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MARCH 2025

Two Palestinian Protestors Killed, Dozens Others Injured By Israeli Army During Third “Day Of Rage” (Photos, Videos)

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On December 22, thousands of Palestinian took on the streets in the Gaza Strip, the Western Bank and the city of Jerusalem in what was called the third “day of rage” to protest the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that 24-year old Zakaria al-Kafarna and 29-year old Mohamad Nabil Mohrssin were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers while they were protesting east of the city of Jabalia in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

94 Palestinian protestor were injured during protest in the Gaza Strip and the Western Bank, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent. Mohammed Abu Hajar was among the injured protestors. He is famous for dressing as Santa Clause during the protests. Hajar was shot by Israeli soldiers near the town of Abasan al-Jadida in the southern part of Gaza, according to Palestinian activists.

Two Palestinian Protestors Killed, Dozens Others Injured By Israeli Army During Third “Day Of Rage” (Photos, Videos)

By Reuters. click to see the full-size image

Two Palestinian Protestors Killed, Dozens Others Injured By Israeli Army During Third “Day Of Rage” (Photos, Videos)

By Reuters. click to see the full-size image

Two Palestinian Protestors Killed, Dozens Others Injured By Israeli Army During Third “Day Of Rage” (Photos, Videos)

By Reuters. click to see the full-size image

Thousands of Arabs also participated in the third “day of rage” and protested in Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan to show their sympathy to the Palestinian people and the Jerusalem cause, according to Arab activists.

More than ten Palestinian civilians have been killed by the Israeli Army and security forces since the protests erupted on December 6. The number is expected to grow in the upcoming weeks, as all Palestinians appear to be committed to fight the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

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they shot Santa, bastards.

Jerry Hamilton

They will kill every single Palestinian. That has always been their accomplishment. Thieving bastards.


While jewish butcher squads, with Putin’s explicit backing, slaughter protestors in the jewish crafted death camp known as Gaza, Putin has just sanctioned N Korea at the United Nations by having Russia vote for sickening sanctions on the citizens of the impoverished nation.

Putin’s ‘excuse’? Cos the N koreans DARED to do something the jews of Israel do every day of the week. Jews can have missiles, apparently, but Putin demands that N Koreans can not. And people here dounbt the stranglehold jews have over Russia.

Putin has signed UN sanctions on Iraq, Libya, Iran and N Korea, just as his jewish bosses have told him to do. But Putin falls over himself to offer the most modern Russian weapon systems to Israel Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt.

We test a leader by what he actually does. Putin, today, chose to follow the West like a lapdog, and punish N Koreans- explain that please?

Jerry Hamilton

You are so full of lying sh1t that nothing you type is worth reading. Sod off.


Can you explain why Putin protecting Syria?

Jerry Hamilton

Are you Nikky Haley, the Pam Geller wannabe?


Trump without consulting Mahmood Abbas and took his country land and offering to the terrorists Israel that take it because you are so good that all the time attacking countries in the Middle East and breaching international law. Nonsense. US is not capable of keeping UNO.


In Palestine Israel entered secretly from whole world and taking land from native Palestinians. Trump Jerusalem decision is nonsense. Whole world condemn it. It has made US isolated. If Trump still keep its Jerusalem decision then it will disintegrate America.


In US constitution there is need for a reform for proper screening of candidates because again a wealthy, corrupt, evil hearted, incapable candidate will become president of America. There should be proper exams of each candidate to test IQ level, history, economics, political current affairs and justice qualities. The current US democratic system is completely failed. I don’t know how they use it.

Jerry Hamilton

There is a perfect screening for American politicians. If they are not corrupt, they are not accepted.


UN votes 128-9 to reject Trump’s decision on Jerusalem

This is a slap on the face of America. Trump today has isolated US in the world.

So called superpower exposed. Trump will make America slave again.

Where are your democratic principles Mr. Trump?

First time ever in the history of UNO that whole world against a big power and he is alone. Bravo blow to the dictator of the world Trump.

Now trump should call back his ambassadors from these 128 countries, if he is a man of his words. Also stop the US money to the corrupt politicians which is like a fishing hooks and strengthening US economically and politically.

Jerry Hamilton

“if he is a man of his words. ” Man of his words… I want what you’ve been drinking.


You mean: You want to know that what I have drunken?


Isolated from the world? No, he’s giving the finger to globalist elites who want to rip Americas sovereignty away and enslave it. I guarantee the majority of countries voting against America are enslaved and little more than corrupted puppet states.

Nigel Maund

America needs a lot more than slap in the face; it needs a huge kick up the arse and not once but many times over as the thick skinned arrogant swine are slow learners when it comes to other people’s cultures and feelings!


Why do I get the feeling these protests are more staged than genuine? Completely unlike past uprisings IMO.

Lena Jones

Staged? LOL mister hasbara – then you should have no problem taking milk and cookies to the actors on site during their theatrical break. Go on – do it! Go down to Gaza and applaud the Palestinian ‘performance’.



Sure talk like a liberal jacka$$ when someone voices an opinion different from yours. That’s why the worlds such a fun loving place where nobody talks and everyone hates each other.

Seriously I raise this because I honestly don’t feel that the people are behind the calls to run into the streets and protest angrily like they once were and definitely no where near the numbers they once did. Those who are seem like they are “encouraged” to do so and only with much effort.

Lena Jones

That’s YOUR dimwitted view from behind your Apartheid-brain wall. This 3rd intifada has a long-long fuse: soon as the spark makes contact with the dynamite…. boomboom bye-bye klepto terrorist israel.


There you go showing your intelligence again. For the record I’m not a big fan of either Israel nor the Palestinians. I’m just calling it like I see it and I just don’t see much enthusiasm from Palestinians to get behind the current protests.

Lena Jones

Like I just said: This 3rd intifada has a long-long fuse. How do I know this? Cuz for the past two weeks, since it erupted, I’ve been tuning in to televised Palestinian analysts live on the ground in Jerusalem and elsewhere: listening to reporting and analysis and the parsing of the tactical pulse and forward moves of the resistors. I’ve gathered info on this 3rd intifada and I’ve concluded that this intifada will not look like the last two: each intifada has had its own character and this one will be the equivalent of a slo-mo avalanche. Don’t underestimate it. I’m not making this assessment by what western media is telling me, not even southfront – but from tuning into the scene myself, observing and discerning for myself what is really going on.

And you really should stop dissing at the victim’s ‘performance’ here. The victim Palestinians will do what they need to do WHEN they need to do it. Not when it suits you or me or anyone else. This is their right: to resist their occupation as they best see fit.

Don't read butthurt replies

People need to boycott any and every Israeli product or whatever/company helps them.

Toni Liu

I love to do that but those kike bastard already own everything in this world from phone to shoes, it really hard to pull plug for them especially many of company got scattered around the world that make very long boycott list to be able affect them

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