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MARCH 2025

U.S., British Personnel Killed In Taji Rocket Attack. Retaliatory Airstrikes Reported In Eastern Syria (Video)

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Update: The U.S.-led coalition has confirmed that three of its personnel were killed in the rocket attack on Camp Taji in central Iraq.


Three U.S.-led coalition personnel, two Americans and a British, were killed in the last rocket attack on Camp Taji near the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, two U.S. officials told Reuters on March 11 citing preliminary information.

According to officials, a dozen coalition personnel were also injured in the attack, which took place in the afternoon. The military camp was struck with 15 small rockets fired from a truck-mounted improvised launcher that was parked nearby.

A U.S official confirmed Reuter’s report to the Telegraph. The official said one of the Americans was a servicemen and the other a contractor. He also warned that the number of casualties could rise.

U.S., British Personnel Killed In Taji Rocket Attack. Retaliatory Airstrikes Reported In Eastern Syria (Video)

Click to see full-size image. Via Google Earth.

Initially, Iraq’s Security Media Cell claimed that the attack didn’t result in any losses what so ever. The U.S.-led coalition, however, said the damage is being assessed.

“The Coalition confirms more than 15 small rockets impacted Iraq’s Camp Taji base hosting Coalition troops, March 11 at 7:35 p.m. (Iraq Time). Assessment and investigation ongoing,” Col. Myles B. Caggins III, a spokesman for the coalition, said on Twitter.

A few hours after the deadly attack in Iraq a series of airstrikes were reported in eastern Syria. According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the airstrikes targeted the vicinity of the city of al-Bukamal on the border with Iraq.

Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen said the airstrikes were carried out by unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs). The news channel claimed that airstrikes resulted in material losses only.

Several sources reported that the airstrikes were a retaliation by the U.S. to the killing of its service members in Camp Taji, which is the most likely scenario.

Last December, a similar attack killed a U.S. defense contractor in Iraq’s K1 Base. Back then, the U.S. responded with a series of airstrikes on positions of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in Iraq and Syria. Dozens of Shiite fighters were killed.

The situation will likely escalate further in the upcoming few hours. The U.S. appears to be determined to hold the PMU responsible for the repeated attacks on its troops in Iraq, despite the lack of any clear evdince

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Al Balog

This image speaks for itself


Zionism = EVIL


Jacob Wohl

better than the caveman army of the syrian regime and its iranian shia proxies

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahaha….they Whooped your Arses Mr. Womenterrorizer…

Icarus Tanović

How do you have nerves for the punk…

Hasbara Hunter

My problem is that I like to tell them the truth how I think about Khazarian ZioNazi Parasites…can’t let them walk away with it…Them stupid little cockroaches should stay in that place where the sun does not shine…when they crawl out…you crush the Vermin…filthy little bloodsucking HasbaRat-buggers bother me brothers…

Karen Bartlett

Didn’t see you for awhile.I’m glad you’re back.

Gordon Duff

Visit Damascus and see what victory and honor have cost and perhaps learn you have long been on the wrong side as I did 5 plus decades ago as a Marine in Vietnam

Gordon Duff


Chris P

Is this you? Great photo. I wonder how it must feel to be an ex soldier and all this crap happening. Starting with Vietnam, and than Iran/Contra, Weapons of Mass destruction and now supplying Al Queda with weapons. Cant imagine being a parent who lost a child in Iraq, and watching what is happening. I guess we never learn from previous mistakes like underestimating our enemies. I’m not sure what your point is, but the photo is a good photo. Are you saying war is bad, or to be on the winning side or there is no winners in war? You should be proud that you made a contribution to what you though is Right. I’m sorry that Vietnam did not work out. I though that we would liberate Iraq and bring Liberty to the Arabs, what a joke. I once supported George Jr but now look. America is supplying Al Queda with Weapons. Shame shame.

Duc Palatine

Your sorry it didn’t work out in Vietnam, what do you mean that after killing 1.5 million innocent men woman children and old people mostly in the most terrifying brutal way; your sorry it didn’t work out! Go and rot in hell you spiritually dead monster.

Chris P

A lot of soldiers went there thinking they would accomplish something. Like Stopping evil, is that concept to foreign to you. The cold war and how governments lie to there people and soldiers. Morality: That is often the reason soldiers fight. What is odd about that concept. A lot more than 1.5 million people died in Vietnam too, thanks for the learning lesson. You should calm down and stop attacking people for nothing. What the fuck do you know about my spiritually? There is nothing in my comment that is rude or contraversial, yet you attack me. You should re-think the way you talk to people. To accuse another person of being immoral for nothing is wrong. You’re the person who lacks patience and tolerance. Not me. Your the one who is attacking others, without knowing them. There is nothing in my comment to imply that I’m a warrior and for violence. In fact, reread and you will see that it is the exact opposite. Shame on you for that comment. Shitty things happen to assholes. That is Karma. Try kindness, not hostility when talking to people. It helps a lot.

Sergei Formosa

US isnt providing AQ with weapons. Few years back US supported some Syrian groups wich could benefit the US. After the US saw that they did not benefit from these groups they stopped it. If the US really would support them, Assad and his demonic allies would probably have lost a long time ago


The US is the leading element in OIR. It’s coalition “partners” have funded, armed, trained, and supported the jihadi scum in Syria. It’s absurd that you want to isolate the laughable “attempt” to arm, train, and support the “good” scum as though we’re not slimed by the company we keep.

