroyed the caliphat and created pseudo states. Now, these same west countries try to “solve” the problem. Of course, they are solving nothing, they are taking advantage of the situation.

So, Syria better get rid of kurds ASAP. Maybe they will give 1/8 of the country but it’s better than to give 1/2 and have a lot of internal problems.

Adam Husein

My “Serious” friend, kurds are already present in Iran, Irak and Turkey, and by the way in much bigger numbers then in Syria, where they came escaping from persecution and received shelter and were welcomed by arab syrians at the end of XIX cent. Now they are playing Washington’s game, and will be betrayed once again as it happened in Irak. Yet, Damascus considers them syrian citizens, as it always has.

That’s the reason why syrian gov trusted them to protect the north and northeast of the country, when SAA troops had to retreat to save the west in 2012. And the sy gov was the first to give them arms and supplies.

In 2013, none of the 9 kurd political parties present in northern syria was talking about desengaging from Damascus. That speech began after the entrance of 3 new parties from Turkey, in 2014, the new influence posed by them in kurdish political leadership.

And this was used and encouraged by Washington’s criminal neocons for their historic partition and valkanization zionist plan which was put in practice from 2003 Irak invasion till present.

So, thanks for your good intentions, but Syrians don’t wan’t, and don’t intend to be as generous as you propose.

So, I partially agree with your first post, but give you my version:

► Turkey must negotiate with Damascus and surrender.

► Kurds must negociate with Damascus and surrender. Give back arms or be included as part of the Syrian Army. Political issues can be settled but always in the frame of a united and complete Syria, without giving up a single inch of land to nobody.

► Wahabi foreigner (majority) terrorists to jail, execution, or deportation (depending on the case), after national cleansing is completed.

► Pro-Wahabi syrian (minority) terrorists to jail, or reconciliation agreements and fix their status, after national cleansing is completed.

► USA, UK, France, Turkey, Saudi and Qatar, they can all together kiss our millenary syrian mesopotamian ass, and go fuck themselves.

► IsraHELL will be treated as the criminal dirty colonialist animal and enemy it has always been.


They tried it in Iraq already. Syria will be the same. And then they will lose Jordan.

Huzbin Farteen

Powerful President Erdogan tell Assad and Putin STOP or you will be slapped!

Assad and Putin now stop march on Afrin. They know Erdogan too powerful for them.


Assad is home and Russian are invitated,they are not be stopped !!


The mighty Turkish army has a hard time beating lightly armed Kurdish irregulars. That does not exactly spell powerful to me. Nor does it spell powerful to me that the US uses bases in Turkey from which to supply and support those very Kurds that the mighty Mufti from Ankara calls terrorists. AND DOES NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!

Powerful President Erdogan my ass!

John Whitehot

in fact their performance has been absymal so far. If they had to operate with no air cover they’ll probably get back from where they came from and let the “FSA” go fuck itself.


Farteen your daddy needs to tell you: STOP fartin’ from your mouth or you will be slapped!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

no dont send the kurds to iran send them to antarctica lmao

Adam Husein

My “Serious” friend, kurds are already present in Iran, Irak and Turkey, and by the way in much bigger numbers than in Syria, where they came escaping from persecution by Ottoman Empire and received shelter and were welcomed by arab syrians at the end of XIX cent.

Now they are playing Washington’s game, and will be betrayed once again as it happened in Irak. Yet, Damascus considers them syrian citizens, as it always has.

That’s the reason why Syrian gov trusted them to protect the north and northeast of the country, when SAA troops had to retreat to save the west (70% of the population) in 2012. And the sy gov was the first to give them arms and supplies.

In 2013, none of the 9 kurd political parties present in northern syria was talking about desengaging from Damascus. That speech began after the entrance of 3 new parties from Turkey, in 2014, and the new influence posed by them in kurdish political leadership.

And this was used and encouraged by Washington’s criminal neocons for their well-known historic partition and balkanization zionist plan which was put in practice from 2003 Irak invasion till present.

So, thanks for your good intentions, but Syrians don’t wan’t, and don’t intend to be as generous as you propose.

In brief, I partially agree with your first post, but give you my version:

► Turkey must negotiate with Damascus and surrender.

► Kurds must negociate with Damascus and surrender. Give back arms or be included as part of the Syrian Army. Political issues can be settled but always in the frame of a united and complete Syria, without giving up a single inch of land to nobody.

► Wahabi foreigner (majority) terrorists to jail, execution, or deportation (depending on the case), after national cleansing is completed.

