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Two Dimensions Of War In Ukraine: Battlefield And Zelensky’s Tales

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Two Dimensions Of War In Ukraine: Battlefield And Zelensky’s Tales

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Two Dimensions Of War In Ukraine: Battlefield And Zelensky’s Tales
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Two Dimensions Of War In Ukraine: Battlefield And Zelensky’s Tales

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For several weeks now, Kiev officials have been proudly declaring that everything was ready for a large-scale offensive, while their Western friends are reporting on the military equipment transferred to Ukraine.

All British Challenger tanks promised to Kiev are already in Ukraine, as well as the recently declared long-range MBDA Storm Shadow cruise missiles. Earlier, London reported the transfer of depleted uranium munitions, renouncing obligations to eliminate the consequences of their use by the Ukrainian military.

In its turn, Warsaw reported that the West handed over 28 aircraft to Kiev, of which 14 were allocated by Poland, and 575 tanks, including 325 Polish ones.

However, Zelensky reiterated that this was not enough, and the counteroffensive was allegedly postponed. The Ukrainian military is waiting for additional military supplies. The Kiev regime, which has always been using soldiers as cannon fodder to slow down the Russian advance, suddenly worried about the heavy losses during the upcoming offensive operations.

Zelensky’s statements as usual have nothing to do with the situation on the battlefield.

In fact, the Russian military did not give much weight to the statements of the Ukrainian comedian. Assessing the situation at the front, his interview was largely considered as a propaganda operation aimed at misleading the Russians.

Indeed, the situation on the front lines has recently escalated.

The Kiev regime has launched offensive operations to encircle Russian forces in Bakhmut. It attempts to strike at the Russian flanks and reach the rear of Wagner’s grouping in the city. At the moment, they have achieved some tactical success north of Bogdanovka, west of Khromovo and west of Klescheevka. Several Ukrainian armored groups attempted to break through Russian defense near Soledar.

However, the offensive operations did not involve the Ukrainian army reserves, recently trained by NATO and armed with new NATO equipment. The recent attacks were launched by small groups, which signals more a successful combat reconnaissance rather than a large-scale offensive.

At the same time, Russian forces thwarted Ukrainian attempt to advance near Mayorsk in the Gorlovka area. Ukrainian forces also reportedly attempted another offensive near Ugledar.

In the Zaporozhye, Kherson and Lugansk directions, the Ukrainian military is accumulating forces. Another escalation is expected in the Orekhov and Gulyai-Pole areas.

The Ukrainian army is hiding the main direction of the offensive with a series of small attacks. They are yet to achieve any strategically important victories; but the main talking head of Ukraine, Zelensky, is already celebrating their success. The most likely drugged Ukrainian president appealed to his people with an incoherent speech and congratulated the Ukrainian military on the great victories that had not yet taken place.

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How is the russian army this bad, how have they not opened up a new front


I support Russia but yes, their abilities seem to be retreat and withdraw whenever attacked.

nigger slaves of America

I have a nigger-swine underwater masturbation veteran neighbor married to a hohol cunt who works for the KGB. He just ran away like all rats do from Ukropizdan and told me that he’s never seen so many dead niggers migrants and that the unusual warmer weather makes a huge stentch of them in Ukropizdan is making things great and that he fears there will soon be disease outbreaks in Rasha, and Rasha will retreat because of the stench because they can bury the nigher corpses super slow enough and that the nigher carnage makes al-Niggeristan look like a swine farm swimming in shit and the idiotic bullshit Agitation by libtard commies is completely hiding the lies and he’s never going back to Ukropizdan because he is getting free food stamps here.

Last edited 1 year ago by nigger slaves of America
William White

Sometimes it seams the only Russian Commander with a brain is EV! Hard to imagine how the rest can even feed themselves.


Russian main objective is to “preserve the manpower above all”…While inflicting the maximum losses to the Ukraine.

Romanian yankee kurwa

The new real dimension is….Putin signed yesterday a decree calling ALL the 2.7 million reservists on the training camps in batches. My sources said till the end of the year 1 million MUST me ready and in standby. Why ? Many causes but one is for sure: russian economic is ready to fully equip and support 1 million troops till the end of the year.


The russian population is weak, most of them support the war but most don’t want to fight…


And thats because you know this as a fact right? You went there and you saw it with your own eyes. You know nothing! Russian’s see this war as a NATO attack on their own territory. They see this war as a do or die situation. You have no clue and should be considered a dumb moron.