We refused to interfere with the ISIS oil trade with Turkey until the Russians shamed us into destroying a lot of those tankers. And the US conived with malice aforethought in the attack on the SAR units SW of Deir ez-Zor. The US officer whose post was the hotline with the Russians mysteriously abandoned his post, a court martial offense, when the Russians called to inform the US that coalition aircraft were attacking a Syrian position.

We have directly attacked Syria and its armed forces based on the lie of chemical weapons use in Khan Sheikhoun and Douma.

Everything we have done in Syria is without Security Council authorization and is thus an instance of aggressive war on a sovereign nation. A war crime. Our activities in Syria are also unconstitutional.

The US has intended the natural consequence of its acts and is directly resonsible for over 500K civilian deaths and the utter devastation of a reasonable, popular, secular Arab government that is EXACTLY the kind of government we should support everywhere in the Islamic world.

Hasbara Hunter

My Dutch Government (Mark Rutte & Stef Blok among others) Sponsored Al-Qaeda with Toyota Hiluxes & Nightvision Goggles & other Big Boys Toys worth €80.000.000 taxpayers money

Hasbara Hunter

If Humanity have had developed some intelligence in the past couple of millennia…they would have created a Paradise on this beautiful planet….out of sheer greed & lust for power we have taken a different Road & ended up in this current situation…I personally think that is a pity…


You’re more than a dreamer, little one. You are absolutely insane.

Hasbara Hunter

Do you want to get payed cash or do you accept cheques for your consults Dr. Mengele? Haven’t you got any Organ-harvesting to do

Sergei Formosa

useful donkey


Youre a seemingly healthy young man. Have you ever considered joining the US military? Or do you prefer to lead from the rear?

Concrete Mike

He just prefers the rear, period.

Jacob Wohl

I made a promise to my followers on Twitter that if a major war broke out with Iran, I will immediately enlist. I have no plans on retracting on that.


This is why low iq begotten luciferian unconstituate wankers going down(period) Simply cant tell the difference between elected and unlelects of phaedo kweers of the nwo/cia regime,all you demented lieing pieces o sht with your regime lies cursed by they cursed of thy curse,even tried that on trump,utterly pathedic! As you see logic surpassed your intel,grow up,wisen a set,desperatos huge lie, Assad voted in by 88% of his peoples,yes!maybe yous ought vy cia sht in mars,

The best tools for the proper fix is yet to come,cia/ facists blew the levy=epic fail!

Jimmy Jim


Jacob Wohl

wow, nice rhymes you twerp

Concrete Mike

Really, seems to me the only caveman in that area are your friends jabhat al nusrah.

Nice try, but your ignorance is too.much, you cant hide it anymore.

Poor sad pathetic little boy.

Jacob Wohl

get lost old fart

Duc Palatine

Jacob Wohly, Are you a skinny little c_nt or a fat bastard like the yanky in the photo, off back to his tent to eat three pizza and wank over child porn. The sooner they get out of Iraq where they have brought nothing but death and destruction the better. We are in no doubt that the American system of government and state is evil to its core.

Jacob Wohl

meanwhile I can benchpress your entire body weight you’re just jealous of my accomplishments, that’s all


The real Syria Story no one wants you to know about



Just come from anudda’ hipster coffee shop you fraud? Or maybe you’re defrauding some more investors?


Jacob Wohl

another jealous punk

Jacob Wohl


Jacob Wohl

i can bench your body weight

Chris P

Love it. ahahahaha Don’t any body shit talk this guy, he’s got the pizza and might not share. That is a a Bullet proof vest under his shirt you mother fuckers. You leave him alone.

Sergei Formosa

Probably this american monkey has eaten a human

Assad must stay

americas most revered cultural icon hahahahah


The accuracy and ferocity of the rocket barrage indicates a well executed attack and likely caused higher occupation forces casualties.

AM Hants

Will here about the hundreds of personnel having treatment for headaches, in a week or two.


And thousands with ‘ptsd’ committing suicide!


Rania Khalek: US backing al Qaeda in Yemen, Syria:


Sergei Formosa

You christians claim to be christians but love your women to walk naked on th streets. How?

AM Hants

Feel sorry for the little kids, who sign up as cannon fodder for the US Government.

Remember USS Liberty and how the US President of the day, had no problems supporting the mobsters who took the ship out? Trying to blame it on another nation. Why do so many US Presidents put the priorities of Israel before their own population? Including Trump?


The ‘little kids’ and their parents should know better!

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

I’m sure someone in CIA and DIA is getting ass well kicked because of this. Intelligence failed here, a lot.

Zionism = EVIL

The lardass Americunt cowards are going to face uber resistance soon all over the region. Stealing oil and killing civilians always backfires, same message to the Zionist parasites too.


They better get used to it.

Jacob Wohl

BREAKING NEWS: The United States Airforce has destroyed anywhere from 5-10 shia mullah proxy bases, annihilating up to 100+ terrorists. This is the price any terrorist pays for harming only 1 American! Never mess with America, especially under Trump!

Shia man


Jacob Wohl

Look on twitter, Shia man

Shia man

So it’s just fairy tail stories? Give me source

Jacob Wohl

Look on twitter, lots of sources including the highly accurate and reliable ELINT researchers

Shia man

Dumbo where is the source from Jerusalem times? Give me source

Jacob Wohl

from this guy, I believe he’s an Arab who lives in Israel and respects the Jews, unlike other arab antisemites!https://twitter.com/no_itsmyturn/status/1237858965859340289

Rhodium 10

SOHR is not reliable source

Icarus Tanović

He respect Jews, but dissrespect Zionists.

