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Two Key Towns Join Reconciliation In Western Daraa As Protests Erupts All Over Rebel-Held Areas (Photos, Video)

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Two Key Towns Join Reconciliation In Western Daraa As Protests Erupts All Over Rebel-Held Areas (Photos, Video)

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On June 29, the towns of Ibta and Da’il in the western Daraa countryside reached a reconciliation agreement with the Damascus government after a quick and successful negotiation, according to the Syrian state TV. Before the beginning of the negotiation, the locals managed to expel the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) from both towns.

Syrian pro-government activists said that the reconciliation agreement will force the former fighters of the FSA in the two towns to hand over their weapons to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The Russian Military Police was also deployed there under the same agreement.

Two Key Towns Join Reconciliation In Western Daraa As Protests Erupts All Over Rebel-Held Areas (Photos, Video)

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Two Key Towns Join Reconciliation In Western Daraa As Protests Erupts All Over Rebel-Held Areas (Photos, Video)

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Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that the towns of Umm al-Mayadin, Nasib, al-Tayyibah and Sayda in the eastern Daraa countryside have accepted a similar agreement. The state-run news agency added that the former fighters of the FSA in these towns will hand over their weapons to the SAA very soon.

According to local sources, thousands of civilians are currently protesting against the FSA in most of the villages and towns in the governorate of Daraa. These protests will likely force the remaining US-backed groups to accept an evacuation agreement very soon.

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This is great news. Both Ibta and Da’il have fallen without the SAA moving in ! And more to follow :))


This was a US shame oppression on Syrians. Same oppression is in Raqqah, Hasaka and Deir Ezzor Provinces. Shame on child butchers Trump and Netanyahu.

Feudalism Victory

Trumps your friend to resolve this. Unfortunately he is beset on all sides by disloyal liars in the deep state who sabotage him constantly.

Promitheas Apollonious

ok………. what about the oppression on americans, that dont bother you? It dsnt bother me just curious.


I have mentioned this in previous statements that what is the difference between native Americans and American migrants. Native Americans are victims while the American migrants are thieves, oppressors and child butchers.

Promitheas Apollonious

well that is a way of looking at it but in 300 million people, not all of them are what you describing and if we take as an example USSR and the people within its borders not all of them wanted to be communist and follow their policies. Same also in the states with the migrants, I call them settlers.

That said and done they are still enslaved to a system most hate exactly like the populations in USSR, that seems her leadership moved from Kremlin to US and established in very short time using the technology a more totalitarian system over the populations there. Homeland – TSA – and about another 50+ agencies whose only job is to enforce their laws over the population as USA inc. has been created as the prototype of NWO.

Have you ever think of this issue from this point of view?

Bill Wilson

That’s nonsense. The natives assisted the European settlers for the most part to acquire metal knives, tools (ie: tomahawk hatchets) and guns (thunder sticks) so they could have the upper hand doing battle against the stronger tribes who routinely stole their cleared agricultural land and better hunting grounds. Out in the West, several smaller tribes were happy to serve in the US Army as scouts when the federal government was doing battle with their traditional enemy tribes.

The native Americans weren’t victims either. They were skilled warriors that gave everyone a hard time in battle. Modern special ops are based on methods used by native American warriors. Military institutions around the World study the tactics of the Great Plains tribes, the Shoshone Chief Joseph and the Apaches Geronimo and Cochise. They put up a good fight for quite some time even tho they were vastly outnumbered. The US public by then was becoming sympathetic to their plight which helped those various tribes to obtain reservations in their areas instead of being shuffled off to Oklahoma’s Indian Territory. The smart ones that attended the White Man’s reservation schools left the reservation ASAP since it was known that nobody really cared if they were native Americans so wouldn’t have a hard time finding jobs. The ones who stayed in reservations in Oklahoma came out as fat rats after oil was discovered in them.

Brad Isherwood


Israhell and Jordan close borders …..no airport ticket at Hell Aviv ……from Rothschilds

You gotta just luv….the way movies end : )

Israhell…..will get to keep**…..the stolen Golan That is Putin/Lavrov gift** ….to *Israhell

I looked up Cuckold;** …online That would be Putin /Lavrov. …sell out Russia for personal gain.

You can say I’m BS… Yet….look at the Donbass. ..on Russia’s border. ..after NATO lies and roll missile shield to outskirts Of ST Petersburg!

Vlad!!!……your Rich..

Time for you to give your people the wealth of the Earth The Sun never sets on Russia. ..

Wealth like you Can’t …..Imagine

Feudalism Victory

Unbelieveable ingrate. Just remember syria has let israel keep golan for decades. And now you expect russia to get into a nuclear war to get it back.

No gratitude for their diplomacy to get this territory back with no israeli intervention.

Your just stupid or a propoganda troll. Or a lazy socialist who thinks others need to be slaves to your needs

neil barron

I would go further than ingrate but the last statement leads me to believe he reads stuff than tries to put together ( SOMETHING).

Gregory Casey

Looks like to me as if some Units of FSA are deliberately “holding” Towns with the deliberate intent of misleading their Puppet-Masters sitting in Jordan, Israel, Riyadh, London, Paris & Washington so that they are neither replaced nor attacked from behind by their own (former) allies & puppet-masters and then, simply handing over to the SAA when they come close enough to the Towns for communications to be exchanged. Just a thought!!

Tudor Miron

Looks like Syria is ripping the fruits of its carefully thought out (with a little help from Russkies) actions that were often under critics of those who prefer instant gratification. It’s not about retaking territory but support of population. Very well done mr. Assad.

leon mc pilibin

The Hearts and Minds of the people are with Syria and its legal government. Its impossible for the Zionists to make the people accept occupation against their will.The Palestinians never will accept it ,nor will the Syrian and Iraqi people.Go home and sort out your own countries problems,Zionism is finished.

Hisham Saber

Yes indeed, the great conspiracy against Lebanon, Syria , Iraq and Iran is effectively finished. Dead in its track. As a matter of fact, the perpetrators of this conspiracy will start to see their own positions compromised.

Who said that the Syrian Arab Army, NDF, Hezbollah, PMU-

neil barron

Pure idiocy beyond the pale. Lot of ink but full of pucksey. Get a life stay high and dry you’ll do better.

Hisham Saber

the truth hurts huh?


You have a point. I think it was rash on the part of Israel to get so offside with their nearest neighbours. It doesn’t take hi-tech weapons to win wars – just ideological commitment.


no blabla and excellentes news glory SAA bravo!!

Hisham Saber

There will be an insurgency soon. The Syrian Arab Army and NDF, along with Hezbollah will have an enormous pool of reserves available to them. Just arm the locals, and waych what happens. Heck, even the NDF should shed their uniforms and start acting like insurgents, or bitter Syrians towards occupation. This would be a fatal blow to the FSA/U.S., French, British that are trying to assue control over certain areas around north-east Syria, and along Syrias south, close to Jordan/Israeli occupied Golan.

Then the Turks will get the message and leave as well.

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