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Twitter Blocked Account Of Russia’s Delegation To Vienna Arms Control & Security Talks

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Twitter Blocked Account Of Russia's Delegation To Vienna Arms Control & Security Talks

IMAGE: https://twitter.com/armscontrol_rus

On February 12, Twitter blocked the account of the Russian delegation to the Vienna talks on military security and arms control.

The delegation’s head, Konstantin Gavrilov, said that the platform claimed that the account somehow violated the rules of the platform.

Earlier in February, the Russian Ministry of Defense said it decided to not participate in the military doctrine seminar of the OSCE for the first time in 30 years due to the non-constructive policies of Western states. Russia was represented by the delegation to the Vienna talks and spoke about military doctrines at the closing session.

So, Big Tech opted to censor the ability of the Russian side to provide its official position on key questions of the current international security situation to the public.


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Laurent Parodi

The dangerous part is when they will decide they can also suppress people and countries they do not like. The orwellian world the western leaders want to create will lead to a catastrophe.


It seams that is exactly what they want…

Tommy Jensen

We are using our swarm technique. First Europe will be broken down into submission. Then 500 million hungry Europeans backed by a pre-emptive swarm of 100 000’s of drones and suicide planes and robots will start marching against Moscow to.

Russia cant do a shit because killing all these people or just a few million will be against the Geneva Convention and the Orthodox Church teaching of loving your equal partners and forgive all Americans for what we have been doing.

America did the impossible again. We won! Next step a land war against China.


aren’t you lucky bunch with all your wars…..

Hind Abyad

Tommy is that you twin brother again?


“Russian Navy Admiral Nakhimov nuclear missile cruiser to receive organic power supplies” “The upgraded cruiser will be armed with hypersonic Tsirkon missiles, antiship Onyx missiles and Kalibr cruise missiles. ” The ships of the class are the world’s largest surface combatants built after WWII, save for aircraft carriers. They displace 28,000 tons (full load), measure 251 m long, have a 140,000-hp nuclear power plant, a speed of 31 knots and a complement of 728 carry three Kamov Ka-27 (Helix) helicopters. https://navyrecognition.com/index.php/news/defence-news/2021/january/9583-russian-navy-admiral-nakhimov-nuclear-missile-cruiser-to-receive-organic-power-supplies.html


Delivery of serial production of Tsirkon hypersonic missile to Russian armed forces to start in 2022 ”The missile can fly at a maximum speed of Mach 9 and an altitude of 30-40 km where the range and speed increase as air resistance is smaller. According to Russian military sources, the missile has a payload from 300 to 400 kg and a length of 8-10 meters. It is capable of hitting both ground and naval targets up to a distance of 1,000 km. The missile will have a conventional warhead but speculation abounds that it could carry a nuclear warhead in the future” ”The Tsirkon is designed to use the 3S-14 Russia Universal Vertical Launching System, the same seaborne launcher as the Onyx and Kalibr missiles, in order to make it easy and affordable to deploy on ships and submarines. According to military sources, the Tsirkon missile will have a light version that will be air-deployed, likely from a Tupolev Tu-160/M/M2 jet.” https://navyrecognition.com/index.php/news/defence-news/2021/january/9508-delivery-of-serial-production-of-tsirkon-hypersonic-missile-to-russian-armed-forces-to-start-in-2022.html

Laurent Parodi

For anti ship missions if the tsirkon will have an air deployed version it s likely it will also be carried by the last version of the TU-22 the TU-22M3M and by the SU-34.


” likely from a Tupolev Tu-160/M/M2 jet.” They talk about “light version that will be air-deployed‘” because they intend to put them on rotating launcher 12 Tsirkons I suppose.

rotating launcher: http://www.flankers-site.co.uk/modl_tu-160_trump_files/Photo_107.jpg

Laurent Parodi

Karakurt and Buyan-M corvettes should be able to carry the tsirkon. That is amazing. 800 tons cheap corvettes with the ability to sink anything in a range of 1000 kms.


Better arm tugboats with zyrkon. The enemy will look to sink the battleship and Bam! Surprise surprise!!!! its tugboat strikes in full force.