Zionism = EVIL

No source, just a hooked nosed Jew PUNK :)

Shia man

Cock sucker why you lie

Hasbara Hunter

He is a Pathological Liar…he got busted a couple of times got convicted for terrorizing Women & Kids…after conviction the CIA made him an offer he couldn’t refuse…to stay out of Jail he had to come work for them….and here he is…never left…We just have to wait until the CIA lets him off the hook again I’m afraid…Novichok would be a nice permanent solution for this temporary problem

Shia man

I just saw how you exposed him this guy is just a filthy soul.

Hasbara Hunter

He is the same kind of Sick Psychopath the Mossad & CIA use for their Headchopping Mercenaries

Rhodium 10

Al Masdar source in Al Bukamal told that no casualties..only material damage


Yep, just before he was blown away with a lot of his butt buddies.

Raptar Driver

Mess with the best die like the rest?


History;s a far better indicator than whom needs the others armys,to fight for tyranny!


Read the news dumbass. material damage only. You sound like Eragon!


It’s really sad only 2 American and 1 British Zioterrorists invader scum were killed, should’ve eliminated more of the filth, but great targeting, Iraqi liberation forces!

Jacob Wohl

Watch it, kid. Soon all shia proxies will be ended in Iraq and Syria for good. And next stop is Lebanon which the IDF are preparing for.

Rhodium 10

In 2006 IDF also was ready…and was defeated!…

Ricky Miller

Right. The fight isn’t going well. The Shia militias are stronger than ever and Hezbollah’s missile arsenal continues to grow. It’s not really working out well for your side.


And the body bags just keep flowing back to Iran and Lebanon as Israel just keeps killing your goons at will with impunity all the time, all over Syria. When you going to join your butt buddies there, big man, and earn your Darwin Award?

Ricky Miller

And the missiles and missile parts keep flowing into Lebanon, which enables Hezbollah to deter Israel and keep them out. That saves thousands of lives in Lebanon, as demonstrated by the death tolls from previous Israeli “visits.”


How many Jews on this post? Hitler should have done a better job ;}

Jimmy Jim


Jacob Wohl

coming from a twerp whose body weight I can bench using 1 arm!

Zionism = EVIL

The copper plate IED’s killed hundreds of the lardass scum in 2004-2008 and they need to be reactivated both in Syria and Iraq.


Evidently they’re lying. It’s probably a dozen or so.

Jens Holm

And a dozen is …. 4 ?? :)


In Jewish minds, yes!

Jacob Wohl

BREAKING NEWS: US Airforce has eliminated 18+ mullah terrorists, IDF currently flying over Lebanon searching for Nasrallah! The time to end all shia proxies and Iranian presence is coming. US/IDF are prepared to annihilate!

Lone Ranger


Zionism = EVIL

Rest in piss indeed. They died for Jew parasites.

Jacob Wohl

Antisemitic troll, we are there ONLY to protect the Iraqi people from ISIS and to PREVENT the nation from being taken over by Iran. Now get lost, kid.

Shia man

Lmao america propaganda jokes

Jacob Wohl

Not a joke, it’s true. Also the oil is good as well, it helps Exxon Mobil and Saudi Arabian/US companies not have to deplete their own nation’s resources. But most importantly, we are there to prevent ISIS resurgence and to prevent Iran from conquering it and to annihilate their proxies before they can THREATEN Israel!

Shia man

yes keep coming with bs stories

Jacob Wohl

US Military currently has 3 carrier groups around the Persian Gulf/Red Sea That means 270 F-18 super hornets are ready to annihilate all Iran proxies if necessary (1 carrier can carry 90 F-18’s)

Rhodium 10

And USA had 7 air carrier groups in Vietnam and lost the war!…they used the air carrier to evacuate personal…

Shia man

Don’t worry Hezbollah has the answer Enjoy http://images2.naharnet.com/images/224884/w460.jpg?1565981286

The Man

ha ha ha – yeah right… don’t forget all the cargo ships carrying the diapers that you Americunts and Jews need to wear because you constantly shit yourselves.

Jens Holm

Maps dont say that at all.


Dick Von Dast'Ard

The current U.S. Navy carrier air wing consists of: Four Strike Fighter (VFA) Squadrons, with twelve F/A-18E/F Super Hornets each, or ten F/A-18C Hornets each (over forty strike fighters total).

Try presenting factual information.

Jens Holm

Yes, average. As recall it the max is 80.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

USN probably hasn’t enough aircrew or aircraft to to put 80 aircraft on every carrier it has. What it has today is probably falling out of the sky anyway without the stresses of combat.

Jens Holm

Thats right, but they can borrow from Nato. Maybee they in war can borrow from Australia as well. They strange enogh has F18s and no ship for them. Maybee Japan.

I also allow me to add helicopters.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well whatever, USN aircraft carriers aren’t really going to be intimidating Iran. Iran has already proved it can hit back (with interest) at the U.S. forces in the region.

Jens Holm

You trust Trump mpre then the Americans do:)

We will see. I see it as when the big rat is not there all the mice try to pretend, they are little rats themselves.

That was USA and Nato was called in for help.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Nato certainly can’t help… They would be hard pushed to fight their way out of a brown paper bag.

Jens Holm

What…We have several 1000s there and has helped Bagdads for since we were asked.

We even know Danes will ahve the Leadership for training Iraqians from the summer told in TV to the whole world of ourd by Jens Stoltenberg. We even know we have to pay 55 mio dollars for it.

Of course that can be cancelled. We didnt ask to come. I am suremost of us not even like Iraqians.


