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MARCH 2025

Two Italian Regions Voted For More Autonomy In Own Referendums

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Two Italian Regions Voted For More Autonomy In Own Referendums

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An overwhelming majority of voters who cast ballots in the northern regions of Veneto and Lombardy opted to vote “yes” to more autonomy, according to officials in both regions.

More than 98% of the more than two million people who went to the polls in Veneto voted in favor of autonomy, according to regional officials. In Lombardy, about three million people, which comprise about 40% of the electorate, went to the polls, but a quorum was not necessary. According to officials, more than 95% of voters in Lombardy’s had voted in favor.

Both wealthy regions are lobbying to have a greater say in how, and where, their taxes go, arguing that they give much more than they get back. Lombardy accounts for around 20% of the country’s economy, with Milan, the region’s main city, serving as Italy’s financial and fashion capital. The Veneto region accounts for about 10%.

The referendums were called by the two regions’ governors, Roberto Maroni of Lombardy and Luca Zaia of Veneto. Both of them are a part of the Northern League, which has long argued that the north is subsidising the poorer south. The referendums were aimed at securing further powers over spending, immigration, education and healthcare. The referendum is non-binding but local leaders believe it will give them a mandate to negotiate with Rome for further powers.

“We aim to have enough power to break the resistance of the government,” Maroni said before the vote. “We want to manage the territory, manage the areas that handle migratory flows.”

Maroni wants to slash his Lombardy’s tax bill by at least 50%, claiming it sends more than €54 billion to Rome than it does in return. In Veneto, Zaia believes the deficit is around €20 billion and wants his region reimbursed.

Five regions in Italy already boast autonomous powers, including Sardinia and Sicily, as well as Veneto’s neighbor, Friuli-Venezia. Lombardy includes the city of Milan, and Veneto has Venice as its capital.

Italy does not fear that the situation will escalate into something akin to ongoing tension between Catalonia and Spain. According to the BBC, critics of the polls call them a stunt to bolster the right-wing Northern League before a general election next year, while the central government in Rome says the polls are unnecessary although they are permitted under the Italian constitution.

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It’s funny that there are referendums in the countries that are more or less normal towards Russia.

Petrus Levelleri

Yes, indeed. You won’t see any in Germany, Denmark, Netherlands…


Well done, that’s precisely what Mr SOROS Open Society Fundation is promoting: desmantling European countries into small entities, in order to weaken each European nation. The goal? These future small entities will deal directly wth Europan Commission, instad of the corresponding countries, depriving them from any protection against all kind of abuses: migrants, GMO’s, … Nation will then no longer exist.

Solomon Krupacek

Soros does not like EU.

BUT! These (separatist/autonomy) movements were present dacedas ago. Look at the map, several parts already have autonomy. Garibaldis idea was never equally popular in all Appaniones. Similar Bayer in Germany. Look at Belgium. Europe never needed Soros and zionist for reason to fight and start wars.


Yes, each country has is inside specificities and diffrences, BUT SOROS is promoting the Euroregions project in order to desintegrate European Countries, Please investigate.


Historical differences exist absolutely everywhere. What Soros/zionists do is go in and start making it worse. It only works because the differences used to be real. They would lose all meaning over time. But stoking conflict between two parties is what the zionist third party does best.

Solomon Krupacek

this is correct. but if soros could destroy EU, than is problem with EU ;) dont you think?


Absolutely! EU problems are a long list! But the important point is that nationalism has been falsely presented as the fundamental cause for wars and conflict. I don’t believe there is much truth in that, if any. As Smedley Butler in his “War is a Racket” states, all wars in the last 200 years have been bankers wars! Nationalism has been the fall guy to keep the bankers out of the public view, and in true Rothschild fashion the bankers have funded both sides of the conflict many times. In fact, probably every time! And Soros is with them. They try to sell globalism, open borders, open society, identity politics as the saviour of humankind in a utopian future ruled by benign market forces (pukes). It’s all false and a diabolical system to enslave most of the world’s population.

Solomon Krupacek

One more thing: you are french. So Soros paid Corsicans, Bretons? Your coutry was united in blidy seas. Also the french lanuage is arteficial and was forced for 70% of inhabitents of french kingdom.

Petrus Levelleri

You’re right. It’s a long-term project aimed at given the full power to the federal superstate EU.


wich is the best for the future

Brother Ma

How is that Matt?


Because, with a lot of small regions, the local democracy can improve, while the bigger issues can be ruled on a European scale. The nation state is a concept from the past. The future is one planet, equal human and animal rights for all, one economy without tax heavens, one climate and nature policy, etc. etc.

Brother Ma

Do you advocate the same treatment for your own country?


I don’t think in “own” any country. Yes i have a passport, wich unfortunatly is necessary still. Before WW I only the ottoman empire and the russian empire had passports, not exactly the most advanced countrys at that time. All countries, including “my” country should be able to split up or join with another region, if this is part of a non violent democratic process

El Diablo

I’m south italian but pro-north italy indipendence. You know nothing. A indipendent north italy, due to their main ideology will be a strong nation and a pain in the ass for EU (they are anti-EU and anti-globalist) and NATO :D

Brother Ma

So how does that help the rest of italy ,especially YOUR south italy?

El Diablo

Don’t help :D (note: they would also center italy with the exeption of the latium). But north and south italy have very different cultures, that i prefer the northern. South italians are half of the italians and here the main culture is to consider normal any inequity, crime ecc. There are a complete non-idealistic culture that is happy of nothing, but accept all but not to fight for a better conditions. North italians are considerated roughs, crazy and xenophobes, but they would fight aginst the crime and for they nation. Now Salvini (a former communist, but leader of the far-right :D) would try to italianize the party, to expand its progam to all italy…but he have very few chance to gain more than 10% in the south *, when Lega Nord (is party) is probably the 2st party of the north (the first of right wing). Lega Nord, being of far right, is hated mostly by moderates, when have a strange popularity by ex-communists. Who don’t loves xenophobia, but like “real socialist” program. Sure more socialist of the program of nowadays “left” parties. * a lot of people here say: they have reason on all, but they are of north

Brother Ma

Yes but if north becomes independent then south and center of italy become a different country.you would be weaker and the tedesci and anyone else can come marching in easily . Even if you dont get invaded you would be weaker so pushed around by brussels.

juan carlos ayala

quieren mas mamadera


I look forward to George Soros popping his clogs

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