It seams…Yes. wikipedia: “Gremyashchiy class, Buyan class and Karakurt class corvettes” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3M22_Zircon Range. “Ministry of Defense of the Russia claimed the missile’s range is estimated to 1,000 – 2,000 km (depend on the type of target)”

Band Itkoitko

Yes, it’s a bit like a military wet dream coming true.

johnny rotten

So stupid as to confirm every word of VVP, who a few days ago in Davos warned against the conflict between nation states and private social media, a prophetic analysis that proved true only a few days after it was pronounced.

Hasbara Hunter

The more Goebbels, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube block the better it is! Their Censorshipping will only accelerate their Downfall….


Hope so


Yes, it appears that the Russian Federation, its people and its leaders, are finally saying ‘No more will you slander us NATO, NO MORE.’

Its been a long time coming and is likely due to the UN Agenda21 economic disasters in NATO nations. War is often the response of dying empires and the US is certainly sick.

Tommy Jensen

Next time NATO slander Russia, Assad will get his S-300.

Jack Bauer

No they aren’t. They are just changing position. The unanswered fcuking will continue a pace. These Ruskies are controlled opposition. Either that or incredibly stupid or lacking balls. Nothing more. They are scared to act. Fcuk them.

Hasbara Hunter

The Beast in its Final Death Throes…we are witnessing post-stunning paroxysms…Pithing might be a quick and compassionate solution to stop these convulsions & put it out of its misery…


I suspect that Covid will have lockdowns,travel restrictions and ‘mutations’ until the situation in the US calms down. It could take years.

You never know,HH. A Dutch Virus that only kills educated white people is a possibility :)

Hasbara Hunter

COVID-19, Lockdowns & Sperrzeit…opened up the eyes of a lot of People here in Holland…the longer this situation lasts…the better it is…because more Sheeple will wake up to the astonishing & bizarre reality we live in today….The Elites in their panic, make a lot of mistakes…The Snake is eating its own tail…time is on our side for that matter & patience a good virtue…let them bring it on!


The demonstrations against the wonton destruction of Western economies by governments are increasing rapidly.

The MSM of course fails to report on any anti lockdown demonstrations against governments, unless they are impossible to ignore.

The only way to travel to and from the UK to the EU without too many risks, is to travel by inflatable boats. The greatest advantage being that in the unlikely event of being caught, UK officials will arrest the travellers and place them in free hotel board and lodgings :)

Hasbara Hunter

I’m just waitin’ for the “Great Awakening” that beautiful moment when the Royals, Elitists, ZioNazis, Banksters & all other Parasites have to jump in their inflatable boats in a desperate attempt to escape the Angry Mob that came knockin’ on their doors…

Nowhere to run to…nowhere to hide…


Yes, there will be knowhere to hide for them, and rather than let a new breed take over their ‘castles and floating palaces’ , it would be wise to knock them down or sink them as a warning for those who seek that sort of predator life.

John Brown

Yes its great they do this, so give them a 5 billion dollar fine for it and if they don’t pay ban them in Russia until they do pay.


Banned on Twitter? Try these Russian social networks! We’re not guaranteeing you won’t be banned for being outright obscene, but if American social networks have become too much for you with their loose interpretations of what’s harmful and what’s not, here’s a list of Russian messengers and social networks that’ll help fill the gap! https://www.rbth.com/science-and-tech/333276-banned-on-twitter-try-these-social-networks


I agree with you here, these are good platforms. They deserve more users.

Band Itkoitko

Nice guide. I’ll keep it in mind if I ever decide to actually join social media.

Rhodium 10

Russia should ban Twitter in Russia like China do with that pro Globalist plataform




Many people, firms in the import or export use those platforms for business and for the contacts. China being hybrid society – authoritarian communist rule in capitalist environment can always solve that easily…..

Jack Bauer

Russia is controlled opposition. Don’t expect anything from those cowards except online proclamations and feigned anger. Just some ball washing bitxhes for nato.


shut up frustrated ameriCunt


‘Doomsday Weapon’: Advanced Russian Drones to Be Test-Launched From Nuclear Sub, Report Says The state-of-the-art Poseidon drones can be equipped with both conventional and nuclear weapons, which enable them to hit a wide range of targets, including aircraft carrier groups, coastal fortifications, and infrastructure.


Fog of War

So many questions.

1) Why is an official Russian political delegation wasting their time on twitter ? Is there no Russian equivalent ?