More canon foder for fasistic russia 🤣😂🤣😂


Si se sabe que estan concentrando tropas, por que no las destruyen?

Rodney Loder.

Zelensky giving speeches stoned out of his brain, what else is not new?.


A Pack Of junkies elites is what they all are!

May be Nuke will sober them up?

White Lines



The comedian led “his” people and country to a complete collapse, but still dreams of successful counter offensives using obedient cannon fodder.


es judio azquenazi los ucranianos no son su gente por eso los hace matar en masa todos los dias desde algun superbunker polaco


The British Storm Shadow can apparently elude Russian air defenses and the Russian military is giving back all the territory the Wagners captured and gave them to defend.

William White

The sad truth!


Ukraine Soldiers as cannon fodder, indeed its all about the industrial military complex blood for money! I hope the Russian leaders love their children more then the West loves their children or we are all screwed!


If any one here believes Volodymyr Zelenskyy gives a dam about Ukraine Soldiers needs to have their head examined!

If Zelenskyy truly cared, he be speaking to Putin and not listening to the west.

The hole of Ukraine is cannon fodder! And I do mean Crap Hole.

But it’s nice to have a Nazi BBQ!

Gooooooooo Putin light them up🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💤 ZZZ


So the U.K is supplying long range cruise missiles…pretty dumb the Brits.

Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

I’m sure the Argentinians want the Falkland Islands back…with some heavy hitters behind them it would be very easy to defeat a nation big in its mind.


Russia should be aiding Argentina in taking back the Falklands. Let those sodden, snaggletooth Brits have a taste of their own medicine.


And, start causing some shit with the separatists in Puerto Rico and Hawaii as well. It’s time American Neocon$/Neolib$ (aka demonic Hebrew banker$) started to reap the chaos and violence they’ve sown all over the World for decades.


Es una “Operación Militar” muy pero muy rara, por parte de Rusia. Cuando están ganando terreno de pronto inexplicablemente detienen todo y retroceden. ¿Tendrá conocimiento el presidente Putin de esto? A este paso que van los rusos no creo logren sus objetivos. Se metieron a este operación sin planificación ni nada.


The first Leo is destroid!

Just me

So I don’t see any difference to past centuries…….. Armies of forced conscripts have to fight and clowns who live in the palace. These clowns should be used as jockers in war. I think that a Zelensky is stronger than 5 Russian soldiers and a Putin 12 times stronger than an Ukrainian soldier. These clowns live in the palace and have as much money as a drug dealer. Why is this world actually sooooooo stupid and why has it been like this for thousands of years??


Putin cares for humankind. That is the difference that you refused to understand.

frank romanyshyn

unfortunately this site has come to the attention of a very sick mind that spews forth filthy comments laced with the “N” word. Please erase all of his worthless evil comments. Such individuals belong in a mental institution for the crimminaly insane.


What do you mean by demons ? They have their satanist – devilish blood thirsty religious cult.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

One more win by Vegas and it’ll be 30 years since a Canadian based team won the Stanley Cup. Weak ass Canuckleheads should just sit quietly and wait for Trudeau’s next betrayal.


Poor russans agresors are the best in runing and cryig in media 🤣🤣🤣


It is a proxy war for washington. and it has nothing to do with ukranian independence or freedom.the Ukranians are letting themselves being abused for a jew agenda that will reset our economies and force central bank digital currency upon us, we will become slaves in a digital jewAI ruled dictatorship. you will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast.


Russia is succefully stalling the Ukranian offensive. It is a battle for artittion. This conflict is a proxy war for Washington it will only end when the jew Elite realize they lost and no longer have the support to continue this conflict.


Correct ✔✅

The kleptocrats Volodymyr Zelenskyy and friends are making millions if not billions!


A War with Two Dimensions Indeed

Ukrain is fighting a war for territory.

Russia is fighting a war of attrition ( to slowly wear Ukrain down by killing as many of its men as possible )

And you can bet that the West US NATO will fight to the very last Ukrainian.

In the interim Volodymyr Zelenskyy and friends are making millions if not billions!


rusia deberia destruir “accidentalmente ” los enormes depositos de armas de la otan en polonia o esta maldita guerra sera eterna

Last edited 1 year ago by ARMAGEDEON
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