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MARCH 2025

Two Israelis Killed, Another Critically Wounded In West Bank Shooting Attack (Video)

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Two Israelis Killed, Another Critically Wounded In West Bank Shooting Attack (Video)

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On April 7, two Israelis were killed and a third was critically wounded in yet another shooting attack in the occupied West Bank.

The attack took place on the Route 57 highway in the northern Jordan Valley, near the Hamra Junction. The gunmen opened fire at the Israeli-owned car twice causing its crash, before fleeing. At least 22 7.62mm shell casings, typically used by a Kalashnikov rifle, were found at the scene.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) described the shooting as a “terrorist attack” and said that it had launched a manhunt for the gunmen.

“IDF forces are blocking roads in the area and have begun a pursuit of the terrorists,” the military said.

According to the Israeli Magen David Adom ambulance service, two women in their 20s were declared dead at the scene, and a woman aged 48 who was critically hurt in the attack was being taken to a hospital in Jerusalem by helicopter.

The two dead women were reportedly sisters, and their mother was the third casualty. All of them were residents of Efrat settlements.

The Hamas Movement described the deadly attack as “another slap to the Zonist regime”, while the Palestinian Islamic Jihad said that the attack was a natural response to the “continuous Israeli violations” of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem city.

The attack came just two days after Israeli Police stormed al-Aqsa and arrested hundreds of Palestinian worshippers. The assault provoked rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon. The IDF held Hamas responsible for the attacks and responded by striking sites of the movement in both areas.

The new shooting attack will increase tensions in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Any violent reaction by Israel could lead to further military escalation around Gaza, and possibly even on the northern front with Lebanon and Syria.


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What do they expect?


What do you expect in return?

Mary Phagen

Jews are the eternal sickness of mankind. Pure demonic evil. Read their satanic bible Crap.

Hakkol Havel

You’re absolute scum.


Welcome to SouthFront! It’s a haven for scum! Especially the anti-Jewish kind.

Destroy All Muslims

Muslims are the eternal sickness of mankind. Pure demonic evil. Read their satanic quran Crap.

There. Fixed your sentence for you, ‘Mary’. You’re welcome.

Israelis Are Squatters

Is that the best you kikes can do.. stealing other people’s comments.

Well I suppose after stealing a whole nation what’s a few stolen words… eh?

Destroy All Muslims

I believe it’s called irony, you dumbass kike hating sand-nigger.

Ashdod Spat

Back to your Cage.its late.eat usa drugs and drink muslim urine and sleep.

Destroy All Muslims

Instead of drinking muslime piss, how about I just bath in blood from all the muslime pigs that I’d take pleasure in slaughtering? Maybe I could start with you and your family, filth?

Inbreds of London

What sort of idiots would build a country there in the first place whatever their plan was it has failed

Ashdod Spat

Canada is the best place for judas. Very big and safe.esrael will go there in a few years. Really.

Oye Vey

How dare they resist our dehumanising barbaric occupation! How dare they😡

Two less EuroTrash

Hopefully 3 of the fat Nazi croaks 😂

Chris Gr

“Palestinian” terrorism at its best.


poor zio pig…cry hard mothafack bestard

Chris Gr

Will you kill more civilians?


Like Israel mass murders unarmed women and children by the thousands???


Yeah but when Israeli’s ‘murder’ Palestinian women and children, no one actually gives a fuck. They deserve to be slaughtered like the dirty, vile pigs that they are.

Casper Jorgensen

Somehow this character murphy only shows when this greek outcast shows up. Hmmm.

Chris Gr

Outcasts and basement dwellers = the anti-Jewish brigade


So what’s your point? Do you even have a point? No, thought not. That would be too intelligent for you wouldn’t it?

Casper Jorgensen

Are you that stupid?


Clearly you are? I actually feel sorry for your parents. But I guess that’s why they both killed themselves right?

Casper Jorgensen

Vice versa, Versace’s.