2) What would China, Turkey, Myanmar, or other countries do in this situation ? I think we know the answer. .

3) Why does Russia still allow twatter , and the other CIA fronts to operate in Russia, as they are clearly tools of the ZioWest ?

4) Why does Russia pretend to be so impotent ? Answer: Chabad Putin.

Tommy Jensen

Bs. There are many ways of defence. An important case is to inform the enemy’s population that you are not a monster but human beings.

Fog of War

Hows that strategy been working out so far ? Whats the saying about repeating the same action but hoping for a different result each time ?


Because they are Jews, but they will not admit…. just to piss YOU off. They’ll wait till you crack and have your nervous breakdown and go m a d completely than they will immediately start the WW3 !

Jack Bauer

Lol. Clearly you know nothing about military strategy or doctrine. Not do you understand how psychological warfare works. Did you study all these topics in your mother’s basement? I mean you’re like a 4 star general on twotter. ??????.

How many Russians died using that strategy in WWII?

They are all just playing the same game Depopulation. You’re next on the menu.


it is obvious that you BANKRUPTED ameriCunts have everything under your control and planned the way you wanted… ..you are so full of “strategy” that you don’t even know how to find your own arsehole ! even when you try hard.

Hind Abyad

You know them well!

Jack Bauer

They are controlled opposition. Don’t you get it? They all have backdoor deals. It’s ALL political theater. How relevant is this post when you take it into context what’s going on in the world? None. Just ruskies being two faced as usual. Playing the depopulation game. Iran and Israel have pipelines that the use secretly to buy natural resources. Yet they are at war? The real war are the elites and their puppet politicians ( read putin ) against the common man they want to exteminate or enslave. All their resources, corporations ( exempt from criminal prosecution or liability), educational institutions, UN, WHO, big pharma, militaries, social media, covered sponsored truth speak etc. Is all in line to make you less human. They are all in on it Crying online about twotter just confirms it more.

Fog of War

I’m pretty sure you dont understand my position on this topic. You must be new here.

Hind Abyad

No, you are new.

Trap Is Not Gay

You’re a CIA paid shill.

Trap Is Not Gay

Iran doesn’t have any pipeline with Israel.

These projections of the USA onto Russia/Iran are pathetic, shill.

Paid shill

Trap Is Not Gay

CIA paid trolls trying to smear Putin again.

Go back to the Jew’s CIA, loser.

George Soros was banned from Russia, loser.

Jack Bauer

Stupid ruskies. Still too dumb to just start their own Twitter or Instagram apps and promote them internationally. But they are part of the plan. Part of the game. Stupid foils. Nothing more. Useful idiots. Good cop bad cop. Controlled opposition. They have the money yet never seem to do the most damage to the west. They only take it up the rear and then complain about the west not being fair. They are satanic pedos just like your elites. What do you expect. Oh let me guess. They are still waiting for their PayPal account to get unblocked. ROFL ROFL ????? ?????


they already have them, but you are too stupid to verify before talking bullshit… go die in the corner…

Jack Bauer

English must not be your first language. What part of promote them internationally don’t you get? For you troglodytes using twitter. Getting farmed. Those two faced dummies. Just look at you. Some broke millennial hipster. Half a fruit basically. But yeah. Fcuk those ball washing bitxhes. Fake crying to NATO. They are in on this scam. Your IQ isn’t where it needs to be for you to survive the next decade. You will literally go for in a corner. Vaxxed, muzzled but on twotter til the end. Like a good chattel slave.


“promote them internationally” through Western MSM you mean?! I wonder how they didn’t come to such “bright” and original idea!!!

Of course you are too stupid to understand that they already have accounts on Russian media… that they already use, ant they don’t really care much about Twater account anyways. Those who read Russian media generally know all Russian apps (it takes 30 seconds to discover on internet all their names ) No go away you and your 1st. language you loser.

Hind Abyad

Hazbara squatters have brand new discus

Hind Abyad

One of your good chattel slave Vaxxed, muzzled ? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05fb80ea4a0c278498895314101a3d00e0c46326e441268a8142675599e7a13f.jpg

Hind Abyad

Parasites IDF dressed in full war equipment to kill unarmed Palestinians . ????? ?????

Trap Is Not Gay

Who yet uses Twitter (and other Jew’s USA media)?

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