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Two Months Of Ukrainian Counteroffensive On Southern Frontlines (Map Update)

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Two Months Of Ukrainian Counteroffensive On Southern Frontlines (Map Update)

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  • On June 11, the AFU took control of Neskuchne, Storozheve, Blagodatne and Makarivka;
  • On June 25, the AFU took control of Rivnopil and Novodarivka;
  • On June 26, the AFU took control of Lobkove;
  • On July 1, the AFU took control of several farmlands north of Robotyne;
  • On July 9, the AFU entered Pyatykhatky;
  • On July 29, the AFU entered Staromaiorske.


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USA #1 in monkeypox and AIDS

and that’s it? a field on a suburb of an uninhabited village? hmm, it doesn’t look good for the faschos

Gneaus stapo

ur right,it is not looking good for the looting, raping faschist flatheads…front is moving eastwards, endsieg is coming, dedumbification as well.

💰💵💸well spend, bang for buck best war since gulf war 2

USA #1 in monkeypox and AIDS

“endsieg” was a term coined and used by adolf hitler personally. the fact that you, an ukra troll uses it simply proves that you are an old school nazi, or how i call it, a fascho. not even a neonazi, just a real harcore nazi. the problem with the “endsieg” is that by 1945 it turned out to be a big “endniederlage” , sealed with a “endkapitulation”. fick dich also!

Gneaus stapo

dumb flathead subhuman assclown, the problem with ur kind is,that u have an attention span of a day fly. wether u like it or not, ur looting, raping barbaric soldestka hordes might have thought to win 1945, but it cost ur kind 24+ millions+ still having to endure bolshivik terror for decades. us on the other side, might have lost the war,but won the peace.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
Gneaus stapo

10 years after stalingrad we were having wirtschaftswunder times, occupied the nicest holiday spots shortly afterwards and made the wall fall eastwards.

ur beloved flatheads kept strangled , terrorized,in utter poverty, having to go out in the garden to poo and losing in afghanistan and cold war


gestapo , sorry your nazi view seems to impress here nobody. adolf hitler is gone , the dreams of your “tausendjahriges reich” were after only 12 years kaputt. wirtschaftswunder is also 60-70 years old , and with your clowns like robert habeck there comes now poverty wunder. germany is done : it has lost the ww2 badly , it lost then its souvereignty to the 4 allies and now it has lost also its dignity and soul


i wonder what you can see there “moving” , the front stands rather. if the ukros keep “moving” this way till the next winter , they will lose the next 400.000 troops (20.000 troops per month) , the next 200 or 400 billions of western weaponry and the next 4-8 millions ukrainians moving all over the world. at some time there will be nothing more left in ukraine , and maybe time for peace.

Gneaus stapo

the front is moving slowly but surely in the right direction, the attacks on crimea+ even moscow continue, depots / infrastrukture are hit, russian generals get dismissed for telling truth ( lack of intelligenz, counter artillerie fire, no troops rotation etc) and all rashniks have to offer are fantasy numbers of 300+ destroyed tanks, 20k+ losses and so on.


is this clown news from there, where’s the proof? they get their asses handed to them daily to keep the western money coming. putin should pay them even more to walk away!

Gneaus stapo

💰💵💸get out of here! who cares about the truth?🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


takmer žiadny zisk, ale zato straty obrovské jak na živej sile tak na bojovej technike. ruské vojská zvolili dobrú taktiku boja. pomaly vyčerpávajú banderovských fašistov. do kedy vydrží ešte prehnitý západ dotovať ukrajinských banderovských fašistov v kyjeve? uvidíme. dávam tomu ešte tak maximálne jeden rok.


and the ukronazis needed bradleys, maxxpros, leopards, abrams, storm shadows, himars, cluster ammos and nato instructors to take 6 useless villages with more or less 100 inhabitants, and some farmlands? 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤡

Last edited 1 year ago by SlyshuZOV
Gneaus stapo

tell that to the flathead 300k mobiks that died during failed general winter offensiv to take/ hold the villages in the first place 😉😂😂😂😂


ukraine has not achieved any signifficant victories during this propagandated spring counter offensive their bloggers and youtubers have bragged about. if anything it hasnt even reached russias main first line of defense yet already grinding dead under artillery fire and mines. and even on top of this they withdrew the leaopard 2s from the front lines after loosing a good amount of them under artillery and helicopter fire.


kamov ka-52 easily out ranges german garbage known as leopard 2. you might as well drive to the front in a tin can fiat, same result.

Gneaus stapo

u mean like rashniks getting t54/t55 and t62 out of storage like?


78 jears of atombomb japan by usa

Gneaus stapo

thx for the info…anyhow it is relevant in what regard?

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
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