► Pro-Wahabi syrian (minority) terrorists to jail, or reconciliation agreements and fix their status, after national cleansing is completed.

► USA, UK, France, Turkey, Saudi and Qatar, they can all together kiss our millenary syrian mesopotamian ass, and go fuck themselves.

► IsraHELL will be treated as the criminal dirty colonialist animal and enemy it has always been.


Yes finally some consistency from Erdogan. If they do in the end replace Kurds as boots in the ground for US they would be ready to dump the Kurds or at least pretend to do so. Some dramas from the Kurds later.

David Pryce

They do not talk, the US regime tried to kill him.


Yeah i know but he’s no stranger to such attempt. Erdogan is treacherous greedy bastard but by all means he’s not stupid. His reign by the portrayal of MSM is dictatorial however there’s little instability post coup. At least none major I’ve know. So much to everyone dismay and contempt he’s in power for now. The only way the US can push with the Syrian partition plan centers around Kurds that have Turkey approval is if they dismembered Turkey just like Syria. For now it can’t happen. Erdogan used the coup and Europe general islamophobia very effectively that the current Turkey population will unite against any foreign incursion.

Bulgarian God

Turkey will easily smash assad bastards. :)

Christos Pratis

fuck you bastard take your friends and go to altay mountains…

David Pryce

With no airforce?


dont be happy turkey could attack bulgaria anytime

Promitheas Apollonious

he is not bulgarian he is a stupid turk

Wagner Von Schmit

Turkish colonizer in Bulgaria)

John Whitehot

he surely sounds like one.

Promitheas Apollonious

if you walk like a turkey and sound like one ……………

John Whitehot

but you could always be a chicken xD

Bulgarian God

Bulgaria and Turkey are allies in NATO. So eat shits, gayreek monkey! :)


that dosent mean nothing turkey can funk you up any-moment…Greece can also…you have no army

Bulgarian God

gayreece is black hole on the Balkans. you have no money and you are starving. Solun (not gayreek name Thessaloniki) will be bulgarian soon! :) Your communist shit Tsipras just fucked up you and your miserable country! :)


lol you are so much butthurt from Greece hahaha did a greek guy stole your wife? hate more poor little gypsy

Bulgarian God

all gayreeks are dark as shits! You came from Africa and you are ethiopian gypsies then mixed with some Balkan people! Bulgarians are white aryans! So shut up gayreek gypsi !!!


you are confused…you bulgarians are just gypsies and mongoloids

Bulgarian God

shut ug gayreek gypsi! You are dark, ugly and with average height 1.65m. gayreek midgets subhumans! :)


stop talking to the mirror plz

Christos Pratis

you are a miserable turanic shit half human half monkey you own nothing your fucking map with stollen lands put it you know where and gay check and learn from where is coming the name ΘΕΣΣΑΛΩΝ ΝΙΚΗ……..

Bulgarian God

all gayreeks are dark as shits! You came from Africa and you are ethiopian gypsies then mixed with some Balkan people! Bulgarians are white aryans! So shut up gayreek gypsi !

Christos Pratis

in your purple dreams good night sweet dreams go and check your DNA and after answer back…….Hellenic DNA has purity 94% compares to our GREAT ancient ancestors…

Bulgarian God

shut ug gayreek gypsi! You are dark, ugly and with average height 1.65m. gayreek midgets subhumans! :)

Promitheas Apollonious

especially with you, leading the way and making the strategies i am sure.


Are you by any change a Bulgarian Turk?

Bulgarian God

No. But you are black dutch monkey, so shut up!

Hanny Benny

your country get shattered next Putins game runs fine with erdoGenius remind of me in a few years ;)

Bulgarian God

shut up communist monkey ! You are my dog slave!

Hanny Benny

ye master of the world get chaos in your country well :*


Depending on what has been agreed between SDF and Assad NDF (?) entering Afrin is for the better of Syrian unity. Whether that should be a monolithic state or a federal state must be negotiated between Assad and Northern Syrian leadership.

For Turkey this is, potentially, a disaster.

If there is aircover, then TuAF cannot operate freely anymore over Afrin, which will reduce turkish capablities greatly.

Likely the Afrin swamp has gotten worse for Turkey and Erdogan.

Jim Martin

The SAA will have to prove themselves and deploy air defence against the Afrin Invasion otherwise they are a sick dog stretched too far and “begging for Moscow’s permission to go to the washroom”


All of Syria has had to defend the nation against these crazies funded and backed by the USA . The Kurds are mad to sleep with this enemy.

