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MARCH 2025

Twitter Of Qassem Soleimani Returns Online To Send Message To Trump

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Twitter Of Qassem Soleimani Returns Online To Send Message To Trump

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As Iran struck US military facilities in Iraq and the US started preparations for its military step in response, the Twitter account of the US military’s assassinated Iranian General Qassem Soleimani returned online to send a message to US President Donald Trump.

The publsihed poster recalls the November 2018 ‘meme war’ between the US President and the Qods Force commander, when they exchanged threats in style of the “Game of Thrones” series:

Twitter Of Qassem Soleimani Returns Online To Send Message To Trump

IMAGE: Qassem Soleimani (@soleimany_ir) / Instagram


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Zionist Internet Warrior

Notice how all emergency Iran meetings Trump is in today, yesterday, all have Jared Kushner with him. More proof that Jared runs the US foreign policy and not Trump. Anything to please his hook nosed, aushwitz survivor son in law




Truth is Jared is Netenyahu’s handler! So u right on one level, but u got the wrong president!

You’ll find out, when u do…..remember my name then say my name! I KNOW ALL!


Zionism = EVIL

Please don’t spam with tacky US shows.





God Bless IRAN!



Let the games begin! US will get a hiding and it would be wise for any coalition member to leave and let the US fight her own battle which one doubts that they can.


My comment from yesterday: “It is just not Soleimani’s banner that will be flying from Iran”

Iranian dozen missiles hit with pinpoint accuracy. US has suffered a bloody nose and will hopefully deescalate or face decades of war.


Ukrainian Air Boeing 737 shot down after taking off from Tehran. Looks like ONE counterstrike SAM from direction of Iraq DID hit target.


Why would they lunch a SAM ? that would make no sense.


Aircraft alighting from Iranian airport is a potential target amid missile attack from Iran. A mistake I think but plausible


It crashed just right after take off, and a SAM would’ve been detected since Tehran is far away from Iraq. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9927ff440fa9b258b884e13e2d17373892fbbfdd2085a23a891a3d9072ad11cf.jpg

Ashok Varma

Just a sad accident. There is no need for people to spread excited rumors. However, kudos to our Iranian neighbors for standing tall. Good karma for Iran.

Ashok Varma

Please refrain from speculation. It is just an accident as Ukrainian planes are old.

Ashok Varma

The Boeing 737-800 is a very common single-aisle, twin-engine jetliner used for short to medium-range flights. Thousands of the planes are used by airlines around the world.

Introduced in the late 1990s, it is an older model than the Boeing 737 MAX, which has been grounded for nearly 10 months following two deadly crashes.

A number of 737-800 aircraft have been involved in deadly accidents over the years

Zionism = EVIL

Nope, just an unfortunate accident.

The Boeing 737-800 is a common single-aisle, accident prone US twin-engine jet used for short to medium-range flights. Thousands of these planes are used by airlines around the world.

Introduced in the late 1990s, it is an older model than the Boeing 737 MAX, which has been grounded for nearly 10 months following two deadly crashes.

A number of 737-800 aircraft have been involved in deadly accidents over the years.

Ashok Varma

Iran has acted in a commensurate manner to repeated US thuggery and the cold blooded murder of its peacemaker General Soleimani. RESPECT and BEST WISHES to Iranian people. US needs to stop its arrogance.

Karen Bartlett



Its reminicent of Obi Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, his death just made him stronger and now his ghosat will haunt the evil Emire for eternity.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes exactly, he is now more powerful than we can possibly imagine lol

Azriel Herskowitz

0 US casualties reported from failed Mullah missile attack! Nice try!

Ricky Miller

U.S. forces headed for the basement leaving Kurdish and Iraqi soldiers to take the hits from their misdeeds. Casualty information from the second wave attack isn’t in yet but the first wave damaged several American aircraft. American and Iranian warplanes are slapping one another with radar targeting but each side is staying on their side of the Gulf. And U.S. forces are on the run inside Syria, abandoning their positions in the oil fields. Trump is a pussy and American forces hide! U.S. air defenses have intercepted only four of the first fifteen missiles, what a joke.


It’s to early to beleive those fake news.

Ricky Miller

Kurds too, no doubt. Brave Americans ducked and covered in the bunkers leaving American proxies among Sunni and Kurdish Iraqi’s topside to absorb the blow. Trump cancels speech because he’s not sure what to do and is a pussy.

George King

There was no doubt why the Russian President paid a personal visit to the region and photo shoot with their ally President Assad an a acknowledgement that all is well and the coalition stands ready. I can only guess if China who joined Iran and Russia in war maneuvers this past month was an outward signal/sign that China has joined the coalition of the ME and not on NATO’s side by the way. The “Silk Road” will protect the “Silk Road” it is the only option against the rouge Empire……


It was a message from Iran you idiot ! Not meant to create casualties. Flag Sam: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/49485dbfae4a375f6e43673e43b99aa5743d71642bd0c7d2ac24ee7ead098473.png


Zionists will be hit next, you are the main cause of global conflict. Iran has been true to its word.


Fake news, no iraqi have been killed so far. all the one who claimed that, are propaganda outlets and pro-zionist accounts. Typical zionist trick.