They won’t do anything. They need to leave asap. A strike on PMU will trigger an attack on US soldiers and this time they won’t try not to kill anyone. That number of deaths will be bad for an election year in the US.


It only take 1 missle to sink a ship ;}

Jens Holm

Thats not correct. You always assume people having those ships are alone and act nicely as sitting ducks.

Our Korvettes are aircraft carrier protecters with missiles.


Same way you defended the base against Iranian missiles?


Change your name to Jew Holm!

Jens Holm

I anytime will prefare named as Jew compared to JR Dallas Arab. You probatly will get a 72 years old virgin in heaven.


JR stands for Jesus Ramirez, now go ahead and guess my nationality ;}


And the word is ( probably ), what are you 12?

Jens Holm

112, having the fastest wheelchair in the neighborhood and a white helmet.


Terrorist ;}

Jens Holm

Good night. My bréads are baked and I will slice one, give it a tomato and go to bed.


You mean defend ISIS, or did you forget Netanyahu visiting all the wounded terrorist in the hospitals built in the Golhan and giving them blow jobs ;}


The best thing for America would be for “Israel” to disappear.

The USA is a lightning rod and meat-shield for “Israel”.

The USA’s relationship with “Israel” is almost entirely one-way.

Obfuscators and plopagandists will assert that “Israel” provides invaluable aid to the USA. Like intelligence… intel to fight *their* proxy wars.

Representative Zioclops asserts that “Israel” is worthy of unconditional support because they provided his unit with bandages.

What a deal; get cut in half fighting wars for “Israel”, so “Israel” gives you a free bandaid.

That’s Chutzpathic. Your should go live in “Israel”.

Jacob Wohl

yeah only in your dreams twerp

Hasbara Hunter

You are not a Semite Khazarian Cunt…how often do I have to tell you Brainless AshkeZioNazi-HasbaRat-Parasites that? You don’t have a Single Semitic DNA-Strain in your Genes sucker…

The Man

Go suck a pig’s dick, you filthy Jew!

Jens Holm

He is a Russian making Americans looking bad. And You eat it. Goats and sheep eat everything.


They don’t need any help with that ;}

Jens Holm

I am not impressed as well. Americans now are half gone from Syria and the soultions by that is not half solved.

They should never have invaded, and when they did, they in my oppinion should not have left.


Russians have no same sex marriage,where as californicators do! Get Thee Behind Me Satan,Jesus is Lord: No,its the cia cocksukers whom try to make Americans look bad,you pathedic liar!

Hasbara Hunter


Jens Holm

Thats not Bahama:)

Hasbara Hunter

Jens…you surprise me…you are bloody right for a change…nefarious plans being made here in Elliot Shimon’s Hotelroom…according McCocaine’s & Israeli Secret Intelligence Service’s Hidden agendas concerning the Yinon-Caliphate…

Jens Holm

I knew it. Israeliams using some strange flag mainly used for 550.000 funerals in Syria.

Hasbara Hunter

Your filthy Khazarian Masters are responsible for that you little Traitor…you will pay the price for your Treason Sooner or later be sure of that Danish Fake Zio-Viking…I bet your mother is very proud of you

Jens Holm

When GB collapse, we will buy England back. It once was a dansih colony. Next step will be sending up our navy upstreams Eufrat and Tigris and even up to take Hasak by Khabour.

After that there will be Choran lessons every day telling Your God made a mistake and made vomen to men in the book and that from we are like that.

Number one will be men should give women and children all weapons and let them shoot anyone, they wish.

The few men left will have many many wifes each and actually work. No more 50% men with no job. 8 hours a day but Friday is restitution day making them happy by adventures about Robinson Crusoe until satúrday morning.

Sergei Formosa

So what evidence you have exactly that the person on that photo is Al Baghdadi? You just have one grainy picture of wich you claim is a man you want him to be, that’s it. That’s no evidence

Hasbara Hunter

What evidence had the British when they accused the Russians of poisoning the Skripals with novichok?What evidence had the Americans that a bunch of cocaine-snorting Devilworshipping Wahhabi-Goatfuckers Hijacked a couple of planes & crashed them into a couple of buildings? What evidence do the Dutch have that the Russians shot down MH17 with a BUK on purpose….

Ricky Miller

Iraq is 70% shia. Her most revered cleric, the Ayatollah al-Sistani found refuge in Iran for years. Iran and Iraq have more in common than Iraq and the U.S. does. The U.S. doesn’t want the Iranians to have any influence at all, which is a far cry from being “taken over.” And the U.S. helped create ISIS, then slow walked the fight against it to use as an excuse for ongoing deployment. Having learned nothing from the first Iraqi uprising against U.S. occupation the Iraqi people will now have to repeat the lesson.

Jens Holm

Only 55% are shiit arapmusic…

You certainly makes my day. You shoud be happy Americans and we moved Saddam, which certainly was no shia and even killed several 100.000 Iranians( even it was well assisted by some Khalafatalist).

So thank USA. Thank You very much.

Shia man

Iraq is 70% Shia Jewish bitch

Jens Holm

Not at all iiddjot:

Wikki and others dont say that. Are You sure You havnt lost a finger by the Saudis or what ….

Dont You have internet.

“Iraq is home to a diverse mix of ethnic and religious groups. Its population is approximately 55 percent Shia Arab, 20 percent Sunni Arab, and 25 percent Kurdish (Sunni and Shia), with a smattering of Turkmen, Chaldeans, and Assyrian Christians. Iraq does not readily divide into ‘parts.16. mar. 2009

Try again. Someone here can give You bag of sand as reward as non facts finder of the year.

