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MARCH 2025

Two Car bombs Hit Turkish-occupied Area In Northern Aleppo Within Two Days (Videos)

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On March 7, a booby-trapped car exploded at a checkpoint of the Free Syrian Police in the southern entrance of the city of Jarabulus in the area in northern Aleppo occupied by Turkey during its Operation Euphrates Shield.

According to the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Zaman al-Wasl, 11 civilians were killed and two members of the Free Syrian Police were injured in the explosion.

A day earlier, a similar booby-trapped car targeted a HQ of the Free Syrian Police in the city of al-Bab, located southwest of Jarabulus. According to Syrian opposition and Turkish sources, one civilian was killed and more than five others were injured in the attack.

So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attacks. However, Syrian opposition activists have accused the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) of carrying out the both attacks in response to its recent loses in Afrin.

An unnamed security source in the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) told the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi that the booby-trapped car, which targeted Jarabulus, had came from the areas held by the YPG and the US-led collation in eastern Syria. If this is confirmed, it will be a clear evidence of the YPG’s involvement in the attack.

Tensions between the YPG in Manbij and the FSA in northern Aleppo has increased following a major advance by the Turkish Army in Afrin. Kurdish sources even reported the YPG may attack the FSA in northern Aleppo to ease the Turkish pressure on Afrin.

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Do they have to include “allahu akhbar” every 5 seconds?


Having limited intelligence it is easier for them to be on an oral autorepeat.


The west helping YPG with intelligence and terrorist attacks.


Oh for f#cks sake will you stop blaming the west for everything you clueless c#nt. It really is getting quite tiresome now. Actually, better still, please do the world a favour and just kill yourself . W#nker.


Who will do that otherwise ???? The west has a lot of intelligence and tecnhical knowledge and want kurds to rule north syria.

Even the article agrees with me and it’s written “An unnamed security source in the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) told the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi that the booby-trapped car, which targeted Jarabulus, had came from the areas held by the YPG and the US-led collation in eastern Syria”.

The west knows a lot about explosion. Did you see WTC ??? XD.


Why are you talking to me. I just told you to kill yourself you clueless mother f#cker. DO IT NOW!!!!


I had never understaood people who give advices who didn’t apply their advice to themselfs. XD. I never heard advices from poeple who don’t apply to them what they say.

Hulusi Akar

Does the west support the PKK/YPG? YES. So its true what he just said.


Oh whatever. I really don’t give a flying f#ck. This god forsaken country can go to hell as far as I’m concerned. There are a lot more important things going on in the world that need addressing but for some reason this sh#thole still gets all the world’s attention. Go f#ck yourself Syria. But please carry on with your predictable hatred for all things American. It’s actually quite humorous and just goes to prove why the whole world actually despises you and doesn’t care about the vile sh#thole known as the middle east.

Hulusi Akar

Enjoy your daily shootings, shi thole


Yeah, actually I’m not American. But thanks for playing clueless muslim

Hulusi Akar

holy sht what an argument. you destroyed me. nice


Wow, I’m so glad. Now go back to bed.


He’s the good example of USA mainstream citizens. Sure Syria isn’t their problems nor they should care for the majority arabic population in middle east but they should care what their foreign policy get them into. Recent false alarms in Hawaii should serves as a good example of how ignorant and defenseless they are.


Hasbara troll perhaps…


Stay in you shit terrorist country. Who invite you in Syria ?? NOBODY. So, yes, stay in your fucking shithole stolen country. It’s all what THE WORLD ask for.


Dear God, you are thick. How many more times. I DO’NT CARE!!!! NO-ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR PUTRID LITTLE COUNTRY!!!!! F#CK SYRIA!!!!!


I’m not Syrian. The battle is not only Syria. The battle is to defeat the evil and terrorist led by USA. So, stay in tyour dictatorship and let free people alone.


Ahh yes, because America is the root and cause of every bad thing that is happening in the world right now!!! And if you get hit by a car tomorrow, will that be America’s fault? Of course it will!! I have a 2 year old son who f#cking talks more sense than you. Now for the the last f#cking time, shut the f#ck up and do something more worthwhile with your life than worrying about this sh#thole of a country.


Yes. USA is the root and cause of 90% of problems in this planet.

USA is not the solution. USA is the problem.

Just try to hold americans in USA for 100 years and you will see the world getting better and better.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Stop dissing the United Shithole of America !!

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

But dude…. if you don’t care and no-one cares… wtf you are doing on this portal ? I mean, Southfront is not covering ongoing dems’ crusade on 2nd amendment, nor Laying Ted’s victory over “The Blue wave” hypothesis… so really, I don’t get your point.


Well Ed, this is your post from 2 days ago: “I’m no expert but it’s clear to me that due to the constant number of attacks that they are carrying out, Daesh will never be defeated in Iraq or anywhere else for that matter. Their sheer determination and resilience is astounding and their numbers are seemingly unlimited. They just keep coming and coming and coming!” By the way. the Daesh caliphate is dead, this must be heartbreaking for you.

Hulusi Akar

Disgusting PKK/YPG terrorist ra ts back at their roots. Killing civilians when they are losing. Keep in mind that US support these terrorists.


Trump did the “muslim ban”. he can do the world ban as well. Syria can do the “american ban”. Funny that Trump forbid syrians to enter USA but he bombs Syria. XD.

Trump the stupid shit and USA the number 1 terrorist organization.


Trump did the “muslim ban” but he authorizes the terrorists to go to Hollywood for the propagenda movie “The last men of Aleppo”. XD.


USA says “ISIS is making terrorist attacks because they hate our freedom and the free world”. XD.

Always remember that USA is using REVERSE ACCUSATION. USA hates Syrian freedom. USA hates that Ahmadinejad says that 9/11 is an insaide and that Iran says that ISIS is created by USA.

The dots are connected.

Virgil Cane

You stated the dots but didn’t connect them.


I did connect them. USA created ISIS and projected their evilness on ISIS. So, whatever they claim ISIS doing, USA was doing it using ISIS as a scapegoat.

ISIS is what USA is but USA needs someone else to do the dirty job. Otherwise, noone will accept it.

So, when USA says “ISIS is making terrorist attacks because they hate our freedom and the free world”, you must translate it by “USA is making terrorist attacks because USA hate syrian and iranian freedom to not buy USA propagenda”.


Virgil Cane

You connected nothing. Just minced words.


No argument.


ISIS is the true face of USA.

Empire's Frontiers

Friendly fire?

Omer Cayirli

PKK/YPG/ISIS. All the same. Rats will be rats. As they have always been.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No PKK or YPG on this attack it’s more to do with JTS and HTS infighting TFSA in that region are HTS faction members or Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood same groups anyways all supported by the USUK France and GCC.

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