The IRGC claimed there is at least 30 casualties. Obviously they had drones in the sky alongside ground intell about the movement inside the base. Yesterday one of the IRGC commanders told the news to be patient we are monitoring our targets carefully. “it also further showed that the patriot is not effective” when was the patriot have ever been proved otherwise.

Ashok Varma

Even in 1991, the US Patriots were abject failures with zero interception rate. The GAO did a whole report on their wasted cost.


I think after the Israeli F-35 “bird strike” incident the USAF would be very reluctant to overfly a country with sophisticated SAMs. The Israelis only seem to use drones and stand-off weapons in Syria (which perhaps explains their low success rate)






What if it turns out to be really bad for Iran? What if someone starts posting memes that illustrate the demise of such a counter strike on epic proportions? Will u complain and down vote such memes? its too early to be so cocky! Have u seen those boxing fights on youtube where a boxer walks into the ring full of ego and cockiness, only to be brutally KO’d in the first round? Have u?

What are the chances that occurs! Is it likely? USA vs Iran! Tell me,,,, is that scenario likely?? THINK! Think hard!

my advice is to bite ur tongue! its the USA vs Iran!!! Not the USA vs Russia or China! THINK!


If it’s going to turn bad on Iran, It’s going to turn bad on everyone, no one is safe… You are claiming to be smarter than anyone here is not the way to go my friend, you only make yourself look arrogant and stupid … If you are following what Hezbollah’s leader said in his last speech you would shocked… It’s the beginning of a new phase indeed, and what makes it more scarier, is that words came out from Hassan nasrallah mouth.


“you only make yourself look arrogant and stupid” YES Arrogant! NO, not stupid! Aware, informed, knowing! u and me are on the same side! I want Israel dead perhaps more than u! u cant even hate a Jewish Iranian General yet i can! Because he was a Jew! Therefore, who’s side are u on? Answer me that!

As for Iran! Its going to become Persia again! Not because i hope, or think! Because i KNOW! Iran’s leadership is not what u think it is! US leadership (since Trump) is not what u think it is! Trump just did Iran a huge favour by killing that JEWISH Iranian General! U dont know how deep the CIA and Mossad rabbit hole goes! I DO! Thats the difference between You and me! But even though i am saying that, i know u wont accept my information because it would break much of your beliefs! It would show u have been fooled!

So when Trump strikes Iran, they are strikes of freedom! Former CIA and Mossad control will be eradicated from Iran just as it has mostly been done in North Korea!

i like to inform people here when they finally find out! They will at least have something to grasp onto!

Trust me, when u find out (within a year for sure) u and i will be good friends!

Wish u well!


Hi Snowglobe :)


I wonder if Iran has the bomb? I suppose we’ll find out


As much as Iran deserves retribution. Hitting Iraqi troops with artillery is not exactly making the great satan suffer.


A Boeing 737, Ukraine Airliner, just down in Tehran, not long after took off… With180 passengers inside.

Ashok Varma

Just an accident. Technical problems, no need to spread malicious rumors and RIP to the victims.


Interesting! Likely CIA assets! im talking about Iran’s handlers!!


Well this wasn’t exactly the attack I suspected, it’s much bolder. I keep reading conflicting reports about damage and casualties, which is normal after events like this. These are all the various claims I’ve heard so far…

– Several US helicopters destroyed (likely) – Several US fighter jets destroyed (likely) – US diplomat killed in Erbil (possible) – 80-100 Americans killed in Kurdish region (unlikely) – No Americans killed (possible) – Iraqi casualties reported (possible/unlikely) – No Iraqi casualties (possible/likely)

I haven’t seen any evidence to confirm anything yet though, so I’ll keep ‘holding my breath’ for now. I hope the SF crew are working overtime to clear all this up!


“Forgive them Father (the monkeys on SF) for they know NOT what they do!”

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/431b0025a5cefaf1478a0071d84a7ed5348239d1a8364128d30446483d7b24c6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa5ea7c6c3e464453e3604eb0255cc2748d61f4ed92c555c6b4be0d789dbcc83.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/46e2593fc1912195bad82f5da54f632eb74b950789759edfc49bab93f51898f8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/495cebae7b70d44a5b437dfa75d27124819f43f822e132701f64bbb07c50215b.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a2f4d241a33d975dac6098b2250843f6190c5813b7c868fe43d1a09f1c185e16.png

FREEDOM TO IRAN IS COMING SOON! (JUST LIKE IT WILL IN N.K) Your handlers will be swiftly assassinated! God Wins! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7bf7f17e0b0b939c7c6f2e4b3229a48d0ab993a98c397bbc6763b8b606540532.jpg


Wake the Fuck up!!! They Controlled Iran and N.K just like they controlled ISIS and Al-quieda! They even sent the General a warning! NYT= Former CIA black hats! LEARN THEIR COMMS! (We on 8chan learned their comms 2 years a go) Trump is saving Iran, not hurting it! THE GREAT AWAKENING!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16a660c4c9b236ef214863883642fa414979ab345106f196ca426d2034b52839.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbaa7401603c1e30906e764e8b3595f3b423f6dfecef180f4112aa9abbd31985.png

JOIN ME AT 300,000 FEET! The view is much better from up here! You can see EVERYTHING!!!

Hasbara Hunter

When the smoke has cleared things will become visible too…I know the Enemy is cornered & got him in Clear Sight…finger on the trigger…

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