Shia man

Yes blah blah blah keep down playing the true population of the Shia ten years ago they said no shia in Yemen turns out half the country is Shia. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i-yG_sOdbYY

Jens Holm

It seemes You use the same source for shiits in Yemen as for shiits Iraq.

I have known since Gamel Abdul Nasser was there, there were shiits in mountains.

I wonder if Ýou use Turkish sources. They have no idea about Kurds and Turkmen in Syria as well, even it has been registrated relative well in 1936 (By France).

Shia man

Hey cock gobbler weather you like it or not Iraq is majority Shia According to the 2018 CIA Factbook, Iraq is 97% Muslim: 60-65% Shia and 32-37% Sunni. The overall percentage of Muslims has increased since the Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017) due to the migration of Christian and Yezidi refugees into neighboring countries.

Jens Holm

I can agree in the refugees has changed it some, but no one for years has counted anything there, thats for sure.

If You take those random estimates of Yours, You should calculate the many killed ones in too.

Christians and Yazedis are not many whereever they are now. The main parts of them left after 1967.

Shia man

stop trying to fight the truth with a lie. And Stop making up scenarios it’s been 2 years since last count and that’s after isis was done. Freaking annoying ass.

Jens Holm

There was no reliable count 2 years ago. No way. Iddiot. Of anything its an add and subtract as You wish.

The only partly trliable one is the CIA but thats an ESTIMATE.

Population is same thing. You can find 35 million, 37 million or even 42 millions. Wiki here says 40 millions.


And You and others here tell You or others have counted shiits. NO WAY.

Sergei Formosa

Lying shia monkey

Shia man

Kick rocks boy stop being mad because Shia are majority in Iraq it’s already a known fact lying Zionist filth.

Sergei Formosa

‘Known fact’ for who? Iraq is 60% shiite and 40% muslim

Shia man

you wahabbi scum terrorist aren’t even considered Muslims you are more Jew like filthy dirty pigs.

Sergei Formosa

More like 50/60%

Ricky Miller

Yes, you’re right. The figure is 55%, as long as you figure in the Kurds, who are living in a de facto state outside of Iraqi control at the moment and if you fail to count the 500,000 Christian and secular sunni’s who fled Iraq under dire threat over the past twelve years. The Kurds are off training for independence and sitting out the current ISIS fight. The remaining elements of Iraqi society inside government controlled Iraq equals 15 million or so Iraqi shia, 3 million Kurds residing in government territory and several million others in government territory, including the marsh Arabs, Bedouin, Turkmen and small numbers of others. 15 out of 21.5 or so million is 70%.

Jens Holm

You forgot the dead ones finally living safe and rest in peace.


Make up your mind, are you a Jewish terrorist or an American one? Or do you like 2 dicks up your ass at the same time?

Jens Holm

No, he is the opposit making Israel and USA bad. Only children told by their grandmother can believe, what You say.


So that was you giving the baby a blow job,now it all makes sense ;}

Jens Holm

No, we dont amputate. But we do repair many muslim ones, which has disfunction peeing in their pockets or not able to fin any hole even there are two of them – Hospitals also are making artificial virgins.

Its a kind of very visible why mslism dont want any to see them naked.


Your a dick, why don’t you give me a thumbs up? I do have feelings you know ;}

Jens Holm

Saudis took them – sniff.

Feel fine. You have raised Your level trying to communicate with a stupid monkey.


When you say “we”, do you mean the American people? Because I doubt you are poasting from Syraq…


Why RIP for them? US/UK as ISIS/al-Qaeda are Zioterrorist invader swine, not unlike the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine they all work so hard to make larger.

Al Balog

I think Lone Ranger was referring to the fact that US troops are dying for the American deep state’s bull$hit. Most of them don’t even know how badly they’ve been manipulated. These soldiers died due to the deep state’s reckless actions.

Jacob Wohl

US soldiers deployed there understand they have an allegiance and duty to protect our allies in the Middle East

Hasbara Hunter

You Khazarian Cunts will be on your own soon…

The Man

F*ck off Jew boy, and do what your filthy Talmud says which is to go have sex with a 3 year old jewish baby girl…

Shia man

you Jews are sick how can you suck on babies dicks https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4mkxoOcjpLI/T1WsMzLoPBI/AAAAAAAAAOY/aEG4Njq6F3s/s1600/metzitzah_b%2527peh.jpg


What? This can’t be. Probably Photoshop.

Shia man

It’s in their religion to suck on baby dicks which get circumcised. Look it up.

Jens Holm

We all know that. They are nice people kising the wound so the baby migt cry les, beacause of the amputation.

Ypu never ask Your babies as well. Do You. So many has problems around that dirt tradition. If they need ID then give them a drivers license or somethig. .

Shia man

Jen holm you need to start making sense when you type a comment or I’ll have to block you like I did adi.

Jens Holm

I dont write for You. I write to tell, there are other oppinions then Your kind. There are many readers here.


This must be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. This is deviant behaviour. Unacceptable. Hopefully, not all of them are doing this.

Unbelievable but true.


Jens Holm

You amputate Yourself copying them in that too. Koshers food is like You. You are just lazy using less pots and pants even many ogf Ypou have 2 wives. .

Licking wounded baies are under healhcare. You didnt copy that as well.


Fucking perverts, is that your dad Jacob Wohl?


and that is just one of many reasons why the jews need to go and for the world to realize that the world has no needs for the jews.