Chris Gr

Except that they don’t.

Mary Phagen

As a former US Marine, I would love to be allowed to kill demonic Jews in Israel. A holy war against the eternal enemy of mankind, demonic Jew Filth and their Satanic Theocracy.

Chris Gr

Not a basement dweller?


Fuck off back to your cave to go and shag your pet goat you ignorant, shit-stinking Palestinian fag.


Amen to that! Don’t worry though. The brave Israeli’s will respond in force as always and slaughter many Palestinian pigs in retaliation


part and parcel of living in a big city…..


Last week.. hehhheh..Israeli idiots shooting iran forcess in syria . iran always revenge badly. 60. 70 israeli are dead. Israel is liar.

Chris Gr

Syrians/Jordanians (King Abdullah is Hijazi btw)/Palestinians will follow the Sufyani. Sufyani will fight the Khurasani (Iran).

Psionists slaves of America

The Israeli political and military leadership are a bunch of cowards. Islamic terrorists keep killing Israeli civilians and these cowards say they don’t want to escalate. How are they going to attack Iran if they can’t even finish off a few barefoot Hamas terrorists right next door in the tiny Gaza strip. Netanyahu is a chickensheet full of sheet. He’s never going to attack Iran even if they were to get nukes next month, as usual he wants the US to do it for him. This time is not going to happen like with Iraq, the US has its hands full with Ukraine. Slava Putin. Slava Bashar Hafez al-Asad.

Mary Phagen

As a former US Marine, I would LOVE to be allowed to kill demonic Jews in Israel.


The more these pathetic cowardly Palestinians commit these attacks, the more they will get there arses handed to them by the Israeli’s. With any luck, the next retaliation will be huge and the amount of vile Palestinian pigs that will be slaughtered will be extremely high, Hopefully that number will include many children. Go for it Israel! The World supports you in wiping out this vermin!

Two less EuroTrash

Cry harder gammon pig shit faced fucker 😂 dirty inbred whore riding dog dick and moaning with rage to hide his/her/it humiliation🤣💩🇮🇱💩


Oh trust me. I’m not crying, I’m laughing. Laughing at how many Palestians will be slaughtered in the next retaliation by the Israeli’s!

Mary Phagen

Without the USA, the demonic Jew is a sickenss upon mankind. History repeats for good reasons. As a former US Marine, I would love to be allowed to kill Demon Jews in Israel.


Oh please, ‘Mary’. You’re not a former US marine. I can see right though your demented bullshit. You’re just another pathetic, ignorant, anti-Semitic parasite who spouts the usual incomprehensible crap on here thinking that you’re so tough.

Stephan Williams

You’re despicable. Nothing more needs to be said to you, “Murphy” goldstein.


Yes, please don’t say any more Stephan. You’ve already embarrassed yourself quite substantially.


And you’re calling ME despicable on a website that is populated by deranged anti-Semitic parasites who get off on celebrating the deaths of Jews? Fuck off you inbred son of a stinking whore

Psionists slaves of America

Killing the messengers is useless, go after after their modder fracking Iranian masters if you have some backbone left, and if you don’t, those cursed IRGC terrorists are gonna nook your seesee AAS.

Two less EuroTrash

I heard they were 3 British cunts who were occupying native lands! The pig faced cunts got what they deserved. All the pig cunt eurotrash are in mourning for these racist cunt imbreds.

Mary Phagen

Good job. More demons rotting in hell. Destroy the Satanic Shithole of Israhell.


Unless you have been dictated to and oppressed for a very long time, you have no clue what is right or wrong in that situation.


And the score is……. Palestinians have to speed up if they want to overwin the occupiyng parasites. Every setler is a legitime target. Go Palestine go and crush the shosenites.


I’m assuming the A.H. stands for Arse Hole right? Considering that’s where you appear to be talking from?


Eyes for eyes. So simple even a thieving squatting thug should get it. Z

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