Manuel Flores Escobar

YPG must be dismantled in Afrin and their member be part of NDF…Not be US contratist!


As both YPG and US have stated, there is no cooperation between them in Afrin, neither are there any US military in Afrin.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes…. and you believe everything you hear? Academic question.


only one hour the senior ypg declared no deal with damas!!


Seems like the senior YPG doesn’t control what he thinks he controls.

Joe Doe

This can indicate that Erdegon has own agenda, Conquer Syria

SAA is wasting their time and resources. Turks and Kurd’s have a blood lust with each other. No force on earth is going to stop them from doing what they are genitally driven to do. Fight each other. SAA just needs to let it happen for 6 months straight till they grow tired, it will happen trust me. Mean time SAA has not send anything to go liberate the heat of Syria, which is the Golan Heights!


Start a war with Israel , right , as if Syria doesn’t have its hands full with the US camped on its oil fields and southern border .

John Whitehot

Israel is literally crying for that to happen

israel first murica last

Assad is a goner.

Gregory Casey

I think your clock stopped in 2013

israel first murica last

Well if israel wants you gone you’re gone

John Whitehot


jerry hamilton

You could have a point. Israel is vindictive, murderously corrupt and can financially corrupt most nations. Their sickness will never end.

Gregory Casey

This used to be the case but no longer.


Motherfuckers Fucking Ottoman sons of a bitches, that Erdogan the Main HTS- ( Al-Qaeda ) funder in Syria with Weapons mush be drone or Kalibar strike in that house of his. That old pessimistic bastard, playing 3 sides, in the end both the US and Russia will fuck that Turkey up, he is playing with big fire, he threatens the US bitches in SDF areas that he will bomb them, which if do so he will be insta fucked, and now he threatens and even strikes at Syrian Government forces in which if he really do so, Russia will fuck him on the end if he attack the Syrian troops in Afrin.


The turks are totally HAPPY- all the nonsense you see saying otherwise is FOR SHOW. Kurds have gotten a whipping once again and their aspirations for an independent bloc that could be used as a seed for an independent nation dashed.

Turkey wants the kurdish regions in Syria under firm Syrian government control- for then the kurds live under Syrian law- which supresses any military ‘terrorist’ ambition by those kurds.

This is where Southfront always FAILS- its so-called ‘analysis’ that simply rehashes the psy-op talking points of the jewish controlled mainstream media- and takes these LIES as fundamental ‘facts’. Whereas you COULD crack open a history book, read about the history of the kurds in the entire region, and their long troubled relationships with the various powers that run the nations with significant kurdish populations.

As with all ‘independent’ movements, kurdish ‘terror’ ebbs and flows with time. Kurds do ‘best’ militarily when they are temporarily the cat’s paw of a foreign power – but never as anything but ‘useful idiots’. None of the great powers want kurdish ‘independence’, nor do any of the local nations.

And all this designed to take attention from the AMERICAN zone of control in Syria- every recent Trump pronouncement has stated America is there to stay, and will increasingly focus on murdering Russians and bring the ‘regime’ of Assad down.

Feudalism Victory

Mustve blown up all the olive trees

israel first murica last

America will win this battle!

Gregory Casey

Just like Vietnam I suppose??


America claims to not even be it the battle.

jerry hamilton

When did America last tell the truth? Lincoln never went to war to free the slaves.

Bulgarian God

C’mon ! Smash assad communist bastards! Kill ’em all! :) Kurds shouldn’t cooperate with those Assad bastards! Kurds must kill all assadis surrounded in Hasakah and Kamishli !


lol go get a life little gypsy ahahaha

Huzbin Farteen

Great President Erdogan tell Assad and Putin STOP or you will be slapped!

Assad and Putin now stop march on Afrin. They know Erdogan too powerful for them.

John Whitehot

do you really people is that idiotic?

Ice Icegold

stop killer Erdodog https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/765fd62a5efede9329b72d748f64911ba1aaf799513b290d6bb6334d0c5ddec4.jpg


Erdogan seems rather certain, that Syrian regime support for Afrîn is only in token. He’s apparently also certain that Russia and Iran have no interest at all to support the Kurds – on the contrary. And yet, these countries might still understand that giving rights to their Kurdish minorities is a better way than eternal suppression. This operation may still become Erdogan’s grave stone, even though, right know, Syrian forces will get their a**s handed to them by Turkey.

Joe Dokes

Erdogan already claimed they turned back and Afrin will be captured in two days. If he can’t do it he will be labeled the biggest clown since Baghdad Bob.

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