Bull sh*t

Ricky Miller

Actually, most of them probably want to come home. The Iraqi’s want them to leave. U.S. forces and their families want them home and the U.S. public is sick and tired of these endless deployments. The reason they are still there is because the U.S. is no longer a democracy.

Jens Holm

You dont know what Democrasy is. You not even has a language for it.

You are like comparing a car with a bicycle.


yep it is a corporate fascistic semi-autocratic sham democracy.

Assad must stay

unfortunately iraqi leaders are weak as shit they just condemned the attack on the base, why do that when you voted for them to leave?

cechas vodobenikov

if military conscription existed in the US, amerikan imperialism would dissipate…recall Vietnam where US soldiers killed their own officers

Sergei Formosa

‘ Protect our allies’….hmmmm….so…..destroying whole countries, killing and maiming millions of people is now called ‘protecting’ … So if somebody asks you to protect him or her against someone, you start beating the shit out of this person yourself?

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

Real warrior have no hatred for the enemy, only for traitors. Real warrior understands that every human soul deserves to rest in peace, especially soul of the enemy – that’s why he is devoted to helping it happen.

cechas vodobenikov

the amerikan mercenaries r cowards—the US military is an employment program…today unemployment is the US is nearly 40% (the labor participation rate is 62%—they refuse to count 38% of the employable people between the ages of 18-65….the US has only 2 allies in the ME—Israel, SA

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew parasites are using the moronic rednecks to push their delusional evil agenda, now with the virus spreading among the Americunts their lardass military of losers is already demoralized from defeats in Afghanistan and if the resistance inflicts heavy casualties in both Iraq and Syria, the Americunts and Zionist cancer will both fold.

Al Balog

The American deep state acting like sore losers over Syria’s victories in Idlib.

fayez chergui

That’s a good news for a change

Zionism = EVIL

Expect even more good news in the future, this is just the beginning.

Hasbara Hunter





Reagan hosted Afghani jihadists in the White House and called them “freedom fighters”.



Former US national security adviser encourages the Taliban and Al-Qaeda terrorists to fight the jihad:



As CIA, we cheat, we steal and we lie… Pompeo:


Sergei Formosa

Those ‘jihadists’ are resistance fighters who are in their own country and defending their own country against a foreign invasion force. So can you explain why are you against it? Because i truly dont understand. Unless you want these people to be quiet and submissive when a foreign force invades their country and starts killing, maiming people and destroying their houses


My point is that the US government created, armed and supports jihadists…and still supports jihadists in countries like Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya, Yemen and Syria!

For instance, Osama Bin-Laden was a US hero before he turned its most wanted! See it below:


Sergei Formosa

Good evening. You have no evidence that US is supporting ‘jihadists’ in those countries. What you mean exactly by ‘jihadists’ , because it seems you use it at any occasion. And still you did not explain why Afghans who are fighting in their own land against an invading force, are terrorists like you say


U can’t deny it! US supports jihadist terrorists and would support any group, including the mafia and the drug curtails to further its imperialistic geopolitical agenda!

U$A is basically a Mafia State! Watch the analysis below:



Please understand that the US would use any terrorist group, the mafia or even the devil himself to advance its geopolitical imperialistic agenda! U$A is a Mafia State. Watch:


cechas vodobenikov

poor ignorant formozi…likely another amerikan liar or merely stupid….the evidence is vast taliban, al Qaeda(mainly Pakistani, Arabs, etc) were created by the USA—the USSR was invited into Afghanistan by the Najibullah govt so as to help remove the amerikan funded/created terrorists—unfortunately the USSR only sent poorly trained conscripts to Afghanistan and when the quagmire became apparent withdrew the stupid amerikans have been there 19 years sending their elite troops and they now contest even less territory than they did 10 years ago


Exactly right. Thank you!

Sergei Formosa

Those are Afghan nationals in the clothing they wear in Afghanistan for hundreds of years. And yes, they have beards too. Raegan was there to support them against the Russian invasion of their country. They are in their own lands and defending their own land, so with what excuse do you call them terrorists? if some country would invade the US and they would call the american resistance terrorists, i bet that would be just fine for you. Or maybe you just want every muslim to be silent if their family members are being killed and their houses are being destroyed by invading enemies or otherwise call them terrorists.




Nothing comes through the border kebap19 !

The Greek border is Europe’s border, and you dirty kebaps are on the outside and you ll never be in!

cechas vodobenikov

u converse w a cartoon? Baudrilliard compares amerikans to Disney characters that live in hyperreality


Whats wrong with cartoons, can your brain not make the right connections?

And Who is Baudrilliard and why do i give a sh1te about americunts or disney?


And they are not Syrians either, they are Afganistani pakistani kongolese and Somalians! Straight out of Erdogays prisons!








Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom from:

a. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings

There were reports that Jandarma forces, a rural police force that at times is called upon to play a paramilitary role and sometimes act as border guards, shot at asylum seekers of Syrian and other nationalities attempting to cross the border, resulting in civilian killings or injuries. There were credible reports that children were among the asylum seekers killed.

There were credible reports that the country’s military operations outside its borders led to the deaths of civilians. On June 27, four Iraqi civilians were reportedly killed by Turkish air strikes in northern Iraq as part of the Turkish military’s counter-PKK Operation Claw.

National and international human rights organizations reported credible evidence of torture and inhuman treatment, particularly of detainees in custody, asserting that authorities took insufficient action against abuses. The government did not release information on its efforts to address abuse through disciplinary action and training. In some cases it was alleged that officials sometimes countersued or intimidated individuals who made allegations of abuse in civil courts.

In October Turkish armed forces launched Operation Peace Spring in Syria’s northern border region. The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch reported claims from local and regional human rights activists and media organizations that Turkish forces and Turkish-supported armed groups caused civilian casualties, including attacks on civilian infrastructure, attacks on residential areas, and some instances of civilian targeting, as well as some extrajudicial killings, and looting and property seizures in areas newly under Turkish control.

Within Turkey, human rights groups documented several suspicious deaths of detainees in official custody, although reported numbers varied among organizations. The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT) reported 38 suspicious deaths in prison related to illness, suicide, violence, or other reasons.



Bobby Twoshoes

??? Why would Iranians mourn dead Yanks? At least Hasbara trolls can make their shitposts logically consistent even if that logic is fallacious. Go back to threatening people with gay sex, rape and faggotry are the only things you Turks are competent at.

Bobby Twoshoes

That’s what you got from this article? Did you read the “material losses only” part? Or did you just skip to the end and read the last paragraphs about something that happened months ago? But sure, I’m the dumbass (just don’t get any ideas, I know how you guys get excited by ass)…



b.Disappearance Domestic and international human rights groups reported disappearances during the year, some of which these groups alleged were politically motivated. HDP member of parliament Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu reported 28 individuals disappeared or were the victims of politically motivated kidnapping attempts in the first seven months of the year.

In August several opposition political party members noted via social media that four of six individuals disappeared around the same time in February, whom authorities suspected of having links with the Gulen movement, had been found after the Ankara Antiterror Branch Office called their families to inform them that the individuals were in police custody.

They included Erkan Irmak (reported missing February 16), Salim Zeybek (reported missing February 21), Ozgur Kaya (reported missing on February 13), and Mikail Ugan (reported missing on February 13). In November Mustafa Yilmaz (reported missing on February 19) and Gokhan Turkmen (reported missing February 7) were “found” in Ankara.

Eyewitness reports in February alleged that approximately 40 plainclothes police officers in Ankara abducted several of the men and took them away in an unmarked van.

The government declined to provide information on efforts to prevent, investigate, and punish such acts.


They are sure that it is not a Isis attack, becouse Isis act under US rule.


Well they’re not welcome there, so get out of Iraq and this wouldn’t happen. They only have themselves to blame.

Jens Holm

They are asked for by the Bagdad Goverment.

Its only the ones, which think Iraq should be a part of Iran, which think like You.

good american

You’re the best, Jens. So wise.

Jens Holm

As long as You have a tail, no hands are needed to write something like that:)

good american

Just Wow. Give us more.


US ‘Greatest Threat To World Peace’? With Lew Rockwell


Jimmy Jim



The Fact is wherever the US mafia-regime goes, it leaves a bloody trail of destroyed countries, millions of civilians lying dead and many more millions fleeing refugees!

In fact, It has been documented that America’s bloody regime-change wars have actually created around half of the world’s current refugees. A Must-read article with telling cartoon about the murderous US monster below::



America Voted Biggest Threat to World Peace – Gallup



Yankees should go home and as for the dead three in this incident, I would only say: Rest in pieces!


U$ is giving Billions of its tax-payer money to Saudi Arabian war on Yemen and U$-made weapons are directly being passed to Al-Qaeda in Yemen by Saudi Arabia! U$ is directly arming its Saudi and Al-Qaeda allies in Yemen:


Sergei Formosa

Baghdad government asked them one month ago to leave… But US is bent on bullying small nations. So yeah, they shouldnt be there and if they are being killed it’s 100% on their own shoulders. Iraqi government doesnt want them and the Iraqi people dont want them. US is only causing terror, murder and poverty in those areas. What good did the US do in Iraq or in that Middle East area as a whole? Can you give one example of what has become better after the US started to burn down those countries? Only one example.

cechas vodobenikov

numerous studies finds that bullying is worse in the USA than any other nation—UK is #2…apparently only in the USA, per sociologists, does the concept of the “sissy” exist…of course, amerikans only challenge weaker people—too cowardly to challenge someone of equal strength


but iraq sure as a klucking bell has the best of crudes and plenty more in the ground – leave it to the infidels if the alternative is take it keep it sell it and pocket the profits.



c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Domestic human rights organizations, the Ankara Bar Association (ABA), political opposition figures, international human rights groups, and others reported that government agents engaged in threats, mistreatment, and possible torture of some persons while in custody. In late May public reports alleged that as many as 100 persons, including former members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dismissed under the 2016-18 state of emergency decrees due to suspected ties to the Gulen movement, were mistreated or tortured while in police custody. The ABA released a report that detailed its interviews with alleged victims. Of the six detainees the ABA interviewed, five reported police authorities tortured them. According to their testimonies, authorities blindfolded them and made them kneel, dragged them across a room, hit them on the head and body with a baton, and threatened that unless they “talked,” batons would be inserted into their rectums. The Turkish National Police denied the claims.

In February 2018 the UN special rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, expressed serious concerns about the rising allegations of torture and other mistreatment in Turkish police custody. Melzer said he was alarmed by allegations that large numbers of individuals suspected of links to the Gulen movement or PKK were exposed to brutal interrogation techniques aimed at extracting forced confessions or coercing detainees to incriminate others. Reported abuse included severe beatings, electrical shocks, exposure to icy water, sleep deprivation, threats, insults, and sexual assault. The special rapporteur stated authorities appeared not to have taken any serious measures to investigate these allegations or to hold perpetrators accountable.

In Van three Kurdish minors between the ages of 14 and 17 said they were subjected to torture while in police custody in February. The youth told the Van Bar Association that police beat them with batons, kicked them in the head, and forced their heads into toilet bowls. On September 15, media reported the prosecutor in the case asked the Van governorship for permission to investigate 66 police officers implicated in the complaint. The governorate denied the request, stating that the officers “used proportionate force” against the victims.

Human rights groups also reported torture and mistreatment of persons in police custody. Reports indicated that police abused detainees outside police station premises and that mistreatment and alleged torture was more prevalent in some police facilities in parts of the southeast, including Sanliurfa and Van. The Human Rights Association (HRA) reported that during the first six months of the year, it received 65 complaints that alleged torture or inhuman treatment in the east and southeast regions. The HRA also reported that intimidation and shaming of detainees by police were common and that victims hesitated to report abuse due to fear of reprisal. The HRA reported separately that in the first 11 months of the year, it received 840 complaints of abuse by security forces, including 422 complaints alleging torture and inhuman treatment. In December the minister of interior reported the ministry had received 31 complaints in 2018 alleging abuse while in custody.

In its World Report 2018, HRW stated: “Cases of torture and ill-treatment in police custody were widely reported through 2017, especially by individuals detained under the antiterror law, marking a reverse in long-standing progress, despite the government’s stated policy of zero tolerance for torture. There were widespread reports of police beating detainees, subjecting them to prolonged stress positions and threats of rape, threats to lawyers, and interference with medical examinations.” According to 2018 Ministry of Justice statistics, the government opened 2,196 investigations related to allegations of abuse. Of those, 1,035 resulted in nonprosecution, 766 resulted in criminal cases, and 395 in other decisions. The government did not release data on its investigations into alleged torture. Human rights groups asserted that individuals with alleged affiliation with the PKK or the Gulen movement were more likely to be subjected to harsh treatment.

A May report by the Sanliurfa Bar Association alleged that officials tortured 54 men, women, and children in Halfeti, Sanliurfa Province, on May 18. The report asserted the individuals were subjected to torture in detention following the death of a police officer in the town.

Some military conscripts endured severe hazing, physical abuse, and torture that sometimes resulted in death or suicide. The Association for Suspicious Military Deaths and Victims reported there were 202 suspicious deaths between 2012 and 2015, with the numbers decreasing each year during that period. The HRA and HRFT reported at least 17 deaths as suspicious deaths during the year. In July the HRA reported a Kurdish soldier serving in Adapazari was severely beaten by other soldiers in his brigade because of his ethnic identity.

cechas vodobenikov

of course amerikans r the worst…reuters 2016: only 15% believe torture is never justified; fully 2/3 support the use of torture in the USA, only exceed in 1 African nation in the midst of a civil war….the self uglified amerikan, boorish, lacking manners, uncivilized and barbaric




Political Prisoners and Detainees

In September the Interior Ministry reported the government had detained 540,000 persons in connection with the 2016 coup attempt. Of those, the courts had convicted nearly 30,000 people, and another 70,000 were in prison awaiting trial. The government reported that as of November, there were 41,000 individuals in prison for terror-related crimes. Of these, 28,000 were Gulen movement related and 9,000-10,000 were PKK related.

According to the HDP, since July 2016 at least 4,920 HDP lawmakers, executives, and party members were in prison for a variety of charges related to terrorism and political speech, including former HDP cochair and former presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtas, who remained imprisoned since 2016. As of December 1, the government had suspended from office using national security grounds, 28 locally elected opposition politicians in Kurdish-majority areas, subsequently arresting and imprisoning some. The government suspended the elected village headmen of 10 villages from office in the southeast in May. In August the Ministry of Interior suspended the HDP mayors of three major southeastern cities, Diyarbakir, Mardin, and Van, all of whom had been elected in March. The Ministry of Interior suspended and detained the HDP mayors of Kulp and Karayazi in September and the mayors of Hakkari, Yuksekova, Nusaybin, Bismil, Kayapinar, Ercis, Cizre, and Kocakoy in October. The government suspended the majority for ongoing investigations into their alleged support for PKK terrorism, largely dating to before their respective elections.

Authorities used antiterror laws broadly against opposition political party members, human rights activists, media outlets, suspected PKK sympathizers, and alleged Gulen movement members or groups affiliated with the Gulen movement, among others, including to seize assets of companies, charities, or businesses. Human rights groups alleged many detainees had no substantial link to terrorism and were detained to silence critical voices or weaken political opposition to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), particularly the HDP or its partner party, the Democratic Regions Party (DBP). In August police detained one doctor and three health workers on terror charges for allegedly providing medical treatment to injured PKK members during intense urban clashes in Cizre, Sirnak, in 2015 and 2016.

Students, artists, and association members faced criminal investigations for alleged terror-related activities, primarily due to their social media posts. The government did not consider those in custody for alleged PKK or Gulen movement ties to be political prisoners and did not permit access to them by human rights or humanitarian organizations.

Credible reports claimed that some persons jailed on terrorism-related charges were subject to abuses, including long solitary confinement, severe limitations on outdoor exercise and out-of-cell activity, denial of access to the library and media, slow medical attention, and in some cases the denial of medical treatment. Media reports also alleged that visitors to prisoners accused of terrorism-related crimes faced abuse, including limited access to family, strip searches, and degrading treatment by prison guards.


Ah yes, more dead NATO terrorist invaders is a good way to either start or end the day. Iraqis have to fight against the occupation in any way they can!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Damascus has to conduct a scorched earth policy over it’s own oil fields occupied by looters from the stars and stripes.

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